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  1. So after some time, I was able to extract WAR files from the Visual Novel I am interested in, and I was wondering if anyone knew how to extract the S25 files and OGV files. Not only does Google not know what these file types are, I don't know what they are, and no leads on this matter. Would really greatly appreciate it if someone can give me some information on this. Thank you! Edit: The game is Gensou no Idea ~Oratorio Phantasm Historia~ And after some research and thanks from Moogy from tlwiki, I was able to find out the S25 and OGV files aren't meant to be extracted but decompiled. So if my understandings are correct, the s25 and ogv files are; BGs, voices, CGs, characters, and script files, etc just in the form of s25 and ogv. tl;dr: if anyone knows how to decompile or view s25 and ogv files, or has a tool for it, it would be very much appreciated if you can help me. Thank you Ame for letting me know to include the game title!
  2. I am having some trouble playing Utawarerumono. While playing it the first time I got it, it worked just fine. When I tried playing it another time, it gave me the error "Please insert Utawarerumono disc" while trying both the japanese version with text and the japanese version without text. If anyone asks, yes my computer is in japanese locale. Please help me!
  3. You can choose multiple answers Votes are not public What kind of romance is your cup of tea? Anyone here who does not like romance?
  4. Nessa no Rakuen is a boy's love game. As from what I've seen, no one has even considered translating it and its such an amazing game! I mean that's just my opinion. I don't understand a word of it though and it upsets me greatly. D: I have no one to turn to about this and believe me if I could I would translate it myself but unfortunately I don't know how. ;___; So if anyone of you is willing to begin a translation project on it I would be so thrilled. Really, it would mean a lot considering no one has translated it yet. <3 The picture displayed below is a cover of the game. (The game itself takes place in Arabia from what I understand) And the characters displayed are Will (the blonde), Hakim (the man with dark hair), Ashraf (the man with purple hair), and Karim (the silver haired boy).
  5. Hey everyone. This is datOtakuGuy I am happy to say that 'Walkure Romanze: Shojo Kishi Monogatari' translation is now under way and we are looking for volunteers who could join and help us have this VN project completed! Here's our website: http://wakarimashitatl.wordpress.com/ Right now, we are currently looking for translators and translator checkers. But we still need members for other roles such as editing, quality checking and image editing. Also, if anyone is able to sub the OP and ED, then please join, your help will be appreciated. Reply back to this thread or go to the website and contact one of our members (preferably HentaiMeido) or you can drop by on our IRC channel #WakarimashitaTL in Rizon.
  6. When we think of Visual Novels, we mostly think of it as another story telling genre. The writing is what often gets the most attention. The soundtrack, computer graphics and sprites are here illustrate the story. What if it was the opposite. Would you imagine a Visual Novel being a Visual or/and Musical experience rather than a simple way to narrate ? This is something I've been thinking about a lot lately and which was a result of my disapointment in the artwork quality and the musical quality in Visual Novels. They act as good - sometimes really good - emotionnal catalysts when paired up with the scenario but fail to shine on an individual level. Unless you like traditionnal anime music or what I'll call japanese music overall, it's a little unlikely that any of the tracks of a Visual Novel will find it's place in your music folder. It's not called background music for no reason. Most VN's illustrators (with a few exceptions, such as Huke) do not have a real artistic identity and are pretty much standard manga drawers who gained fame because they could draw moe or hentai in a slightly different maner. This may have to do with what are currently Visual Novels, the way they evolved and their roots (Nukige and Eroge). But if we think of the genre as a mean of expression more than anything else, focus only on its properties and the way we could use them, could it be possible to acheive something ? What I'm trying to do, is to think upside down. It may not even be a Visual Novel in the end, but that doesn't have a clear definition anyway. I personally want to believe that this is possible even if I doubt such a thing will ever happen. I would love to one day play a VN and be genuinely impressed. Not because an ending made me sad, nor because a twist surprised me, but because it would be an experience to read through, to watch and to listen at. I don't think such a thing exists, I would be extremely pleasantly surprised if it did. Would that be something you would be interested in ? Do you think focusing primarily on something other than the plot, or using the writting in a different maner could create something worth checking out ? What are your feelings about the current state of Visual Novels ? and how would you like to see them evolve as they slowly grow outside of Japan ?
