Monobeno Happy End part 1: Sumi
First, I should state that Monobeno is an unapologetic lolige. The extent the writers went to to make this game a lolige (even in Alice's path) is so ridiculous I had to sigh in exasperation. Sadly, it also has one of the best plots and some of the best characters you can see in a VN. Like this company's previous VN, Gothderi, dismissing it because it is a lolige is a huge mistake.
Though my opinion is that the translation project working on this is completely insane. Translating lolige is like asking for Uncle Sam or Father Europe to knock on your door and ask you to go live in the cement house with the iron bars on the door.
I played the original version of Monobeno, where all the endings were extremely bittersweet and vague, and what I can say about this is that the after-stories provided give closure and really do remake this into a VN with happy endings, as promised. The actual original story hasn't changed significantly, and thus I'll mostly just note that the events in each path tended to be hectic, and almost universally it ended sadly/badly for certain characters.
This also adds the story of Hishakaku and Tsumi, which was a huge benefit. Hishakaku (also known as Buppougataki Daisannyou Hishakaku) is the umbrella youkai that helped raise the protagonist and Sumi (the akashaguma youkai who is one of the heroines), and he is a natural protector, who reminds me of Auron from FFX, if you added thirty years, grandfatherly love, and a sense of humor. This story is unbelievably beautiful and sad, and it adds a lot of background to Hishakaku, while also leading you into the after stories of the various routes. (I cried a lot for the end of Sumi's after story because of this)
Sumi's route focuses on the youkai/supernatural approach to the main conflict of the story, and as a result it varies greatly from Alice's (who is the other side, which focuses on the scientific approach). The romance, which comes to flower amidst the search for the truth of what is going on, is made more interesting by the fact of the protagonist and Sumi's intense interdependence before their parting years before the story began. The main route's ending is bittersweet, causing tears to fall in abundance before you move on to the after story.
Sumi's after-story is actually about the same length as her original story, with just as many interesting events. Sumi and the protagonist's daughter, Emi, is an adorable little girl who has a nose for trouble and a tendency to run straight toward it... but she also inherited her mother's ability to bless with good luck and it is all directed to herself, so she generally survives it well. The progression of this story is focused on the interactions of humans and youkai, their differences, and why not all youkai can live with humans. A lot of the issues you might not have been able to come to terms with through the original path are much easier to do so here. Most importantly, this brings a full conclusion to the conflict of the original story... and Hishakaku is showed off at his best in a dramatic scene toward the end that had me in tears of mixed happiness and sorrow.
- Narcosis, rainsismyfav and sanahtlig
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