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  1. Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai (PSP) Synopsis The plot in Oreimo Portable is a spin-off to the light novels, which explores the relationship between the Kousaka siblings Kirino and Kyousuke. The story begins the year after Kirino's infamous "life consultation" with her older brother, who accidentally discovers her darkest secret: that she is an avid fan and collector of anime and eroge involving older brother-little sister dynamics. After Kirino returns from her trip to the United States, she and Kyousuke continue on their usual antics, with their friends Saori Bajeena and Kuroneko tagging along. At this time, Kuroneko is starting to become close to Kyousuke during Kirino's absence, and their relationship is used by Kuroneko to tease Kirino, who is her rival to Kyousuke, and — surprisingly — her best friend. The player assumes the role of Kyousuke Kousaka, whose life as a mediocre person is changed by his 'life consultation" session with the little sister whom he has learned to ignore. The story later develops into Kyousuke's experiences with the different girls who have interacted with him, including Kirino, her best friend Ayase Aragaki and her classmate Kanako Kurusu. Fan-Translation Patch You can find the fan-translation patch for the game at https://dizzyziddy.xyz/2015/02/14/oreimo-tsuzuku-psp-disc-1-full-english-patch-release/ As of June 20th, 2019, the patcher was updated to work with Windows 10. Ending Guidelines / Suggested Route Order The game decision-making mechanics consist of TwoShot Dialogues and the O.R.E. (Order Record Effect) System. Basically, to choose routes and clear good endings you have to pass TwoShot Dialogues without a fail and use ORE wisely. Almost every scene contains a TwoShot Dialogue, but don't worry, only a few are really relevant and I will mark them for you. Those "less" important ones give you additional CGs and if you fail them, you stumble upon an option "Urgent Evasion" to supposedly avoid the bad end. During a dialog you use [] to retort or X to stay silent. The O.R.E. System is an interesting alternative to the traditional "multiple choice" gameplay. This System allows you to acquire "Records", which can be used to manipulate the plot and advance within the game. This walkthrough might not show how to clear Oreimo to 100%! The game doesn't always state Bad/Normal/Good endings, so this guide will list endings as they make sense. A few endings are called "Fail Ends" because they abruptly end the route, rather than complete the route to give some an ending scene. Bad endings aren't essential to the gameplay, but some are funny (e.g. one of Kuroneko's Bad Ending). "IF Routes" have only one ending (with a single exception). You don't have to clear Normal Endings to achieve Good Endings. You can start with anyone beside Ayase (check her paragraphs). -IMPORTANT- O.R.E. = ORE "DON'T USE ORE" and "NO ORE" also means don't choose either. Steps directly avoiding a bad end or jumping to an IF Route are marked RED. Steps starting routes are marked BLUE. This is a PSP game so: A is triangle, [] - is square, X is cross, O is circle. A opens the backlog. O advances text. L opens the O.R.E. Menu. R fast-forwards through text. Start opens up the pause menu. Select turns on automatic fast-forward. Enjoy! Route Walkthrough KIRINO KOUSAKA Normal Ends Good End AYASE ARAGAKI Normal End Good End KURONEKO (RURI GOKOU) Bad Ends Normal/Good End SAORI MAKISHIMA (BAJEENA) Normal End Good End MANAMI TAMURA Normal End Good End ANOTHER IF ROUTE - KANAKO KURUSU Good End ANOTHER IF ROUTE - BROTHER AND SISTER Good End ANOTHER IF ROUTE - THE ABOMINABLE KIRINO Good End Bad Ends ANOTHER IF ROUTE - FORBIDDEN YURI Good End? ANOTHER IF ROUTE - AKAGI KOUHEI Good End ANOTHER IF ROUTE - KYOTO TRIP Good End? ANOTHER IF ROUTE - ROCKING ROCK Good End? Attribution The summary is taken from Oreimo Wikia. The idea to add an emulator link came from Nosebleed's walkthrough, thank you! This walkthrough is based on my grinding the half-translated game and Dizzy Ziddy youtube videos (to clear all TwoShot Dialogues). There can be differences between translations! Walkthrough updated to use the final patch's translations. I left a few ORE without Numbers because my game crashed ;/ If anyone sees mistakes, please pm me! Numbers listed with OREs removed to reduce clutter because they do not appear in gameplay except when you check the ORE menu, which isn't required to be opened. Editing done by AirKingNeo to fix formatting errors, fix walkthrough errors, fix color-coding inaccuracies, update the guide to modern standards, update ORE names to final translations, add alternative paths to endings, and fix Saori's route.
