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Gushing Over Angel Tear Review

Visual Novel Translation Status (21/07/2024)

Welcome to this week VNTS Review, and as for the title because we have magical girl nukige Angel Tear I parodied the magical girl anime with explicit contents, Gushing Over Magical Girl, by changing 'Magical Girl' with 'Angel Tear', and it should be noted both works are have magical girl having sex. For this week, let's just say that overall this week is another plain one even though it has Angel Tear which supposed to be quite interesting if only for the magical girl nukige that is rarely translated. Other than Angel Tear release, we also have Sekai manage to release Nekonin ExHeart Spin. Oh yes, we also have Nekonyan revealed they have another three secret projects, which make it five new secret projects. Let's see what I can write in regard of this week.

Once again we have Angel Tear released, and it's magical girl nukige about Yuuri who is an ordinary high school girl suddenly recruited as the magical girl Angel Tear. As per magical girl stuffs, of course Angel Tear job is revolving around fighting the demon in order to protect humanity, and as the super heroine she obviously has some people who've been gushing over her. Obviously the demon need to be intelligent in order to fight the Angel Tear, and so the demon decided to laid the trap after Angel Tear let her guard down because she was ran out of energy. Seeing Angel Tear has very nice body, the demons make full use of her body by contaminate the men around her with the only way to save them is with sex. Thus began what would be Angel Tear's big problem, because she also need to serve the man who've been gushing over her sexually with some of them lying about being hypnotized. Go get Angel Tear if you want some magical girl nukige, and have fun.

Cherry Kiss announced their next nukige in which it's not from their usual partner (Miel) but instead it's from Orcsoft, and I can only say it's about the MC who want to have sex with his mother's best friend for the obvious reason. That, and it'll be released on August 9th later. PQube released Ryuusei Fantasia, and I can only understand it's otome game about the male idol with the female MC became the producer. At least it's nice PQube made it available on PC unlike Aksys and Idea Factory who only made their otome game available only on console, so get the game if you want the otome version of Idolmaster. Sekai manage to release Nekonin ExHeart Spin, and I admit it has nice art despite I would like to see them localize longer Whirlpool VNs if possible. For the VN, it's about the new MC of Nekonin Kikumaru who just lost his grandfather suddenly visited by a cat-earred ninja girl during the wake. Afterwards, the ninja introduce herself as Touka and mention her task to protect Kikumaru. From there, Kikumaru's life start to get a bit turbulent, especially with her sister turned out to be tanuki-earred ninja. Go get Nekonin if you want more catgirl, and have fun.

For fan translation updates, we have Taima Seiko Alice is at 40% edited, Akagoei 3 is at 87.94% edited, Ushieta is at 86.5% translated with Yui 1 is at 88.6% translated, and Karenai Sekai is at 24% edited. Lastly we have Nekonyan revealed their three other secret projects on their Discord (No progress report on those new secrets though), which mean we have potential five new title announcements from Nekonyan at Otakon later, although whether the announcements will be interesting or not we'll see.

That's all for what I can write in regard of this week, and see you next week.

Edited by littleshogun


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