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What are you playing?
Funyarinpa and one other reacted to akaritan for a topic
In an effort to revive my fried brain, I read a few shorter VNs over the past week. The first one was Sakura no Ki no Shita ni wa. I saw it on vnts a few weeks ago, and was a bit curious. I didn't hear anyone talking about it and it was short and free, so I decided to give it a shot. Sadly, I was sorely disappointed. It's basically an adaptation of a poem, so it's very short and only took me a few minutes to finish. I guess all I can say in its favor is that the visual/sound presentation isn't bad... it's probably much better in Japanese, but the English translation is grating and difficult to read, which really is a game breaker for a poem. It wasn't good, but at least not much of my time was wasted. Then I went on to Harmonia, which I didn't love, per se, but I most certainly didn't hate. The soundtrack was quite gorgeous and although I don't like Key's art style at all, the costume design itself was really nice. I generally had a good time with it, but the pacing could be a bit slow in places where it shouldn't have been and I found a few plot twists towards the end to be pretty predicable. It could be pretty hard to get attached to the characters as well, which made the tearjerks towards the end far weaker than they are in key's other works. My other main issue with the story was just that I felt like I had seen similar worlds and premises, and Harmonia didn't necessarily do anything for me that made it special. In spite of all that, it was generally quite nice as a whole and seeing as it's short anyway, I would definitely recommend it to the sort of person who likes that kind of story. After that, I read Highway Blossoms, and it was a real breath of fresh air in a lot of ways. The art is absolutely gorgeous and it probably has the best production values I've ever seen in an OELVN. And contrary to many OELVNs that go out of their way to imitate Japanese VNs in storytelling, Highway Blossoms was a road trip story set in the southwest. The characters were all really charming and even if they weren't necessarily deep, they were still a lot of fun to watch. The romance arc was really standard formula, but I thought it was executed fairly well. It was definitely a worthwhile way to spend my Saturday afternoon. And then, just a few minutes ago, I finished Sonohana Remembering How we Met. Honestly, I don't have much to say about it other than you probably know if you'll like it before you play it. It gave me diabetes and I'm not sure why I even picked it up but I like to think that it will make Himawari all the more satisfying in a few days, ahaha. Now I'm going to play the newly released Sonohana. By the time I'm done I'm not even sure if I'll ever be able to read yuri again. I really need something to distract me from the imminent Himawari release or else I'll go insane. Thanks to anyone who actually put up with and read this entire text wall2 points -
1337 likes. Memes or whatever. #Milestones!
mitchhamilton and one other reacted to Dergonu for a status update
1337 likes. Memes or whatever. #Milestones!2 points -
Birthday thread
Nobody~~ and one other reacted to littleshogun for a topic
Very late to said this, but happy 25th birthday there @wyldstrykr and thanks for keeping true or false forum keep afloat there. Hope you had good year ahead.2 points -
2 points
Now here's a question.
Suzu Fanatic and one other reacted to Dergonu for a topic
Sword art online is my absolute favorite anime of all time. To me it's a clear cut 10/10. Needless to say, people who don't like the anime thinks I'm crazy. But hey, who cares what other people thinks. As long as you enjoy something, that's all that matters.2 points -
Yosuga no Sora. There's barely anything wrong with it in my eyes. The drama was never complicated enough for me to feel like it was overdone, the incest was handled very well, they actually incorporate the sex into the plot, and I like how they use the omnibus format to shed light on other arcs, rather than have them not be connected at all. It easily gets an 8/10 from me.2 points
No, it's not. The Working Designs localization is brilliant like every Working Designs product is. And the PSP version of Lunar is a terrible port which disimproved the difficulty of the game in a way that every battle in the game can literally be won be mashing random buttons. The PS1 version of the game is the only version worth playing. Speaking of Working Designs, the Growlanser series is a good choice if you want romance in your JRPGs. The characters even say "I love you" to each other which is something that happens so rarely in JRPGs that you could probably count all games where this happens with your two hands.2 points
JRPG with romance...
