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  1. Like
    Dergonu got a reaction from Mr Poltroon for a status update, I still have my beard, don’t tell Fiddle   
    I still have my beard, don’t tell Fiddle
  2. Like
    Dergonu reacted to Mikoto for a status update, Hello Dengonu, since the announcement of a new Inyouchuu game it struck to me the ide   
    Hello Dengonu, since the announcement of a new Inyouchuu game it struck to me the idea of translating the very first game myself, but I dont have any sort of experience in the matter, so I was looking for information on how to translate visual novels and about TinkerBell scripts/engine and I found out that you where one of the few people that had comments about Tinkerberll and Inyouchuu on this website, I was wondering, if maybe you knew of anyone that had tried to do something like this before or whenever it is possible (apparently TinkerBell uses and custom engine called C,system of which I can barely find info and it feels it might make things hard/impossible).
    In case I havent explained myself, im trying to patch the Inyouchuu games in english since TinkerBell and no one else wants to   Thanks for any help or information you might share.
  3. Like
    Dergonu got a reaction from Dreamysyu for a status update, Am I cute now?   
    Am I cute now?
  4. Like
    Dergonu got a reaction from Mr Poltroon for a status update, Am I cute now?   
    Am I cute now?
  5. Sad
    Dergonu got a reaction from Mr Poltroon for a status update, New avatar. Recent talks of ChuSinGura made me real nostalgic, and I've decided to go   
    New avatar. Recent talks of ChuSinGura made me real nostalgic, and I've decided to go back and replay it myself.
    I can't sully my beloved waifu's ahoge with a christmas hat, so that's enough christmas hat wearing for me this year. (/ω\)
  6. Like
    Dergonu got a reaction from Templarseeker for a status update, New avatar. Recent talks of ChuSinGura made me real nostalgic, and I've decided to go   
    New avatar. Recent talks of ChuSinGura made me real nostalgic, and I've decided to go back and replay it myself.
    I can't sully my beloved waifu's ahoge with a christmas hat, so that's enough christmas hat wearing for me this year. (/ω\)
  7. Like
    Dergonu got a reaction from Arcadeotic for a status update, Was derping around the forum, somehow ended up on the staff list and noticed somethin   
    Was derping around the forum, somehow ended up on the staff list and noticed something...
    Being the only board mod with a Japanese title makes me look like such a weeb, lol (;´・ω・)

    Clearly my avatar is the best, though, fite me irl guys! (/ω\)
  8. Like
    Dergonu got a reaction from mitchhamilton for a status update, Was derping around the forum, somehow ended up on the staff list and noticed somethin   
    Was derping around the forum, somehow ended up on the staff list and noticed something...
    Being the only board mod with a Japanese title makes me look like such a weeb, lol (;´・ω・)

    Clearly my avatar is the best, though, fite me irl guys! (/ω\)
  9. Like
    Dergonu got a reaction from Mr Poltroon for a status update, Was derping around the forum, somehow ended up on the staff list and noticed somethin   
    Was derping around the forum, somehow ended up on the staff list and noticed something...
    Being the only board mod with a Japanese title makes me look like such a weeb, lol (;´・ω・)

    Clearly my avatar is the best, though, fite me irl guys! (/ω\)
  10. Like
    Dergonu got a reaction from Plk_Lesiak for a status update, MIKU! (/・ω・)/   
    MIKU! (/・ω・)/
  11. Like
    Dergonu got a reaction from EyesOfTheHeavens for a status update, Tehepero   

  12. Like
    Dergonu reacted to mitchhamilton for a status update, Happy birthday, you youngling. try not to trip on being so young, you shit. you figur   
    Happy birthday, you youngling. try not to trip on being so young, you shit.  
    you figure out what i mean by that!
  13. Like
    Dergonu reacted to Mr Poltroon for a status update, My soulmate.   
    My soulmate.
  14. Like
    Dergonu got a reaction from Dreamysyu for a status update, 2000 shitposts later.   
    2000 shitposts later.

  15. Like
    Dergonu got a reaction from MaggieROBOT for a status update, 2000 shitposts later.   
    2000 shitposts later.

  16. Like
    Dergonu got a reaction from VirginSmasher for a status update, You have returned to your old spamming roots. I am proud   
    You have returned to your old spamming roots. I am proud

  17. Like
    Dergonu reacted to HMN for a status update, RINKO!!!!!!!   
  18. Like
    Dergonu got a reaction from mitchhamilton for a status update, Decided to change my avatar and title with my 3k post milestone. Now no one will reco   
    Decided to change my avatar and title with my 3k post milestone.
    Now no one will recognize me! Yay!
  19. Like
    Dergonu got a reaction from mitchhamilton for a status update, <3   

  20. Haha
    Dergonu got a reaction from tymmur for a status update, This will be me again in just 5 days.   
    This will be me again in just 5 days.
  21. Like
    Dergonu reacted to Mr Poltroon for a status update,   
  22. Like
    Dergonu got a reaction from mitchhamilton for a status update, This will be me again in just 5 days.   
    This will be me again in just 5 days.
  23. Like
    Dergonu got a reaction from SomethingFunny31 for a status update, Happy new year! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆   
    Happy new year! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
  24. Confused
    Dergonu got a reaction from mitchhamilton for a status update, Hello? Is this the imouto factory? Yes, I'd like to order 900 of these. Ok, thanks.   
    Hello? Is this the imouto factory?
    Yes, I'd like to order 900 of these. Ok, thanks.

  25. Like
    Dergonu got a reaction from mitchhamilton for a status update, LET'S GO!   
    LET'S GO!

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