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Okarin last won the day on August 17 2022

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About Okarin

  • Birthday 04/12/1983

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    North of Spain
  • Interests
    Music, gaming, anime, VNs, Japan, WW2, Flames of War, the military, languages, religion, culture, life

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  1. As in Favorite the eroge company, of Hoshimemo fame. I read Hoshimemo between 2016 and 2017 and I was satisfied with it. Eternal Heart, the fandisk, didn't hit any particular vibes. Then fast forward to June 2024 and I got Irotoridori no Sekai. The game's highlight is the mysterious and mystical atmosphere. The story, when fully uncovered, is not that great and has some apparent weak links/plot holes, but I hear it all gets explained, provided you continue the trilogy. Nah, I've seen enough and I don't want to sink more time on the other games (if they get TLed), as I'm middle aged and I need to plan my future carefully. With just 2 franchises on the West it's very hard to rate Favorite. I need more games, like Sakumoyu, to create a solid opinion. You JOPs out there, how do you rate it?
  2. 1- Kanon is a classic, so hopefully I'll get the Steam version this Winter Sale to play it roughly 10 years after I found about it, watched the anime and played the game. Key/Visual Arts also deserves my money for the entertainment provided. 2- Kanon H scenes are very bad. Not ONE levels of crazy bad (Nagamori) but at the very least insipid and badly executed. Not a problem for me that it's turned all ages. 3- Kanon anime from KyoAni is magic. Sadly here in Poorope I only have access to Clannad in Bluray. Which I'm planning to get this Christmas.
  3. https://store.steampowered.com/app/3074840/Utawarerumono_ZAN/ Thoughts, prayers, insults.
  4. Depends on the game. Some games you can just grab your favorite route -or the one you have time for- and call it a day. I have seen some strange people who made a point of playing a route a game, "because it was the MC's true love" or something. But in plotge and a lot of moege, you need each route to round out the overarching plot. Not to say there can't be filler routes (Lukako?), plot-wise (Lukako brings little but I guess he can brighten up some people), but they will be more the exception. You should acknowledge that VNs as a whole are long-ass games and the lack of gameplay can make them tedious. I can totally see getting burned out with Tsukihime because I was with Fate Stay Night. I'm waiting for the official TL to replay it properly. It's not strange that a game like Tsukihime remake would take you around 3 months or more of playing consistently (but assuming you won't be very addicted).
  5. Pirating is one thing, but declaring it openly...?
  6. I forgot to say, and it's important, that my skills are for Spain's Spanish; but I think I can do neuter Spanish.
  7. "Some person" hooked me up to work at Yosuga no Sora/Haruka na Sora translation project. I've been an English language editor there. But I can be an editor in my native language, Spanish, too. I'm from Spain. I'm very good at English but a beginner at Japanese. If you're translating your project from Japanese to Spanish, I'm afraid I can't be a translator, as I have low level in Japanese. But if you're translating from English to Spanish (which I know is definitely a thing), I can give some bang to your project, no doubt. Aside from that I can be an editor in Spanish, assuming I get text in English or Spanish, at least. I've read a lot and know Spanish by heart. I also make practically no typos as I revise lines and have experience in programming (checking out informatic code), and I don't make ortographical mistakes in Spanish at all. Overall I enjoy creating decent text and playing with meanings and expressions. I've also read around 200 visual novels. So, hit me with your proposals, and let's work together! By the way, I completed the edit of Yahiro route in Haruka na Sora (in English). Maybe my work has been overwritten since then, but it should be mostly intact.
  8. I was one of the original Irotoridori KS backers, and I was feeling sad this was going to be, by far, the most expensive VN ever for me. But then Nekonyan saved the day, and gave me a key. The game is already on my library, and raring to go on the 16th. Thanks a bunch, Nekonyan! So, if you were a backer, you should totally do it.
  9. I agree with both. For me, I don't really get anything out of ¡5! new novels. I also have already read Koichoco, and the TL was good enough. As 'Shogun points out, these novels are looking similar to other ones in the market, maybe Nekonyan is running out of ideas. I'm more interested in their other ongoing projects. But these 5, they're like medium term, I think that only one or maybe two were advanced in their localisation. Anyway, it's to be expected, as the Western releases scape is mostly moege.
