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  1. VNDB | Official Site Romanized Title: Damatte Watashi no Muko ni Nare! Original Title: 黙って私のムコになれ! English Translation: Shut up and become my spouse! Alias: DamaMuko (黙ムコ) Release Date: January 28, 2011 Length: Medium (10 - 30 hours) Developer: ensemble Publisher: ensemble *Note: Ensemble's second game released for the Windows OS, which is just your average stereotypical harem rom-com visual novel (but therefore not necessarily bad...). Consists of 6 routes, one for each of the 6 main heroines. Also, a "Reona After Story" has been released, which focuses on the engagement between Naoki and Reona and the events that follow thereafter. Description On the second day of the new school term, Naoki was walking to Seiran Gakuen (Academy) with his imouto (little sister) Fumuko when he witnessed a group of men forcing a girl in a dress into a car. He jumped in to help her and with help from his friends was able to get her away from the kidnappers. That’s when a butler appeared, beat the kidnappers and scared them off. His relief turned to bewilderment when the angered girl ordered the butler to fire a rocket launcher at the car the kidnappers were in. She smiled at him and invited him to her house as thanks for saving her. Of course, he declined the invitation and ran away as fast as he could. However, that’s not the end of it. When he reached the school gates the next day, he finds the girl from the day before, Rin, arguing with his arranged fiancée, Reona. Rin notices him and gives him a kiss, telling him that she’ll make him her groom. The school ends up getting involved and a ‘bride poll’ is held to decide who he will marry. Wait, why is his future being decided by a popularity vote!? [From Hau~ Omochikaeri!] Request As the title of this thread implies, I might start a translation project of this vn sometime in the near future. But, to be able to do so, I'll need to get ahold of the game's script files. Now, there lies my problem. As I'm new to data extraction and the like, I'm not sure of the tools to use for this. So, with that said, I'd like to ask what the best tool to use is for this (and other) visual novels. Recruit Since I'm not a member of any vn translation group at the moment, I don't have anyone (yet) to help me out with this (possible) project. People I'd definitely be needing are: "at least one other translator (I'd prefer two, as then each one of us will be able to focus on 2 routes only)" , "one or two editors (more is always welcome of course)", "a hacker", "one or two QC'ers (more is always welcome of course)" and, last but not least, "a TLC (not required but appreciated)".
  2. The purpose of this thread is to have fellow Fuwanovelians help each other determine the game of where the unknown CG or heroine is from. It's not fun when you find this great looking heroine or amazing CG scene but don't know what game it's from and it can be quite frustrating to look for it. All of us have played all sorts of visual novels and some of us are very knowledgeable about this stuff so I thought this would be a helpful resource to share a potentially interesting game and discuss more about it. As an added perk and possibly to boost people's ego confidence and for bragging rights, every time you helped someone determine what game the CG/heroine is from, you will gain a point and placed on a ranking. Just a little motivation is all. Rank so far: #1 Kiriririri - 7 points #2 mitchhamilton - 2 points #3 Flutterz - 1 point Zenophilious - 1 point binaryfail - 1 point I personally have dozens of these unknown CGs/heroines, but I'll start with this one because it looks very interesting and I want to play it just to get this scene: I found this in google images when I searched for "harem endings", but I can't seem to find out where it's from. The game's art looks very familiar to me but I just can't put my finger on it...
  3. I remember this one Visual Novel that had a feature where you could idk rotate the scene and give off a 3D effect. At first I thought it was World End Economica but now I'm not so sure, but I did find discover this VN around the buzz around World End was going on during 2014 so maybe that's why. At the most I can remember this VN boasting something along the lines of rotating the scenes.......2D that gives a 3D effects. I'm sorry for being so cryptic but does this jog anyone's mind?
