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    Tyr got a reaction from XReaper in All translated VNs years chart 2015   
    You're talking about an industry which can only survive because it's financed by horny teenagers. There is no other entertainment in this world which is as true to the carnal desires of its audience as animu is. Newsflash: Most animu and visual novels are smut. Everything else is the exception. Stop lying to yourself.
    You misspelled "fap base".
  2. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from sanahtlig in Which visual novels has the most amount of choices?   
    It's a shame that many people can't differentiate between something being just bad and hating something on a personal level. It's not the same.
    I would even say that something which can trigger deep emotions like hate can't be purely bad. And School Days is certainly the emotion triggering type of visual novel.
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    Tyr got a reaction from Deep Blue in Which visual novels has the most amount of choices?   
    It's a shame that many people can't differentiate between something being just bad and hating something on a personal level. It's not the same.
    I would even say that something which can trigger deep emotions like hate can't be purely bad. And School Days is certainly the emotion triggering type of visual novel.
  4. Like
    Tyr reacted to XReaper in What got you started?   
    it was a logical consequence of when i first started becoming socially arkward, resulting in me becoming socially arkward the more...

    edit: sega saturn - dyoukusei
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    Tyr reacted to XReaper in Sekai Project cropped G-Senjou no Maou CGs   
    i do get worked up when someone tells me that buiseness btw potential boost of sales comes before reading experience, because if thats the case then piss off and sell cars, or whatever and not a medium that atually lives from its reading experience, furthermore calling me a purist, elitist or whatever overly-sentimental dude that hasnt understood the world he´s living in...
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    Tyr got a reaction from XReaper in euphoria   
    It's really not a good idea comparing Clockup's nukige with their serious games like euphoria or Fraternite.
    I knew quite a few 3DPDs who said this phrase to me. There is nothing illogical about a woman desiring such an act.
    Heck, if it comes to the characterization of broken girl's, I guess eroge is pretty damn close to reality in this regard. ^^ Much more realistic than cute girls liking a hetare, haha xD
    (I don't like this particular Clockup game, btw)
  7. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from XReaper in Your biggest turn-offs in visual novels?   
    So much yes! This is everything that needs to be said. ^^
    Really, if the story is good, everything is fine. Because in a good story, everything is part of the story thus it has a purpose. And I don't need to like everything I read because sometimes it's necessary to present even something unlikable to the reader to get the message across.
    If a novel doesn't challenge me in some way, it's not a story worth to be told, in my opinion.
    That said, bad writing is the only turn off for me. Some tropes are inherently bad writing style, like hetare and donkan, so those are obviously included.
  8. Like
    Tyr got a reaction from XReaper in euphoria   
    Uhm, euphoria is certainly not a nukige. Most of the h-scenes are concentrated in the first part of the game which is only a small part of the whole eroge. Stating that 50% of the game are h-scenes is just plain wrong.
    There is much more to the game than most of you who haven't read it think and hentai scenes are only a small part of it. And most of them are actually important to the characterization and development.
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