Shokugeki no Brian - St. Michael Spring Election Review
Visual Novel Translation Status (11/26/2016)
I knew that the title for this week was quite confusing at that, and sorry for being very late here. I'll just explained the title on PS later, and let me try to talk about this week VNTS.
This week, there were seven releases like VNTS state, although for Shuffle to be honest I'm not following close enough here except at least I knew it was like Dracu Riot patch situation ie released and then deleted from the Steam (I might be wrong here though). As for Steins Gate, no comment other than Nitroplus started to milking Steins Gate it seems and since it was for console I could care less here (But then again it might be good for anyone else who want more Steins Gate). As for Harakano, good for pregnancy fetish I suppose (Congratulations for the release of full patch though). While for Muv Luv 18+ I could care less here, at least Japanese School Life take my interest a little bit, if only because of Risa Taneda there as seiyuu once again (The premise was just like Go Go Nippon).
Other than those above, this week there were two releases for yuri fan. Nashville looks like Highway Blossom I think, only with blue instead of orange color although both of those were yuri on journey though. And for Sono Hanabira, once again instead of one couple we had like three couple there and we could explore each couple, so I think it was quite interesting. As for mine, I played the demo and apparently the demo were had some limitation compared to full version. But overall I think it was good enouh although the soundtrack was recycled from older Sono Hanabira (It was inevitable I guess). To anyone else who already owned that, have fun for playing that.
Sekai Project this week was only doing their usual mostly if we ONLY talk about the update here. For the roundup here we had Chrono Clock at 65.22%, Maitetsu was at 66%, Bokukotsu was at 17% translated, and Princess Knight Chapter 2 was at 98.27% translated (I admit that this week once again Maitetsu saw some crazy jump). Oh, and of course there's unusual one here. For the first unusual one, we had Kanonana which just recently announced back at Atlanta starting the translation and right now it was at 10% translated (Another yuri VN by the way). And even though both of Sekai and VNTS didn't mention this, apparently according to one comment at Akerou's site Hoshimemo retranslation progress was almost reaching 90% mark back at 16th. Anyway, other than update here actually this week Sekai also had some secret update (They wrote it as sekrit) and apparently they had three unannounced project. As for the progress, the first secret project was already fully translated and already entering QA work, the 2nd secret project was at 14% translated, and the 3rd secret project was at 72% translated. I'll keep my eyes on those three secret projects and for speculation it could be either only doujin VN or some well known VN. That's all I could say for now.
For fan translation, this week there was no progress from Tsui Yuri because of some real life issue (I understand it very well) although Dergonu promised there will be progress for next week though. Anyway, this mean that there will be two regular updates here, and for the first update we got Majokoi was at 59.5% translated (Almost reach 60% mark) and 46.7% edited. While for the second update here we had Loverable was at 32.62% translated, 9.02% edited, and this week they managed to upped image editing to 67.65% (Also apparently there was some inflation for Loverable script to around 34,000 lines for more information). As for more progress, there was also Aokana another project which right now they managed to translated Chapter 1 and they about to finishing Chapter 2 translation. Also they had the goal to fully translated Chapter 3 at December. What I could say for this project would be once again good luck, although if Ren want to announce his progress there go ahead.
Other than that, this week there's another project established with the goal of translating Chaos Head Noah. I couldn't comment much for this week, but hopefully I could give more info at next VNTS Review. For last progress here, Denwalts announced that he finished the editing as his current progress, and tell us that we'll need to looking forward for next few weeks. While Denwalts portfolio was kind of questionable, since he state that he just using Koi Iro for test run and he also state that his next project would be significant one, guess I'll also take my interest into it. Oh, and for more info the progress was had at least 49,000 lines (49,339 lines to be exact) so I could expect something along medium or long VN (Koi Iro was only had around 26,000 lines). And back at Eroge Games forum he also gave some important hint like the VN was one of cursed VN which had some failed attempt. Let's see it later.
That's all for this week, and sorry for being late here. See you next week.
PS - For the title, any fan of Souma should recognize Shokugeki word and I made that because there is a character in one of header that was voiced by Risa Taneda (Which as we knew voicing Erina from particular series), and because we had Brian as MC in Japanese School Life, of course following Souma I'll add Brian there (Obviously he will not doing any cooking duel though). For spring election, in Nyuu Jene there was some sort of election and the season was probably in spring (Probably) so I just use Spring Election (St. Michael was obviously setting for Sonohana). Oh, and it was parallel with Autumn Election (AE) from Souma (By the way, because there were 8 characters at header and there's also 8 people at AE I find those were quite coincide).
- Dergonu, masster_auron and RedK
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