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Bishoujo Mangekyou TL Update 17

Hooray for huge progress.

This week has been a blast to translate. I was somewhat saddened nd disappointed that I didn't get to my goal last week and get the script file completed. Well, that's the past, more so because I got two script files finished.

That's right. 6th and 7th script file are now fully translated, which means I went through about 100 kB of text, maybe a bit more, this week. I feel so good now. 

Anyways, this means that this is the biggest update yet, surpassing the second update on this site, that was almost 10%.

Now one final wall stands in the way of this game being fully translated. I aim it to be done in a month  or so. Look forward to it.

Translation: 7/8 script files finished (~83%)

Editing: 9,2%

QC: 0%

Proofreading: 0%


See you again next week.


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Great work Arc! :sachi: 

Make sure to take a breather now and then to not work yourself too hard.

I look forward to playing the game once the final patch is out.



Great job Arky, looking forward to this :sacchan:

Best of luck with the rest of it aswell 

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