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    Veshurik reacted to MrPalloncini in A complete guide to unpack and repack Yu-Ris engine files   
    I wanted to make this guide since i couldn't find some complete guide to mod any VN on yuris engine. The main reason is that i played euphoria and i wanted to mod it.
    All the examples you are going to find are my years of reverse engineering and online documentation on euphoria (Mangagamer) version of yuris (v474).
    How Yu-Ris engine works
    Yuris is an interpreter that uses code C-like, is often used with ERIS, which is the VN interactive engine part of the interpreter.
    The engine use its own file format called "YPF" for archives and "YBN" for scripts. The contents of the YPF file are usually assets since the archive can contain all kind of media, except videos.
    The engine can be configured to use debug mode, as well as a log mode if activated.
    Usually is used with some assets protection, using the ypf format, the algorithm should change with major version of the SDK. It also offer a XOR encryption protection for the scripts files.
    The engine uses SHIFT-JIS text encoding, to be compatible with Windows versions since 98 to today. This of course causes some issues with the text since the OS will use ASCII standard to read it.
    Unpacking YPF files
    Unpacking YPF files is quite simple since is a standard Zlib compression, however tools may be incompatible depending on the engine version.
    You can easily unpack those files by using yu-ris text replacer, arc_conv or GARbro.
    GARbro has a really simple UI to use and can extract each archive by guessing the key or using a list of known keys for each game you want to unpack.
    arc_conv is quite simple to use too, just double click the exe and pick the file, it should extract the ypf file into a folder in the same directory.
    Yuris text replacer will extract the files automatically without any input from the user, this however might be incompatible with some later games, since the app is not developed anymore and the project is not opensource.
    Unpacking Video files in YPF format
    Video files aren't really compressed or encoded, so renaming the YPF file with an MPG extension will works. (Example: OP.ypf -> OP.mpg)
    The encoding of the video itself is very specific and while it can be opened with a standard player, creating a new one for the game can be a pain, so i suggest to use sdk tools for repacking.
    Unpacking YBN files
    This is the part where all gets tricky, the game tries to protect all of the scripts assets with an XOR encryption. To find the text you must before unpack it from the YPF, usually is bn.ypf.
    Then, you have to find the encryption key, which is only an XOR key, meaning that all the 0 in the file is a letter of the key. For This reason, you should pick up a file with most NULL chars in it, so you can find the key more easily.

    As you can see, the file patter use so often x.0s chars, when the dot is an escape character so you must save the key in HEX format, in this case the key for euphoria is: 0x30731b78.
    You can also use this site: https://wiremask.eu/tools/xor-cracker/ to crack the file with some analysis by uploading it.
    Now that we have the key, we must find a good file to start our unpacking. I suggest to use an hex editor with a bitwise xor functionality with in, the only tool i found is Hex Editor Neo, but is a pay program, however there is a trial version, so if you can find a free one, let me know!
    We can now import some files to start our cracking, i suggest to import some files in the middle that should contain text, in my case i used the file yst00140.ybn.

    As you can see, we have some text that is used in the game itself, be aware that some file just use the text to instruct the engine and those files will be not exportable (yet).
    Now that we just know the key and the file to unpack, we can use ExtYbn to extract the plain text on the file.
    extybn is a ybn extractor, that can guess op-codes and extract the text with the given key, the app however must be compiled from Golang in a standard executable: https://github.com/regomne/chinesize/tree/master/yuris/extYbn
    I will give you the precompiled application.
    Now we should start the executable with the command line and use this argument: extYbn -e -ybn yst00140.ybn -output-opcode -key 0x30731b78

    This will give us the op-codes, which are useful to extract the text without issues that we may have.
    We now can unpack those files correctly using the following command: extYbn.exe -e -ybn yst00140.ybn -json unpacked.json -txt unpacked.txt -key 0x30731b78 -op-msg 95 op-call 29
    the following commands are explained in the help file, but i will give you a summary.
