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    Dergonu reacted to littleshogun for a blog entry, The Black-Haired Girl Review   
    Visual Novel Translation Status (08/06/2016)
    Well, sorry for not interesting title here. For the title, since admin Tay was recommended us to buy Fata Morgana 6 times while in Fata Morgana we had white haired girl, so why not make black haired girl as the title here since we had the black haired girl as image header. For VN release (Hunk Factory), let's just said that it's not my interest to said it lightly. Oh, and for the VN in image header, it's quite unpopular there if we looking at VNDB.
    This week there's not much update to write here, and Sekai was apparently had some shakeup in the company. JAST was still usual business for them (No update), and there's no update from Mangagamer (Maybe they preparing for Otakon) instead they hold summer sales there, which to be honest not quite interested but if you want to buy Mangagamer VN at cheaper price, go ahead. And since we didn't had many update, instead of section I'll just made some roundup for each paragraph here.
    Sekai, while they facing some shakeup they're still give some usual update here. Both of Tenshin Rahman and Maitetsu progress here was had significant progress (19.27% translated for Maitetsu and 33.78% for Tenshin Rahman), while Chrono Clock progress here was as fast as snail ie slow (26.84% translated). I Miss Her was had 0.2% translation progress bringing it to 7.22% translated. And for last news here Princess Knight will be released at August 30th according to Steam store here. Other than small updates, there's not much here.
    For fan translation progress, first of all let me said that Kanobito translation will be joined with Luna Translation here (By the way, finally Kanobito had editor there). Speaking about Luna Translation, this week they gave some juicy update here (Majokoi 30% translated, while for Witch Garden we had 66% translation progress (Eclair route was fully translated) and 10% TLC). Bishoujo Mangekyou, we had 33.9% editing progress and QC at 20.1%. For Tsui Yuri, there's some update in editing (63% edited) but looks like there will be some obstacle in translating here. Other than that, not much to talk here, although if I may nitpicking here Hanasaki progress was not 43% translated for Hikari's route, but 48% (I knew it's quite hard to see the exact number though).
    For closing words here right now I also played Supipara, which since this is minori it mean that there's usual scenery porn from them, and there's some nice sakura effect there (Although it slowed down the text though, or maybe my laptop was too old here). By the way, for first word here the MC was had some kind of amnesia and so does his mother (Which quite young despite being around 36 or 37). I'll write my little review about this later.
    Sorry for short entry this week here, and see you next week.
    PS - Maybe next week I'll also write about Otakon announcement here.
    Edit - Right now for Hanasaki we had more than half (51%) Hikari route translated.
  2. Like
    Dergonu reacted to john 'mr. customer' smith for a blog entry, I don't care about writing   
    Tell me, how does this image make you feel?

    This was the first thing I ever saw when hearing about Planetarian. I still vividly remember that moment, and how it made me feel. It made me feel like the world was at its literal and figurative end, civilization just a memory. A cold, empty, dangerous world. And somehow, at the peak of it all, this being, standing there. at once a tangible remnant of that civilization, stuck in a warm, cozy world of her own, and at the same time something much older, much wiser than that civilization. No work of fiction has ever drawn me in as strongly as this. Then, I read it.
    TL;DR Planetarian is the best VN
    The fact that this is a written article about why I don't care about writing should tell you that it's not going to be very well-written, just keep that in mind.
    I was inspired to write this by this video by Digibro. I suggest you watch it (up to about 12:13), but to summarize, he says that most media critics value writing above all else, and treat aesthetic elements as secondary. He then claims that, since nearly all critics are also writers, that is not surprising, and then goes on to explain how aesthetic elements can indeed tell a story that no words will ever be able to.
    And this made me realize: I simply don't care about writing and prose. I'm not saying that I can't appreciate it, or that I've never enjoyed purely written media, but when it comes to all the works of fiction that I truly love, aesthetic has always been the primary reason for that love.
    To me, writing in a VN is just string. It's there to hold the story together (and doing it well is certainly important), but all of the emotion has to be conveyed through the visuals and music. Nearly all VN critics are writers, and therefore not likely to fully acknowledge the value of art and sound direction. Art, in this community, is seen as something that should be pretty (BiMan) and music as something that should sound good (Little Busters) and almost nothing more. Frankly, I think that's bullshit. Neither art nor sound should just be there to make everything feel right, or to 'fit the mood'. They should be there to create a mood of their own, tell a story of their own.
    Now, let's look at Planetarian, and how I believe it still works well without a script. May contain vague rambling

    This is a panning shot of a pre-apocalyptic street. I'm a big fan of imagery like this. There's something beautifully immersive about the lighting. Personally, whenever I feel stressed, there's nothing I like to do more than walk outside on a rainy evening, breathing deeply, letting my mind clear. It's a wonderful world. Shame it all had to end.
    Now let's add music to it, shall we?
    Just listen to this while looking at the next one.

    To me, this is like a massive, fluffy bed of nostalgia. while Yumemi is talking about absolutely nothing, I am somehow right there, in that dusty old planetarium, and she is just sitting there, calmly. An artifact from a bygone age, something that could not be repaired or even maintained by anyone alive right now. When I read Planetarian, these scenes make it feel like Yumemi was part of some strange ritual, somehow kept in a perfect equilibrium all that time, despite everything that has happened, and the protagonist has brutally interrupted that ritual.
    Now listen to this.