Arkamondal and one other reacted to Clephas for a topic
Lufia 2 (SNES emulator)2 points -
2 points
JRPG with romance...
Arkamondal and one other reacted to yorikbad for a topic
How about that: Wii: Arx Rise Fantasia, Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, The Last Story, Xenoblades, Pandora's Tower, Fragile Dreams PC: Akiba's Strip, Valkiria Cronicles, Conseption 2 3DS: Fire Emblem: Awakening NDS: Sands of Destrution PS1-2: Star Ocean series, Rogue Galaxy, Odin Sphere, Grandia series, Thousand Arms, Legend of Dragoons, Atelier Iris Do you need more? I'm a big romance fun myself and I've played tons of games with romance sublot. Not just "jrpg". Tales of Zestaria doesn't involve any decent romance, only bromance. And for now Trails in the Sky is the second best romance story in videogames. The first one is Xenogears.2 points -
What are you playing?
akaritan and one other reacted to ChaosRaven for a topic
Finished Feena's route in Yoake Mae yori Ruri Iro na now and as much as it hurts to say, but it was horribly generic. Considering that Feena is supposed be a moon princess you might at least expect a visit in a moon city, but there was nothing like that. Just ultra simplistic school life moege. Presentation wise it's still quite decent despite it's age and it also has some surprisingly good soundtracks, but besides that it has very little to offer. It's neither particularly funny nor dramatic, the romance wasn't particularly engaging with little to no chemistry between Feena and the rather bland protagonist and there's no interesting story either. And by removing the H scenes you can't even play it for fan service anymore. Overall, I'm thinking about dropping this completely and just ignore all the other routes. I always wanted to play Feena's route since she kind of stood out with her moon princess charme, but the rest of the cast simply lacks that appeal. So I think I move on to Dracu Riot now besides the Hanachirasu I'm also currently playing. It's supposed to be pretty good, and considering Noble Works was already a quite decent moege it at least shouldn't disappoint.2 points -
2 points
Chaos;Head Noah (stylized as ChäoS;HEAd NoAH) is an updated rerelease of Chaos;Head, a 2008 visual novel by Nitro+ and 5pb. This version includes six new endings that were not present in the original; one for every main heroine. However, while the original version was only available on PC, the updated version was available on practically every platform but PC. We at the Committee of Zero intend to change that. The original Chaos;Head was translated on TLWiki years ago. We intend to build on this work, but heavily revise it and edit it as to match our writing style. Please bear in mind that we are not associated with TLWiki's team in any way, and this project is not related to their own abandoned Noah port and translation. Staff We are currently in need of: A translator with some amount of past experience and the availability and diligence to make steady progress over a few months to a year. Our core Noah team consists of: Engine Reimplementation for PC: SomeAnon, DrDaxxy Translator: [RECRUITING] TL Checker: SnowedEarth Editor: Kumin, Discontinuous Qualia CG Editor: Cypert Keep in mind that this list does not include everyone in the Committee of Zero. We have many members, including those who have done... zero work. Progress At the moment, not much work on the translation itself has been done. We've set up the basic workflow and are putting together an organization system, so once we finish our current side project, we should be all set and ready to jump on translation work no later than the start of the new year (assuming we find a translator by then). However, what this project currently lacks in translation work, it makes up for in porting work. Our technical team is building a complete reimplementation for PC of the N2System engine that the Xbox version of Noah runs on, and we've made substantial progress. Right now, the engine is capable of reading and interpreting the game's scripts (though it currently only displays backgrounds and plays in-game audio - nothing to show off yet). Notes By the way, SciADV fans may be interested to hear that we recently released a patch for the Steam version of STEINS;GATE fixing many of that version's shortcomings. We don't feel this warrants a Fuwa thread on its own, but we wanted to mention it. The port will likely be finished before the translation, and once that happens, we plan to release it, so Japanese speakers can read the VN on PC. If you're interested, and think you can help, then aside from this thread and my PMs, the best places to contact us are via e-mail at [email protected] or our Discord.1 point
