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  1. Like
    Eclipsed got a reaction from Fred the Barber in Everything's Coming Up Roses   
    The Freditorial?
    Petition to rename Bob the Farmer to Fred the Editor now  
  2. Like
    Eclipsed got a reaction from Darklord Rooke in News   
    Was Rooke always this awesome
    For some reason I have memories of him being an old handed mr. grumpy grump
    Even though I've never actually seen him be grumpy grump
  3. Like
    Eclipsed got a reaction from Mr. Meogii in Newly improved chat App.   
    Idk about "newly improved" (currently lacking in features atm), but it's a nice chat to drop by indeed.
  4. Like
    Eclipsed got a reaction from Rose in Fuwalegends~The Tale of Whore: The Fuwan Who Couldn't Even   
    I don't even
  5. Like
    Eclipsed reacted to Zalor in Avatar: The Last Fuwabender*   
    Lol, you remember that. My current avatar is an in-between size of my original one, and the big one I used for no longer than an hour. It took slight experimentation, but I ultimately found the perfect size! I feel Eternals deserve the right to find the perfect aspect ratio. Even for us, perfection can take some time to find. ;P   
  6. Like
    Eclipsed got a reaction from Zalor in Avatar: The Last Fuwabender*   
    @ Tiago who cares if its zoomed in or out!! by variation i mean like an entirely new pose, etc. though if you really want nitpicky we can add an "Absolute Eternal" class

    @ Dice 
  7. Like
    Eclipsed reacted to Ryechu in Avatar: The Last Fuwabender*   
    Loyalist!  I'll never NOT have a Raichu in my avatar, unless a mod changes it against my will...
    That would make me sad.  I can't be the resident Pokemon if I don't have the avatar...
  8. Like
    Eclipsed reacted to sanahtlig in "Princess Evangile 2 - The Trap" - Random Review - Ojousama to Himitsu no Otome (Trial Edition)   
    Think about this statement for a moment.
  9. Like
    Eclipsed reacted to sanahtlig in Shinsekai Yori: Eclipsed's Episode Commentary&Thoughts Compilation   
    An interesting review buried in an odd place.
  10. Like
    Eclipsed reacted to Cyrillej1 in Shinsekai Yori: Eclipsed's Episode Commentary&Thoughts Compilation   
    Yaay, another person who likes this anime. I enjoyed watching it too. I think once I hit episode 8, I Had to keep watching. Maria was also my favorite character!

    I totally agree 
  11. Like
    Eclipsed got a reaction from sanahtlig in Tell Debonosu you want the uncut version of Kagura Douchuuki   
    Oh, Tay did allow guest comments. There's also a CAPTCHA though I don't know the technobabble of how effective that is against spambots. 
    Agreed censorship is bad. Holy crap if they are going to remove the dozens of H-scenes and release a butchered version. Damn.

    (Edited by sanahtlig on 5/31, Reason: spam)
  12. Like
    Eclipsed reacted to sanahtlig in Tell Debonosu you want the uncut version of Kagura Douchuuki   
    Just keep in mind you can't farm likes if you post as a guest.
  13. Like
    Eclipsed got a reaction from Ezeefreak in A farewell and some messages   
    Ezee's busy managing his LL forum now

    Had a good run together; best of luck for the future to all~

  14. Like
    Eclipsed got a reaction from Rose in A farewell and some messages   
    Ezee's busy managing his LL forum now

    Had a good run together; best of luck for the future to all~

  15. Like
    Eclipsed got a reaction from Rose in Fuwa-Skype Group and Karaoke   
    Lmao what's with Kurisu's S;G second edition vers. 1.23 xD
  16. Like
    Eclipsed reacted to Clephas in For Those Who are Interested   
    Yeah.  To be honest, while the forums help me reach part of the community, there isn't much of a dialogue in the threads...
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