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Eating Ramen with 'Izumi Curtis' Review

Visual Novel Translation Status (07/23/2016)

I know that the woman beside Yuuji who eat ramen there wasn't Izumi Curtis from Fullmetal Alchemist (Hence the quotation). In fact her name was Kusakabe Asako, Yuuji's deceased master and actually from the spoiler that I read looks like Asako had shower some though love to Yuuji, just like Izumi to Elric brothers. Okay, enough my opinion about Asako here and let's review this week VNTS. To be honest, Afterglow here (The source VNTS picture) wasn't the big news to me here, but rather it was Yoake leaked patch.

About Yoake patch actually this should be a big news there, considering that Yoake was from August, which as we knew was in some sort of curse that their game wasn't fully translated. Yet this time we had one August game fully translated even though it's still maybe unfinished here. To conclude Reddit situation, if Decay still want to wait for Erengy patch, go ahead but I think while maybe the patch was unpolished, it's still serviceable for full Yoake translation patch imo.

Okay, let's not speaking about sticky situation there and let's try to continue my review here. For Sekai, there's no meaningful progress there to me other than Chrono Clock reaching 26.31% translated and Rakuen was halfway translated. JAST, it's usual business for them ie no update. Oh, and other than Afterglow release, Frontwing also released Corona Blossom demo which from next week release I'll call this Corona Blossom Volume 1. In regard of Sharin, too bad Frontwing cancelled Sharin Kickstarter though. Guess it's not get much attention here, considering it didn't managed to gather half of it (Only around 50,000 out of 140,000 fund gathered).

Fan Translation

There's still no update from Luna Translation here, so in this case I'll add the update in here later. Both of Bishoujo Mangekyou and Tsui Yuri still give their usual update here, good job (Mangekyou was 25.7% edited and 16% edited (Congratulations for re-releasing prologue patch by the way), while Tsui Yuri was 55% translated and 53% edited). From Hanasaki we had Hikari's route at 35% translated. As for Tsukiyori, we had 22% Luna's route translated for the progress, and overall translation progress for Tsukiyori was at 33%. For last update here, once again while I suspect that Akerou will ask Sekai to license Irotoridori later, I'm still give the progress here (By the way for the progress it was 19% translated). Overall for this week, other than slightly controversial Yoake leaked patch it was only usual update here.


This week we had many update from them as expected. In fact there's so many of them that I'll list it below

  • Both of Da Capo 3 and Bokuten finally fully edited
  • Himawari finally entering beta testing
  • Hadaka Shitsuji 17% translated
  • Pygmalion 32% edited
  • Suki Suki 63% translated
  • Kyonyuu Fantasy released at September 9th
  • Fata Morgana Fandisc was at a quarter (25%) translated
  • Evangile W was 55% translated and a quarter edited
  • Imopara 2 was 48% translated and 30% edited
  • Kuroinu 82% translated and 21% edited

For overall progress, Suki Suki here was had fast progress here, although the reason here could be just like back when Kyonyuu Fantasy was announced and suddenly it'll be ready for released. Speaking about Kyonyuu Fantasy, if some of you find the Funbag name was quite silly ie ridiculous, blame Arunaru for that because it was his idea for the localization title according to his Twitter. Da Capo 3 and Bokuten fully edited here should be a good news of course, and hopefully it'll be had quick scripting here unlike Himawari. Although for Bokuten it should be quick if we talk about scripting because Overdrive had some connection with Mangagamer here. For Himawari, finally they entering the testing after they had scripting process for so long here, and this is should be good news for anyone who waited for this, especially Decay. Pygmalion, I wonder if my word here started to becoming true in regard of 8% editing progress for each 2 weeks. For the rest, no much comment for now. 

That's all for my VNTS Review at this week. See you next week.

Edit - There's an update from Luna translation, but beforehand let me said that they'll decided to do biweekly update from now on. As for the progress we had Majokoi 28% translated and 15% edited, while for Witch Garden there's very slightly progress in translation (217 more lines translated) and 9% TLC. That's all for their update, and let's see in 2 weeks later for their progress.

Edit 2 - Dracu Riot Completion Project released heavily edited patch here according to Fiddle. And he said sorry for in 2 months that he couldn't deliver his promise. Although he said that the translation from now on will move quickly though. Personally what I care here wasn't their decision to change British English to American English, but rather that they apparently still not translating the last half part of Miu's route. But whatever, it's their decision though and if the translation will go quicker, then so be it. Also, maybe they could release the complete patch in Christmas to, you know for celebrating one year of Noble Works patch release.


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