  7. I remember hearing about this before but I guess it's actually happening. http://www.siliconera.com/2015/01/05/harvest-december-visual-novels-localized-nintendo-3ds/
  8. Hi everyone... I wanted to know what your thoughts were as far as whether a PSP or a Vita was a better buy for their selection of visual novels. I know that for a while, the PSP still had a better selection (especially for Japanese games that haven't been localized), but more recently, some VNs are getting ported to the Vita. Also, some PSP games can be bought digitally off of PSN and played on the Vita (but I don't know if this is the case for a lot of VNs though). Since the PSP is older, it's less expensive. But the Vita has a better display... I may even end up getting both at some point, but for now I'm trying to figure out which has more VNs accessible. Thoughts?
  9. HEY GUYS!! THAKHUN HERE Since I cannot post in the 'Ongoing Projects' thread, I thought I'll post about a project I've recently started in this thread since you can talk about anything. As you can see, the title of this game is OPPOSITExATTRACT. You can find more information about this project on a post I made on LemmaSoft: http://lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=27967 <-- Please check it out. Also, I've opened up a blog where I post updates on progress and other random nonsense I decide to spew out, so please check this out too! ----- If you have any comments or want to PM me, feel free. I like to know whether you're interested in this project or not. In addition, I'm happily to provide more information in this thread if it's more convenient!
  10. Hello everyone, I am all new here but been a long term vn fan I have a big question. What games are translated by visual novel reader? I know there are some with a common route translation, but I would like to find one or two with a translated route at least If you can help me I would be really happy ありがとう in advance!
  11. So I was thinking about the novels I've played and noticed that in certain titles, in the beginning of the common route, they give you choices that have little story effect just to give you a sense of fulfillment which some readers like. Of course their are normally big choices later on, if a development team puts time into choices that really no effect in the long run, just to keep the reader interested, why are kinetic novels gaining popularity? You have absolutely no effect on the plot (like you're reading a normal book) so why do so many people pay money for these over-hyped books disguised as games?
  12. So I don't know if this is do-able or not but it's worth giving a shot. Recently there has been more demand for unexisting hacking tools on the Data extraction thread. (For recent games youcould say) I'm far from wanting to leave these demands unanswered but I - as a non computer science student - am unfortunately unable YET to help these future translators in hacking their game. I know a tutorial of that sort was made by user Proger on his blog 4 years ago. I have many questions for hackers whose answers will be the trigger -or not- to an attempt at making a hacking tutorial on the forum thus hopefully helping our fan translation community just a little more in their remarkable task. Questions to hackers : - Is Proger's tutorial correct ? If yes, is it still relevant for current games engines ? - I know the hacking process is different for every engine, but is there enough common "framework" between the different processes for this tutorial to be useful and exist ? - If yes, can the knowledge to create an extraction tool be summarized enough for the tutorial not to require months of learning ? - Would you as a hacker want to help me making that tutorial ? If the answers to question 2.3.4 are yes, then we'll be on our way to making that tutorial. \o/ RESTARTING SOON When ? No idea :xmas:
  13. I was just wondering, are there any other VNs like Princess Waltz? A good Fantasy kind of story with interesting characters (magical powers, etc.) and a fun card-based battle. I'm not talking about super serious strategic card battles.. just fun anime-like ones that aren't incredibly complicated (such as the one in Princess Waltz, or even something similar to Yu-Gi-Oh)... I'd like some romance included too... either just part of the story or able to romance a female character in it. Preferably in English . If anyone knows any games like that, please share. Thanks! You can share some Japanese ones if they're really good... I may be curious to look them up.. although, I might not be able to currently play them at the moment (my JP level isn't that high).