    In the projection scenes, you are the audience and Yumemi will be your guide for the evening. This is where she really shines. This is exactly what she was made for, what all that (now pointless) chatter was intended for. All she wants is to show you and the protagonist the most beautiful thing she knows, and personally, I was just as moved by the whole thing as the Junker was, and was basically crying sweating from my eyes throughout both parts of the projection.
    I think I'll stop here. I'm obviously not claiming writing isn't important, it clearly is, I'm just trying to illustrate (pun intended) that visuals and sound can tell (parts of) a good story all by themselves.
    Be sure to look out for any AESTHETICS  you can find, will you?
  3. Like
    Dergonu reacted to littleshogun for a blog entry, Samurai, Witch, and Princess Review   
    Visual Novel Translation Status (07/30/2016)
    For the title, first two should be obvious if we looking at the picture (Samurai from ChuSingura and Witch from Supipara). For the princess part, the character in Corona Blossom was voiced by Fujimori Yukina and since Fujimori Yukina also voiced a princess in Madou Koukaku (Margrietta), I using princess part as seiyuu joke here.
    To be honest for VNTS this week there's not much update here, so let me try to give my impression for the releases here first. All I could said that the releases was still in partial part for supposed fully Visual Novel. Oh, and sorry for late post here.
    About ChuSingura, interesting strategy maybe using Chapter 2 and 3 as DLC for freely available Chapter 1. If I may speak a little more here, Chapter 1 was dealing with purple haired MILF (Ooishi Kuranosuke) that could be able turn to child, Chapter 2 dealing with blue haired samurai (Horibee Yasube, also the samurai in VNTS Image) who want to avenge her lord (Or should be lady here), and Chapter 3 dealing with the daughter of the MILF (Ooishi Chikara) according from the review that I read. My question here would be when last 2 chapters will be released, although looking from release pattern there hopefully not too long (Keep in mind that this is only my wishful thinking).
    Supipara, the opening song was good, the scenery porn was as expected from minori, and there's no sex scene so if this entered Steam it shouldn't be much surprise here. Unfortunately, the no sex scene here was apparently the source of Supipara downfall because there's some issue that the people didn't want to buy this because there's no sex scene here back at Japan. And because of Supipara flop I'd also read some post that say minori was about face bankruptcy before some rich people donate them. Since Japan sales was flop, minori was of course interested with Steam and decided to license Supipara and use their own of fundraising to develop future Supipara chapters, which to be honest it was quite worrying if we looking from the fund gathered. For useless trivia, Supipara was acronym for Smile, Peace, Passion, and Love there.
    Corona Blossom, well Volume 1 was released as expected. But what caught my attention here would be the length according to VNDB. If the length at VNDB was true, we'll probably will get something like medium length visual novel here, although for now we still couldn't know it though. The reason it was short was maybe it's another experiment here just like back at KARAKARA, but instead from Sekai this time we apparently had Frontwing interested by crowfunding here and using Indie Go Go. Unlike ChuSingura which we still didn't know when it'll be delivered and Supipara which the problem was lack of necessary funds for now, Frontwing was promised us that Volume 2 and 3 will be delivered around October here (I don't certain though).
    Sekai Project
    Chrono Clock was 26.44% translated I Miss Her was at 7.02% translated Tenshin Rahman 30.49% translated Maitetsu was at 16.32% translated Wagahigh was at 21.9% translated Dovac outburst at his Twitter earlier aside, there's no much update from Sekai because most of their project was listed at 100% here. Although if I may give some comment here would be the progress for Chrono Clock, Maitetsu, and Tenshin Rahman here was very slow. Oh, and Just Desert was released but there's still no Indonesian language release ie it'll be released later. Maybe next week I'll just list Sekai like this and without comment, because there's noting worth to comment from them mostly.
    Fan Translation
    Bishoujo Mangekyou was 32% edited and 18.2% QC-ing Tsui Yuri was 63% translated Majokoi demo translation patch released Yosuga no Sora was 88.15% translated and apparently this is their first update for half a year Lovely Caption was 34% translated Other than usual update, I'd more interested with Yosuga no Sora here, because this project was already go for very long time and yet still not finished. The good question here would be when the heck this project will be finished (Although the main girl route Sora was already translated though). Oh, and the premise was like incest between twin sibling here, and the girl twin was Sora. About Majokoi, I'll try it later. Speaking about patch, in regard of Dracu Riot turn out that the last week patch from Fiddle should be release for next year April Fool, because it change the name of the cast and made it more confusing. I think that's all I could comment now.
    For other section, other than ChuSingura 2 more chapters release and Corona Blossom Volume 1 release that I wrote earlier, there's some surprise in regard of Libra translation progress. This week we had Calen's route at 25% translated, and I think the progress will including editing and QC (Although I still questioning if there will be another update from Mikandi though).
    That's all for this week VNTS Review, and see you next week
    Edit 1 - Just check it, and we also had progress from Tsukiyori translation project. Right now it was at 24% translated for Luna's route.
    Edit 2 - There's another update from Clover Days project that Ittaku decided to translated the twins route since the designated translator for the mentioned route was MIA or something like that. Here's his post for the proof and good luck for you, Ittaku.
    Edit 3 (8/1) - There's a big update from Hanasaki (48% translated for Hikari's route). I'll try to add update in edit if there's happening after my blogpost here (The late-most here fou update would be Monday)
  4. Like
    Dergonu reacted to sanahtlig for a blog entry, In-Depth Review: Seinarukana + Info Hub   
    Seinarukana is an ambitious visual novel / SRPG hybrid that should appeal to fans of anime-style JRPGs like Ar tonelico and Agarest War.
    In-Depth Review: Seinarukana + Info Hub
    Review highlights:
    Classic JRPG storyline mixing comedy and high fantasy Streamlined battle system with decent depth and no grind Good value even at full price New game + adds replayability  Choose the heroine Nozomu ends up with All major characters except protagonist fully-voiced in Japanese, some good BGMs
    The game is less impressive in 2016 than it was in 2007 Like many JRPGs, the characters and writing lack maturity Stereotypical harem protagonist The gameplay doesn't have the depth, especially in customization, of some mainstream JRPGs Route branches aren't sufficiently different to justify a second playthrough Combat becomes monotonous after a while, especially on subsequent playthroughs
  5. Like
    Dergonu reacted to littleshogun for a blog entry, Eating Ramen with 'Izumi Curtis' Review   
    Visual Novel Translation Status (07/23/2016)
    I know that the woman beside Yuuji who eat ramen there wasn't Izumi Curtis from Fullmetal Alchemist (Hence the quotation). In fact her name was Kusakabe Asako, Yuuji's deceased master and actually from the spoiler that I read looks like Asako had shower some though love to Yuuji, just like Izumi to Elric brothers. Okay, enough my opinion about Asako here and let's review this week VNTS. To be honest, Afterglow here (The source VNTS picture) wasn't the big news to me here, but rather it was Yoake leaked patch.
    About Yoake patch actually this should be a big news there, considering that Yoake was from August, which as we knew was in some sort of curse that their game wasn't fully translated. Yet this time we had one August game fully translated even though it's still maybe unfinished here. To conclude Reddit situation, if Decay still want to wait for Erengy patch, go ahead but I think while maybe the patch was unpolished, it's still serviceable for full Yoake translation patch imo.
    Okay, let's not speaking about sticky situation there and let's try to continue my review here. For Sekai, there's no meaningful progress there to me other than Chrono Clock reaching 26.31% translated and Rakuen was halfway translated. JAST, it's usual business for them ie no update. Oh, and other than Afterglow release, Frontwing also released Corona Blossom demo which from next week release I'll call this Corona Blossom Volume 1. In regard of Sharin, too bad Frontwing cancelled Sharin Kickstarter though. Guess it's not get much attention here, considering it didn't managed to gather half of it (Only around 50,000 out of 140,000 fund gathered).
    Fan Translation
    There's still no update from Luna Translation here, so in this case I'll add the update in here later. Both of Bishoujo Mangekyou and Tsui Yuri still give their usual update here, good job (Mangekyou was 25.7% edited and 16% edited (Congratulations for re-releasing prologue patch by the way), while Tsui Yuri was 55% translated and 53% edited). From Hanasaki we had Hikari's route at 35% translated. As for Tsukiyori, we had 22% Luna's route translated for the progress, and overall translation progress for Tsukiyori was at 33%. For last update here, once again while I suspect that Akerou will ask Sekai to license Irotoridori later, I'm still give the progress here (By the way for the progress it was 19% translated). Overall for this week, other than slightly controversial Yoake leaked patch it was only usual update here.
    This week we had many update from them as expected. In fact there's so many of them that I'll list it below
    Both of Da Capo 3 and Bokuten finally fully edited Himawari finally entering beta testing Hadaka Shitsuji 17% translated Pygmalion 32% edited Suki Suki 63% translated Kyonyuu Fantasy released at September 9th Fata Morgana Fandisc was at a quarter (25%) translated Evangile W was 55% translated and a quarter edited Imopara 2 was 48% translated and 30% edited Kuroinu 82% translated and 21% edited For overall progress, Suki Suki here was had fast progress here, although the reason here could be just like back when Kyonyuu Fantasy was announced and suddenly it'll be ready for released. Speaking about Kyonyuu Fantasy, if some of you find the Funbag name was quite silly ie ridiculous, blame Arunaru for that because it was his idea for the localization title according to his Twitter. Da Capo 3 and Bokuten fully edited here should be a good news of course, and hopefully it'll be had quick scripting here unlike Himawari. Although for Bokuten it should be quick if we talk about scripting because Overdrive had some connection with Mangagamer here. For Himawari, finally they entering the testing after they had scripting process for so long here, and this is should be good news for anyone who waited for this, especially Decay. Pygmalion, I wonder if my word here started to becoming true in regard of 8% editing progress for each 2 weeks. For the rest, no much comment for now. 
    That's all for my VNTS Review at this week. See you next week.
    Edit - There's an update from Luna translation, but beforehand let me said that they'll decided to do biweekly update from now on. As for the progress we had Majokoi 28% translated and 15% edited, while for Witch Garden there's very slightly progress in translation (217 more lines translated) and 9% TLC. That's all for their update, and let's see in 2 weeks later for their progress.
    Edit 2 - Dracu Riot Completion Project released heavily edited patch here according to Fiddle. And he said sorry for in 2 months that he couldn't deliver his promise. Although he said that the translation from now on will move quickly though. Personally what I care here wasn't their decision to change British English to American English, but rather that they apparently still not translating the last half part of Miu's route. But whatever, it's their decision though and if the translation will go quicker, then so be it. Also, maybe they could release the complete patch in Christmas to, you know for celebrating one year of Noble Works patch release.
  6. Like
    Dergonu reacted to Fred the Barber for a blog entry, What Is Editing? (baby don't hurt me)   
    My blog posts so far have mostly been about how to edit. That holds true for most every other VN editing blog I've ever seen as well. But I'm a really big believer in approaching any significant task from a "Why, What, How" perspective. So now, let's try to answer those first two questions.
    Even "What Is Editing" would be starting in too far (it made for a better title, so sue me). Let's start with this: why do translation projects, or even original fiction projects like novels, have editors?
    The goal of editing is to help the author achieve their goals.
    An author brings a whole lot of goals to the table: a story, characters with personalities and motivations, a setting, overarching motifs, style, ... probably a lot of other stuff I forgot. Anyway, you get the idea; there's a lot there which they're just trying to get out on paper (or bits, or whatever) and then into your brain.
    An editor doesn't bring any of that stuff. An editor instead strives to understand all of these things the author wants to communicate, finds the points where they can be better achieved, and refines the text to better achieve the author's goals. Although there's obviously some overlap, there are quite different skill sets involved in the raw writing and the editing, and thus the two roles are often fulfilled by two people.
    How about for a translated VN, rather than for, say, writing a novel? The story is roughly the same, actually. Although the translator has essentially the same goals as the editor in this case, the skill sets required are quite different, and thus differentiating the two roles is not uncommon and frequently beneficial to the project, for the same reasons as it is with original writing and editing.
    I'll also add that an original writer is usually considered "too close" to the original text to make a good editor. Even a writer who is also a great editor will benefit from having someone else edit their manuscript. I haven't heard the same thing said of translators, though, so that might not be relevant to this special case. But the skill set differentiation point still stands in the case of translation.
    Assuming you're satisfied with that explanation for Why, let's move on to What.
    Professional manuscript editing typically distinguishes four kinds of editing: developmental editing, line editing, copy editing, and proofreading. Those are ordered based on both the scope of changes they make, and also the chronological order in which you should do them: developmental editing is very macroscopic and happens first, while proofreading is very microscopic and happens last. Let's drill into each:
    Developmental Editing
    Developmental editing is, first, the act of identifying all of those authorial goals I mentioned, and second the act of cutting, rearranging, and adding large chunks (think: add this whole new scene, cut that whole character) in order to advance the author's goals.
    Obviously, that second half isn't applicable to VN translation. You're not going to cut whole scenes or change how characters behave. Those decisions have already long since been made by the original writers, hopefully with the help of an editor of their own ;).
    But the first half is essential, and is quite a bit harder in VN translation, since you generally can't actually talk to the writer. Read it all, understand the authorial goals, and build a strong, consistent interpretation of the plot, the characters, the motifs, the setting, the tone, everything you can think of. If you don't form an interpretation while translating/editing, you're liable to thwart the author's goals as part of your translation, and as a result accidentally obscure or entirely lose key points of the original intent. Of course, you'll occasionally make mistakes in your interpretation, resulting in mistakes in translation. But if you don't even form an interpretation, the result will actually be worse: you'll still make mistakes in the translation, and the resulting translation will certainly be internally inconsistent, but you won't notice those internal inconsistencies because you have no guiding interpretation. If you form a consistent interpretation and let it guide your translation, when the text goes against your interpretation, the resulting inconsistency means you'll notice it, correct your interpretation, and then go back and modify your translation to fit the corrected interpretation.
    Line Editing
    Line editing is about assessing and fixing the flow of a scene and the flow of a line. It's about logic, language, word choice, rhythm, the mechanics of a sentence, and the sound of human speech. It is not concerned with grammatical errors, punctuation, and spelling, but more with higher-level ideas like tone, emotion, and atmosphere. A line editor worries whether a sentence ought to be punchy or loquacious, not whether it has all the commas in all the right places.
    "Logic" probably seemed a bit out of place there, so let me give an example for that one in particular, since it's essential. For example, unless you're editing the VN equivalent of a Beckett play (and if you are, please point me to that VN, because I'm interested), one dialog line should generally be a logical response to the previous one. A canny line editor will ensure the logical flow from event to event, line to line, and even scene to scene, ensuring consistency of the narration.
    This is also where all that authorial intent mentioned above comes into play: an editor in this capacity should also be ensuring consistency of a line with those overarching goals. A good line editor will help ensure that characterization is consistent, for instance, or that a motif is not buried inappropriately. An editor, in their avatar as the keeper of consistency, is crucial to achieving those authorial goals.
    The prose side of line editing is also key simply because stilted speech, unnatural utterances, redundant repetition, awkward alliteration, and their ilk all kick you out of the immersion. Your brain wants to keep reading something when it flows well. And nothing hits softer than shitty prose.
    Line editing is the meat of VN editing. It's what most existing VN editing blogs are about, not coincidentally. If you're an editor for a VN, line editing is what you should be thinking about constantly.
    In addition to recommending other VN editing blogs, notably Darbury's blog (mostly about line editing, though all the punctuation ones are more about copy editing) and Moogy's now-ancient blog post (basically all about line editing), I'll also suggest you go read up on line editing in a general setting. A quick search for "what is line editing" will lead you to mountains of useful links. As a random example, this is one such useful link, and it's hilarious, well-written, and edifying: http://www.thereviewreview.net/publishing-tips/short-course-line-editing. There is a veritable sea of such articles on the internet. Read them.
    Copy Editing
    Copy editing is about the nuts and bolts of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. It's not the same as proofreading, but it's getting close. The copy editor typically should select and enforce an appropriate style manual (AP, Chicago, MLA, take your pick). The copy editor is the person who gets mad when you write "I baked 7 blackbirds into that pie." instead of "I baked seven blackbirds into that pie.", and who calmly, patiently replaces all your misused hyphens in the middle of sentences with em-dashes.
    You're unlikely to have a dedicated copy editor on a VN project; if you've got the "editor" role, you're probably it. I think this is along the lines of what most people think of already when they hear "editing" anyway, but really the line editing is the most important to the enjoyment of the text. Still, the picky people among us can get awfully uppity if you start putting in stuff like ellipses with four dots and inconsistent use of the Oxford comma (sidebar for the attentive: I'm for it, as you've already noticed). Copy editing is a particularly thankless job, since it's not like you can do an exceptional job of copy editing and really salvage a bad manuscript, but poor copy editing can certainly hurt an otherwise-good manuscript. So it's worth investing the time in doing it carefully.
    One important recommendation for copy editing: take notes and build up a style document and glossary for your VN as you go. Are honorifics being used? What about name order? If you're going to romanize some words, is your romanization consistent? Do you 1) always write "senpai", 2) always write "sempai", or 3) mix and match? I don't care if it's 1 or 2, but it better not be 3. Write conventions like this in a shared document and make sure everybody knows about the conventions and the document.
    Proofreading is the final stage of this pipeline. The role includes checking for grammatical errors, spelling errors, punctuation errors, typos, and perhaps some more exotic things like incorrect English dialect. It's straightforward and mechanical. Like copy editing, it is essentially thankless. It is, nonetheless, important. While you're making big sweeping edits doing all the stuff above, you're going to create tons of errors at this level. They need to be fixed. Make sure you have someone (preferably not the "editor", because they're too close to the text) do a proofreading sweep. You can lump it into QC if you like, but make sure that whoever is assigned to do this is looking at it carefully. Check. Every. Single. Word. There are errors in there, I guarantee you, and they're embarrassing. Getting the number of errors down to near-zero before you release your translation is going to make both you and your audience happier.
    In Summary
    There's not one editor; there are four. In an ideal world, with original fiction, you'd actually have someone separate filling each role. For a translation you don't need a developmental editor, leaving you needing three editors. In the non-ideal world you live in, you've probably got at least two of those roles to yourself. Push for someone else to handle proofreading, at least (call it "QC" if you have to), and make sure said person has the necessary ability and attention to detail. If you're the "editor", then you're almost certainly doing both line editing and copy editing. When that happens, make sure you keep a balance amongst all the things you need to do: for instance, spend 10% of your effort trying to understand what the author is trying to achieve, 88% of your effort on line editing (it's the meat, after all), and 2% on copy editing the little details like punctuation, romanization, etc.
    And If You Can Only Remember One Thing
    Focus on line editing.
  7. Like
    Dergonu reacted to Arcadeotic for a blog entry, Bishoujo Mangekyou - Mistakes were made and Prologue patch 2.0   
    Well, as most of you know by now, I completely obliterated all the links concerning BiMan1's prologue patch. This was because of two reasons:
    Because it was terrible in every possible way to put it frankly. In order to make room for this post. The prologue patch was bad, really bad. The sentences were akward, spacing was weird, translations at some points didn't even make sense, etc, etc. That's why I've been fixing the first quarter of the script; retranslating, modifying and editing the script along with perfecting the engine this starting and last week. Doing UTF-8, some hex editing, final image editing and resource editing.
    It was quite rough, but I finally got everything according to my wishes, and the price for my naivety has been paid back. Anyways! I present to you my hard work and labor:
    Prologue Patch 2.0
    Probably another 10~ hours down to drain, but it was worth it. The new and improved prologue patch (or well, partial patch at this point, but whatever)!
    - Completely polished and finished engine, fully translated by me. Includes all buttons, menus, extras and other minor things.
    - Music track names are translated, although I didn't intend on ever translating them.
    - Translates the dialogue all the way to the end of the first H-scene.
    - The two internal menus:
    Are translated to these:
    Things to note:
    - The dialogue text is not in its final version that it will be in the final release, so keep that in mind. The patch, however, shouldn't have any typos.
    - The amount of text ranslated in this improved patch is quite a bit more, because I wanted something more grand and of course, to make up to you for the travesty that was the original prologue patch.
    - The text after the first H-scene will continue as Japanese, unlike the gibberish it was in the original patch. Sorry about that.
    - All of the previous prologue patch download links are now going to be replaced with this version's link.
    Download Link:
    Install instructions:
    Download the patch from the link above and open the .zip file. Drag & drop the new .exe into -呪われし伝説の少女-1, and data8.pack into -呪われし伝説の少女-1/GameData.  Launch the game through the new .exe file and have fun.
  8. Like
    Dergonu reacted to Fiddle for a blog entry, THIS LAMP SUCKS   