http://prefundia.com/projects/view/project-to-lead-dies-irae-to-the-atziluth/11416/ Some bullet points: $160,000 initial goal. $500,000 for a new story. A split release, with both parts releasing May 2017. 18+ patch confirmed, will release 3 months later. Non-sexual content censored in the JP version of Amantes amantes will be restored. Both 16:9 and 4:3 versions will be available for people who dislike cropping. 16:9 version will have CG panning. Will be uprezzed to 720p/768p Translation team includes Conjueror, Garejei (the Tokyo Babel/Himawari duo), ReadingSteiner (Steins;Gate, Nympho Sensei Ryoko fame), and GundamAce (Root Double and I thought also Steins;Gate but it's not mentioned on the prefundia). It seems like they're addressing pretty much all of the major concerns right out of the gate. I'm sure some people will be disappointed by the delayed 18+ patch, but well, that seems to be how things are these days.1 point
Love Story Between Mad Scientist and AI Review
masster_auron reacted to littleshogun for a blog entry
Visual Novel Translation Status (12/03/2016) Sorry for late posting here. As for the title, I'd just read about Steins Gate 0 a little and found out that there was an AI with Kurisu memory, and since our MC from Steins Gate Okabe declared himself as mad scientist, I decided to make it the love story between those two for the title because Kurisu was main heroine for original Steins Gate (Now that I think about the title, it sound like Plankton and Karen in Spongebob). As for 0, well maybe I'll try later although just in case there's some people who said that they didn't had console to play it, there's Japanese PC version available with the translation lifted from PSV version according to VNDB (I'm not try that yet by the way).For this week VNTS, there's no major release though if we looking at both of VNDB and VNTS, although perhaps this time it's what we call calm before the storm, considering that we'll got Himawari in 5 days later and also both of Rance 5D and VI at 23rd. And speaking about Rance, there's already in pre-order so for anyone else who want to order those, go ahead. Other than that, there's no update from Mangagamer this week. But speaking about Rance VI, I'd remember that I was kind of disappointed to knew that Arunaru was stalled Rance VI for some unknown project (It was turned out to be Beat Blade Haruka) and there's some rumor that he was involved in Mangagamer. Once again that's all in the past though, and I'll just look forward for those releases now. There's some interesting news this week, and it was Dies Irae prefundia. Looking from the prefundia, it turned out that the project was the collaboration work between Conjueror, Garejel, Reading Steiner, and Gundam Ace back when they conduct the countdown at the Twitter, therefore proved that they serious when they did the countdown (Although the man with toy gun was annoyed me though). As for the Kickstarter, compared back when ChuSingura KS was announced this is definitely better if we just looking at their offer in regard of physical copy (ChuSingura didn't offer any of physical copy). The goal, well if I may said it was quite a lot compared to Root Double meaning that they also need to cover the localization cost as well. Well, good luck for the Kickstarter later then and looking forward to this. As for the VN, once again I knew that Clephas like this VN and apparently it was quite hard to translate if we talk about the battle scene. Oh, and if the Kickstarter was begin I'll report of how much they gathered weekly if possible here. Sekai Project was had their update as usual, although since last week they changed the interface for their status update for not including decimal number anymore. And as for the usual progress right now they had Maitetsu at 73% translated, Tensin Ranman at three quarter translated, Bokukotsu at 18%, Kanonana at 11% and the 2nd secret project was at 17% translated. For 3rd secret project, it was already finished and looking from how past the translation progressed (Around 28% for a week) I could speculate that it was probably a short VN there, although I'm not certain though. As for more update here from Sekai Project, we had WEE 3 was already in planning to be released at late December, and we also fhad updates for Grisaia. The update is that we had Meikyuu 18+ will be released at December and Rakuen will be released at next year, and for more detail they will release Steam version first at March 2017 following the release of 18+ Rakuen at early summer (Don't just assume that it'll be at June, because if we following Australia it could be at December 2017 for example). For last progress, right now Chrono Clock was at 71% translated and the editing progress was