  10. Magic the Gathering? That's based. When I played, more than 20 years ago, I liked to make powerful, trendy decks (in the middle of Combo Winter, that wasn't such a hot idea). But the prices in Standard and Extended soon spiked, and I decided to call it quits. I wish I was rich enough to play it, and play it seriously. So far, just a pipe dream for me.
  11. Typically in each of the four seasons and even more. Sites like Denpasoft, MG and Jast also have fidelity points that you gain by buying content. You earn back a small amount.
  12. You'd have to go to the VN circles themselves, which could be really sparse. I don't even think there's a proper Spanish VN group in Steam, which is why I'm in generic gaming groups and in Fuwa itself. But I checked several years ago, so I might be outdated. A good way would be contacting Spanish blogs dedicated to VNs, but I don't know how far they will reach. At least, if they get interested in your game, you can sell some copies. Take this blog from Latin America: https://thunder503.wordpress.com/ Other related media places, like anime fansubs, could also spread the word. But it mostly is a matter of word of mouth in the Net. Discord would be good, advertise it at every community you can, English or Spanish speaking.
  13. Before there was anime or manga, there were videogames. Since in Europe, let alone Spain, we always get the smallest libraries of games... Japanese exclusives that stayed there were always coveted. They were regularly shown with a small commentary in the biggest videogames magazine of the early 90s (it still continues today). But those were things like JRPGs, not VNs. Until anime/manga was adopted, the VN/eroge industry seemed too alien, plus the language barrier for text-based games. When I talked about anime-based magazines of the late 90s, I meant that they dedicated articles to hot games of that era. But searching through scans, I've also found proof that these same mags promoted eroge of the time through mail distribution. Those tended to be outdated games with several years of age. I know I played Dragon Knight 3 in 1998. This even appeared in pricing lists in regular videogame mags. Done by the infamous Megatech in California, lol. Those oldie eroges probably sold horribly, unless the news got to some horny people with money to burn. Interestingly, the prices are similar to today's games on Steam. They were cheaper than regular videogames, much more than the old cartridge ones from 16-bit era (but these came in CDs). The games most probably stayed in Japanese, since I can't imagine any kind of localisation. They were the eroge of the time, but focusing on the sexual aspect and marketed with it in mind. Basically people would get some fap material along with a story in a foreign language. What is curious is that the sinopsis was localised, but VNDB also does that today. About games like Kanon, that most probably got commented in small circles around the year 2000, you really had to tackle them in Japanese, and as we know people really lacked understanding of it. If you wanted to read them in English, you'd have had to wait until mid-2000s or something, when you probably had already forgotten about them. I know that we never got Sakura Taisen (the first games), even when it was a regular console game. It's interesting that for the few people who knew some degree of Japanese, that were the people who spearheaded the anime and manga culture in Spain, some chain of distribution must have existed (it wasn't rare to get importation Japanese items, albeit at hefty prices. I once got a packet of Evangelion trading cards at my small place. Soundtrack CDs, albeit produced in Korea, I think, were also available). The internet in the late 90s was much more primitive but I believe importing eroge could be a thing. Otherwise, they couldn't say much about them. All of this applies to mainland Spain, in Latam things probably would be much more artesanal and fan-driven. There should have been some magazines or fanzines of their own there. Also it's important to keep in mind that wanting is not the same as doing. Some TL circles might want to be showered in popularity and recognition like every one of us do, but their methods are lacking. That means translating without a good grasp of the languages involved, or using the infamous MTL. I can totally see that being the case with some of these fan circles.
  14. No, it translates everything. A couple of years ago, I'm thinking because it ran on previous-gen hardware, some words were not recognised. I still think this is the case, but the numbers have been reduced. So, it's not that the majority of it is not TLed, it's just some bits. Now, even names used in conversation would be TLed too, so "Sango" is "coral". The quality of MTL is getting sluggishly improved, but the problem is more about grammar, sarcasm, double entendres, nuances, etc. VNs tend to be full of innuendos (if not keigo), so it's hard for it to keep track.