  2. does anybody know a walkthrough dor yumina the ethereal? i'm having a problem getting the gargoyle head for a quest. can anyone help me with this. i'm stuck!
  3. Work In Progress for a long time Kamidori Alchemy Meister Catalog My goal for this is to make a complete replication of the info menu in Kamidori Alchemy Meister. This catalog will include a list of all the missions for each characters routes, a list of all the quests in the order they come in the game as well as any failure conditions and rewards, all items and the extra tabs the come, recipes, monster list, skill list, character list, and the in-game lexicon.....May god have mercy on my soul. Seeing as I have not finished everything in Kamidori yet, I may make a request for help at a later point after I get a list of the information I'm missing, however I am still playing Kamidori when I can so that I can get as much as possible on my own. Notes/Ramblings and Complaints Mostly for anyone that keeps tabs on this project to see me slowly lose sanity over this I'm buried in spoiler tags.... I plan to add pictures at some point Feedback would be great, especially if it has to do with my overuse of spoiler tags... Been on temporary hiatus due to lack of home internet. Should be back to work by Tuesday sometime. Internet is back, so I'm back to work! 1/15 Started work on Yuela route missions Finished Yuela route missions. Work Begins on Serawi route missions. 1/16 Work continued on Serawi's route. 1/17 Finished Serawi route missions. Started and finished Emelita route missions. Missions section complete and work begins on the quest section. Well, the mission section was pretty simple, just kinda time consuming. Now I'm having problems finding a format that I like for the quest section. Captains Log: Day 2 I have ventured into the hell that is the quest section. I have spent at least two hours playing with the format to make it work in a way I like. I have failed. After the second hour mark passed, I have given serious consideration to bashing my head against the wall repeatedly. 1/19 Made some large changes in the format. The other comments here were removed in order to make room for these changes. First of all, all if the different sections were broken up into separate posts so there wouldn't be as many spoiler tags on a single post, and that leaves more room for error and less searching when I do mess up. Next, I made some minor changes in the format of the items section. Finally, I have decided to skip over the quest section until i figure a format that I like out, so will continue on to the Items section.
  4. Hello everyone, Some days ago I downloaded this game called "Prince Maker 2 -Braveness-". It is a very good rpg/simulator/vn to play, I highly sugest to play it if you haven't. Now the main thing for this, is that I am looking for guide/walkthrough of this game, I've tried searching for one here in fuwanovel, i didn't find it. I also searched in google, and I found some. But they are pretty lo-caliber. They still fail at explaining things or events, possible routes and how to enter them, as well as how to get the good endings. The game itself is not that dificult to play, but it is to get know, you know what I mean? It still has some bugs, like auto-cancelling events or Missing of them. Please, if you know any that can be a good reference or if you could give brief one about: Routes (Dean, Ares, Yvette, Huo Nijie, Rex, Twilight, Sister/Brother, etc.) How to trigger events? (Battles, events with Lucifer, Quens and Kings, etc) How to succes at the main goal of becoming emperor of the three realms? (I don't know if it is possible). How to get items in game? (All clothes, materials for forging, for magic fusing, etc.) I would highly thank you if it has all of those, but I don't care as long as it has the routes. Thanks, hoping for your possitive answer. (P.S. It is a yaoi game, but it also has girls you can marry and have routes with. And sorry for my english I am Mexican XD)
  5. Hello everyone. I was playing Paca Plus and have finished the game but i can't unlock all of its CG. I was hoping to find a good walkthrough to unlock them but I can't find one. Can anyone help me with this one? I would really appreciate that.