  14. Before going to my question, I would like to say: "I'm back b*tches!!!". Anyway... While I was "replaying" my visual novel (VN) collections, I notice that there are songs that are "stale" and there are others who give me a lot of goosebumps particularly key's VNs like Clannad and Little Busters. I know people will start to argue that key's song is not that great, but this is my personal preference so BURNNN you haters!!!!! Just kidding, I'll respect your preference, but in return also respect mine too... XD Going to the main question after me beating around the bush... What makes an opening song/soundtrack great? What are their construction (rhythm, melody, instruments, vocals, and other musical elements)? What are do's and don't's in constructing a soundtrack? How are they able to successfully trigger our emotions in psychological way? Additional notes: I prefer your answers in relation to moege. But I'm also welcome on other VN genre. Reason for posting this question: 1. To satisfy my curiosity. 2. For educational purpose (maybe some people want to make a VN and get some of the ideas in this discussion for marketing strategy) 3. For pure pleisure (pleasure + leisure). 4. In order to control the ninjas cutting onions in the future. XD
  15. Hi, I very recently finished Comyu, and I thought it was awesome! I really want to find another Visual Novel with serious tones while still staying light in some parts. I also read G Senjou No Maou which is a great example of what I asked for above. Also, try to keep them recent, so like 2007-Present, unless they are really good. I want a Male Protagonist and Route choices as well, but if it's really good, the multiple romance routes aren't needed. Lastly, they have to be in English since I can't read Japanese, and I would appreciate it if they were already on Fuwanovel for me to download. Thanks!
  16. Hello everyone! The name's Draemorin. I've been pretty familiar with Fuwanovel for a while, I used to get my VNs here all the time. I just thought I'd introduce myself and get familiar with all of you. As much as I love VNs, I've also got a few other things that I enjoy doing. I make music, and I also produce music for other artists around the area I also love video games and am creating one of my own which will hopefully see the light of day around next year! https://www.facebook.com/halmooregame My favorite VNs include but are not limited to: -Grisia No Kajitsu -Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni -G-Senjou No Maou -Katawa Shoujo Aaaand those are about all the ones that I actively read from time to time again so I will presume those are my favorites! Anyway, nice to meet you all
  17. I recently finished reading a visual novel called Sakuya. It's in Japanese, but it isn't too difficult if you use text hooker and know some grammar. I just wanted to share it in case anyone else was interested in trying a short romance VN. I personally thought it was really cute and sweet When I read it, it felt really easy-going slice of life kind of VN. The setting takes place in a world that has advanced to the point they have human-looking robots working/living along with humans. The main character Akane, lives her daily life with Sakuya whom she considers family.. but in actuality, he's a robot. The special thing about him though is that he looks/acts almost human, and such compared the other normal robots. You could download the game for free at their site here. The free version contains no Hentai content, and the paid version includes it. It seems they also have other free VNs on their site too.
  18. im bored and ive been told yuri is ggod so anythin to start a yuri noob like me off? (anime, manga, VN)
  19. HI! Since we're all fans of either anime, manga, VNs or all of the above, I thought It would be cool if we all shared our works, or maybe just doodle something just for fun, YAY! Anything goes. So I'll go ahead and embarrass myself first so that as many as possible get encouraged to join! Here's my "thing" quick doodle with mouse and paint.