  15. Hi people! I'm back participating at Fuwa! Today, I'm gonna give you a rundown about this emerging language in the VN world, Spanish, and the place I'm in, the old metropolis. Spanish has been known lately for some translations we've had, sometimes before an English TL existed. Such is the case of Sakura no Uta, very coveted in English, that we Spanish readers could have and enjoy (I did). There's Sayonara wo Oshiete too, that later received an English one, but I didn't test it, and I remain unaware if it's indeed MTL; it is marked so at VNDB. There's no introducing VNs in Spain, and maybe Latin America, because they're already introduced, of sorts. At malls, you can sometimes find niche games, such as the idol game for Neptunia (PS Vita), or some obscure JRPG, but not normally VNs. I live in a small place so things might be different in bigger areas. Still, one of the best sources to procure VNs (for consoles) is Amazon. I've at least ordered Chaos;Child for PS4 from there. The order was like any other product. There were no issues procuring it, and there won't be, as long as it is in stock. But of course, Chaos;Child is a top-tier VN. What about some more obscure ones? I've run a quick search, and even a "kusoge" like Kotodama - the 7 mysteries of Fujisawa is still for sale for Switch, 3 years after launch, and indeed from first press. But just one copy. Here, it's far easier to find PS4 games of all sorts (including VNs) available long after their launch date. But not with Switch. Switch suffers from short production runs and low stock, leading to steep speculation after they're no longer available. The best known VN-likes in Spain would be things like Zero Escape, Ace Attorney, maybe Key games, and maybe sci-adv games. Outside of that, it would be classics like Higurashi and Nasuverse. I'd say that the people playing VN in consoles far outnumber the connoisseurs playing in PC, let alone full-blown eroge. But it all depends what circle of people you move in. After all's said and done, knowing English to an acceptable level is still rare in Spain (less with the newer generations, but still). This means the people who do well at it will have no hurdles getting into this sort of culture, whereas the ones who don't are barred from it. For example, when I was getting into anime and Japanese media, back at the end of the 90s, the medium used for sharing info wasn't the internet, but specialised magazines. Some people from Barcelona would dedicate a section of the 'zine to the latest trends in Japan, including VNs, of course. I think they talked about things like To Heart, and I kinda recall Kanon, too (the timeline matches, it being like 1999). Sadly I don't still have the 'zines with me. This example illustrates how a small group of people from the big city can follow Japanese trends no problem. But they're a different generation and all, and they were mostly focused in anime and manga, so it would be hard for them to cater to the VN world now. One example of a person that I know who talks about VNs (non-eroge) at every opportunity they get is the Youtuber "Puerta al sótano", which means "Doorway to the basement". In the video that follows, he talks about Robotics;Notes, no clue if he even got to finish it, but he will try VNs sometimes in his channel: https://youtu.be/--U8SuS4xBo Like me, he's a big fan of Steins;Gate. Even in an established site for all sort of videogame translations, like "Clan DLAN", the majority of users haven't played a single VN. We'll notice the trend that people from South America are far more accustomed to the medium than people from Spain itself. Also, the forum houses some fan TL projects, all from South America, I haven't seen any from Spain: http://www.clandlan.net/foros/ And yes, I have to say I don't know any fan TLers from Spain, but that fact is also in the process of changing. Spain has an established scene for anime subs, and some of them, among others, are trying to get into VNs and eroges. An example would be this: https://ko-fi.com/pescaderiasviral?fbclid=IwAR1x0EVitd9xZk4pdla0JoWGBS9FzGe1a8jbWb_z7L09y5z1jyUz7HimI2E Good people who are trying to get Himanatsu into Spanish, and if they manage to keep around, hopefully some others. As an example of a fansub doing eroge TLs, we have this one which I just looked up. They did indie things like Sepia Tears or Sweetest Monster, but I read those in English: https://vndb.org/p7762 There's also this group from Latam, who probably translate from English into Spanish, but when it comes to Japanese they tend to tap into MTL. They were doing Tokyo Necro (also MTL as per VNDB) before JAST announced it this summer. I think I'll be reading it in English. https://vndb.org/p6908 To boost VN popularity in Spanish-speaking countries, Spanish localisation would be much needed. People from South America tend to know English better than people in Spain, but that varies. Japanese is too much to ask outside of true Japan devotees. It's pretty hard to learn Japanese in Spain, since there's no exposition to it at all outside of Japanese media itself. And in Latam, it would be the same: people would only learn Japanese out of an inclination towards Japanese pop culture, probably aided by the media itself. So, the majority of the untapped Spanish sphere are EOPs, with a rise of the SOP titles. JOPs are too scarce and would be already dedicated to TL itself.
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