  4. (Do you have an "identify" thread?) Does anyone have a clue as to where at least one of these images is from, where I can ask about the titles, or some similar visual novels: (Beauty warning) Heavily interested in 6. 10. 15. 16. 1. 2. http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/nijisaku/imgs/9/4/94d9a44c-s.jpg 3. http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/mkumku-matome/imgs/8/1/81905e47.jpg 4. http://data.okinny.heypo.net/image/large/825f4fe230b14cbb95c40e1f7e46cb04.jpg 5. http://img.momoniji.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/mizugi2014121820.jpg 6. http://blog-imgs-70.fc2.com/m/o/r/moroahedoujin/shimapan20706005.jpg 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. http://newniziero.com/wp-content/uploads/storage21/shimapan2_11s.jpg 14. 15. http://gazouko.jp/pink/files/201307/縞パン【二次元】5.jpg 16. 17. Thank you in advance
  5. Hello I have finished the game a few time but have yet to get a 100% gallery. I have tried over and over but still nothing. I did already everything that is in the walkthrough that comes with the game so I need a new guide. Or a 100% Save File. Things I miss: Last picture in CG Gallery (are there by any chance 4 and not 3 extra scenes? ) From the Scene Gallery I miss: Page 2, Second Picture from left on the bottom row (between "Long Shot" and "Miss Intruder Is pleased") Page 5: The scene between "3V Shopping 3" and "A Favor from Foxy" Page 6: The scene between "Impromptu Concert" and "Patricia" Page 6: The scene between "This Child is a Wich" and "Toto" (last scene from the gallery). There are 2 scene I'm not able to get but appear in the walkthrough: Making A-ya come in the 1st place - I did just give up... (I guess this is the missing scene from page 2) And getting "your Fan 6?" for the Tail Play, I did try over and over choices and still did not get the scene. Alternatively: A 100% save file or/and an online gallery with ALL CGs
  6. 1) A few months ago, JAST released Aselia the Eternal -The Spirit of Eternity Sword- on Steam. They said that there is a possibility of a 18+ patch, and I have been waiting for that. However, now, they said that there will be no content-restoration patch for that game, because: Their translator refused to work with the material, due to it involved loli or something. They didn't find the game is actually worth the effort that they are putting into; and frankly, I understand. The Aselia Steam version is selling not very well, I believe, as it's a 13 year-old game. The game has RPG element, so they have to put more effort in it for a product that would eventually sell less. So how come there has been no fan-patch for Aselia, the full version. I checked VNDB, and it seemed both popular and well-ranked. Also, if anyone has played Aselia Steam version, can you please enlighten me: how much content was cut out pls? 2) Is it possible (make sense) to play the sequel, Seinarukana, without playing Aselia. I just don't want to play an incomplete product. I get it that it's not JAST fault, but I don't want to play it either, yet I want to support them with the sequel. P/S: I am new, probably not to the forum, but at least quite new to comment/posting. My signature is too spread some words about my favorite campaign as well, but what I've just asked is serious.
  7. I'd like to know if there's a way to dump into a usable text format the scripts of VNs. I am able to access the script via hooking the games with hex editors like Cheat Engine or Ollydbg, and even in some games I'm even to access the script without running the game just by loading some files on the hex editors. The problem is that the scripts are in hex. Obviously I use Translation Aggregator to make selected text readable, but I'd like to know if there's a way I can dump all the script AND convert the whole thing to SJIS so I can use that text. And of course I'm aware that I'm bound to find 'garbage' in the scripts. By the way, I've only been able to load files and see the script with PSP and PSX games, I don't remember having tried this with PC VNs. And if you must know, I'm thinking of using the dumped text for generating frequency lists that could be used to optimize my kanji studies in Anki.
  8. Well, I've moved for work and had to open a bank account with an entirely different bank since my old one doesn't have a branch where I now live. Thing is I just discovered that the site I use to import eroge, AmiAmi, does not take my new card for some reason (I asked the bank and they have no idea why). Does anyone have any suggestions for any possible alternatives?
  9. Hello, I've created a Visual Novel recently along with my team it's called - Elisa - The InnKeeper. It's a prequel to the main story. I was wondering if I could get some community feedback about the game and how everything in it from the perspective of the player. The game is currently free on steam right now and can be downloaded here --> http://store.steampowered.com/app/472680/ All other information about the game is located on the page about me section on the steam page. -Thanks for your feedback!
  10. can anybody tell me if Madonna: Kanjuku body collecion visual novel be view in window format cause whenever i try to open it, it opens in fullscreen and when i try to change it to window format through the ingame config. nothing happens.....
