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Project Recruitment

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Ushinawareta Mirai o Motomete - Translators needed!

Ushinawareta Mirai o Motomete Current Situation: We are trying to get this game translated, and had a somewhat functioning team back in December, where we had enough people to make decent progress. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, I'm the only translator left and the group, out of the two members we're left with, and am quite busy for the year, so I'm going really slow with the translations. What's been done? Most of the TL progress has gone to Airi, with



Chaos;Head Love Chu☆Chu! Translation Project. Looking for Translators!

Chaos;Head Love Chu☆Chu! Position to Fill: Translator  Hello! We are currently looking for translators who would like to help translate LoveChuChu to English. As I'm just someone able to hack in and change the text I sadly can'y fulfill this role. The hacking side of things has been completed so we are currently at a stand still on the project. Attached below is a link to the project thread.   If you're interested please drop me a line! If you can only work for a certai



Majo Koi Nikki. Translation Project. The positon of hacker has been filled.

I'm sorry for the delay of this project, but I have been dealing with exams and school and until now I didn't have enough time to get myself into this fully. What are we looking for? We're currently looking for someone able to extract the text of the game and organizing it into scripts so it can be translated. Basically someone to fill the hacker position. The position of hacker has been filled! Thanks a lot to @Porygon2 for aiding us! After 6 hours of continuously trying to extra



Tsui Yuri ~ translation project - TLC needed!

Tsui Yuri ~Okaa-san ni wa Naisho da yo~     Looking for: Translation checker: 1 Position filled.   Information: We currently have a TLC on the project, however, due to him being very busy with other projects, we need one more for the team. The game is not very long, and the language used in it is fairly fluffy, but we are still looking for someone who are well versed in the Japanese language.  As the translator on the project, I have to be hone



To Heart 2 needs Translate checkers, Editors, Proofreaders and more

To Heart 2 is one of the all time classic original slice of life donkan protagonist harems with a cult following today, even if it is over 10 years old. Positions desired: Translate checker Editors Proofreader Graphic editors Windows scripters Anything else you think you can offer The completely translated To heart 2 translation project is one of the longest running VN translation projects still alive today that still needs people to polish it u



Boku to Suru Ponkotsu Akuma. Translation Project - Translator needed!

Sekai project has announced an official release, so this project is dead   -- Old post -- Hello everyone,   we are currently looking for someone who could be the main translator for the translation project translating SMILE's Boku to Koi Suru Ponkotsu Akuma. (It's a nukige, so if you don't like translating H-scenes, this is probably not for you.)   In this position you'll be translating the game's scenario, which in it's entirety spans around 40,000 lines (Comm



Monobeno -Happy End- Translation Project needs more people

Project Intruduction We have decided to start a translation project for this VN because the chances of it getting an official translation are close to zero and we know that many people are interested in it. It has over 80000 lines so it is a bit big for a first project but we are confident that we can do it. Current situation We already have the first ~500 lines translated but they still need editing. For a detailed status overview, please visit our website and check this thread. There



Alternative Projects - Recruiting!

Who are you? We're Alternative Projects, translating Muv-Luv related VNs. We have released translations for Muv-Luv Alternative Chronicles 01 and The Day After 02 in the past two years. We are opening recruitment to get more help as we have a larger line-up of projects we are looking to work on next. What are you looking for? TLCs: Able to understand Japanese fluently, and check the original meaning against the translated lines for any lost content. If you are able to suggest edits and line



Kono Oozora Re-Translation project is looking for translators and hackers

What are you re-translating? We're re-translating Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa wo Hirogete, also known as "If My Heart Had Wings". Who are you? We're the Kono Oozora Re-Translation project, formerly known as the Kono Oozora H-scenes porting project. Our current team consists of 5 members: PabloC - Project leader, translator, editor Azathoth - Translator Avi8Tor - Editor cryofrzd - Translator Dragoon - Quality checker, hacker We have also started an IRC channel for the current project,



AstralAir needs translators

The AstralAir TL project needs translators (or TLers who are willing to help out temporarily): (link) If you're interested, contact information for the team can be found here. VNDB



Project managers: you can use this!

If you're a project manager on the dev boards, you'll be given access to this blog where you can post requests for team members at any time. This feed will be incorporated into the Fuwazette blog and Reviews hub, as well. Contact a mod or admin if you have questions or run into problems. EDIT: If you're not having any luck with filling a position, you can re-post your listing as often as once every 3 days.



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