  9. Like
    Dergonu reacted to Aizen-Sama for a blog entry, Luna Translations Weekly Update 9   
    What up people. I'm here again with the spicy weekly news as always. 
    Majo Koi Nikki

    Translation progress has recuperated now, since @Hasa is back again with full force. Alice's route is progressing as well as Mii's and the second part of the prologue after the OP. Regarding the partial patch, it's basically finished at this point (just some buttons left to translate and we're good to go). We decided to delay its release date. Sorry about that, but shit happens. Editing progress has been slow, but now that I'm back from vacation in Portugal (nice country btw) I'll start editing as well.
    Translation 24% - (9857/40394)
    Editing 13% - (5234/40394)
    Witch's Garden
    Translation keeps progressing and we added a new TLC to the team, making it 4 people checking the translation text at the moment. Editing is progressing slowly at the moment because we want to TLC a big batch of text before letting them work. The most probable thing is that our 50% game patch release will come out by the end of the year or so, and it will contain interface, prologue, common, Ririko and Misumi routes.
    Translation (yes, there has been a slight progress here) - 63% (42410/67197)
    TLC - 8% (5354/67197)
    That's all. Cya next week peeps and have a nice day.
  10. Like
    Dergonu reacted to littleshogun for a blog entry, Attack on BETA: Before the Fall Review   
    Visual Novel Translation Status (07/16/2016)
    For your info I was type this at the tab, so forgive me for some shortcoming here. Anyway, as for the title because we had Muv Luv released, and the sequel (Alternative) was happened to be inspiration for hit manga Attack on Titan, so I decided go to use title Attack on BETA (Since Attack on Titan also had prequel titled Before the Fall, so I decided to use the same title, although the picture for title inspiration was girls from Muv Luv playing lacross though). Oh, and by the way for some people who didn't knew BETA, it's obviously mean as stand in for the titan ie the aliens that invade Earth.
    This week, other than Koiken Otome and Muv Luv releases I think there's only usual update here. The unusual thing this week would be that JAST had the update here, although too bad that Mangagamer didn't had any update this week (Guess I need to wait for another week here). I'll give my thought in regard of Decay musing at PS later.
    For JAST, one of interesting thing for now would be Eiyuu Senki translation progress, which for the progress they started to translating H Scenes. In regard of H Scenes translation, I remember that back at Hongfire one VNDB user Surferdude was translating H Scenes and right now it was around 50% H Scenes translating. Maybe Surferdude was decided to work together with JAST here. Another interesting thing here would be Flower progress, which right now was had 70% editing progress (Although the progress from JAST Tumblr page itself was at 50% though) and 15% beta testing. For progress roundup here Princess X was 70% translated (Very fast progress for just recently announced project), Schatten was 96% translated, and Ryko was editing 50%.
    Sekai progress was usual here. Since finally the progress was touching 5%, I decided to cover the translation progress for Korean VN here 'I Miss Her' (The exact number here was at 5.66% here). For Chrono Clock translation progress, it was at 25.97% translated while finally Tenshin Rahman translation was moving slightly here (30.04% translated here). Memory Dogma was almost fully translated with the progress was at 97.07%. That's all for Sekai progress here. Oh, and apparently Princess Knight Chapter 1 will be released at this month.
    For Other segment, we finally had Muv Luv released at Steam. For now I'll just said this release was redundant, although I'm also know that there was some people who like new translation compared to the old one here. Corona Blossom Chapter 1 will be released at July 27th according to VNDB, although it was only July at Steam store though. The surprise here would be finally we had Mari's route fully translated for Libra translation progress here, although we still had Mari's bonus route untranslated though (Hopefully this will be quick, because I think it'll be shorter compared to the route itself).
    Bishoujo Mangekyou as usual give the translation progress, although the team was facing slightly obstacle in form of translating interface and reforming the staff (For the progress, 23.4% edited and 14% QC-ing here). Tsui Yuri was also had usual progress here (Halfway (50%) 53% translated and 43% 44% edited here). No update from both of Majokoi and Witch Garden yet, and we had Hanasaki translation progress was at 32% translated for Hikari's route. For Tsukiyori, we had Luna's route 20% translated and overall translation progress was at 32%. Oh, and there's a project that was dedicated to translated Nocturnal Illusion Renewal, and apparently our JAST head Peter Payne was okay for fan patch here. For sad news, sorry to say that Koiseyo translation project was dropped here. And for a good news here let me said congratulations to Flying Pantsu for finally giving birth to their 'baby' safely after 3 years or struggle iirc (By 'baby' I mean Koiken Otome translation patch duh). Hopefully some of you enjoy Koiken Otome, and once again just think Koiken Otome as charage/moege with chuunige spice instead of full chuunige here if you ask my advice of how to enjoy Koiken Otome.
    That's all for my review, and see you next week.
    PS - To answer Decay comment, I didn't had complaint for both of Koiken Otome and Muv Luv new translation here. So my statement in regard of Muv Luv translation would be even if I said the release was redundant, I'm still said that it's fans right to either liking old translation or new translation here. Oh, and if Decay said that Ixrec translation was bad, I'd read some rumor that Ixrec was translating it half-hearted because he didn't like Muv Luv here.
  11. Like
    Dergonu reacted to Aizen-Sama for a blog entry, Luna Translations Weekly Update 8   
    What up, everyone. Here we go with the 8th weekly update. Welp, two months may have passed but the progress done until now has been pretty nice if I say so myself. This week has been rather slow, so I apologize for that. We have recruited our twentieth member, @Torky who will help us in the Majo Koi Team as a Translator to fill our current MIA (but that will definitely be back, work issues don't let them be with us atm) translators, which are @Hasa and @RaurosFalls. On a side and personal note, I'll be working as a QC for Bishoujo Mangekyou in Euphemic Translations, so that's that. ANyways, let's get straight into the update, shall we?
    Witch's Garden
    The prologue has been completely TLC'd. The common route is already completed by 30% in that aspect and Misumi's and Ririko's routes have started to receive TLC as well. Ayari's route has had some TLC completed as well, but it will be stalled and Misumi + Ririko will have priority, since they belong to our future 50% game patch. The editing has been progressing rather slowly, but it will resume this week to complete the prologue. Currently the route being translated is Eclairs. We have an updated progress board in our website and... well... I think that's it for the news. I'll just post the numbers below:

    Majo Koi Nikki
    Progress has advanced rather slowly in terms of translation. Editing has been resumed and we've moved on from the prologue to the common route of the game. We'll post an updated progress board as well as soon as we completely figure the route's numbers out, since they are pretty bad divided and it's pretty difficult to tell them apart. Regarding the partial patch, the only thing left is to repack the translated interface images and we'll be pretty much done with it and be ready for releasing it. We're sorry for the delay, hehe. The numbers are below:

    Anyways, I think that's all for this week. Thanks for reading, as always, and have a nice week everyone.
  12. Like
    Dergonu got a reaction from Tay for a blog entry, Tsui Yuri translation project - 50% translated!   
    We just hit 50% translation! Yaay!

    I just wrapped up the translation of Futaba's good ending last night, (fought through some H-scenes... ) And here we are!

    So with this, we are officially halfway there. It's a pretty good feeling. Although the actual line count hasn't changed that much since last week, just seeing the "50%" makes me feel awesome  

    I wanted to do something a bit special for the halfway mark, so I'm going to talk a bit about the game first, then I'll be answering some random questions some people might have/ just in general talk a bit about the project and how things are progressing on our end. Let's begin with some info about the game:

    Many people might not really know that much about this small, fairly new yurige by a fairly unknown company. In Tsui Yuri, you follow the twin sisters Futaba and Ichika, who get along very well. So well in fact, that their mother thinks it is a bit too much, and she asks them to spend some time apart. Seeing as they live in the same house, go to the same school and pretty much always do everything together, this is a bit hard, and their relationship is strained. The story is told from both girls' perspectives, and there is 2 routes, with 4 endings total.

    During the common route, you will make several choices that will impact the story and the girls' relationship. The "status" meter in game will show you how strongly each character cares for the other at any given time, and each choice will change this meter to a varying degree. One choice might bump Ichika's feelings a lot, where as some might make her care less and less for Futaba, and so on.

    Currently not translated, as the image editing is not done by me. It is in the works, but not done yet.

    What really interested me about this game was the choice and route system. There is no real set combination of choices that will lead to a route; you can freely play with the status meter, making different choices to see how it changes their feelings. To get a character's route, that character's feelings has to be stronger than the other one. (Meaning if Futaba has about 60% and Ichika has 40%, you enter Futaba's route.) But, if you manage to completely push it all the way to one side, (so now Ichika doesn't care about Futaba at all,) then you will get a bad ending. Meaning, which ending you get is decided by your choices in the common route, and not during the actual character route itself. This is really cool, because that means you actually get a "bad route" and not just a bad ending. (The line count in the bad routes are actually just a tiny bit shorter than the good ones. If you like bad endings with a bit of meat to them, these are actually pretty good. Also, yandere fans, look out.)

    In addition, some of the choices you make in the common route will give you different variations of each scene, some which includes unique CGs, so saving and testing out new stuff is actually pretty much required. (Though, seeing as the game is quite short, it's a neat feature, not something that makes you sigh because you have read something similar before.)

    Story wise, it is a very light game with no real "plot" other than two sisters growing more and more fond of each other. It deals with them moving from the line of "sisters" to "lovers" and things like that. It won't be everyone's cup of tea, but for yuri fans it's a really solid title. Also, like I mentioned, the bad endings are actually pretty dark, so for the twisted fellas out there, this one might be a bit interesting for you if you can stomach some adorableness first.  

    Let us take a quick look at the characters:


    Ichika is the smart, cool and collected sister. She speaks politely, has a very calm air to her, is a perfect honor student and is also the vice-president on the student council. She is a bit too soft on Futaba, always helping her out with anything Futaba needs. Although she is very smart, she isn't the brightest when it comes to relationships in general - she simply isn't that used to interacting with people.

    Futaba (God I love her pout.)

    Futaba is the energy bomb of the two. She loves Ichika more than anything in the world, and always follows her sister around. She is way too spoiled, and doesn't do much on her own; she wants her sister to help her out with it. She isn't the smartest kid around, but she is very good at sports, and is a member of the tennis club. She is also way too adorable.


    The sisters' childhood friend and Ichika's classmate. Yuri is a bit of a joker who tends to put ideas in the girls' heads. She speaks her mind, even if what she has to say isn't the most appropriate, which makes for some hilarious situations.

    But although she tends to joke around a lot, she has a bit of an adult-like feel to her and is a very mature person when she needs to be.