following close behind (They also state that if they need to delay the release from late January they'll announce it). That's all for Sekai here. For fan translation here, about Bishoujo Mangekyou duology project there's no update this week from Arcadeotic according to his tweet here because of his health problem. No other word here other than get well soon there. For more update from fan translation here, we got Loverable was at one third (33.31%) translated, 9.1% edited, and 13.85% TLC-ed. For more usual progress here we had Majokoi which right now was at 59.7% translated, 48.4% edited, and 17.5% TLC-ed. And for Tsui Yuri, right now the re-translation progress was at a quarter there. Other than usual three, there's also Ushieta which right now was at 41% edited for Airi's route and they state that maybe there'll be the regression in regard of the translation progress to 10% translated in the future because there's a chance that the translator want to redo Airi's route translation. For last project, finally Aokana 2nd translation project were had solid team according to this thread and for the progress right now it was at 4,520 out of 14,891 translated and 2,085 lines were edited and TLC-ed (By the way, just in case some of you wonder it's just for common route only). Since Ren personally support the project according to his post here, I may as well do that and good luck to the team then. That's all for fan translation. And for the last but certainly not the least, this week Conjueror also managed to fully translated one VN out there. It was no Dies Irae though, but Miniature Garden according to Phlebas back at last previous VNTS comment. Also right now for Libra there's some progress for both of Aoi's and Lycoris's route (70% and halfway respectively). That's all for this week VNTS Review, and see you next week.1 point -
What are you playing?
akaritan reacted to Fred the Barber for a topic
You're welcome I'm still slowly going through Koihime Musou. I'm probably somewhere over halfway done now? At first, it felt like I had too many turns during the home base phase; now it feels like I don't have enough. When Chouryou/Shia joined and I got spend more time with her, I realized that I apparently had grown quite fond of Kansai-ben when editing the twins' route in TH2, so I had a lot of fun with her. Unfortunately, I think she only got three home base events total, so I won't get to see much more of her now . Still enjoying this VN's approach of throwing a ridiculous number of heroines at the player, and how surprisingly deep its commitment is to most/all of them. In spite of the aforementioned shortage of Chouryou events, even with her I feel like they did her justice as a character.1 point -
Sekai Project doing an AMA right now
ChaosRaven reacted to Nandemonai for a topic
That's easy, Sekai Project is taking the deals that Jast and MG would have walked away from. Jast cancelled the release of Cleavage because the original uncensored CG data has been lost; in their estimation, that meant there was no point in bothering with a release. Neither Jast nor MangaGamer would ever license a title where the developer made them remove the h-scenes. For MangaGamer, the closest would be when they removed the voices from Kara no Shoujo and Koihime back in 2011 when they were a lot smaller, and they simply couldn't afford to pay the license fees. For Jast, the closest would be Shiny Days, and the whole mess around the unofficial patch; and that was for legal reasons (as in, Mr. Payne does not want to go to jail). If a Japanese VN company is open to releasing in the west (more and more nowadays), but nervous about backlash over the h content (which is a lot of them, they remember RapeLay), Jast or MG are much less likely to cut a deal with them. If they can't get a deal finalized that includes the H-scenes, they just won't sign it. Sekai Project has been willing to sign those deals; so they have all-ages versions of some titles, but haven't been able to get a deal signed for complete versions. Jast and MG are eroge companies first, and all-ages companies second (if Jast even has any all-ages releases; I'm not sure they even do Edit: Forgot about Aselia). Sekai Project - well, by their own admission in this AMA, they chose to focus on all-ages, and were surprised at the amount of pushback that they got. So it has nothing to do with "having no idea how to run a business". The bad PR that comes from not knowing how to properly say "still in the works, we can't comment" is totally their fault, but in general, when negotiations are ongoing, companies keep their mouths shut. All of them do. Funimation doesn't say why they can't get show XYZ; they just say "there are some issues we need to work