  11. EDIT: So with the release of the physical Euphoria and Beat blades haruka, I am super excited. (Yes that's right, someone were actually happy about the announcements. ) I was about to pre-order both, when something occured to me. Norway does have a law that says sexualized loli content is a no no. But when it comes to content like the stuff in Euphoria and BBH, (rape, mindbreak, violence, etc), I don't really know if that could cause any legal issues. I looked around a bit, but I wasn't able to find any detailed information on it anywhere online, despite hours of searching. The only thing I could find was that UPS wont deliver pornographic material, but ... that's it really. (I kinda suck at this sort of stuff.) I contacted Mangagamer, asking exactly how the physical editions of the games would look, hoping the H content wouldn't really be visible. They replied fast, and the games do have flippable covers, which will make seeing the worst of the H require detailed inspection, but I really don't know how customs will go about checking the package. (For those interested, here is how the Euphoria physical edition will look: WARNING, NSFW! Front, Back) And so I thought maybe someone on this forum would be able to help out a little. Does anyone here know ... well, anything that could help me figure out if buying and importing these games would cause any legal problems? Like, any info helps. I just don't want to end up in jail for buying a Japanese porn game
  12. From the maker of Twinkle Crusaders. I know some of the people in here already saw and played that game. I'm not going to discuss anything about this game because I'm not here for that. I'm want to hear the experience of the people who tried the battle demo of the game because it's barely playable for me due to FPS problem. There's a settings which are in moonrunes, I tried to play with it but it didn't fix anything for me. EDIT: Fix for the lag (temporary). A guy told me is about my decode video so I changed my codec pack and gained a little bit of FPS.
  13. Can someone help me with "Before" route endings? Someone know how can i get it? No spoilers for "After" route pls P.S. Sorry! My english sucks
  14. So, I decided to start Cross Channel from the very beginning on my android device. I had played a bit on my PC some years ago, but finally decided to finish it. The thing is, I realized the port is lacking some content from the PC version, such as some image effects and, most importantly, videos. To be more specific, the scene where Taichi first talks in the broadcast to ask if there's anyone out there or something, I remember there was a video, followed by an opening, but there is none of this in the VNDS version. I haven't seen anyone else with this problem, so maybe I'm the only one? Also, is there a way I can get my save files from VNDS to my PC? I couldn't find any folders in my device.
  15. THE UNKNOWN TITLE I'm looking for this certain visual novel for almost 2 years now. Back in 2013, I manage to stumble is visual novel main website and the soundtrack that it plays on it's website was so great. I tried to bookmark it so I can still manage to access it easily. Time passed by, my laptop broke and I lost everything. The only hint I got on that visual novel is this soundtrack that I luckily manage to download when I can still remember their site. The file is dated back in October 2013. If someone remembers or manage to know what visual novel the soundtrack came from, please inform me. It's been three years now and I still regret that I didn't bothered to get's its title. I hope you guys can help me. That soundtrack is really good that it soothes my heart. EDIT: Thanks deepblue for giving me the title of the game: https://vndb.org/v11110
  16. Alright so here's what's going on. . . I want to read some untranslated Visual Novels, but i can't find a program that works. Even a simple one like Chiitrans gives me an error. And there are not really any good tutorials out there that I can find that helps. Only ones that say "oh just do that and you're done". When they don't really show you where to go. This is driving me crazy man. Any kind of help will be appreciated. Thank You.
  17. To all those who read untranslated VNs: For reference, what programs do you all use for word wrapping while reading VNs? I'm not talking about something that translates using machine translation, but rather just a program that breaks down kanji w/little notes above it in hiragana. I've seen a lot of screen shots the past year on the forums here in translation threads (and twitters of VN readers who read untranslated VNs). If it is actually a feature from the same programs as the machine translation programs, then which one specifically? I would be grateful to like any post for any help!
