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Seraphim last won the day on December 23 2022

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  1. Before trying an emulator, you could try running the game in compatiblity mode and/or launching it as administrator if you haven't already. You can find these settings by right-clicking the EXE and then going to Properties -> Compatiblity. Booting games in compatibility mode for XP or Windows 7 has saved me a few times with troublesome VNs. You could also try out Locale Emulator. There have been a few cases where I was unable to launch certain VNs with my system set to Japanese locale, but Locale Emulator was somehow able to boot them properly.
  2. I can see that the two VNs with few votes I mentioned have now moved down the list quite a bit (currently rank 324 and 294) compared to when I wrote my last post. Dunno if that's because of adjustments to the system or if it's just an example of it working its magic. In any case, I'm interested in seeing what the rankings will be like a month or year from now.
  3. I think the fact that this and this are now ranked higher than the Grisaia trilogy, G-senjou no Maou, Majikoi, Aokana and a ton of other great VNs says a lot. Let's just hope the system will improve over time. At the very least, I think there should be some rule about the minimum number of votes to hit the high rankings, just to prevent single digit vote VNs from reaching the top.
  4. Yeah, it's nice to see that the Mahoyo localization from last year wasn't just a one-off. Would be great if we, just like with Tsukihime, eventually get a remake of Fate and see it find its way west for the first time.
  5. Wow, so they delayed the game for almost two years because of this bug and now it turns out they haven't actually fixed it? Kinda seems like there must have been other issues at play which they haven't mentioned, or else it really shouldn't have taken this long. Oh well, I'm glad they've sorted everything out so this game can finally see the light of day (as long as there aren't any other hiccups before August).
  6. It's a machine translation by SakuraGame, so even without reading any of it myself, I think it's safe to say that it's utter garbage. There's no other translation available though, so if you feel like you absolutely must read it in English, this is your only option.
  7. I went with Hentai Prison, Sayonara o Oshiete and Akeiro Kaikitan. I sincerely doubt Mangagamer will pick up Akeiro, considering the fact that Sekai have been the ones localizing other Silky's titles, but one can dream. I had a hard time deciding between Hentai Prison and Nukitashi, but the former seems a bit more interesting so that's what I ended up choosing.
  8. I mean, I get your disappointment, but you can't really expect much from someone who has made 65 "translations" since September. I doubt there's even a semblance of editing in any of these releases, so you're probably better off pretending like they don't even exist.
  9. Well, the VN itself is great, but it hits hard and most of the bad stuff happening is because of Haruki's inability to commit to one girl for most of the VN. He seems a lot more human than your average VN protagonist, which is probably the main reason why his actions throughout the story made me start to dislike him so much. Makoto from School Days is, as I've already mentioned, a whole lot worse, but he's such un unbearable bastard all the time that you can't even take him seriously. It had been sitting in my backlog for ages by the time I finally got started on it. I knew it was supposed to be good, but I was under the impression that this was just comedy/romance through and through, so it kinda hit me out of left field when I realized there's actually some drama and serious topics here as well. It turned out to be one of my best reads of the year, so I highly recommend you give it a go!
  10. I don't think I can decide on one, but the top 3 for this year are probably Kakei Kyoutarou from Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai, Niimi Kakeru from 9-nine, or Narita Shinri from Hello Lady (whenever he's not sexually harrassing people out of nowhere). Might as well list the worst protagonist while I'm at it, and there's no competition whatsoever there. It's Kitahara Haruki from White Album 2. I think the only VN protagonist I dislike more is Itou Makoto from School Days, but he's in a league of his own and I haven't read that VN in years now so it doesn't qualify here.
  11. You can try downloading saves from here. I don't know if they work for the English localization, though.
  12. I actually haven't experienced this issue in a long while now, so it seems to somehow have solved itself one way or another. Unfortunately, that also means that I to this day don't have any idea what actually caused it. Maybe it was just some bug related to Windows that was eventually fixed in an update. If that's the case, you'll probably be fine as well in the near future (since you also seem to recall not having this issue before), but I can understand your current frustration considering how much time I wasted trying to remedy my own situation at the time of writing the original post.
  13. Until a couple of hours ago, I had no idea that Oshtor is the main character in this game. I was already looking forward to it, but now I'm suddenly a lot more psyched! Kinda got my hands full with Gore Screaming Show, Clockwork Ley-Line and God of War right now though, so I'll have to put off getting started on this for a while.
  14. Maybe it's because the character art is by Hamashima Shigeo, known for Euphoria and Maggot Baits, among others?
  15. I'm a little torn over Koichoco. On one hand, it'd be nice to get another previously untranslated work rather than one with an already decent fan translation, but then there's the fact that Sprite getting some more exposure and income improves the chances of them doing new stuff. I'd very much like to see a new VN from them that isn't related to Aokana, which I definitely enjoyed, but not to the point of wanting even more content for it instead of a new IP. (But hey, I'll take anything I can get.)
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