November's releases so far
It has turned out to be a big month, hasn't it? Three good quality games in a row... one of which I was sure was going to be a kusoge (guess which one). This month had a surprising number of non-nukige releases that I was interested in, and I didn't really want to leave any of them to anyone else (I was actually interested in most of them). Here is a list of what I've played and what I might play before picking VN of the Month.
Aoi Tori
Kizuna Kirameku Koi Iroha
Yoru Meguru, Bokura no Maigo Kyoushitsu
On the playlist
Bokura no Sekai no Shukufuku wo (looks like a mimikko charage, might be a nukige... either way, it stimulates my fetish)
Maho x Roba (to be honest, I don't trust charage from Akabei subsidiaries. However, I was asked to play this one anyway...)
Azayaka na Irodori no Naka de, Kimi Rashiku (might be a kinetic novel, looks mildly interesting... might use it for psychological rest, lol)
Yurameku Kokoro ni Michita Sekai de, Kimi no Yume to Yokubou wa Kanau ka (this one looks interesting... but I don't like the protagonist description, so I'm not sure)
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