    The sisters' second childhood friend and Futaba's classmate. She is a bit different from Yuri, and is a lot more polite and in many ways, similar to Ichika. Saki is a very gentle and sweet person, and wants to help the sisters out whenever they are feeling down. One big difference between Ichika and Saki is that Saki gets what people are thinking a lot easier, making her a bit less of an "airhead" when it comes to relationships and people's feelings.



    Moving over to some questions and answers.

    Question... (kind of): When I started the project, I felt that there was a few people who weren't quite sure whether or not I could do this. I think the quality of the final translation was their main concern. Basically, am I a complete scrub, or do I actually have some skills?  

    Answer: Well, a few things to keep in mind. 1, this game is very fluffy and very simple. It is also quite short. That does not mean it's something to underestimate of course, but I would never have started the project if I wasn't ready. There is a reason I aimed for a short, fluffy title without any intricate plot lines that would be hard to follow for a new translator.

    In addition, the second I felt a bit overwhelmed, I stopped the project for a bit, as I knew that wasn't the way things should be. I am completely comfortable with this project now, and although I know my translation will not be a top tier piece of work, I can assure you at the very least, it won't be wrong. Like, I won't translate peppers to peas. (Isn't that right Kriririri ) 

    Anyways, I know I am new to this, I know I will make some tiny mistakes here and there, I know the quality will be a bit lower than what some of the very skilled individuals out there manages, but overall I am happy with the way things are going. I'm learning a lot, I'm improving, and this is just the beginning of my translation career. (Even if that makes some people more angry than happy )

    Question: Will there be a prologue patch/ partial patch released?

    Answer: We still have a few issues with the engine, (which is stupid and retarded,) so a potential patch now would have a few annoying bugs and errors which would just be distracting. The scripts also aren't really polished quite yet, as it's only been me and an editor working on it as of right now so... I'm going to say, no. It just wouldn't be a pleasant read in its current state, and seeing as the game is so short, it's pretty much pointless either way.

    Question: Do you have an ETA for the patch?

    Answer: It's hard to say. I could give you a rough estimate, but I would rather not. The thing is, the amount of time I have to work on this is a bit limited. I absolutely love working on it, and I have a blast the entire time I do, (except for when the damn H-scenes suck the life out of me.)

    The thing is, this is my first translation. I have never translated anything before, and the work is very tasking. Sounds silly, I mean, all I do is look at something in Japanese, then write it in English, right? Well, there is a lot more to it, and honestly, it's very mentally draining. Even just a simple one hour session can leave me exhausted. Not because I get bored, but simply because I have to think a lot, and I'm not used to that. Wait...

    Because of the fairly limited amount of time I have each week, there is only so much I can get done on a weekly basis without overworking myself. This is a very new thing to me, and I want to make sure I move forward at a comfortable pace. Seeing as I have no deadline or anything, I can take it exactly at the pace I personally feel is right, even though that might be a bit frustrating to others.

    Basically, I can say that it will be released in 2016 for sure, but I can't say anything more specific than that.

    A bit of progress on how things are going on our end.

    The translation and editing is going fine, and is moving around the same speed. The reason the editing is lagging a tiny bit behind me right now, is because the translation I work on every week isn't made available on the GIT for the editor until I upload it on Thursday nights. That means he literally has to edit it all during that night to get it ready for the Friday update, which ... well, if he was doing that I'd be a bit worried.

    We have met a few problems in the game which the hacker has to take a look at. This is something I can't do anything about, as I barely know what a computer is, so without Porygon on this project, this whole thing would not have been possible. (Thank you so much.)

    Image editing will be done so that the entire menu and UI is in English. There is no ETA on this, and all I can say is that it will be done at some point. An individual approached me without me asking for their help, which made me extremely happy. As of right now, I don't know if they want to be mentioned or not, so I'll wait until I know that for sure before I talk about that any more. Point is, it will be done at some point.

    To finish up this post, I'll just put out there that we are working hard and that the patch will be finished. I know a decent amount of new teams tend to suddenly just die out and vanish. That will not be the case with this project. Like I said before, I'm having a blast translating this. Although it might not seem like I'm getting a lot done, it's simply because I'm making sure I don't rush through things. Also keep in mind that real life is a thing, and that sometimes it takes priority over the translation.

    Thanks for sticking with me and the team, and I hope you are looking forward to the patch.

    See you in next week's update.

  13. Like
    Dergonu got a reaction from Asonn for a blog entry, Tsui Yuri translation project - 50% translated!   
    We just hit 50% translation! Yaay!

    I just wrapped up the translation of Futaba's good ending last night, (fought through some H-scenes... ) And here we are!

    So with this, we are officially halfway there. It's a pretty good feeling. Although the actual line count hasn't changed that much since last week, just seeing the "50%" makes me feel awesome  

    I wanted to do something a bit special for the halfway mark, so I'm going to talk a bit about the game first, then I'll be answering some random questions some people might have/ just in general talk a bit about the project and how things are progressing on our end. Let's begin with some info about the game:

    Many people might not really know that much about this small, fairly new yurige by a fairly unknown company. In Tsui Yuri, you follow the twin sisters Futaba and Ichika, who get along very well. So well in fact, that their mother thinks it is a bit too much, and she asks them to spend some time apart. Seeing as they live in the same house, go to the same school and pretty much always do everything together, this is a bit hard, and their relationship is strained. The story is told from both girls' perspectives, and there is 2 routes, with 4 endings total.

    During the common route, you will make several choices that will impact the story and the girls' relationship. The "status" meter in game will show you how strongly each character cares for the other at any given time, and each choice will change this meter to a varying degree. One choice might bump Ichika's feelings a lot, where as some might make her care less and less for Futaba, and so on.

    Currently not translated, as the image editing is not done by me. It is in the works, but not done yet.

    What really interested me about this game was the choice and route system. There is no real set combination of choices that will lead to a route; you can freely play with the status meter, making different choices to see how it changes their feelings. To get a character's route, that character's feelings has to be stronger than the other one. (Meaning if Futaba has about 60% and Ichika has 40%, you enter Futaba's route.) But, if you manage to completely push it all the way to one side, (so now Ichika doesn't care about Futaba at all,) then you will get a bad ending. Meaning, which ending you get is decided by your choices in the common route, and not during the actual character route itself. This is really cool, because that means you actually get a "bad route" and not just a bad ending. (The line count in the bad routes are actually just a tiny bit shorter than the good ones. If you like bad endings with a bit of meat to them, these are actually pretty good. Also, yandere fans, look out.)

    In addition, some of the choices you make in the common route will give you different variations of each scene, some which includes unique CGs, so saving and testing out new stuff is actually pretty much required. (Though, seeing as the game is quite short, it's a neat feature, not something that makes you sigh because you have read something similar before.)

    Story wise, it is a very light game with no real "plot" other than two sisters growing more and more fond of each other. It deals with them moving from the line of "sisters" to "lovers" and things like that. It won't be everyone's cup of tea, but for yuri fans it's a really solid title. Also, like I mentioned, the bad endings are actually pretty dark, so for the twisted fellas out there, this one might be a bit interesting for you if you can stomach some adorableness first.  

    Let us take a quick look at the characters:


    Ichika is the smart, cool and collected sister. She speaks politely, has a very calm air to her, is a perfect honor student and is also the vice-president on the student council. She is a bit too soft on Futaba, always helping her out with anything Futaba needs. Although she is very smart, she isn't the brightest when it comes to relationships in general - she simply isn't that used to interacting with people.

    Futaba (God I love her pout.)

    Futaba is the energy bomb of the two. She loves Ichika more than anything in the world, and always follows her sister around. She is way too spoiled, and doesn't do much on her own; she wants her sister to help her out with it. She isn't the smartest kid around, but she is very good at sports, and is a member of the tennis club. She is also way too adorable.


    The sisters' childhood friend and Ichika's classmate. Yuri is a bit of a joker who tends to put ideas in the girls' heads. She speaks her mind, even if what she has to say isn't the most appropriate, which makes for some hilarious situations.

    But although she tends to joke around a lot, she has a bit of an adult-like feel to her and is a very mature person when she needs to be.


    The sisters' second childhood friend and Futaba's classmate. She is a bit different from Yuri, and is a lot more polite and in many ways, similar to Ichika. Saki is a very gentle and sweet person, and wants to help the sisters out whenever they are feeling down. One big difference between Ichika and Saki is that Saki gets what people are thinking a lot easier, making her a bit less of an "airhead" when it comes to relationships and people's feelings.



    Moving over to some questions and answers.

    Question... (kind of): When I started the project, I felt that there was a few people who weren't quite sure whether or not I could do this. I think the quality of the final translation was their main concern. Basically, am I a complete scrub, or do I actually have some skills?  

    Answer: Well, a few things to keep in mind. 1, this game is very fluffy and very simple. It is also quite short. That does not mean it's something to underestimate of course, but I would never have started the project if I wasn't ready. There is a reason I aimed for a short, fluffy title without any intricate plot lines that would be hard to follow for a new translator.

    In addition, the second I felt a bit overwhelmed, I stopped the project for a bit, as I knew that wasn't the way things should be. I am completely comfortable with this project now, and although I know my translation will not be a top tier piece of work, I can assure you at the very least, it won't be wrong. Like, I won't translate peppers to peas. (Isn't that right Kriririri ) 

    Anyways, I know I am new to this, I know I will make some tiny mistakes here and there, I know the quality will be a bit lower than what some of the very skilled individuals out there manages, but overall I am happy with the way things are going. I'm learning a lot, I'm improving, and this is just the beginning of my translation career. (Even if that makes some people more angry than happy )

    Question: Will there be a prologue patch/ partial patch released?

    Answer: We still have a few issues with the engine, (which is stupid and retarded,) so a potential patch now would have a few annoying bugs and errors which would just be distracting. The scripts also aren't really polished quite yet, as it's only been me and an editor working on it as of right now so... I'm going to say, no. It just wouldn't be a pleasant read in its current state, and seeing as the game is so short, it's pretty much pointless either way.

    Question: Do you have an ETA for the patch?

    Answer: It's hard to say. I could give you a rough estimate, but I would rather not. The thing is, the amount of time I have to work on this is a bit limited. I absolutely love working on it, and I have a blast the entire time I do, (except for when the damn H-scenes suck the life out of me.)

    The thing is, this is my first translation. I have never translated anything before, and the work is very tasking. Sounds silly, I mean, all I do is look at something in Japanese, then write it in English, right? Well, there is a lot more to it, and honestly, it's very mentally draining. Even just a simple one hour session can leave me exhausted. Not because I get bored, but simply because I have to think a lot, and I'm not used to that. Wait...

    Because of the fairly limited amount of time I have each week, there is only so much I can get done on a weekly basis without overworking myself. This is a very new thing to me, and I want to make sure I move forward at a comfortable pace. Seeing as I have no deadline or anything, I can take it exactly at the pace I personally feel is right, even though that might be a bit frustrating to others.

    Basically, I can say that it will be released in 2016 for sure, but I can't say anything more specific than that.

    A bit of progress on how things are going on our end.

    The translation and editing is going fine, and is moving around the same speed. The reason the editing is lagging a tiny bit behind me right now, is because the translation I work on every week isn't made available on the GIT for the editor until I upload it on Thursday nights. That means he literally has to edit it all during that night to get it ready for the Friday update, which ... well, if he was doing that I'd be a bit worried.

    We have met a few problems in the game which the hacker has to take a look at. This is something I can't do anything about, as I barely know what a computer is, so without Porygon on this project, this whole thing would not have been possible. (Thank you so much.)

    Image editing will be done so that the entire menu and UI is in English. There is no ETA on this, and all I can say is that it will be done at some point. An individual approached me without me asking for their help, which made me extremely happy. As of right now, I don't know if they want to be mentioned or not, so I'll wait until I know that for sure before I talk about that any more. Point is, it will be done at some point.

    To finish up this post, I'll just put out there that we are working hard and that the patch will be finished. I know a decent amount of new teams tend to suddenly just die out and vanish. That will not be the case with this project. Like I said before, I'm having a blast translating this. Although it might not seem like I'm getting a lot done, it's simply because I'm making sure I don't rush through things. Also keep in mind that real life is a thing, and that sometimes it takes priority over the translation.

    Thanks for sticking with me and the team, and I hope you are looking forward to the patch.

    See you in next week's update.

