Forbidden Romance with Handsome Pig Review
Visual Novel Translation Status (05/14/2016)
Okay, the title might be too cheesy and laughable, but it's the truth from VNTS image from otome games. For this week release, I must admit that the graphic from those 2 games were not my taste ie didn't like it too much as of now. As for the premise of the VN, one of them was quite interesting and another one was very ridiculous, so much I'm laughing inside. For ridiculous one it would be otome game which the premise was something like your pet was turned into 5 handsome man. And the man who almost kiss MC in the image header was pig before he transformed to handsome blonde man, so I based the title on that. Although the premise may be absurd, actually we had something like that in the past. The example here would be Fruit Basket, which had quite successful for both anime and manga.
For Fata Morgana, okay I'm always said that gothic art was not my style for VN, but I think another concern of mine would be VNDB Bayesian score which as of now was at 6.57 which is quite low to said that, although the vote as of now was also low at 25 votes. The premise was actually quite interesting though, it was something like MC was see the tragedy that happened in the mansion where MC was trapped or something along the line across century. Even though Bayesian score in VNDB was quite low and I might not click too much with the art, I said that you better not hesitate to play Fata Morgana. I mean that I remember I tried to play Higurashi before I apply PS2 graphic patch and it was still quite good imo (And I'd always think that old Higurashi art was bad). Might as well tried it in future and I'll try to get used to the art. After all, there should be good reason if EGS score and VNDB average score was around 8 as of now (scorp and conjueror apparently like this VN).
Other than 2 releases and usual Mangagamer 2 weeks update, this week we also had some interesting news from fan translation one, especially from dergonu and arcadeotic here. JAST was once again as usual ie no update from them at all. Although this week Mangagamer was did less update compared to 2 weeks ago, they cover very important VN this week and it was quite interesting (Also in regard of 6 announcements from them). For Sekai, the progress was same as last week, but for this week we didn't had any significant update from Maitetsu. So, overall I think compared to last week, this week actually had some quite dynamic ie more update and more interesting release.
Sekai Project
The least interesting segment would be Sekai Project, so I'll write my comment on it first. Darekoi and Memory Dogma was had some nice update, while Maitetsu somehow managed to get even more slowed down with the progress at 0.02%. As for WEE, congratulations for reaching three quarter of the translation progress or to be exact it was already at 78.20%. Well, I think I'm the same as Decay, waiting until episode 3 release and hopefully they managed to release WEE this year.
About release planning for Just Desert, I'd just read the news about the release plan and Sekai said they will released it on July 11th. What made it interesting is that they'll release it in 3 language (Indonesian, English, and Japan). Unlike back at Aokana 5 language translation promise, this time it was actually sensible promise. English should be obvious why if you want to asking the reason, and as for Indonesian since this is Indonesian VN normally they should release it in Indonesian language of course. For Japan, I kind of doubt if they could did that though but maybe they could do it if they did some extra effort imo. I think it would be interesting for sure that Sekai will publish Indonesian language VN, and to me at least I could read it in 2 of 3 language for Just Desert (English and Indonesian). Might as well comment on this later, since this VN was from my country and I think I should see how good it is.
Fan Translation
First of all, for AstralAir this week it was at 77.16% right now and looks like it was picked up after slow update from previous weeks. For arcadeotic project (Bishoujo Mangekyou), right now we had 7 out of 8 script translated (Or around 83%) and for editing it was at 9.2%. Arcadeotic promise that he'll finished this in June, which remind me that Nosebleed will released rough patch for Miu's route (Dracu Riot) around June (He promised back in April that he'll need 2 months for the first rough patch). Well, let's see it later and coincidentally both translation project was involving vampire (Coincidence maybe). For dergonu project, congratulations for reestablishing the project and from now on I will call it Tsui Yuri. Anyway, as of now Tsui Yuri progress was at around 13% or so. Oh, and finally this project was added to VNTS. Congratulations for that too, dergonu.
For more interesting news we had 2 new moege translation project sort of established. First about Hanasaki, I think the premise was about the club for the people with regret. Other than the premise, I'd only knew that this VN had quite good score at VNDB (Average at 8.09 and Bayesian at 7.60 as of now) and this is 2nd Saga Planet VN after Nijima Yuu left the company. Speaking about Niijima Yuu, his work Majo Koi Nikki also got translation project. As of now there's still no progress, but they already established the translation team as Luna Translations. Interestingly, apparently both of those 2 games only said prologue for first route instead of common route (Hanasaki only said prologue before character route by the way, and Majokoi had prologue line count one third of total line (11,000 out of 39,000 to be exact)) in the translation project. And for now I think I'll keep the eye on for both of the project (Of course if both of the project give update I'll inform it).
First of all, I think people already knew that Fatamorgana was released today. I think I'll said enough in the beginning so I'll not repeat it here. And as for usual update this week we didn't had Imopara 2 update and Kuroinu at 63% (Before forgot, we also had Evangile W update at 22%). For Pygmalion and Da Capo 3, both of those were almost finished (Pygmalion was at 97%, while Da Capo 3 was at 92.5% and editing at 87.5%). And Bokuten was finally fully translated. I think the progress was indeed very good, although Da Capo 3 progress here was slightly slow down though. For Bokuten once again I'd only knew that the angel there was forming a band, both of Natsuhiko and Watase seiyuu (Root Double MC in case you forget about them) was voicing side characters here, and according to tyrosyn the H-Scenes was quite important compared to previous Overdrives games. Well, according too the progress at least we could be sure that Bokuten will be released this year.
I think that's all for my VNTS Review this week. See you next week.
PS - Apparently there will be many interesting announcement next Saturday morning. Even if the announcement was not interesting, I'll try to write my thought about it here.
PPS - I'd forgot to report this, but as of now for Libra translation they managed to translate 20% of Mari's route. I'll also keep an eye on Libra progress too.
- Dergonu, Arcadeotic and masster_auron
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