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Scarlet Kaleidoscope Review - Top 10 Best Rated Visual Novels Translated in 2024

For 2024, the first half is exciting, with several releases of known classics such as Kanon and Mashiro-iro Symphony. However, it slowed down in the latter half before the pace picked up again in December 2024. Anyway, as usual, I'll list the VNs that were translated in 2024. Of course, I may be subjective when I choose the VNs, so I'm sorry if your favorite VNs are not on my list. Like my past lists, the ranking and the scores of each visual novel can change in the future. For the info, the sco

Fate/Twilight Revolution Review - Top 10 Best Rated Visual Novels Translated in 2023

Welcome to my list of best-rated translated visual novels in 2023, with the world back to normal after the pandemic. Of course, we still have several translated VN releases, even though the title is not as big as in several past years. But if anything else, seeing Mahoyo being available on Steam means Type-Moon showed an interest in releasing their translated VN on PC, which is quite interesting. Also, I'm sorry if some of your favorite VNs are not on the list because I may be a bit subjective w

A Midsummer Magician's Night Review - Top 10 Best Rated Visual Novels Translated in 2022

In 2022, the pandemic was starting to subside, so after two years of absence, we finally had conventions with several new VNs translation announcements. Of course, we still have translated VN releases, so I'll list the best-rated translated VNs in 2022. Once again, I may be subjective, so I'm sorry if some of your favorite VNs are not here, and feel free to disagree with my choice. Anyway, let's see the best translated VNs in 2022 that I chose here, and of course, the rank and the score can chan

The Winter Musha Review - Top 10 Best Rated Visual Novels Translated in 2021

I suppose we can say that 2021 here is the continuation of 2020 in that we're still in the middle of the pandemic, although there's a lot of vaccination right now. Of course, it won't stop the releases of the translated VNs, and it's nice to see that JAST is very aggressive regarding the release in 2021, so much so that it can rival both Mangagamer and Sekai for yearly release numbers. With that done, let's see which translated VNs I chose as the best-rated ones in 2021. I'm sorry if some of you
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