  14. Like
    Dergonu got a reaction from Aizen-Sama for a blog entry, Tsui Yuri translation project - 50% translated!   
    We just hit 50% translation! Yaay!

    I just wrapped up the translation of Futaba's good ending last night, (fought through some H-scenes... ) And here we are!

    So with this, we are officially halfway there. It's a pretty good feeling. Although the actual line count hasn't changed that much since last week, just seeing the "50%" makes me feel awesome  

    I wanted to do something a bit special for the halfway mark, so I'm going to talk a bit about the game first, then I'll be answering some random questions some people might have/ just in general talk a bit about the project and how things are progressing on our end. Let's begin with some info about the game:

    Many people might not really know that much about this small, fairly new yurige by a fairly unknown company. In Tsui Yuri, you follow the twin sisters Futaba and Ichika, who get along very well. So well in fact, that their mother thinks it is a bit too much, and she asks them to spend some time apart. Seeing as they live in the same house, go to the same school and pretty much always do everything together, this is a bit hard, and their relationship is strained. The story is told from both girls' perspectives, and there is 2 routes, with 4 endings total.

    During the common route, you will make several choices that will impact the story and the girls' relationship. The "status" meter in game will show you how strongly each character cares for the other at any given time, and each choice will change this meter to a varying degree. One choice might bump Ichika's feelings a lot, where as some might make her care less and less for Futaba, and so on.

    Currently not translated, as the image editing is not done by me. It is in the works, but not done yet.

    What really interested me about this game was the choice and route system. There is no real set combination of choices that will lead to a route; you can freely play with the status meter, making different choices to see how it changes their feelings. To get a character's route, that character's feelings has to be stronger than the other one. (Meaning if Futaba has about 60% and Ichika has 40%, you enter Futaba's route.) But, if you manage to completely push it all the way to one side, (so now Ichika doesn't care about Futaba at all,) then you will get a bad ending. Meaning, which ending you get is decided by your choices in the common route, and not during the actual character route itself. This is really cool, because that means you actually get a "bad route" and not just a bad ending. (The line count in the bad routes are actually just a tiny bit shorter than the good ones. If you like bad endings with a bit of meat to them, these are actually pretty good. Also, yandere fans, look out.)

    In addition, some of the choices you make in the common route will give you different variations of each scene, some which includes unique CGs, so saving and testing out new stuff is actually pretty much required. (Though, seeing as the game is quite short, it's a neat feature, not something that makes you sigh because you have read something similar before.)

    Story wise, it is a very light game with no real "plot" other than two sisters growing more and more fond of each other. It deals with them moving from the line of "sisters" to "lovers" and things like that. It won't be everyone's cup of tea, but for yuri fans it's a really solid title. Also, like I mentioned, the bad endings are actually pretty dark, so for the twisted fellas out there, this one might be a bit interesting for you if you can stomach some adorableness first.  

    Let us take a quick look at the characters:


    Ichika is the smart, cool and collected sister. She speaks politely, has a very calm air to her, is a perfect honor student and is also the vice-president on the student council. She is a bit too soft on Futaba, always helping her out with anything Futaba needs. Although she is very smart, she isn't the brightest when it comes to relationships in general - she simply isn't that used to interacting with people.

    Futaba (God I love her pout.)

    Futaba is the energy bomb of the two. She loves Ichika more than anything in the world, and always follows her sister around. She is way too spoiled, and doesn't do much on her own; she wants her sister to help her out with it. She isn't the smartest kid around, but she is very good at sports, and is a member of the tennis club. She is also way too adorable.


    The sisters' childhood friend and Ichika's classmate. Yuri is a bit of a joker who tends to put ideas in the girls' heads. She speaks her mind, even if what she has to say isn't the most appropriate, which makes for some hilarious situations.

    But although she tends to joke around a lot, she has a bit of an adult-like feel to her and is a very mature person when she needs to be.


    The sisters' second childhood friend and Futaba's classmate. She is a bit different from Yuri, and is a lot more polite and in many ways, similar to Ichika. Saki is a very gentle and sweet person, and wants to help the sisters out whenever they are feeling down. One big difference between Ichika and Saki is that Saki gets what people are thinking a lot easier, making her a bit less of an "airhead" when it comes to relationships and people's feelings.



    Moving over to some questions and answers.

    Question... (kind of): When I started the project, I felt that there was a few people who weren't quite sure whether or not I could do this. I think the quality of the final translation was their main concern. Basically, am I a complete scrub, or do I actually have some skills?  

    Answer: Well, a few things to keep in mind. 1, this game is very fluffy and very simple. It is also quite short. That does not mean it's something to underestimate of course, but I would never have started the project if I wasn't ready. There is a reason I aimed for a short, fluffy title without any intricate plot lines that would be hard to follow for a new translator.

    In addition, the second I felt a bit overwhelmed, I stopped the project for a bit, as I knew that wasn't the way things should be. I am completely comfortable with this project now, and although I know my translation will not be a top tier piece of work, I can assure you at the very least, it won't be wrong. Like, I won't translate peppers to peas. (Isn't that right Kriririri ) 

    Anyways, I know I am new to this, I know I will make some tiny mistakes here and there, I know the quality will be a bit lower than what some of the very skilled individuals out there manages, but overall I am happy with the way things are going. I'm learning a lot, I'm improving, and this is just the beginning of my translation career. (Even if that makes some people more angry than happy )

    Question: Will there be a prologue patch/ partial patch released?

    Answer: We still have a few issues with the engine, (which is stupid and retarded,) so a potential patch now would have a few annoying bugs and errors which would just be distracting. The scripts also aren't really polished quite yet, as it's only been me and an editor working on it as of right now so... I'm going to say, no. It just wouldn't be a pleasant read in its current state, and seeing as the game is so short, it's pretty much pointless either way.

    Question: Do you have an ETA for the patch?

    Answer: It's hard to say. I could give you a rough estimate, but I would rather not. The thing is, the amount of time I have to work on this is a bit limited. I absolutely love working on it, and I have a blast the entire time I do, (except for when the damn H-scenes suck the life out of me.)

    The thing is, this is my first translation. I have never translated anything before, and the work is very tasking. Sounds silly, I mean, all I do is look at something in Japanese, then write it in English, right? Well, there is a lot more to it, and honestly, it's very mentally draining. Even just a simple one hour session can leave me exhausted. Not because I get bored, but simply because I have to think a lot, and I'm not used to that. Wait...

    Because of the fairly limited amount of time I have each week, there is only so much I can get done on a weekly basis without overworking myself. This is a very new thing to me, and I want to make sure I move forward at a comfortable pace. Seeing as I have no deadline or anything, I can take it exactly at the pace I personally feel is right, even though that might be a bit frustrating to others.

    Basically, I can say that it will be released in 2016 for sure, but I can't say anything more specific than that.

    A bit of progress on how things are going on our end.

    The translation and editing is going fine, and is moving around the same speed. The reason the editing is lagging a tiny bit behind me right now, is because the translation I work on every week isn't made available on the GIT for the editor until I upload it on Thursday nights. That means he literally has to edit it all during that night to get it ready for the Friday update, which ... well, if he was doing that I'd be a bit worried.

    We have met a few problems in the game which the hacker has to take a look at. This is something I can't do anything about, as I barely know what a computer is, so without Porygon on this project, this whole thing would not have been possible. (Thank you so much.)

    Image editing will be done so that the entire menu and UI is in English. There is no ETA on this, and all I can say is that it will be done at some point. An individual approached me without me asking for their help, which made me extremely happy. As of right now, I don't know if they want to be mentioned or not, so I'll wait until I know that for sure before I talk about that any more. Point is, it will be done at some point.

    To finish up this post, I'll just put out there that we are working hard and that the patch will be finished. I know a decent amount of new teams tend to suddenly just die out and vanish. That will not be the case with this project. Like I said before, I'm having a blast translating this. Although it might not seem like I'm getting a lot done, it's simply because I'm making sure I don't rush through things. Also keep in mind that real life is a thing, and that sometimes it takes priority over the translation.

    Thanks for sticking with me and the team, and I hope you are looking forward to the patch.

    See you in next week's update.

  15. Like
    Dergonu got a reaction from Chronopolis for a blog entry, Tsui Yuri translation project - 50% translated!   
    We just hit 50% translation! Yaay!

    I just wrapped up the translation of Futaba's good ending last night, (fought through some H-scenes... ) And here we are!

    So with this, we are officially halfway there. It's a pretty good feeling. Although the actual line count hasn't changed that much since last week, just seeing the "50%" makes me feel awesome  

    I wanted to do something a bit special for the halfway mark, so I'm going to talk a bit about the game first, then I'll be answering some random questions some people might have/ just in general talk a bit about the project and how things are progressing on our end. Let's begin with some info about the game:

    Many people might not really know that much about this small, fairly new yurige by a fairly unknown company. In Tsui Yuri, you follow the twin sisters Futaba and Ichika, who get along very well. So well in fact, that their mother thinks it is a bit too much, and she asks them to spend some time apart. Seeing as they live in the same house, go to the same school and pretty much always do everything together, this is a bit hard, and their relationship is strained. The story is told from both girls' perspectives, and there is 2 routes, with 4 endings total.

    During the common route, you will make several choices that will impact the story and the girls' relationship. The "status" meter in game will show you how strongly each character cares for the other at any given time, and each choice will change this meter to a varying degree. One choice might bump Ichika's feelings a lot, where as some might make her care less and less for Futaba, and so on.

    Currently not translated, as the image editing is not done by me. It is in the works, but not done yet.

    What really interested me about this game was the choice and route system. There is no real set combination of choices that will lead to a route; you can freely play with the status meter, making different choices to see how it changes their feelings. To get a character's route, that character's feelings has to be stronger than the other one. (Meaning if Futaba has about 60% and Ichika has 40%, you enter Futaba's route.) But, if you manage to completely push it all the way to one side, (so now Ichika doesn't care about Futaba at all,) then you will get a bad ending. Meaning, which ending you get is decided by your choices in the common route, and not during the actual character route itself. This is really cool, because that means you actually get a "bad route" and not just a bad ending. (The line count in the bad routes are actually just a tiny bit shorter than the good ones. If you like bad endings with a bit of meat to them, these are actually pretty good. Also, yandere fans, look out.)

    In addition, some of the choices you make in the common route will give you different variations of each scene, some which includes unique CGs, so saving and testing out new stuff is actually pretty much required. (Though, seeing as the game is quite short, it's a neat feature, not something that makes you sigh because you have read something similar before.)

    Story wise, it is a very light game with no real "plot" other than two sisters growing more and more fond of each other. It deals with them moving from the line of "sisters" to "lovers" and things like that. It won't be everyone's cup of tea, but for yuri fans it's a really solid title. Also, like I mentioned, the bad endings are actually pretty dark, so for the twisted fellas out there, this one might be a bit interesting for you if you can stomach some adorableness first.  

    Let us take a quick look at the characters:


    Ichika is the smart, cool and collected sister. She speaks politely, has a very calm air to her, is a perfect honor student and is also the vice-president on the student council. She is a bit too soft on Futaba, always helping her out with anything Futaba needs. Although she is very smart, she isn't the brightest when it comes to relationships in general - she simply isn't that used to interacting with people.

    Futaba (God I love her pout.)

    Futaba is the energy bomb of the two. She loves Ichika more than anything in the world, and always follows her sister around. She is way too spoiled, and doesn't do much on her own; she wants her sister to help her out with it. She isn't the smartest kid around, but she is very good at sports, and is a member of the tennis club. She is also way too adorable.


    The sisters' childhood friend and Ichika's classmate. Yuri is a bit of a joker who tends to put ideas in the girls' heads. She speaks her mind, even if what she has to say isn't the most appropriate, which makes for some hilarious situations.

    But although she tends to joke around a lot, she has a bit of an adult-like feel to her and is a very mature person when she needs to be.


    The sisters' second childhood friend and Futaba's classmate. She is a bit different from Yuri, and is a lot more polite and in many ways, similar to Ichika. Saki is a very gentle and sweet person, and wants to help the sisters out whenever they are feeling down. One big difference between Ichika and Saki is that Saki gets what people are thinking a lot easier, making her a bit less of an "airhead" when it comes to relationships and people's feelings.



    Moving over to some questions and answers.