  18. Hi, I am currently working on an English Visual Novel called Lost Winter Nights which has a very fast paced writing and I was wondering how the public would react to when our demo comes out. I am not a very big fan of Japanese Visual Novels because of very slow paced stories which tire me a lot since I am not a native english speaker. I am a student here in France to become a professional screenwriter and I have been noticing that stories can be told very shortly, simply but still be very interesting and fun especially with great art backing them up. As the leader for the project, I was worried for quite some time that this type of writing may not be well appreciated by the community but I started to like it myself, as it feels actually more like a theatre play with dialogues for the most part. I have to admit that voice acting is a must for that kind of writing though, which is something we totally plan to have. What do you guys people think of that kind of writing ? I could potentially show some samples from our writer to illustrate my words. Looking forward to hearing your opinions on that matter
  19. So, I know this is very trivial, but it's driving me inFUCKINGsane Was there a VN that used Bach - Cello Suite No. 1 but a slower version of it, as the song for the title screen? or maybe a video game, some jrpg, but I think It was a vn and I can't remember which and it's driving me up a wall and down a ceiling here is the normal song any help would be greatly appreciated thank you
  20. Hello everyone, I've recently finished reading Sharin no Kuni, and I have some doubts (regarding the succession of events in the past) I'd like to clear: As I understood we have: 1.Kenichi, Ririko and Saborou live together in the town. 2.Ririko goes to study in the city where she meets Touka and Kyouko (Ririko will eventually leave). 3.Kenichi meets Natsumi and becomes her friend. 4.Kenichi becomes friend with Isono and Sachi too. 5.The revolution starts. 6.Kenichi runs away and some time later he meets Houzuki. 7.Kenichi starts studying to become a Special High Class Individual. Here are my doubts: 1) Kenichi and everyone else refers at the time of the revolution as "7 years ago", but it is stated that the revolution itself lasted for over a year thanks to Saburou's efforts. So, did the revolution start 7 years ago and ended one year later, making 6 years ago the time of Kenichi's run-away; or did it actually start 8 years ago, making the time of the running 7 years ago? 2) At a certain point, Houzuki claims that he kept Saburou in prison for 5 years before killing him. So, was Saburou still alive after the revolution ended, while Kenichi was being trained? Or what? 3) How many years ago did Ririko leave town to study? How many years did she stay at university? When did she leave, parting from Touka and Kyouko? Touka says that they have last seen each other 10 years ago, so I suppose it was around that time that she left the city, but what did she do between that time and the time the revolution started? 4) How much time passed between Ririko leaving the town and Kenichi becoming friends with Natsumi, and how much from then until the revolution's start? I don't know, I have some big confusion inside my head. Some questions may be stupid, maybe I didn't pay attention to certain details, maybe I didn't read certain passages carefully. Hope you can help me with this!
  21. I have both Dramatical Murder games, and they worked fine with Windows 7. Now that I updated to Windows 10, my Dramatical Murder game would start, and the famous black screen would appear. The only problem is that it would stay black. As for Reconnect the black screen would appear, and soon the game would start. I would open DMMD, but 10 minutes would pass, and the black screen would stay there. Can anyone plz help >.<
  22. I once played this kinetic novel and didn't remember the title of it. I've been looking for it for a while now..... It's about this man that moves to a certain strange town in winter, it involves powers (to erase memories) and the most powerful people are called "alpha". The man is tasked with looking after this girl so they end up living together. It has multiple parts to it and the POV switches from the man to the girl and vice versa. In the end, I really want to find this kinetic novel again, so if anyone has any clues, I'd be very grateful!
  23. Heey guys I'm still somewhat new to all this VN and such, I have read them for some years, but sadly my japanese is nonexistent. I also do not know all that many sites to get info about VN and translation progress. I was hoping somebody knew something about the Grisaia series? The first one was from what I know fantranslated and the second was announced to be translated aswell as the third one. From what I have found, this was already back in 2013, so I would like to know if there is any progress on the matter? Any estimate of how long before a english patch for, in my case, the second comes out? Have a nice day:)
  24. Started reading Euphoria but don't have a walkthrough. Can anyone help? The VN is pretty long so and seems like the heroine choices matter a lot. A walkthrough would help a lot, need one badly. .
  25. I'd like to know the name of one track from Steins; Gate soundtrack. It's very peaceful with a soft piano and plays during emotional scenes. Here, minute 45:00 onwards: Thanks a lot.
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