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Visual Novel Translation Status (04/01/2017)
The title for this week might be too simple here, but it really meant to said of how beautiful the alpaca is that lol. Okay, since we had alpaca here for image header while we had three other human heroines, I decided to make the title 'The Beautiful Alpaca' because I'm sure that behind it's appearance if it's normal human i'm sure that the alpaca will be beautiful human girl (There's other reason though). With the title matter done here, welcom
Visual Novel Translation Status (03/26/2017)
Welcome to this week VNTS Review and let me try to do my best to report all of available update here. But before that, let me say this week we had some announcement from Sekai and usual progress from both of Mangagamer and fan translation, so overall I think this is quite nice week here albeit with no complete English translated language VN release (Other than quite strange NTR trap nukige here).
For Sekai Project, instead of usual weekly up
Visual Novel Translation Status (03/18/2017)
The title for this week was very simple. It was meant to combine the otome game title (Funny enough, the title was 'Birthday Song') and new Narcissu character there (Sumire), so we got 'Happy Birthday Sumire' there which ironically the character in question was not in the mood to celebrate it (Sickness and all). Anyway, welcome to this week VNTS Review which is quite late at that and this is also the first time in 2017 I make the title from combi
Visual Novel Translation Status (03/11/2017)
The title was very bad for this week I knew, so I'm apologize in advance for that regarding the title. About the title here, I mentioned Ayaya because of the seiyuu factor ie seiyuu joke here (By the way Ayaya (Or Komichi Aya for the real name) was from Kiniro Mosaic, and of course I'm continuing Kiniro refrence here from last week). Oh, and speaking about the seiyuu it's Risa Taneda once again who also voiced one of the heroine from Japanese Sch
Visual Novel Translation Status (03/04/2017)
First of all, sorry for my very delayed VNTS Review here. As for the title, I'd quite confused at first but since we had English girl as image header and blonde at that, I decided to use Kiniro Clock which is derived from Kiniro Mosaic anime (Of course the word Clock was from Chrono Clock duh, and Kiniro mean golden ie blonde as the anime state). With that said, welcome to my belated VNTS Review here.
As for this week (Well more likely last,
Visual Novel Translation Status (02/25/2017)
The title should be very obvious, especially if you're fan of Madoka. The gist of my title would be very obviously parodying very famous anime Madoka (Duh), only in the title I changed 'Madoka' to 'Mina' in the title because the girl in the image header was not Madoka of course, but rather our MC from recently released Shadows of Pygmalion Hajiro Mina. As for the Pygmalion, I played the demo already and saw some info on the internet, at Mangagame
Visual Novel Translation Status (02/18/2017)
Very belated happy valentine first of all from me here, though I don't celebrate it too much here though. The title for this week was very simple, just combined the character name from KARAKARA 2 (Rebecca) with the valentine. And here's we got 'Rebecca's Valentine' - although if someone asked who is it, then I'll said that he was KARAKARA MC Leon. With that matter done, welcome to this week VNTS Review from mine as usual. As for this week, well i
Visual Novel Translation Status (02/11/2017)
Welcome to my VNTS Review this week, and sorry for being late here again. The title should be very obvious what I want to said, it was because there's two girl couple who hug under the surface of the sea (Duh), and since we could interpret girl hugging girl as yuri (To most of the people anyway) I made the title as 'Yuri Under the Sea'. That said, I was that the title combining of the anime title Yuri on Ice (The main character was handsome by th
Visual Novel Translation Status (02/04/2017)
It should be very obvious what parody that the title tried to deliver here (It's Love Live duh). But for more twist here, two of three people in header image were men. Yes men, although they definitely looking good though in their disguise (Hence the title trap). With that said, welcome to this week VNTS Review and sorry for being late here. Let's see what update that VNTS had for this week, but first let me comment on the VN at header image befo
Visual Novel Translation Status (01/28/2017)
First of all, before I state my review for this week VNTS let me said Happy Chinese New Year for anyone else who celebrate that (Actually me too). And for the title here, let's just settle for simple title this week in which the meaning should be very obvious. It's from Corona Blossom, and it's depicted the romance between Shino and her childhood friend Keiji (Who is also MC in Corona Blossom) which expressed through kissing. As for Corona Blosso
Visual Novel Translation Status (01/21/2017)
As for this week, the biggest news was obviously Da Capo 3 release which once again had some history with Fuwanovel like I stated several times here. And of course there's some controversy behind that. By the way, while back at 2012 I'm still not member yet, but I'd remember that I'd like to browse Visual Novel Aer (Fuwanovel old name) to see some VN news, and back there translated VN was not as much as nowadays. Also back there it was thanks to
Visual Novel Translation Status (01/14/2017)
Welcome to my VNTS Review for this week then, and for the title I'll say it in PPS below but let me said that I knew the image header was from Meikyuu. As for the big release, it's obviously Meikyuu unrated which Sekai was delayed the release from the promised time (December). And for Grisaia fan, have fun for enjoying full version of Meikyuu then which also had the missing H content there (Duh).