    Question... (kind of): When I started the project, I felt that there was a few people who weren't quite sure whether or not I could do this. I think the quality of the final translation was their main concern. Basically, am I a complete scrub, or do I actually have some skills?  

    Answer: Well, a few things to keep in mind. 1, this game is very fluffy and very simple. It is also quite short. That does not mean it's something to underestimate of course, but I would never have started the project if I wasn't ready. There is a reason I aimed for a short, fluffy title without any intricate plot lines that would be hard to follow for a new translator.

    In addition, the second I felt a bit overwhelmed, I stopped the project for a bit, as I knew that wasn't the way things should be. I am completely comfortable with this project now, and although I know my translation will not be a top tier piece of work, I can assure you at the very least, it won't be wrong. Like, I won't translate peppers to peas. (Isn't that right Kriririri ) 

    Anyways, I know I am new to this, I know I will make some tiny mistakes here and there, I know the quality will be a bit lower than what some of the very skilled individuals out there manages, but overall I am happy with the way things are going. I'm learning a lot, I'm improving, and this is just the beginning of my translation career. (Even if that makes some people more angry than happy )

    Question: Will there be a prologue patch/ partial patch released?

    Answer: We still have a few issues with the engine, (which is stupid and retarded,) so a potential patch now would have a few annoying bugs and errors which would just be distracting. The scripts also aren't really polished quite yet, as it's only been me and an editor working on it as of right now so... I'm going to say, no. It just wouldn't be a pleasant read in its current state, and seeing as the game is so short, it's pretty much pointless either way.

    Question: Do you have an ETA for the patch?

    Answer: It's hard to say. I could give you a rough estimate, but I would rather not. The thing is, the amount of time I have to work on this is a bit limited. I absolutely love working on it, and I have a blast the entire time I do, (except for when the damn H-scenes suck the life out of me.)

    The thing is, this is my first translation. I have never translated anything before, and the work is very tasking. Sounds silly, I mean, all I do is look at something in Japanese, then write it in English, right? Well, there is a lot more to it, and honestly, it's very mentally draining. Even just a simple one hour session can leave me exhausted. Not because I get bored, but simply because I have to think a lot, and I'm not used to that. Wait...

    Because of the fairly limited amount of time I have each week, there is only so much I can get done on a weekly basis without overworking myself. This is a very new thing to me, and I want to make sure I move forward at a comfortable pace. Seeing as I have no deadline or anything, I can take it exactly at the pace I personally feel is right, even though that might be a bit frustrating to others.

    Basically, I can say that it will be released in 2016 for sure, but I can't say anything more specific than that.

    A bit of progress on how things are going on our end.

    The translation and editing is going fine, and is moving around the same speed. The reason the editing is lagging a tiny bit behind me right now, is because the translation I work on every week isn't made available on the GIT for the editor until I upload it on Thursday nights. That means he literally has to edit it all during that night to get it ready for the Friday update, which ... well, if he was doing that I'd be a bit worried.

    We have met a few problems in the game which the hacker has to take a look at. This is something I can't do anything about, as I barely know what a computer is, so without Porygon on this project, this whole thing would not have been possible. (Thank you so much.)

    Image editing will be done so that the entire menu and UI is in English. There is no ETA on this, and all I can say is that it will be done at some point. An individual approached me without me asking for their help, which made me extremely happy. As of right now, I don't know if they want to be mentioned or not, so I'll wait until I know that for sure before I talk about that any more. Point is, it will be done at some point.

    To finish up this post, I'll just put out there that we are working hard and that the patch will be finished. I know a decent amount of new teams tend to suddenly just die out and vanish. That will not be the case with this project. Like I said before, I'm having a blast translating this. Although it might not seem like I'm getting a lot done, it's simply because I'm making sure I don't rush through things. Also keep in mind that real life is a thing, and that sometimes it takes priority over the translation.

    Thanks for sticking with me and the team, and I hope you are looking forward to the patch.

    See you in next week's update.

  16. Like
    Dergonu got a reaction from Arcadeotic for a blog entry, Tsui Yuri translation project - 50% translated!   
    We just hit 50% translation! Yaay!

    I just wrapped up the translation of Futaba's good ending last night, (fought through some H-scenes... ) And here we are!

    So with this, we are officially halfway there. It's a pretty good feeling. Although the actual line count hasn't changed that much since last week, just seeing the "50%" makes me feel awesome  

    I wanted to do something a bit special for the halfway mark, so I'm going to talk a bit about the game first, then I'll be answering some random questions some people might have/ just in general talk a bit about the project and how things are progressing on our end. Let's begin with some info about the game:

    Many people might not really know that much about this small, fairly new yurige by a fairly unknown company. In Tsui Yuri, you follow the twin sisters Futaba and Ichika, who get along very well. So well in fact, that their mother thinks it is a bit too much, and she asks them to spend some time apart. Seeing as they live in the same house, go to the same school and pretty much always do everything together, this is a bit hard, and their relationship is strained. The story is told from both girls' perspectives, and there is 2 routes, with 4 endings total.

    During the common route, you will make several choices that will impact the story and the girls' relationship. The "status" meter in game will show you how strongly each character cares for the other at any given time, and each choice will change this meter to a varying degree. One choice might bump Ichika's feelings a lot, where as some might make her care less and less for Futaba, and so on.

    Currently not translated, as the image editing is not done by me. It is in the works, but not done yet.

    What really interested me about this game was the choice and route system. There is no real set combination of choices that will lead to a route; you can freely play with the status meter, making different choices to see how it changes their feelings. To get a character's route, that character's feelings has to be stronger than the other one. (Meaning if Futaba has about 60% and Ichika has 40%, you enter Futaba's route.) But, if you manage to completely push it all the way to one side, (so now Ichika doesn't care about Futaba at all,) then you will get a bad ending. Meaning, which ending you get is decided by your choices in the common route, and not during the actual character route itself. This is really cool, because that means you actually get a "bad route" and not just a bad ending. (The line count in the bad routes are actually just a tiny bit shorter than the good ones. If you like bad endings with a bit of meat to them, these are actually pretty good. Also, yandere fans, look out.)

    In addition, some of the choices you make in the common route will give you different variations of each scene, some which includes unique CGs, so saving and testing out new stuff is actually pretty much required. (Though, seeing as the game is quite short, it's a neat feature, not something that makes you sigh because you have read something similar before.)

    Story wise, it is a very light game with no real "plot" other than two sisters growing more and more fond of each other. It deals with them moving from the line of "sisters" to "lovers" and things like that. It won't be everyone's cup of tea, but for yuri fans it's a really solid title. Also, like I mentioned, the bad endings are actually pretty dark, so for the twisted fellas out there, this one might be a bit interesting for you if you can stomach some adorableness first.  

    Let us take a quick look at the characters:


    Ichika is the smart, cool and collected sister. She speaks politely, has a very calm air to her, is a perfect honor student and is also the vice-president on the student council. She is a bit too soft on Futaba, always helping her out with anything Futaba needs. Although she is very smart, she isn't the brightest when it comes to relationships in general - she simply isn't that used to interacting with people.

    Futaba (God I love her pout.)

    Futaba is the energy bomb of the two. She loves Ichika more than anything in the world, and always follows her sister around. She is way too spoiled, and doesn't do much on her own; she wants her sister to help her out with it. She isn't the smartest kid around, but she is very good at sports, and is a member of the tennis club. She is also way too adorable.


    The sisters' childhood friend and Ichika's classmate. Yuri is a bit of a joker who tends to put ideas in the girls' heads. She speaks her mind, even if what she has to say isn't the most appropriate, which makes for some hilarious situations.

    But although she tends to joke around a lot, she has a bit of an adult-like feel to her and is a very mature person when she needs to be.


    The sisters' second childhood friend and Futaba's classmate. She is a bit different from Yuri, and is a lot more polite and in many ways, similar to Ichika. Saki is a very gentle and sweet person, and wants to help the sisters out whenever they are feeling down. One big difference between Ichika and Saki is that Saki gets what people are thinking a lot easier, making her a bit less of an "airhead" when it comes to relationships and people's feelings.



    Moving over to some questions and answers.

    Question... (kind of): When I started the project, I felt that there was a few people who weren't quite sure whether or not I could do this. I think the quality of the final translation was their main concern. Basically, am I a complete scrub, or do I actually have some skills?  

    Answer: Well, a few things to keep in mind. 1, this game is very fluffy and very simple. It is also quite short. That does not mean it's something to underestimate of course, but I would never have started the project if I wasn't ready. There is a reason I aimed for a short, fluffy title without any intricate plot lines that would be hard to follow for a new translator.

    In addition, the second I felt a bit overwhelmed, I stopped the project for a bit, as I knew that wasn't the way things should be. I am completely comfortable with this project now, and although I know my translation will not be a top tier piece of work, I can assure you at the very least, it won't be wrong. Like, I won't translate peppers to peas. (Isn't that right Kriririri ) 

    Anyways, I know I am new to this, I know I will make some tiny mistakes here and there, I know the quality will be a bit lower than what some of the very skilled individuals out there manages, but overall I am happy with the way things are going. I'm learning a lot, I'm improving, and this is just the beginning of my translation career. (Even if that makes some people more angry than happy )

    Question: Will there be a prologue patch/ partial patch released?

    Answer: We still have a few issues with the engine, (which is stupid and retarded,) so a potential patch now would have a few annoying bugs and errors which would just be distracting. The scripts also aren't really polished quite yet, as it's only been me and an editor working on it as of right now so... I'm going to say, no. It just wouldn't be a pleasant read in its current state, and seeing as the game is so short, it's pretty much pointless either way.

    Question: Do you have an ETA for the patch?

    Answer: It's hard to say. I could give you a rough estimate, but I would rather not. The thing is, the amount of time I have to work on this is a bit limited. I absolutely love working on it, and I have a blast the entire time I do, (except for when the damn H-scenes suck the life out of me.)

    The thing is, this is my first translation. I have never translated anything before, and the work is very tasking. Sounds silly, I mean, all I do is look at something in Japanese, then write it in English, right? Well, there is a lot more to it, and honestly, it's very mentally draining. Even just a simple one hour session can leave me exhausted. Not because I get bored, but simply because I have to think a lot, and I'm not used to that. Wait...

    Because of the fairly limited amount of time I have each week, there is only so much I can get done on a weekly basis without overworking myself. This is a very new thing to me, and I want to make sure I move forward at a comfortable pace. Seeing as I have no deadline or anything, I can take it exactly at the pace I personally feel is right, even though that might be a bit frustrating to others.

    Basically, I can say that it will be released in 2016 for sure, but I can't say anything more specific than that.

    A bit of progress on how things are going on our end.

    The translation and editing is going fine, and is moving around the same speed. The reason the editing is lagging a tiny bit behind me right now, is because the translation I work on every week isn't made available on the GIT for the editor until I upload it on Thursday nights. That means he literally has to edit it all during that night to get it ready for the Friday update, which ... well, if he was doing that I'd be a bit worried.

    We have met a few problems in the game which the hacker has to take a look at. This is something I can't do anything about, as I barely know what a computer is, so without Porygon on this project, this whole thing would not have been possible. (Thank you so much.)

    Image editing will be done so that the entire menu and UI is in English. There is no ETA on this, and all I can say is that it will be done at some point. An individual approached me without me asking for their help, which made me extremely happy. As of right now, I don't know if they want to be mentioned or not, so I'll wait until I know that for sure before I talk about that any more. Point is, it will be done at some point.

    To finish up this post, I'll just put out there that we are working hard and that the patch will be finished. I know a decent amount of new teams tend to suddenly just die out and vanish. That will not be the case with this project. Like I said before, I'm having a blast translating this. Although it might not seem like I'm getting a lot done, it's simply because I'm making sure I don't rush through things. Also keep in mind that real life is a thing, and that sometimes it takes priority over the translation.

    Thanks for sticking with me and the team, and I hope you are looking forward to the patch.

    See you in next week's update.

  17. Like
    Dergonu reacted to sanahtlig for a blog entry, Baldr Sky: Rallying for an uncut version of a landmark eroge   
    Baldr Sky is a high-caliber action game/visual novel hybrid and GIGA's finest work, but eroge fans must unite if they want to see an uncut release.