    -e: puts the program in extract mode -ybn: choose the input ybn file -json: will create a json file with all the offsets (required for repacking) -txt: will create a txt file with all the text inside -key: will specify the key in hex format -op-msg/call: will specify the op codes to extract the text We now should have the txt file, remember to use a compatible encoding (default one should be good) and use the syntax the engine will expect.
    To repack the file, the command is almost identical with some key difference: extYbn.exe -p -ybn yst00140.ybn  -txt unpacked.txt -new-ybn modded.ybn -key 0x30731b78 -op-msg 95 op-call 29
    in this case we removed the json file, which will be imported automatically, the -p mode to pack the file and the -new-bin command with the new filename.
    You can also verify the file by manually decrypting in the hex editor like before. However yu-ris is quite sensitive with the text, so your new text may crash the game. Be sure to have repacked well with the right encoding and byte space.
    Repack YPF files
    To repack the archives, i suggest you to use the official sdk, you might need to get used to it, but i'ts quite simple and you can find the manuals in the official site, they are in japanese but you can use translate with that url.
    The sdk should match the game version, however the only important thing is that the sdk must use the same repacking algorithm of the game. I'll leave the sdk for euphoria, but is possible to get it from the official site with an http request.
    Inside the engine folder, you should find a subfolder called system, then the YsPac folder. Inside that folder, there is the YPF packer that we are going to use.
    First we must drop the extracted folder inside the application and select it. Then we must click the top left menu bar, then click the second parameter. This will export the file.

    That's it, the file should now be exported as a YPF file.
    Feel free to contribute and improve this guide, if you have any issues let me know.
    Yu-Ris SDK link: https://mega.nz/file/FQBgxJib#Yirgo01FPfDQu8Mte2b3dGMSxZx2UPyjIDDMhZZ2mU0
    extYbn link: https://mega.nz/file/FQBgxJib#Yirgo01FPfDQu8Mte2b3dGMSxZx2UPyjIDDMhZZ2mU0
  2. Like
    Veshurik reacted to ragnar0574 in Issue with Guilty VN   
    Repacking is simple, right click on the folder in the GarBro interface and there is a create archive option
    One thing to be careful about is that if you pack a folder into an archive, its structure would be: archive-> folder-> contents
    So if the archive's structure is supposed to be archive-> contents, then you select all the files within the folder and create an archive out of them, it's a pretty common issue when packing Kirikiri archives, among other things
  3. Like
    Veshurik reacted to Clephas in How do I access unofficially translated visual novels?   
    90% of the patches (from 2005-2018) were done entirely through manual translation with mtl only being used for individual words.  This was because it was only recently that some MTL apps/sites/etc could actually translate a complete sentence from Japanese to English coherently.  Even now, they can't handle proverbs, colloquialisms, and slang/local dialects, so they are only used for 'rough' first-day patches, mostly on indie VNs.
    Edit: The reason I feel a need to mention this is because these people put a ton of work into something that didn't get them anything but prestige and has mostly been forgotten in the years since.  This is literally hundreds or even thousands of hours of work in some cases, done in people's free time.  While some of these fan patches were later purchased by localization companies and retooled for localization, there are still a number of games where my statement still applies.
  4. Love
    Veshurik reacted to Natsuyoshi in Noratoto - 18+ Restoration Project   
    Alright so I read that the patch is done since they restored all the CGs but only thing missing is the english translation but I don't really care about it. Does someone have the patch or a way for me to contact the team ? Since I can read japanese and I bought Nora to Oujo recently i'd just be glad to restore all the CGs !
  5. Like
    Veshurik reacted to snowbell55 in Recent (Japanese) Things You Have Purchased   
    It's here!

