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Rain Spectre

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Fuwa Senior

Fuwa Senior (4/11)



  1. I quantify an "NTR game" to be something built entirely out of the fetish, so most probably no.
  2. I don't think there are many NTR fans in this community.
  3. Yeah, that's what Denpasoft is for-ganbaru.
  4. Zeria commented on this on twitter, and I agree, we as a community really need to find a less broad descriptor than "Slice-Of-Life" to describe shit. Because using it ends up bunching together school-girl comedies and emotional dramas under the same umbrella.
  5. Sequal is supposed to be better.
  6. Mangagamer is doing sales on an awful lot of nukige...
  7. Worse. Fujoshi's with an interest in vore.
  8. How many of you people even care about SukiSuki? How many of you paid attention to it before these changes came up? I seriously ask that because you're saying someone should be fired over minor translation quirks in a work you don't even care about.
  9. He didn't fuck it up through, unless "A few minor decisions I disagree with" someone how qualifies as an objective disaster.
  10. So he fucked up a translation...by using "Dude" instead of "Onii-chan" (When the desired meaning wouldn't have com across with the latter, and just using a name would be impossible given the narrative) and using Spanish to represent broken English (Even if you disagree with that singular decision, it's one goddamn scene). Right.
  11. If Aru quits TLing over this BS, I'm going to hold you jerks personally accountable.
  12. The thing that gets me...this isn't the first time Arunaru removed "Onii-chan" in every way from the characters speech pattern. He did it as well in Evenicle, a much higher profile release. Why all the complaining here and not there?
  13. God, the atmosphere in Swan Song is incredible. Amazing what a lack of music can do.
  14. Literally just press the eye icon at the top-left of the text box. Easy as that.
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