out with the licensor". And I guarantee Jast and MangaGamer have equally strict confidentiality policies regarding their negotiations. (Don't believe me? Go ask Doddler why he had to review Oyatsu no Jikan all those years ago.) It's just that, Jast and MangaGamer don't sign all-ages-only deals. Sekai Project does, and then keeps negotiating to make the adults-only release happen afterward. Jast and MangaGamer avoid these complicated PR problems, not because they know what they're doing (Jast is so slow because it's terribly run, although that's been changing recently) and Sekai Project does not - but because Sekai Project says "something is better than nothing" whereas Jast and MG will just not release the title at all if they can't get the h-scenes.1 point -
Sometime in 2017 it'll be localized on PS4/Vita for da West, preorders are up on NIS America with yumm 80$ Vita LE / $100 PS4 LE http://gematsu.com/2016/12/danganronpa-v3-killing-harmony-coming-west-2017 Limited Edition Includes: • Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony for PlayStation®Vita • Limited Edition Deluxe Soundtrack • Original Danganronpa V3 Soundtrack • Hardcover Art Book • Ultimate Hat • Ultimate Backpack • Ultimate Headphones • Collector's Box http://store.nisamerica.com/preorders/danganronpa-v3-killing-harmony-limited-edition-ps-vita - vita http://store.nisamerica.com/preorders/danganronpa-v3-killing-harmony-limited-edition-ps4 - ps41 point
Now here's a question.
AaronIsCrunchy reacted to ExtraMana for a topic
Pic related. It's 100% moe trash and I love it.1 point -
1 point
If the card is going from unidolized to idolized using a seal, it unlocks 0 slots. If the card is already idolized, it unlocks 1 slot. In contrast, if you idolize a card using a second copy of it, you unlock 1 slot. If the card is already idolized, you unlock 2 slots.1 point
That's something difficult to achieve, in all honesty. The only thing when it happens, is when a team is based either on a circle of friends - each of them skilled in one or more particular aspects of game development, or when people you hire take the project seriously and wholeheartedly and aren't just doing it to "get the job done" and receive the payment (as in, treating it purely as work), but want to get involved in it as much as possible, because they fucking like it. Part of the trick is finding people who share your dreams an passions, assesing who's readily able to put actual effort into the development and leave something behind, instead of only doing their part. It's eaier said, than done, unfortunately. A lot of people contributing to various projects are - in fact - not skilled, nor mature enough, nor have the required patience to tackle whatever they are tasked with. A lot of people think only about money. A lot of people only want to get the job done and move on; they aren't really interested, they don't share the lead developer's vision, they are in only to gain the experience or start their own careers, treat projects as personal milestones. This is why a lot of the games on the market actually lack that something special, which makes them unique. The kind of a game you take and say "Wow, the team that worked on it really put everything into it, it's so incredibly distinct and you can litally sense the devteam's passion burning throughout it". Such games rarely feel just like a bunch of different elements and assests hastily cobbled together, but a consistent production, where every single of it's part complements the rest.1 point
Now here's a question.
john 'mr. customer' smith reacted to Narcosis for a topic
Kanokon. There are only two kinds of people - those who liked it and those who pretend to hate it with a burning passion1 point -
1 point
JRPG with romance...
Nobody~~ reacted to Arkamondal for a topic
just came up with the topic https://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1137877&show=20...1 point -
1 point
Now here's a question.
DarkZedge reacted to EastCoastDrifter for a topic
Date A Live and Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance are my guilty pleasures because I've enjoyed those very much. I've heard that the latter was very poorly received in the west, and the former was bashed for its mediocre premise with Kurumi being its only saving grace. And Black Bullet too, though I've only read the light novel. I like it for its dark story and Mr. Joker impersonator Kagetane, but nearly everyone hates it for being an "Attack on Titan ripoff" and lolis.1 point -
Alpha's Adventures [Kickstarter LIVE!] [GXG] [18+]
Nier reacted to officeryou for a topic
Updated Aiko's bio with base colors, and ???'s bio with a preview of an unlockable CG available in the demo!1 point -
JRPG with romance...