    I'm SO GLAD to finally have this. I'd been wanting to buy the physical copy for some months now, but it was kind of hard to justify seeing as I've already read the VN (on Steam), and the asking price was kind of high wherever I could find a copy. However, I started to reconsider, but by then the copies had already begun to run out everywhere I could find them, and I just barely managed to miss the chance to get one when they were being advertised a few weeks ago. I managed to find a copy, though, and jumped on it as quickly as I could, and now it's finally here! . 
    I'd been planning on rereading the common route (as well as the Rise route) before jumping in to W Happiness as an end-of-year treat so this just makes me want to do so even more. The really nice part, too, is that it's not just the VN - there's the artbook and soundtrack as well (two aspects of the VN I really enjoyed): I get the strong feeling that even if Mangagamer do reissue hard copies of PE (like for Kara no Shoujo and ef: A Fairy Tale of the Two), they won't include the artbook and soundtrack. Princess Evangile is my third favorite VN, and one I have a lot of happy memories reading, and I'm really really glad to have it physically. It makes for a great start to my burgeoning VN collection. The next step is to acquire what will most likely be the pride of my collection. 
  6. Love
    Veshurik got a reaction from Erogamer in Massive Sale on Fanza Games   
    Nice sale! I purchased "Royal Garden", played trial version long time ago, and it was interesting! Also, append DLC, woohoo! 😀
  7. Like
    Veshurik reacted to marcus-beta in Noratoto - 18+ Restoration Project   
    They're all waiting for me, since I got a job my time is gone, at least for now.
  8. Like
    Veshurik reacted to Formlose Gestalt in Getchu Bishoujo Game Awards 2019 are out   
    There has been no official confirmation, but the game has been found in the Steamdb as Meteor World Actor here. (Including a complete english opening here.) The translation company behind it is most likely ShiraVN (https://twitter.com/shira_vn) since they are partnered  with or a part/subsidiary/western publishing arm of DMM. Since the game hasn't been official announced they can't really comment on it, but I would be pretty sure that they are behind it.
  9. Thanks
    Veshurik reacted to meru in Lamunation Release   
    Thanks to everyone who has bought the game! The release is going really well so far!!
    Regarding the price, we set it so low for two reasons. 1) As adamstan said, we're hoping to appeal to the Chinese market, as well as to more casual fans/newbies to visual novels who are more likely to buy at a lower price point. 2) We ported the game to a new engine, which meant some of the QOL features had to be cut from the original version, so we thought it was fair to reduce the price accordingly.
    If anyone has any questions, drop them here and I'll do my best to answer
  10. Like
    Veshurik reacted to Novel21 in Lamunation! [OUT NOW!] by Love Lab   
    I can't wait myself, I'm looking forward to 22 now and I'm excited for to play Lamunation. 
  11. Like
    Veshurik got a reaction from Novel21 in Lamunation! [OUT NOW!] by Love Lab   
    Sugoi! Can't wait!
  12. Like
    Veshurik got a reaction from alien51 in How to extract music from new/rare Visual Novel ?   
    PFS files fully supported in GARBro.
  13. Like
    Veshurik got a reaction from Formlose Gestalt in Nexton asking your opinion about localizing titles in English   
    If you don't know, Nexton company asks your opinion about localizing their titles in English.

    Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe7IzCIx0bNv5208-akYxzrf-DmX9MuWbKZCVRtrZLccIGA4Q/viewform
    They have official site and English Discord, when you can discuss their titles and ask questions. And also Facebook!
    Nexton plans to localize their games with Mangagamer and "one else localization company" (Nekonyan, maybe?)
    If someone of you don't know anything about Nexton company, you can see their site and information on VNDB.
    What you expect from them? 
    And yes, all their titles will be uncensored in English, so don't worry about that.
    P.S. I voted for Amakano series. And you?
  14. Like
    Veshurik got a reaction from Mr Poltroon in Nexton asking your opinion about localizing titles in English   
    If you don't know, Nexton company asks your opinion about localizing their titles in English.

    Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe7IzCIx0bNv5208-akYxzrf-DmX9MuWbKZCVRtrZLccIGA4Q/viewform
    They have official site and English Discord, when you can discuss their titles and ask questions. And also Facebook!
    Nexton plans to localize their games with Mangagamer and "one else localization company" (Nekonyan, maybe?)
    If someone of you don't know anything about Nexton company, you can see their site and information on VNDB.
    What you expect from them? 
    And yes, all their titles will be uncensored in English, so don't worry about that.
    P.S. I voted for Amakano series. And you?
  15. Like
    Veshurik got a reaction from Dreamysyu in Nexton asking your opinion about localizing titles in English   
    If you don't know, Nexton company asks your opinion about localizing their titles in English.

    Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe7IzCIx0bNv5208-akYxzrf-DmX9MuWbKZCVRtrZLccIGA4Q/viewform
    They have official site and English Discord, when you can discuss their titles and ask questions. And also Facebook!
    Nexton plans to localize their games with Mangagamer and "one else localization company" (Nekonyan, maybe?)
    If someone of you don't know anything about Nexton company, you can see their site and information on VNDB.
    What you expect from them? 
    And yes, all their titles will be uncensored in English, so don't worry about that.
    P.S. I voted for Amakano series. And you?
  16. Like
    Veshurik got a reaction from SaintOfVoid in Nexton asking your opinion about localizing titles in English   
    If you don't know, Nexton company asks your opinion about localizing their titles in English.

    Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe7IzCIx0bNv5208-akYxzrf-DmX9MuWbKZCVRtrZLccIGA4Q/viewform
    They have official site and English Discord, when you can discuss their titles and ask questions. And also Facebook!
    Nexton plans to localize their games with Mangagamer and "one else localization company" (Nekonyan, maybe?)
    If someone of you don't know anything about Nexton company, you can see their site and information on VNDB.
    What you expect from them? 
    And yes, all their titles will be uncensored in English, so don't worry about that.
    P.S. I voted for Amakano series. And you?
  17. Like
    Veshurik got a reaction from Canicheslayer in Conjureror's sister has made a public statement about what happened with Conjureror on Twitter   
    To be honest, I don't even understand what happened. That's so sad, anyway. 
  18. Like
    Veshurik got a reaction from Fred the Barber in Majokoi aka Witch's Love Diary Release by Sekai Project [UPDATED]   
    Unfortunately, such behaviour in prologue can give wrong impression of game for players (by the way, that's why we need demo versions of game to test it before buying).
    My friend also dropped that VN and even didn't finish prologue, and my words about "please, read next" don't convince them to continue. Eh... That's minus of that game.
  19. Like
    Veshurik reacted to Clephas in How do you guys feel about the JVN industry right now?   
    This is my impression of what the state the industry is in right now (some of this is repeated from previous posts I've made here on the forums).
    Just to get this out of the way, the VN industry (non-nukige) is currently in the process of contracting and changing priorities.  The industry has long relied charage/moege to keep sales up, which has ironically led to most of the writing talent fleeing to other mediums.  This wasn't really a problem until the last six years or so.  Why has it become a problem?  Because my generation in Japan has less money for spending on high school nostalgia than it did back in 2014.  At the same time, the younger generation of otakus in Japan is far less interested in standard charage (high school situations, predictable romances, etc), so this means that the industry is not set up to compensate for the demographic changes in its consumer base.
    To be blunt, more and more VN consumers want something with an actual story.  Unfortunately, due to the trends of the last decade, writers who can actually produce what they want are in short supply.  As a result, the VN industry is contracting as companies find they can't replace the talent they abandoned during the charage boom as easily as they could the random ero-writers they've been using up until now. 
    A few pieces of evidence (that don't involve hearsay).  The relative number of plotge to charage made in the last two years (regardless of quality) has tipped toward plotge significantly... though most of those are of lower quality than in the pre-2015 years due to the aforementioned lack of talented writers.  Navel and the other major names in particular are aggressively testing the waters, as is evidenced by their releases in the last few years (fewer FDs, more new IPs, resurrection of IPs with a differing atmosphere than previously seen, etc). 