Meikyuu unrated aside, this week we also had
Visual Novel Translation Status (01/07/2017)
The title was very simple for this week, and it's exactly as I describe what the girl did at VNTS Image Header. For more explanation, the girl was looks like running and the name of the girl was Kazuha Shizuka from Harumade Kukuru which apparently will had English release later. Anyway, welcome to this week VNTS Review and this week was had very few update if I may said it honestly. But let's see what I could write from the information that I cou
Visual Novel Transation Status (12/31/2016)
First of all very sorry for being late here to write my first VNTS Review at 2017. And second, even though I might already said it several times in the forum let me said happy new year 2017 again to all of the reader here. For the title, since we had Charles from Da Capo 3 touching everlasting sakura tree, I'd just use everlasting and hanakatoba for the sakura as the title (Hanakatoba for sakura was kind and gentle by the way). As for Da Capo 3, I
Visual Novel Translation Status (12/24/2016)
Okay, first of all merry Christmas to any reader who read this post here. The title for this week was akin of anime Spice and Wolf, except that for this week releases we have VN which had stock market premise and there's one with devil (With Rance) so I figured that I just make it stock and devil. If I may explain the comparison here, spice was quite valuable at Europe in the past and wolf was sometimes associate with devil. Coincidentally, the w
Visual Novel Translation Status (12/17/2016)
This is definitely not the review from Persona 11, because ATLUS just recently released Persona 5 in Japan. To be exact, this title was reflected to 11eyes and I think I'd found many similarities to Persona series (At least to 3 and 4) after playing this for a while. With that, let's get to the main business there (VNTS Review duh).
Okay, this week there's definitely surprise from fan translation segment. Namely the release of 11eyes Complet
Visual Novel Translation Status (12/10/2016)
This is definitely not my commentary on Umineko EP 8, because the correct title there would be 'Twilight of the Golden Witch' of course. I chose the title because the picture was in twilight situation (Sunset), and as for 'Miracle Witch' it was the title for Bernkastel who is one of the witch back at Umineko. Of course the character in VNTS header was not her, but Aqua from recently released Himawari although both of Aqua and Bernkastel were had
Visual Novel Translation Status (12/03/2016)
Sorry for late posting here. As for the title, I'd just read about Steins Gate 0 a little and found out that there was an AI with Kurisu memory, and since our MC from Steins Gate Okabe declared himself as mad scientist, I decided to make it the love story between those two for the title because Kurisu was main heroine for original Steins Gate (Now that I think about the title, it sound like Plankton and Karen in Spongebob). As for 0, well maybe I
Visual Novel Translation Status (11/26/2016)
I knew that the title for this week was quite confusing at that, and sorry for being very late here. I'll just explained the title on PS later, and let me try to talk about this week VNTS.
This week, there were seven releases like VNTS state, although for Shuffle to be honest I'm not following close enough here except at least I knew it was like Dracu Riot patch situation ie released and then deleted from the Steam (I might be wrong here tho
Visual Novel Translation Status (11/19/2016)
Welcome to my VNTS Review for this week, and as for the title since we had Enigma as the image header I thought that I'll just using the setting from Enigma (Carlyle) to made the word akin to the welcome at When They Cry series (They had 'Welcome to Hinamizawa' for Higurashi and 'Welcome to Rokkenjima' for Umineko). As for the VN, congratulations to Fruitbat Factory and PhleBuster as the employee of Fruitbat Factory (Or should I said Phlebas who
Visual Novel Translation Status (11/12/2016)
This week title should be obviously that I just combine 'Nippon' from 'Go Go Nippon' and Letter from 'Root Letter'. Besides I think there's some writing that using 'Letter from ....' in some newspaper at least iirc. Well, here's this week VNTS Review and to tell the truth I kind of expected that Mangagamer will bring many updates this week, but apparently not so it's slightly letdown. Lack of batch of update aside, at least there's some up from M
Visual Novel Translation Status (11/05/2016)
Since we had Memory Dogma and Sakura Maid 3 as the header, I figured that I'll use the word reminiscene (The synonym of memories) and maid for the title. As for the release, once again Dogma was still one chapter here so we couldn't said that the story was complete yet or as Fred said it's still leave many unanswered thing (The art once again was good there). For Sakura Maid 3 I would said that was very awesome of Winged Cloud there, and by aweso
Visual Novel Translation Status (10/29/2016)
Sorry for very late here, and as for the title here I didn't mean hanami (And definitely not Sakura series here) but rather it refers to Japanese folktale which tell us that there's a corpse under the sakura tree. So I think I'll just using the party part from Corpse Party (Don't care much because it was in 3DS) and sakura part from rather unknown VN. In regard of other releases, I only interested to MYTH and Sorakumo (My shortened name, since th
Visual Novel Translation Status (10/22/2016)
As for the title meaning, since the image header was 'Sakura Nova' and a nukige (Wild Romance) which going to the Steam from Zoo Company, I used Sakura Zoo from this week title (The meaning should be obvious here, and sorry for being very cliche here). Hopefully Winged Cloud didn't release Sakura Zoo for their next title there. About the releases, those two was pretty much bring the controversy there, but Wild Romance bring more because in this V
Visual Novel Translation Status (10/15/2016)
For this week title, I kind of confused but I decided that I use Kisaragi no Hougyoku as the inspiration for the title. I'll explain the reason for the title in PS here (Or maybe PPS).
This week was quite calm after Mangagamer did crazy update from last week (And they will next week), although this week we also had many small VN releases there. One of those were Kisaragi, which quite mediocre looking from VNDB score and the graphic was not m