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    Mugi got a reaction from yanderechan in LN's or VN's   
    I don't read many LN's, so i'm gonna have to say VN's
  2. Like
    Mugi got a reaction from Eclipsed in How depressing is Grisaia no Kajitsu? Are the good endings actually good, or just bittersweet?   
    I've heard mixed opinions on this VN, I've heard that it's just a school life romance with some mystery in it, but then I see posts talking about some dark shit, and that apparently I should read Makina's bad ending (if I read any of the bad endings). However i'm one who gets very emotionally invested in my VN's, so I don't take bad endings very well, and bittersweet endings are iffy. Am I going to want to die if I read this?
  3. Like
    Mugi got a reaction from Kosakyun in Show yourself off (RL picture thread)   
    I'm not comfortable enough with how I look to take many pictures, but here's one from last March after Comic Con. Have a Psyduck  
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    Mugi got a reaction from havoc in How depressing is Grisaia no Kajitsu? Are the good endings actually good, or just bittersweet?   
    That serious, eh? Oh boy ._.
  5. Like
    Mugi reacted to Helvetica Standard in 2014 Japan copyright infringement law shutting down sites   
    Nyaa is like the PB. It's immortal. Like a cat with a dozen thousand lives. Proxy lives.
    For good or bad, nothing and no one can't stop piracy, it's like that flavour text from
    a MTG card:

    *just replace "Krosa" with "anime sites"
    * Yes, I am a MTG geek
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    Mugi reacted to Flutterz in Hello all ^-^   
    Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay!
    How did you find out about Katawa Shoujo?
    Have a moe:

  8. Like
    Mugi reacted to LinovaA in Cooking Time!   
    1. Bread
    2. Peanut butter
    3. Smack em violently together
    4. Peanut butter sandwich
    And somehow you have also managed to set your kitchen on fire. #CookingWithLino
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    Mugi reacted to Nosebleed in Which route in If My Heart Had Wings is the true route? [Spoilers?]   
    True route is Hatto's route, get on this level already

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    Mugi reacted to Clephas in Do you re-read through the common route between each side route?   
    I should say that this is yet another area in which my well-trained story-lover's brain doesn't work the way the average reader's does.  When I'm reading a story, I have no difficulty keeping track of everything that is happening, which characters are which, how they react, etc. etc.  Compared to reading Steven Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen, even the most complex VN story and cast of characters is as simple to remember as what I ate for breakfast.
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