Arkamondal reacted to BookwormOtaku for a topic
Just remembered there's the Shadow Hearts trilogy (PS2 emulator), Arc the Lad trilogy (PS1 emulator (there's also the PS2 sequels but Twilight of the Spirits is only decent compared to the previous games (plus on the romance front only Kharg has what would be considered a romantic arc and even then it doesn't go very far) and End of Darkness...the fandom pretends that never happened), and there's also Legend of Heroes IV: A Tear of Vermillion on PSP though you're going to have to deal with a translation that's a small step above machine translation.1 point -
What he said is true. The gallery is unlocked when you at least finish 1 normal ending.1 point
1 point
True or False
Limerence_ reacted to Fred the Barber for a topic
Crap. I was gonna say 'False' because my bedroom has hardly anything in it, then I remembered all those little buttons on my nightstand with shit like Aigis and Madoka on them... and the closed bookshelf next to my bed which, if you open it, is full of anime blu-rays and DVDs. Sigh. True. Next person has regrets.1 point -
What are you playing?
ChaosRaven reacted to Chuee for a topic
You just finished her initial route, right? I'd at least recommend going through her second route that unlocks after you clear all the routes. It's a lot better than anything in her initial route.1 point -
1 point
JRPG with romance...
Nandemonai reacted to BookwormOtaku for a topic
I also recommend Trails in the Sky and its sequel. Anyway on to my recommendations: Final Fantasy IX (available on Steam), Suikoden V (need a PS2 emulator), Tales of the Abyss (ditto), Persona 3 and 4 (ditto, PSP emulator for the former if you want to play as the female protagonist and I should point out 4 got an expanded version for the Vita), Growlanser Generations (PS2 emulator), Growlanser Heritage of War (ditto), Sakura Wars: So Long My Love (ditto), Thousand Arms (PS1 emulator), Xenogears (ditto)1 point -
JRPG with romance...
Arkamondal reacted to Suzu Fanatic for a topic
@WinterfuryZXAssuming he can stomach the ear-bleeding dubs. Great suggestions so far. Depending how far back in time you are willing to travel, I'd also reccomend FF9 (psx version - steam version is trash). My personal pick would be one of the ones you are already working on - Trails in the sky. Starts off slow, but builds into something really satisfying. I hesitate to reccomend it (as it's pretty weak as far as stories go) but there is romance within Fairy Fencer F. Just don't go into expecting anything amazing. But it does have likable characters~1 point -
JRPG with romance...
Arkamondal reacted to WinterfuryZX for a topic
Lunar silver star story if you don't know japanese play the psp version with a psp emulator, Working Design loc. is shit.1 point -
1 point
This is the topic of a forum game.
Fred the Barber reacted to john 'mr. customer' smith for a topic
This is what the youth gets up to these days.1 point -
This is the topic of a forum game.
Fred the Barber reacted to atorq for a topic
This is a highly subjective complaint about the contents of this thread.1 point -
This is the topic of a forum game.