  20. Hello, everyone! It's nice to meet you! I'm a little new to these types of forums, so I'd like to share with you how I got into visual novels and a little about myself. I apologize if it's a little long. ^^' So, It began when my siblings had introduced me to a genre called 'anime'. I didn't know what it was at the time (I didn't even know how to pronounce it correctly). So after watching a few shows, I found it really interesting. Then I realized that all of the shows I used to watch as a kid like Dragon Ball, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Pokemon, were all anime. A few months later, I came across Angel Beats! I was so moved by the story that it made me see the world in a whole new perspective. Soon after (because of my introduction to anime), I discovered the wonders of visual novels. The first one I came across was Katawa Shoujo. And of course, I thought it was amazing. I later learned that a group of amateurs had developed the game, and it got me thinking, "I want to inspire others like these stories had inspired me; to learn the lessons I've learned from them; and make a positive impact on others lives." So I began writing. Somehow, I got it stuck in my head that I could create a visual novel all on my own – from the art, to the music, the writing, and the programming. After a few 'meh' sketches, a couple of original piano tracks, and days of attempting to understand coding, I realized that it was too big of a task for me at that moment. Somehow by chance, I came across Fallen Snow Studios. They were looking for a writer for a visual novel they were creating called Lucid9, and I jumped at the chance. And now here I am, a writer for an amature visual novel. A lot has happened that lead me to where I am, but if I wrote it all here, might as well do an autobiography. ^^' I hope you all can welcome me here, and I look forward to meeting everyone. ~ David
  21. in Fuwanovel it's written All age but when i check VNDB.. it's say 18 + and there's no all age version are fuwanovel and this have different version or same ?? can someone explain to me ? i'm prefer 18+ than all age version so sorry if my english was bad
  22. A few months ago, I figured that I knew enough about visual novels to post a Beginner's Guide to Visual Novels onto Talk Amongst Yourselves (Kotaku's user community) because I didn't really see a guide to the genre that was up to snuff. I've been working on it ever since, tweaking it to improve it and make it better, and now I'm currently working on a video version of it, which is in the process of editing. I figured, since i'm now on Fuwanovel and I think there would be a few people who would appreciate it, I'd go and post it here. I'm no pro to VN's in comparison to alot of people here and it's not perfect, so if you have any constructive criticism, please comment about it below. What exactly is a Visual Novel? Why should I care, and why do you care about them? The Visual Novel Genre is a confusing genre, especially if you have no idea what it's about. I'm here to try to help. This is is my Beginner's Guide to one of my favorite genres in gaming, Visual Novels. Before we actually get started, there is one thing I need to clarify; i'm talking about Visual Novels as a genre, not about dating sims. NOT ALL VISUAL NOVELS ARE DATING SIMS. Dating sims are a Sub-Genre of Visual novels, if that. A lot of them aren't even VN's. Get it? Ok, good. Let's move on. What is a Visual Novel? A visual novel is Genre of video games (Personally, I like to think of it as an interactive storytelling medium, as there isn't really much gameplay), that's similar to choose your own adventure books and adventure games. As the name implies, Visual novels are text heavy, but they usually have music, voice acting and stills of characters to help you get absorbed into the story. The biggest gameplay aspect of a Visual novel is choices; The player has to decide what the protagonist does in the form of options. The options can lead you to different story plotlines called routes, or they could just lead you to a bad end and you'll have to try again. Visual novels without choices are usually referred to as Sound Novels or Kinetic Novels. Why should I care? Visual novels are a very flexible genre, storytelling wise. Visual novels have very little restrictions, story wise, as they can go on and have a ton of exposition without making a book HUGE, they have the flexibility of multiple routes, they don't have to comply with arbitrary rules set by TV companies and using the genre to mess with you. The Fate Stay Night Visual novel is a good example of this, as it's 50+ hours, had 3 separate routes, and having Shirou as a narrator can skew your viewpoint. The flexibility leads to many visual novels to have amazing stories. Because of the excellent stories from this genre, many popular visual novels get anime adaptations. Some of the most well known adaptations are Clannad, Fate Stay Night, Steins;Gate, and Higurashi. Some of you may be asking, why would I play Visual Novels if I could watch the anime? There are many parts of the visual novels that do not get adapted, and sometimes the adaptation is kinda bad. Also, there are some great visual novels that have not been adapted, like Phoenix Wright, G-Senjou no Maou, 