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Status Replies posted by Ceris

  1. Nep-Nep fans: listen to Helvetica Standard's signature. Avoid Re;birth2's Conquest Ending :makina: . (note: BBCode usage intentional)

    1. Ceris


      I'm going to do it anyway :sachi:

  2. Can't think of good perma status to set.

    1. Ceris


      That's why I removed mine long ago~

  3. It's like I transcended being a commoner on the forums and so I see BBCode or whatever the formatting is instead of English ;-; RIP my About Me

    1. Ceris


      That's what happened to us chat mods when we were given powers. That's your bbcode transformed into html and afaik, you can't fitx it without deleting every bit of html and putting bbcode back. Enjoy!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. I have concluded the Sprite Maker Nosebleed provided is unhealthy, and I should not have ever tried it out.

    1. Ceris


      Another victim.

  5. Kotori? WHAT?!! Kotori? WHAT?!! Kotori? WHAT?!! Kotori? WHAT?!! Kotori? WHAT?!! Kotori? WHAT?!! Kotori? WHAT?!! Kotori? WHAT?!! Kotori? WHAT?!! Kotori? WHAT?!! Kotori? WHAT?!!

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