    Sekai Project Forum Poll: Would you buy Baldr Sky if the full 18+ version were made available?
    Baldr Sky: Rallying for an uncut version of a landmark eroge
  18. Like
    Dergonu reacted to Clephas for a blog entry, Lamunation   
    ... wow, it has been a while since I've come across a VN where I can't use meta terms to explain everything. 
    If I had to put a genre type to this, it would be 'random/comedy/ecchi'.  There are a few really unique elements to this VN that I should probably explain before I go any further.  First, narration in this VN is almost nonexistent... roughly 98% of the game's text is dialogue, though the h-scenes are narrated.  Second, this VN makes no attempt whatsoever to be serious at any point.  I'm not kidding.  There are literally no serious points in this VN (I at first disliked it, then when a stuffed penguin appeared with the same brand of beer my father drinks in hand, I completely lost control and started rofling).
    ... which is its attraction.  This VN feels a lot like an eroge-version of an American cartoon of the same type as the Simpsons or Family Guy, right down to the movie references and low humor (repeated jokes, sex humor situational comedy, and jokes related to defecation and other weirdness).  There are also a huge number of old American movie references (mostly 1980's to the turn of the century) and a few references to TV shows that were old when I was born, such as the Lone Ranger.  To be honest, this VN is all over the place...
    This VN is immensely fun if you are fine with the kind of insensitive, low humor that is common in the American cartoons I mentioned above, as well as Japanese humor.  However, if you don't like that kind of thing, this will probably be pure torture. 
    PS: All the heroines are bisexual.
  19. Like
    Dergonu reacted to littleshogun for a blog entry, La Fin du Monde Review   
    Visual Novel Translation Status (06/25/2016)
    Okay, for all French reader or user here, don't worry. What I mean here is the title for opening song of one VN in image header (Grisaia no Meikyuu) in French (Because Grisaia like to use French, so I decided to use the Frech from opening title for this week review). The opening title was World's End, and I must admit it was quite catchy, although I still thinking Kajitsu was enough. But if you want to play Meikyuu, go ahead and beware of cliffhanger at the end.
    Anyway, here's my VNTS Review for this week and sorry for a bit late here. As for this week, we had many progress from fan translation alone. While for Sekai and Mangagamer, it was still their usual. However, this week we had surprise from other segment. So I think I'll start from Mangagamer section first, then Fan Translation, Sekai, and finally Other. Oh, beforehand as the opening news for anyone who cares, we had Sonicomi entering Golden Master according to JAST Twitter here (I should report it at last week, but I forgot).
    Nothing too excited if we looking from their progress, although full translation of Da Capo 3 was of course welcome news here (At least Kouryuu managed to fulfill his promise by fully translating it before AX 2016, or to be exact 11 or so days before it). But even after translating finished there's still editing (Which right now it was at 98%), scripting, and beta testing. Hopefully they'll managed to release Da Capo 3 this year. For more info, this VN was had some history once again with Fuwanovel. I'll try to elaborate more later.
    For other progress, we had Pygmalion 16% edited, Fata Morgana fandisc 18% translated, Imopara 2 48% translated and a quarter edited, and Kuroinu 80% translated and 21% edited. Not much comment needed here, other than if Pygmalion need 2 weeks for 8% editing progress, will it fully edited at December first week I wonder (And obviously it'll be released in 2017 duh). I think that's all for Mangagamer section this week. Oh, and by the way none of the project was in scripting if you still curious how about Mangagamer will give us news in regard of their in scripting project.
    Fan Translation
    We had so many progress from here. Let me try to round up all of them here.
    Hanasaki had Hikari's route 16% translated. By the way admin Tay, you mistaken Inori for Hikari. The right one once again it was Hikari's route that translated at 16%. Majokoi was at 17.08% translated and 10.68% edited. By the way, the team was in need of 2 beta testers. If you interested, just look at this blog post here. Oh, and they almost had prologue patch ready for release. Bishoujo Mangekyou was fully translated and 20.3% edited. Arcadeotic said the release date could be in a few months (Hopefully this year). Tsui Yuri was 40% translated and 30% edited. Kanobito was had 110 scripts left to translated according to @mitchhamilton. Good luck to endure more sex scene Mitch, because from VNDB and some review I knew that this game had high sex count. Majikoi A-1 fandisc was released. Good for hardcore Majikoi fan I guess. Although I didn't care too much about this, I'm still thanking the team for completing original Majikoi translation project though. Tsuki no Yorisou project was finally added to the VNTS. Congratulations, and since if we look at the overall translation progress it was quite hard to tell if this project was advancing or not, I'll just report the progress from the route. And for this week we had prologue and common route fully translated, and Luna route was at 15% translated. Astral Air was touching 90% progress for both translation and editing (Actually each week before the percentage was the progress for both), or to be exact the progress itself was at 92.50% (Too bad it wasn't 4% progress though (Only 3.67% progress), but I'm still grateful okay). Okay, since Tay already said congratulation to Chuee at his Twitter, let me said congratulations for very big progress to the translator himself, @SupremeTentacle. Okay, I think that's all for roundup this week at Fan translation section. For last word, I think this section was had most exciting if we look at the progress, although for the release it was quite not so exciting to me though (Only Majikoi A -1 fandisc, although once again if you hardcore Majikoi fan go ahead and play it).
    Sekai Project 
    Actually also their usual once again if we look at their progress. Okay for the opening news, congratulations for very big success kickstarter for Princess Knight (Around 36,000 fund gathered, which was 3 times original goal (12,000)). And this week we had 2 projects completed in term of translation progress (Darekoi and WEE Episode 3), while we also had one almost completed translation project here (Nashville was translated at 98.04%). For more progress, we had Maitetsu was at 13.09% translated and Chrono Clock was at 20.95% translated. For My Little Kitties, well I think it's like Nekopara, only we had one catgirl and also we had Sakura Ayane and Uchida Maaya working as seiyuu there somehow in Korean VN (By the way, I remember that their role at Gochiusa was Cocoa and Sharo respectively). As for the biggest release from Sekai, it was obviously Meikyuu and I think I'd commented enough both on forum and the first paragraph.
    Okay, actually other than Corona Blossom Chapter 1 which almost funded at this point (Only 489 left to be funded) there's no update from this section. But this section was had surprised us. The surprise was ChuSingura 46+1 Chapter 1 was released and free to play at the Steam. It means that the Kickstarter was real, if it's a bit unrefined. Actually from some review that I'd read, ChuSingura was one of very good VN, and actually this release could maybe introduce the good VN to the people outside Japan. Although if I may said, this release had the problem. Not in term of translation or the censorship (The censorship reason was actually understandable because unlike MoeNovel case, this time there's a reason that they had experience to released it on PSP before), but more in engine which one user said it was more likely caused by the engine wasn't fitting for the VN itself and more fitting to the mobage. Hopefully if JAPAN or NextNinja still willing to release next ChuSingura chapters, they will fix the engine to make the game more comfortable to play. Also hopefully the JAPAN will to fix the communication with the fan. Oh, and for last word, if I may praise JAPAN here, it would be their decision to release ChuSingura Chapter 1 because from there we could see of how serious they were actually by sort of showing translation example.
    I think that's all for this week, and sorry if I miss some progress. See you next week.
    PS - Forgot one more progress, and it's Bokuten. For Bokuten, right now it was 95% edited.
  20. Like
    Dergonu reacted to Arcadeotic for a blog entry, Bishoujo Mangekyou TL Update 23: 100% Translated   
    It's finally done.
    I finally managed to 100% translated Bishoujo Mangekyou in its entirety. Actually it happened quite early, 20th, if I recall correctly. It took me 5 monsths and 7 days to translate the whole scrip according to my calculations.
    It's ben awfully rewarding and I appreciate you all sticking with me along this project, my team and I will do our best to make sure the end product is of high quality.
    I'll say this now, this won't be my last transaltion project, but it sure will be my last 'double-translation', so all the following projects will be translated purely from the original script and some double-script translations.
    Anyhoo, now that the translation's done, I am now largely free, so I can return back to what I did before starting this project. The patch release date is still TBA, but it could be done in a few months' time.
    Translation: 100%
    Editing: 20,3%
    QC: 3,1%
    Proofreading: 0%
  21. Like
    Dergonu reacted to littleshogun for a blog entry, Go Go Nippon: My First Trip to Kyoto Review   
    Visual Novel Translation Status (06/18/2016)
    As for the title because this week VN from VNTS Image header was had same premise as Go Go Nippon, only we going to Kyoto instead of Tokyo, I'd use the title Go Go Nippon and for the expansion we had My First Trip to Kyoto because the VN Setting was in Kyoto.
    This week, to be honest it was quite plain if we looking from the progress that Decay made. But from Steam we had many exciting announcement from there. First, we had KARAKARA demo release, which to be honest I'm still not playing it yet (I'll write my impression later). Second we had Meikyuu release announcement next week, which should be enough if you looking forward to Yuuji story (If not enough ie want to see more H-Scenes, well too bad you must wait for a while). For last announcement, we'll had Muv Luv released at July 14th. My question is will they using new opening or not, other than that I think it's quite redundant release imo because we already had this translated some times ago. But if some of you want to read Muv Luv using new translation, go ahead and you may looking forward to July 14th.
    For Sekai, the progress here was good in some VN, while we also had questionable progress like Maitetsu (Decreasing? What's happened here). As the roundup, Darekoi was had the biggest jump here (From 79% to 90.01%), while for Love, Guitar, and Nashville it was at 77.7% (Lucky number here). I'd checked Nashville and it was another yuri VN, and speaking about yuri VN, this week we had Highway Blossom released. As for more interesting project, looks like Sekai willing to update Tenshin Rahman and Chrono Clock regularly (This week both of the progess was at 29.99% and 19.19% respectively) so I'll keep my eyes on those two from now on. For last progressedps, we had 2236 at 62.77% translated and WEE Episode 3 at 97.15% translated. I think that's all for Sekai (KARAKARA and Meikyuu was already covered in previous paragraph).
    Since I'd already covered Muv Luv, for other segment first update we had Corona Blossom Chapter 1 was funded at 22,087 of 30,000 (Almost three quarter funded) with 2 weeks left. And for Hakuai, too bad that they need delay the release, but if they need that to fix the translation can't be help here I guess (Hopefully it could satisfy Zakamutt who find the initial Hakuai translation was disappointing). For last update, we didn't had Libra update, but Mikandi promised us that they'll give update 2 weeks each (Just like Mangagamer), and by the way they tell us that they often need to beg the translator to move faster. Oh, and they assured us that they were on schedule for the release. Let's see it later.
    From Mangagamer, we had surprise Tatarigoroshi release from them. As for next chapter, hopefully Mangagamer didn't take too long for releasing Himatsubushi, which is the shortest chapter in Higurashi. I'm waiting for Tatarigoroshi mod by the way. Forother announcements from them, wait for next week.
    Finally, for fan translation, we had usual progess here, although our Arcadeotic this time was managed to give us update for Bishoujo Mangekyou at the beginning of this week (8th script was 81% translated, and overall translation progress was at 97%. Also right now it was 18% edited). Tsui Yuri, this week we didn't had translation progress (But if you really need translation progress, Dergonu said he managed to translate 30 lines iirc) but we had major bump in editing from 8% to 29%. For Majokoi, we had 12% translation progess and apparently they planning to release prologue patch. Speaking about Majokoi translation group (Luna Translation), they add another project here although I didn't do enough research right now other than there's a 15% translated patch for this VN (Oh, the VN was Musumaker). And for Nursery Rhyme, according to the thread it was updated back at January before this update (Right now it was 56% translated). I only knew that this VN was came from same company as Tayutama for now.
    Koiken Otome, thanks Decay for give the progress because I just knew it. Anyway, for Koiken Otome right now it was at 92.38% QC-ing, and hopefully they managed to fight the DDoS attack that caused the project lead delay the release (According to the post, supposedly this patch will be released at June 5th, but because there was some troll had grudge against some community, he decided to attacking server that host the community by DDoS, and unfortunately Koiken Otome server was the same server as targeted one). For last update (Astral Air), looks like this time Supreme Tentacle was prove us that what Chuee promised will come true (Translation will picked up in summer). I knew that there's still some QC left, but hopefully it'll take no long time and if possible we had it released this year. As for the progress, it was 3.88% jump from last week (Will we see 4% jump I wonder), bringing Astral Air to 88.83% translated.