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors, and Tsukihime that I'd recommend you check out. What is it like to play a Visual Novel? How exactly do Visual Novels play? It's like watching a really long anime, or reading a book that's kinda animated. It's easiest to describe as a mix between a book and an anime. On average, they are usually much longer than the anime counterparts, which give them time to flesh out the characters and the world. Usually, Visual Novels have branching routes, where stories have some similarities (known as a common route), but overall could be considered their own stories (ex: Heaven's feel in Fate/Stay Night). In any Visual Novel, usually you have to go on a path and stick with it. When you stray away from the route you are in, you'll probably run into what's known as a BAD END, where something horrible or pointless happens. Also, i'll insert the OBLIGITORY EROGE WARNING here; Many Visual Novels are Eroges, meaning they have NSFW content. Many have censorship patches, or none of this content at all, but if type of content is not up your alley, be prepared. How would I get my hands on a Visual Novel? The fact that Visual Novels are not popular in the west means that most of them are kinda hard to get over here. Many companies do not translate and make english versions, so you are pretty much have to rely on fan translations. If you know that the game has an official US release, I'd go and support the publisher, but if it's not, the best place to find a visual novel is at Fuwanovel. It's important to note that many Visual Novels do not find their way outside of Japan, which can be depressing if you found game or series really like. Terms used in Visual Novel talk: Visual novel - This is an umbrella term used in the west to designate a type of game which is particularly story-focused, or containing novel-like narration in its writing. In Japan, such games are generally referred to as "love adventure games" (恋愛ADV/AVG), or novel game (ノベルゲーム noberu gēmu, in short: NVL). Routes - The name that refers to a story line in visual novels. Non-linear branching story lines are a common trend in visual novels, and these branching story lines are routes. Kinetic Novel - Kinetic novels are visual novels without choices, so all you do is read. Sound Novel - Sound novels is a trademark from Chunsoft. The term is the original word referring to novel type games.However "Visual Novels" became prevalent due to other companies using it in order to avoid the company's trademark. This term later was known because of Higurashi, which used it because the sound was more important than the actual visuals, so they called it sound novels. 07th Expansion's sound novels are essentially kinetic novels with a focus on sound to create an atmosphere. Dating Sim - Technically, this term refers to simulation games focused on dating. However, this term is frequently used by English speakers to describe any romance-driven game, regardless of game mechanics used. Chuuni - An umbrella term for games that have melodramatic characters, and they are typically focused on the protagonist. Nakige - A game that produces emotional catharisis (touching your heart, making you cry, etc), with a good ending. Think of games like Clannad. Utsuge - games that are made with the intent of making you depressed, kinda like how nakige is to make you cry. Moege - A VN where the focus is on Moe (not even going to try defining moe....) Charage - Sub-genre of Moege where the focus is on character development Eroge - An eroge (エロゲー or エロゲ erogē); a portmanteau of erotic game: (エロチックゲーム erochikku gēmu)) or Ero-ga is a video game that features erotic content. AKA Hentai Game. This is a blanket term for any game that includes NSFW content. Nukige - A sub-genre of Visual Novels which focus on the erotic content. Harem - A trope characterized by a protagonist surrounded by three or more members of the opposing sex who are usually love interests. Harem usually refers to a male protagonist with female love interests, while stuff with females with male love interests are referred to as reverse harem. Occurs in manga and anime as well. Bishōjo game - This term designates any game involving a male lead dating pretty anime girls. The word "bishōjo" literally means "pretty young girl". "Girl game" and "gal game" are also used to describe this sub-genre. Not really used here in the west. Otome game - This term designates any romantic game involving a female lead dating pretty anime boys.... so the exact opposite. Translated literally, Otome game means "maiden game". They are also referred to as a "reverse harem". Boy's Love game - This term designates any game involving a male lead dating pretty anime boys in a homosexual relationship. "BL game" and "Yaoi" are terms also used to describe these games. This sub-genre is primarily geared toward a female audience. If I missed any terms please post a comment below and i'll update this post, or check out Fuwanovel's document of Lexicon​ that should have pretty much anything I missed. Recommendations A beginner's guide really wouldn't be that great of a guide without some recommendations, right? well, I have quite a bit of recommendations broken into sub-genres, so click on the ones you are interested in, or just watch them all. I'll be giving out one main recommendation per sub genre, with extra recommendations if you liked the main recommendations. If there's anything you think that's missing, that's probably because I haven't played them yet, or I didn't care for them too much. If these aren't enough for you, check out Kaguya's list of 50 translated VNs you should read before you die. Sci-Fi This is the same Sci-Fi you know and love, Science fiction; but the Japanese usage may skew more twords fiction than science. This is my favorite sub-genre of Visual Novels, I haven't played one of these I disliked. 