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Fred the Barber

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  1. Like
    Fred the Barber reacted to Mr Poltroon for a status update, I have to admit that Chrono Clock probably has the translation that has been the most   
    I have to admit that Chrono Clock probably has the translation that has been the most to my enjoyment out of anything I've read.
    I mean, 70% of it is probably the VN being good, but maybe the TL really is responsible for all these lines rendering me breathless... from laughing too much.
  2. Like
    Fred the Barber reacted to Mr Poltroon for a status update, Shots fired all the way from Japan.   
    Shots fired all the way from Japan.
  3. Like
    Fred the Barber reacted to Mr Poltroon for a status update, A certain understanding of the real meaning behind some words is crucial to get throu   
    A certain understanding of the real meaning behind some words is crucial to get through life unscathed.
  4. Like
    Fred the Barber reacted to Decay for a status update, Currently inserting some hot americanizations into the Dracu Riot translation.   
    Currently inserting some hot americanizations into the Dracu Riot translation.
  5. Like
    Fred the Barber reacted to Mr Poltroon for a status update, So I tried to woo some girls myself, but was met with this image:   
    So I tried to woo some girls myself, but was met with this image:

  6. Like
    Fred the Barber reacted to Mr Poltroon for a status update, This is a sentiment I truly believe in, and one Japanese VNs don't support much. You   
    This is a sentiment I truly believe in, and one Japanese VNs don't support much.
    You can't expect people to understand feelings and concerns you don't voice. You can go shove your "We don't need words. I'm the person who knows you best"s down the toilet.
  7. Like
    Fred the Barber reacted to Mr Poltroon for a status update, The girlfriend of my dreams.   
    The girlfriend of my dreams.
  8. Like
    Fred the Barber reacted to Mr Poltroon for a status update, I've been playing Mass Effect, and I felt it necessary to take note of the important   
    I've been playing Mass Effect, and I felt it necessary to take note of the important things:

    I guess its usage here just shikata ga nai.
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