Natsuiro Kokoro Log is yet another low-quality charage not worth mentioning except to diss it.
Tarareba is a halfway decent charage by Aries, a company that generally doesn't produce high-quality games in the first place.
By now, a lot of you already no Sakura no Mori Dreamers. However, I'll note that this was one of several horror mystery series that came out in this and the next year that were halfway decent. If you liked Sakura no Mori, I suggest playing Butterfly Seeker.
Soshite Hatsukoi ga Imouto ni Naru... is a top class nakige that somehow - yet again - came out of a low-budget subsidiary of Alcot. This game, like most of Alcot Honey Comb's games, is pretty reliant on the writer quality in comparison to most modern VNs, which tend to be reliant on visual quality to pass themselves off as being worth the money. This game made me cry at least a half-dozen times each time I played it, because it was just that good.