The Aquatope on Starry Sky Review
Welcome to this week VNTS Review, and because we have Since Memories released with the artist did design the characters for Aquatope anime (Which to say I immediately recognize her art), I made the parody of Aquatope full title, The Aquatope on White Sand, with I changed 'on White Sand' into 'Starry Sky' with it from Since Memories English full title, so we have 'The Aquatope on Starry Sky' as the title. For this week, well there's less updates compared to the last week, with one of the interesting highlight is Hikari Field decided to localized newest Madosoft VN, Select Oblige, into English. Other than that, there's obvious Since Memories release and a few updates from Sekai. Overall, this week is kind of an average one, and let's see what I can write about it.
For this week, we only have one fan translation updates, and said update is in regard of QA work for Akagoei 3 in which currently it's at 22.37% done. Nekonyan also has some interesting progress for one of their project, in which they already start the QA work for Hatsusaku (Hopefully it mean they already done with the porting work of it). Speaking of Nekonyan, their usual partner Hikari Field decided to localized newest Madosoft VN, Select Oblige, into English by themselves. While usually they take care of Chinese localization for Nekonyan VNs, they did plan two English releases in the past with one of those is Tayutama 2 (Which infamously had bad translation in the trial). As we can see, it should be obvious they still not released Tayutama 2 in English yet, although seeing now they have exact release date for it (November 8th) hopefully this time they manage to deliver the English release, which if Hikari Field manage to do it then they're automatically better compared to Sekai when it come to localize Madosoft VN. Speaking of Sekai, we have some updates with Nekopara 5 is in translation, Wagahigh FD is at 45% translated, and Amairo Chocolate 3 is fully edited with Sekai now starting the programming work for it.
Lastly, after many years of not localizing their charage series VN Memories Off, Mages finally localized Since Memories in English with said VN is the part of Memories Off series. For Memories Off itself, it's the long runner series of charage from KID before it change to Mages after KID's bankruptcy, and for the info in Western KID is more famous for Infinity Trilogy even with Never7 has charage element from Memories Off. For Since Memories, it's about Jun'ya who still feel guilty about his older brother death suddenly told by a mysterious girl that he should be the one who die. Some times after, Jun'ya took a project to renovate the house of his childhood friend Chihaya who happen to be a high class lady. Seeing Jun'ya didn't have knowledge to renovate high class house, he'll obviously need some helps and of course he need to get out of his depression stage to ask for help. Go get Since Memories if you're curious about the first translated Memories Off series, and have fun.
That's all for what I can write in regard of this week, and see you next week.
Edited by littleshogun
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