Fred the Barber reacted to Zidan209 for a topic
This is a random unrelated shitpost.1 point -
Yeah, I had to pirate this episode too. But it's better that not many people can see it as it's the worst Last Week Tonight episode by far. I'm actually kind of offended by how bad it is even though I'm already not a fan of it. Instead of trying to build bridges which is the most important thing right now, Oliver fuels the hate and dividedness even more. I know how much of a libtard John Oliver is, but saying that journalists should report biased and opinionated (if they have the right opinion that is lol) is one of the worst things he said in his show. I also like how he spends ten minutes telling us that Trump is a liar and we should feel guilty for not voting for Hillary. Oh the irony! In the end he blames everyone but himself for the end of the world which is apparently right now. So much unironic self-righteousness, it's kinda disgusting. It's like he's desperately trying to prove his critics right: "This show makes people dumb."1 point
Donald Trump Megathread
Gibberish reacted to solidbatman for a topic
I think, to maybe phrase it better, is that many Trump supporters feel demonized by the left, simply because they don't agree with many policy proposals by the left. For example, I don't care for Bernie Sanders because of the effects his tax plan would have on my 401k (basically make it pointless for me to put any money into it). However, when voicing that opinion, I could find myself being told that I don't care about the poor, or that I don't care about college student loans (despite the fact I have about $8k in debt right now) etc etc. So to place that on the Trump v Clinton level. You get many of the progressive left calling out the more conservative whites as racists, and bigots. Why? Sure, racists exist on the right, and likely in higher numbers. But most people voting for Trump, I've seen, are not voting for him because of racial issues. They aren't voting for him because he plans to build a wall (the press would lead you to believe that is the only reason). Many of them voted for him because their voices are not being heard by the left. Being a rural, poor, white person essentially leaves you abandoned by politicians. The Democrats ignored them for years, focusing instead only on building a coalition of minorities to propel them to offices across the nation. It worked too, because you had a good person running the show with Obama, who I feel was not a great president, but also is not a terrible one. He did what he thought was best for the nation. Clinton on the other hand is perceived as corrupt, and uncaring by those poor rural whites. She only wants to pander to minorities and feminists in their eyes. They might not be right, but perception is everything, and she did almost nothing to counter that. Her husband recognized this and thats why many sources said he was very angry at Hillary's campaign staff. Bernie Sanders has also recognized it, saying that it was embarrassing for the Democrats to lose so badly with that demographic. Unfortunately, in the immediate aftermath of the election, many mainstream dems still have yet to figure this out, and continue to label Trump supporters as racists, bigots, misogynists, homophobic and so on. Unfairly demonizing the very people you need to rely on to win elections is well... not a winning plan by any stretch of the imagination. And before you try to label me a Trump supporter, I can't stand Donald Trump. He is a terrible human being, and a terrible choice for President, but I also recognize why he won, and how he won. And it needs to be a lesson that everyone's genuine problems should matter. Dismissing someone's problem because they are privileged is just as bad as telling someone they aren't human because they are transgendered, or are a criminal because of their race. It only serves to divide people up even more. I just want to dispel the notion that all Trump supporters voted for him to bring back Jim Crow laws, or to put BLM members in jail or whatever. Most of them voted for him, because no one else would listen to their voices, and their problems.1 point -
I don't deny having an advantage in some regards (as I have disadvantages in others), but I strongly deny that some kind of responsibility is a result of that. Responsibility is something that you decide for yourself to have, based on your own values and morals. No one can give you social responsibilities based on his own ideologies. Exactly for these reasons people find this social justice mentality so repulsive. We don't want to be told we have to care. Caring is something that needs to come from your own heart, not because other people tell you to do so. Yes, but it is not for me to decide whether he has to feel bad about it or not. Maybe I would tell him that he sucks, because I believe that this is the right course of action. Maybe then he would think that I'm right and change his way of behavior. But it's also possible that he doesn't care what I think or that he actually understands that he has a sucky attitude and is perfectly fine with it, maybe even proud to be the gangsta he is. And he has the right to think this way, just as I have the right to think of him as scum. You can't expect everyone to have the same moral grounds as you. You can't take your own ideology and say that this is the best and only good way of living. It may be for you, but everyone else has to decide for themselves and they have the freedom to disagree with your views. If there is one thing, I would probably agree with Millennials on, then that the Internet is indeed culture. Sorry Rooke, but that is a very narrow-minded view you have here. For example, you may not like 4chan, but denying that 4chan is a big part of modern culture is simply just close-minded. Some fragile minds have difficulties with differentiating harmless banter from vicious insults. Sadly, that is a very big problem here on Fuwa.1 point