    For this week, I think that's all for my review and sorry if I miss some. See you next week.
    PS - Congratulations on English patch release from big breast nukige 'Kimonen demo Harem Guild', Quof. And if some reader like big breast, go get the patch and play it.
    PPS - Add one more progress here. For Hanasaki, right now they had Hikari's route translated at 12% progress.
  22. Like
    Dergonu reacted to Arcadeotic for a blog entry, Bishoujo Mangekyou TL Update 22: Almost there...   
    Aah, I'm tired.
    It has been three days since the last update, but I'ver already surprassed and perhaps even doubled the amount I translated, thus I'm completely exhausted. I see sex lines where-ever I go and to put it frankly, it's not fun. Well, at least now I'll have six whole days to recharge until I finish this.
    That's right, I'm aiming for my translation to be finished next week. I won't laze around like I usually do, forget about translating for a few days, notice you an upcoming update and then proceed to translate for two days. No, I will finish this next week. And the best part of the whole novel is at hand, so my motivation has reached its maximum potential.
    As for other things, the editing got a nice bump but QC is still frozen solid. Nothing can be done about it, sorry about that.
    Look forward to the end next week.
    Translation: 7/8 script files finished, 8th script file 81% completed (~97%)
    Editing: 18%
    QC: 3,1%
    Proofreading: 0%
    Let's finish this, next week.
  23. Like
    Dergonu reacted to littleshogun for a blog entry, Fata Morgana and Fault Crossover Fan Fiction Review   
    Visual Novel Translation Status (06/11/2016)
    Since Tay this time using the sketch from Fault's artist in regard of Fata Morgana Steam release, so this week because at the picture we had characters from both Fata Morgana (Maid and White Haired Girl) and Fault (Selphine and Ritona), I made the title 'Fata Morgana and Fault Crossover Fan Fiction'. Oh, and speaking about Fata Morgana it was quite interesting, although the second door was quite bloody imo (Also if you looking for moe girl in Fata Morgana, I suggest you better look at Pauline because I think her design was the most close resemble from Japanese anime girl usual design imo). Anyway, here's my VNTS Review for this week, and I think for this week (And maybe in next weeks depending of my interest) I'll open new segment with the title 'Other' which covered all of the translation group beside usual 4 (Sekai, Mangagamer, JAST, and Fan Translation), or in VNTS word it would be Miscellaneous Projects. As for my opinion, the most interesting update was from Other and Fan Translation, while Mangagamer was had usual 2 weeks update and Sekai was also in their usual state (They add Tenshin Rahman and Chrono Clock now, so I should keep eye on those 2 now).
    Sekai Project
    Usual update from them, although most of them was slowed down though if we look at the VNTS page (The progress for the updates was not even touching 5%), and we also had some VN which had hiatus (Although it wasn't interesting one anyway) so for this week Sekai Project segment wasn't too interesting from the update (Oh, as for Chrono Clock and Tenshin Rahman translation progress, it was at 17.22% and 25.38% respectively).
    Instead of looking at less lively update from Sekai, I think I'll talk about the survey from Sekai since doddler post the Sekai's survey form picture. For the first picture here, well too bad I didn't had any of the console so if Sekai provide number 6 for none, I'll fill all of the choice with 6 ie I will not play VN on any of those console. For the 2nd picture here, I think for now I would fill 1 for Maitetsu, 2 for KARAKARA, 3 for Just Desert, and the rest with 12. It means that for now only Maitetsu and KARAKARA interest me right now, while Just Desert was because the VN once again from Indonesia. Although I knew that Meikyuu and Tokeijikake was good stuff, the reason I wasn't looking forward to it because I knew since back when Kajitsu was in translating process that Meikyuu was ended in cliffhanger, while I'd also read that Tokeijikake was also ended in unresolved mystery. Oh, and for Hoshimemo I think even if the translation was quite bad for some people (Personally I didn't care), it was already discussed and reviewed since back at 2012 so not looking forward to it. That's all for Sekai segment this week.
    Well, Da Capo 3 translation progress wasn't at 100% (To be exact, the translation progress was at 97% and editing progress was at 95%), but at least it's still had the progress, and hopefully the translator will fulfill his promise to finish it in less than 3 weeks (In more than 3 week we'll had AX, and the translator promise that he'll finish the translation before AX). As for other progress, actually not to much but for roundup here Kuroinu was at 78% translated, Pygmalion was fully translated and 8% edited, and for Bokuten it was also already fully translated and for editing process it was at 89%. And also Mangagamer tease us here in regard of in scripting project. I wonder if one of the project would be Himawari. Well, let's see it later.
    Oh, and for last update I forgot about it before, but the translation progress for Fata Morgana fandisc was at 12%. Speaking about Fata Morgana, I'd also quite interested with the Drama CD (Speaking about Drama CD, Mangagamer already had Yurirei 3rd Drama CD ready for pre-order there) just like the translator in the interview here, because it was contained some interesting seiyuu. For the special service, since Tay promote Fata Morgana in image header, how about I also give seiyuu list and their MAL page too. Anyway, here's the cast for Fata Morgana Drama CD (I hope if Novectale release voiced version of Fata Morgana, they will use seiyuu from Drama CD).
    Michel: Takahiro Sakurai The Maid: Asami Seto The Girl with White Hair: Mamiko Noto Mell Rhodes: Soichiro Hoshi Nellie Rhodes: Kana Asumi The Man: Kenichi Suzumura Pauline: Aki Toyosaki Javi: Yuki Kaji Maria Campanella: Yui Horie Jacopo Bearzatti: Junichi Suwabe And for last voiced character, since it was spoiler I'll just tell that Ami Koshimizu will voiced the spoiler character. Well, if some of you didn't interested in Fata Morgana before, maybe you could consider it from Drama CD seiyuu, and it was once again quite interesting cast. That's all for Mangagamer section here.
    The reason I opened this section because we had some interesting update here, and one of them was surprise. Okay, as for this section we already knew that Moonstone will release their moege 'Love Sweets' for English speaker, but we obviously still didn't know when the release date is (Although Moonstone promise us it will be this year). As for Corona Blossom IGG, looks like it'll be only for Chapter 1 while Frontwing want to release Chapter 2 and 3 separately. We still didn't knew though if the VN was could only fully enjoyed by playing all of 3 chapters or not, but I think it was quite not-so-good tactic because it was basically tell the backer that they willing to make more money by making separated release while Frontwing probably could make it in one volume only. Oh well, it's Frontwing strategy though and for Corona Blossom Chapter 1 campaign, right now it was managed to gather 17,052 from the target of 30,000 (56.84% funded). As for Libra, this time it was managed to surprise me by having delivered the progress at Mari's route translation (50% translated right now), but waiting 25 days for 25% progress (Coincidentally the number was same) was definitely tell us the progress was quite slow imo. Well, since Mikandi in the translation page promise us that there will be update for each week, I will keep my eye on it.
    Finally, for surprise announcement, in 5 days we'll had another new translated VN. As for the premise, it was MC and her little sister will be going to becoming nurse and so they started their study. From the review, I learned that this game was probably had 4 routes for all of heroine. Oh, and just in case you didn't get it MC here was female, so we'll get the yuri (But since it was on Steam and the producer was Kogado, there's no sex scene here). And for the title, once again instead of calling 'Nurse Love Addiction' I'll called this VN Hakuai. For future player of Hakuai, here's the advice from me. Expect some interesting CG in the middle of story based on spoiler filled review that I read (Once again I wonder what kind of reaction Hakuai player will had here). And since both Zakamutt and Decay was had some complain in regard of translation and UI respectively, I think for now I didn't had any problem with that, although to response Decay it would be nice though if we could play the demo to see if we could adjust the UI to transparent like Japanese demo. Oh well, and that's all for new section here.
    Fan Translation
    For this week, we had Yukikaze full patch released. While I said I'm far more interested with Yukikaze than Asagi, I think for the woman's breast other than Yukikaze the size was very inappropriate (I knew it was for anyone elso who had vey big breast fetish, but still). Therefore, when I saw Yukikaze, I think I like her design because her breast wasn't too big or in other word flat (Well, if nukige VN offer too many big breast girl, I think seeing flat one was quite refreshing). And speaking about big breast nukige, we had another update in regard of big breast nukige translation project. Once again, here's the page and according to this post, he'll release this patch in this June (For the progress, it was already finished translating and right now it was in editing). Anyway, for any reader here who had fetish for big breast, looking forward to the patch release.
    For non nukige project, looks like both Tay and Decay forgot to add this (I knew it was probably in regard of Mangagamer partnership with Navel), so I think I'll keep an eye on this project. Anyway, the project was already here for a while since August, and for the progress it was 30% translated (By the way, the premise was quite interesting with MC cosplay as the girl in order to enter girl's school). Looks quite good if we look from VNDB score (8 for average at VNDB right now).
    Anyway, for this week fan translation update, in regard of ToHeart 2 we had ittaku release another beta patch here, and FredtheBarber finished editing twin's route (And bring the editing progress to 85%, also they started to editing Manaka and Sasara route). Also they finished proofreading Konomi route and started on Tamaki route. For Bishoujo Mangekyou, this week we had the 8th script was at 37.7% (Or around 90% to overall script) translated and 9.9% edited. For Tsui Yuri, we had 36% script translated and 8% edited. As for release date for full patch, the translators of those 3 VN (Ittaku, Arcadeotic, and Dergonu) promised that they aim for 2016 release. Good luck for those three. For Saku Saku, there's no progress other than Akerou assure us that the QC still ongoing, while for Irotoridori the progress was at 13% translated (Also Akerou promised us that by August he already finished translating Irotoridori common route. Let's see it later). Majoki right now was at 11% translated and 5% edited (Nice progress).
    Finally for Astral Air, this week even crazy was understatement for their progress. In case you wondering, this week the translating progress from last week was at 3.59% (I though 1.65% was already crazy enough), bringing the overall translation progress to 84.95%. And for more news, Corona route was fully translated and they will translated Yuuki route next. Well, looks like Chuee promise in regard of translation progress at summer will picked up was true.
    That's all for this week VNTS Review, and see you next week.
  24. Like
    Dergonu reacted to Aizen-Sama for a blog entry, Majo Koi Nikki TL Weekly Update 4: 11% Translated   
    Hello guys. Fourth weekly update. This'll be a short one compared to the others. Basically the progress has been steady this whole week and things are progressing nicely. If you haven't seen our plans for the prologue patch in our project thread I'll just copy-paste what I wrote there here:
    "We decided to release a patch of the first 4298 lines of the game, which is essentially the real prologue of the game (until the OP pops up). Qoobrand released two trial versions. The first of those trials covers exactly that amount of lines until the OP, so we'll release the patch among with the trial version (which is completely free, we will set up a download button in our website for it) so you guys can experience what would be essentially a piece of the final work and what should you expect of our complete patch. Expect also the game's interface translated too."
    The prologue is almost completely translated (It'll probably be finished this week, no promises though) and I've resumed editing again since I'm on summer vacation now (yay). Fred has also started editing on his side. We have very similar writing styles and I do think our difference won't be noticeable. Darbury has started proofreading on his end and TLC is progressing nicely as well. We'll start looking for QC's once the prologue has been completely polished by both the Editors and the Proofreader. Anyways, that's everything I can say on my end. Have a nice day everybody.
    TL: From 7% to 11% - (4303/40394)
    Edit: From 3% to 5% - (2039/40394)
    Proofread Prologue Scripts: (6/20)
  25. Like
    Dergonu reacted to Arcadeotic for a blog entry, Bishoujo Mangekyou TL Update 21: 90% Translated   
    Well, as it says on the tin, this week I mangaed to reach the 90%-mark. This is pretty good news, as now there's just one last push for this game to be fully translated. I'm pretty excited.
    Anyways, this update is going live one day before the normal because of VNTS. Other than that, some slight editing progress was made, but sadly no QC progress.
    Other than that, I'll be gone for almost a week with my family, starting next Monday and I'll return late Sunday, so there most likely won't be an update next week, unless I manage to make a mini-update on Sunday or Monday. This of course depends on if I'm fast enough to do such a thing and/or am just lazy or not.
    Translation: 7/8 script files finished, 8th script file 37,7% completed (~90%)
    Editing: 9,9%
    QC: 3,1%
    Proofreading: 0%
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