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (DS,iOS) Why this rocks: This game has an amazing atmosphere, great writing, and it keeps you engaged with an interesting premise. This series has an atmosphere that is unmatched by any other game, and it's a must play. If you like this one, play Ever 17, Remember 11, Never 7, Zero Escape Virtue's Last Reward (3DS, Vita), Steins;Gate, Chaos; Head Romances Romances are all about relationships, dating included. This includes the sub-genres of Nakige, Utsuge, Dating Sims and many others. Clannad Why this rocks: All of the feelz ;-;. It's pretty much like the anime, but there are a few routes that are in the game that go further or are totally missing from the anime. If you don't know anything about clannad, it's a great story with excellent characters, excellent writing, and is just amazing overall. This game really impacts you with a great message, great charecters, and it floods you with feelz. If you like this one, play Anything made by Key: Kanon, Rewrite, Little Busters, Planetarian, Katawa Shoujo, and the fantastic White Album 2 (no English translation yet, but it's going to be great when it comes out. Check out the anime). Horror Horror is… well horror! These are games made to make you afraid. Pretty self explanatory. Higurashi - When They Cry Why This Rocks: It's a horror mystery. it has some of the most interesting scenes in any series ever, and is unlike anything you'll ever see. Personally, I haven't played the game so I can't speak personally about it, but I did love the anime. If you like this one, play Umineko, Corpse Party (PSP), Saya no Uta (on a totally different lvl of messed up tho....), Kara no Shoujo Mystery G-Senjou no Maou Why this rocks: I like to call this the Death Note of Visual Novels. If you want to learn more about this, check out my review Here. If you like this one, play Sharin no Kuni, Any Akabeisoft2 game, Higurashi, Hotel Dusk, Last Window Action Fate/ Stay Night Why this rocks: This, along with Clannad are pretty much flagships of Visual Novels. Fate Stay Night has a very well written plot If you want to learn more about this, check out my review here. If you like this one, play Tsukihime, Fate/hollow Ataraxia, everything Type-Moon... and Muv-Luv. Phoenix Wright Why this rocks: Some people may debate that these are actually visual novels, but personally, I think they are. If you've made it this far without knowing what Phoenix Wright is, i'm disappointed in you. You play as the defense attorney Phoenix Wright, and it's quite fun. If you like this one, play the rest of the Ace Attorney series, It's spiritual Successor, Ghost Trick (DS, iOS), Danganronpa, Hotel Dusk Weird Visual Novels Visual Novels usually come from Japan. You kinda have to expect stuff like this. I've never played a lot of these, but from what I've read about them, I'm very curious. Go! Go! Nippon! My First Trip to Japan- This one's about an okaku going to Japan. It has an interesting concept, but it's really not worth your money…. can finish in one sitting. Hatoful Boyfriend - YOU ARE TRYING TO DATE PIGEONS. AND GUESS WHAT? IT'S COMING TO THE STATES. Osananajimi wa Daitouryou: My Girlfriend is the President - This one is self explanatory. I'm very curious. School Days - A game that defies expectations with the most assholish protagonist ever. Edit: Thanks to our friend Richard Eisenbeis, I'd seen some pretty weird VN's as of late. Interested in dating Sushi or slabs of meat? Well, NOW YOU CAN! That's about it for the basics of Visual Novels. If you see anything missing, post it in the comments and I'll update this post.
  23. Hi i'm looking for people who also like Visual Novel's that may be interested in making one. If anyone is interested just say what could you do on the project and we would talk more after.
  24. So I have been playing some of the translated visual novels to date and I'm very glad that most of them are really interesting. I really did learn a lot from reading them. Some of the most promising VN that I had are Little Busters, Kono Oozora ni Tsubasa wo Hirogete, G Senjou No Maou, Grisaia no Kajitsu, Hoshisora no Memoria, etc. They really touched my heart and all have good story telling. Right now, I'm looking for a VN that maybe has the same thing. Incest and Harem are all welcome for suggestions so long as the story is good. I'm looking for romance with more than one or two heroines in it. It may or may not have bad endings. If possible, I want it to have long hours of gaming but it's fine if it doesn't. Please share me your thoughts and suggestions. They are really appreciated. Thank you
  25. Do hackers just edit the japanese text with the translated text?
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