    A few hiccups:  Overcompensation... the fondness of the younger generation for the consumption of escapist material has led to a string of low-quality fantasy VNs in the last couple of years (Digination being the source of many of them).  This would normally be a good sign, but it is troubling that the new writing talent that is emerging isn't leaving much of an impression on someone who is as much of a fantasy addict as I am.  The flow of money into these 'experimental' games (lol) has diverted funds that probably would have normally been pumped into charage developing, which has caused the actual number of non-nukige VNs released to fall overall. 
    A key statistic drawn from my experiences over the past decade...  Until the last two years, it was normal for 6 or more non-nukige VNs to be released each month on average.  However, increasingly we are seeing months where only three or four releases are seen... and those releases differ significantly in nature from previous years (and are even spottier in quality). 
  20. Like
    Veshurik reacted to ChaosRaven in Majokoi aka Witch's Love Diary Release by Sekai Project [UPDATED]   
    Hmm, started this at the weekend and so far it seems to be a pure nukige. Alice finds a diary where a scum protagonist pretty much bangs every female being that can't run away fast enough. But naturally, everyone of them is willingly spreading their legs as soon as he gets in range of 5 meters. I've rarely seen such an unlikable protagonist. If it continues like that I'll definitely drop it.
  21. Like
    Veshurik got a reaction from Silvz in Western Visual Novel Publishers Often Release Games at a Loss Due to Piracy (ft. words from CEO of Sol Press, Xeviax)   
    Why most of people here thinks that Newton is strange title? I knew about that game and was surprised about localizing... And that game seems good with nice art and story. I don't understand, what is wrong... 
  22. Like
    Veshurik reacted to Plk_Lesiak in Western Visual Novel Publishers Often Release Games at a Loss Due to Piracy (ft. words from CEO of Sol Press, Xeviax)   
    Then you definitely don't want to play Moe! Ninja Girls or any of those dozens of mobile otome it shares its business model with.
    Edit: I'm actually playing one ATM, just testing how unbearable it is without paying. I recetly had to farm the in-game currency for three days to clear a roadblock that literally prevented me from reading the story, despite having enough story tickets to cover two full chapters. It would cost $5 in premium currency to skip it (plus I would get a "premium version" of that story bit). I still somehow can't help but be amazed with how scummy these games are, literally the worst of the worst in mobile gaming.
    Sorry for OT.
  23. Like
    Veshurik got a reaction from Kenshin_sama in Western Visual Novel Publishers Often Release Games at a Loss Due to Piracy (ft. words from CEO of Sol Press, Xeviax)   
    Oh my God.  If this article is true, and the Sol Press CEO did not give an interview in a bad mood ...
     And the VN market in the West is so saturated that players simply have no money to buy novels ...
     What to say about the countries of the second and third world?
     I live in Russia.  And honestly, I can call this country the third world country.  I never hope to see official translations of VN into Russian, this is just a useless idea.  Once in the West, where everything is bad, and if the English language (the main language of the world) novels do not pay off... What to say about other countries and translations into other languages?
    Only silent...
     I don’t want to talk about my life and expenses (I was politely asked to shut up when I started doing this on the forum), but if I can, I buy games, although I know perfectly well that I don’t have time or energy for them.
     I do not think that +1 copy, especially for the Russian regional price (1/4 of the original price) can solve something, but I am happy to support those VNs hat interest me.
     Sol Press pleasantly surprised me by picking up the great Witch's Garden, as well as Happiness 2.
     But Windmill and other companies are so little known among all the others... Niche eroge studios...
     That I have a feeling that these VNs are needed only by 2.5 anonymous.
     This is sad.
     And, apparently, the employees of Sol Press themselves really like these VNs, which is probably why they are working at a loss just to see their favorite title published officially.
