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Poem of a Painter Review

Visual Novel Translation Status (28/07/2024)

Welcome to this week VNTS review, and as the title since we have Lilja released with the titular character is the painter, I decided to make the title as 'Poem of a Painter' with the original word is from Sakura no Uta direct translation (Poem of Sakura). As for this week, let's just be blunt that it's very plain with the only notable update is Lilja release. Other than it, I can only say Sekai surprisingly already have set the Steam store one of for their VN, Chiisana no Kanojo, or in English is A Maiden's Serenade, so at least there's something. With that done, let's see what I can write in regard of this week.

Once again Sekai already set the Steam store for Maiden's Serenade (The link), although the release time is only listed as 'Coming Soon' so it may take a while before the release. They also have two surprise updates, namely they have Amairo Chocolata 3 is at 90% translated and Wagahigh FD is at 20% translated. For fan translation, we have Akagoei 3 is at 88.01% edited, Majikoi Ryouken After is at 42.96% edited, Majikoi A Plus Disk is at 17.66% translated. Other than Lilja release, Frontwing also announced the exact release date for Milk Factory 3rd VN, with said date will be in August 1st (is tomorrow), so feel free to note the date if you waiting for the nukige about the MC who isekaied to the big breast succubus academy.

Lastly we have Lilja released by Frontwing, and looks like it's the story about GL even though it's not necessarily for the main couple (The titular Lilja and Natsuka). The premise is about the blind painter Lilja who live together with her assistant Natsuka, and Lilja herself is quite an eccentric painter with her only want to paint things that pique her interest. It should be noted while the writer (Asou Ei) was experienced in writing VN with disturbing stories (And sex scenes) such as Kuroinu and euphoria, the writer himself also write one of Sakura no Uta route (Which people deemed out of place), so he didn't exactly new when it come on writing the VN without the disturbing sex scenes (Lilja itself still has some drama though). Oh yes, Lilja itself has episodic story with Lilja herself accepted the requests to paint her clients who are in GL relationship with Natsuka act as Lilja's eye (Lilja being blind and all) investigate the clients stories. Go get Lilja if you want GL VN with some drama, and have fun.

That's all for what I can write in regard of this week, and see you next week.

Edited by littleshogun


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