     Thank you, Sol Press.  I would cry if I were you.
    We have very, very similar tastes.  I am glad that you have the means and opportunities to localize VN in the West, and ... Those who, let's be honest, are not needed by anyone (almost).
     So I will support you to the end.
     (I bought Majo Koi Nikki on the first day of release and am very happy. And you?)
    Sorry for my English.
  24. Like
    Veshurik got a reaction from Plk_Lesiak in Western Visual Novel Publishers Often Release Games at a Loss Due to Piracy (ft. words from CEO of Sol Press, Xeviax)   
    Oh my God.  If this article is true, and the Sol Press CEO did not give an interview in a bad mood ...
     And the VN market in the West is so saturated that players simply have no money to buy novels ...
     What to say about the countries of the second and third world?
     I live in Russia.  And honestly, I can call this country the third world country.  I never hope to see official translations of VN into Russian, this is just a useless idea.  Once in the West, where everything is bad, and if the English language (the main language of the world) novels do not pay off... What to say about other countries and translations into other languages?
    Only silent...
     I don’t want to talk about my life and expenses (I was politely asked to shut up when I started doing this on the forum), but if I can, I buy games, although I know perfectly well that I don’t have time or energy for them.
     I do not think that +1 copy, especially for the Russian regional price (1/4 of the original price) can solve something, but I am happy to support those VNs hat interest me.
     Sol Press pleasantly surprised me by picking up the great Witch's Garden, as well as Happiness 2.
     But Windmill and other companies are so little known among all the others... Niche eroge studios...
     That I have a feeling that these VNs are needed only by 2.5 anonymous.
     This is sad.
     And, apparently, the employees of Sol Press themselves really like these VNs, which is probably why they are working at a loss just to see their favorite title published officially.
     Thank you, Sol Press.  I would cry if I were you.
    We have very, very similar tastes.  I am glad that you have the means and opportunities to localize VN in the West, and ... Those who, let's be honest, are not needed by anyone (almost).
     So I will support you to the end.
     (I bought Majo Koi Nikki on the first day of release and am very happy. And you?)
    Sorry for my English.
  25. Like
    Veshurik got a reaction from Fred the Barber in Western Visual Novel Publishers Often Release Games at a Loss Due to Piracy (ft. words from CEO of Sol Press, Xeviax)   
    Oh my God.  If this article is true, and the Sol Press CEO did not give an interview in a bad mood ...
     And the VN market in the West is so saturated that players simply have no money to buy novels ...
     What to say about the countries of the second and third world?
     I live in Russia.  And honestly, I can call this country the third world country.  I never hope to see official translations of VN into Russian, this is just a useless idea.  Once in the West, where everything is bad, and if the English language (the main language of the world) novels do not pay off... What to say about other countries and translations into other languages?
    Only silent...
     I don’t want to talk about my life and expenses (I was politely asked to shut up when I started doing this on the forum), but if I can, I buy games, although I know perfectly well that I don’t have time or energy for them.
     I do not think that +1 copy, especially for the Russian regional price (1/4 of the original price) can solve something, but I am happy to support those VNs hat interest me.
     Sol Press pleasantly surprised me by picking up the great Witch's Garden, as well as Happiness 2.
     But Windmill and other companies are so little known among all the others... Niche eroge studios...
     That I have a feeling that these VNs are needed only by 2.5 anonymous.
     This is sad.
     And, apparently, the employees of Sol Press themselves really like these VNs, which is probably why they are working at a loss just to see their favorite title published officially.
     Thank you, Sol Press.  I would cry if I were you.
    We have very, very similar tastes.  I am glad that you have the means and opportunities to localize VN in the West, and ... Those who, let's be honest, are not needed by anyone (almost).
     So I will support you to the end.
     (I bought Majo Koi Nikki on the first day of release and am very happy. And you?)
    Sorry for my English.
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