  6. Chaos;Head Note: Saves for Chapters 6 or 7 may be bugged (ie. loading save files from those chapters results in a crash). There is no fix; you'll have to playthrough those chapters without saving if you encounter this issue! Summary "Whose eyes are those eyes?" Takumi is not your average high school student. He attends school just enough to meet graduation requirements and barely has any friends. This is because he greatly prefers the 2D world over the 3D world, females included. In the virtual world, he is known as the almighty Knight-Hart, unrivaled by any other. One day, while chatting on the internet with his comrade Grim, a mysterious person under the alias of "Shogun" suddenly contacts him and gives him a URL. He goes to the website and finds a blog image that foreshadows a murder case...And on the next day, it really happens...! Has the world gone mad?! Or are these unfortunate events simply delusions conjured up in Takumi's head? Ending Guideline / Suggested Route Order Chaos;Head is a linear story with no heroine routes. There are 3 endings: A, AA, and B. A and AA are based on your choices at the end of the game. B is only playable on a subsequent playthrough after completing A or AA and requires you to trigger specific delusions. There is a bad ending (game over) midway through the game based on a certain delusional trigger and the choices you make after it. Suggested Play Order Route Guideline There are "Delusional Triggers" encountered throughout the game which will cause the protagonist to hallucinate a: Humorous/perverted scene (green trigger, upper left corner) Dark/cynical scene (red trigger, upper right corner). If neither trigger is chosen, the scene proceeds normally without the protagonist hallucinating. Delusional triggers have no effect on the progression of the story, but triggering certain ones are required for the B ending. A ending AA ending B ending (accessible on new playthrough after completing A or AA) ~~~ Bad ending (Game over ending) Attribution This walkthrough was created and formatted by Eclipsed based on info attained on Gamefaqs.com (lord_rashiel's guide) with some adjustments.
  7. According to the walk-through ( https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/684-clannad/ ) In Miyazawa Yukine route, you can get locked up with Miase or Nagisa instead of Ryou somehow.. But sadly I can't even get to that scene! All I get is a short conversation with Sunohara about how they ended up locked up together.. I tried talking with Miase and "get close to her" then doing it but still no option arise to select her name in April 24.. Anyone managed to reach that scene? Edit: Managed to Reach Nagisa and her Father scene. Anyone knows how to reach Maise scene? I tried everything ><
  8. Monster Girl Quest 1 Toroto Resistance | 2011 | RPG / 18+ Summary In a world, where monsters take the forms of women who lust after a substance only men can give them, one boy is fated to change everything forever. And to continuously get raped doing so. Route Guideline **NOTES** Ilias (Continent) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. Rance 7 (Sengoku Rance) Alice Soft | 2006 | RPG / 18+ Summary Sengoku Rance picks up where Rance 6 left off. Rance, after saving the nation of Zeth from destruction, ran away so he wouldn't have to marry the princess. He and Sill ended up in Japan for a hotspring trip, upsetting the power balance of Japan, and setting the unification of its provinces in motion. Meanwhile, an ancient evil power stirs from its slumber... Route Guideline Differences between various playthroughs Notes Incident at Honnou Temple Event ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oda ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hara ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ashikaga ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iga ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tokugawa ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenshi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asai Asakura ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miko Institute ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imagawa ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uesugi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Takeda ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Houjou ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One Eyed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanegashima ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Akashi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Takuga ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mouri ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Demon Army / Shimazu House
  10. Tom

    Rance 4

    Rance 4 (Legacy of the Sect) Alice Soft | 1993 | RPG / 18+ Summary After the events of Rance 3, Rance and Sill find themselves on a floating island of Ylapu, where they have to deal with Helman agents and stop the awakening of an ancient super weapon from the lost times. Route Guideline **NOTES** Chapter 1 - Ylapu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 - Secret Passage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 - Let´s find Rance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 - Reuniting Athena 2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 - Toushin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 - Showdown Attribution This walkthrough is based on info attained on alicesoft.wikia.com with some adjustments made by me.
  11. Tom

    Rance 3

    Rance 3 (Fall of Leazas) Alice Soft | 1991 | RPG / 18+ Summary Leazas has fallen due to an attack from Helman, and Lia has been captured! Kanami finds Rance and asks him to help. Dark Lords were most likely involved in the attack and Rance needs to find and regain the holy sword and armor in order to gain the legendary Chaos, the only thing known to be able to damage dark lords, in order to free Leazas from Helman rule. Route Guideline **NOTES** Chapter 1 - Lis Cave ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 - Devils´ Cave 9. Re-enter the portal and go to other the path marked on the map. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 - Liberation of L-Zile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 - Rekka Mines ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 - Liberation of Red ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 - Forest of the Lost ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 - Hyperbuilding ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8 - The O ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9 - Oc 2. Go (attack) North. 3. Then go (attack) South. 4. Go to Oc HQ and Deploy 5. Rest in the Inn by yourself. *Note: This is the point of no return. After next step final showdown will begin and you won't be able to return to world map. 6. Go to North and walk the path between OC and ___ until a Golden Hanny appears. Defeat it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10 - Showdown Attribution This walkthrough is based on info attained on alicesoft.wikia.com with some adjustments made by me.
  12. Rance 2 (Rebellious Maidens) Alice Soft | 2009 | RPG / 18+ Summary Ten years prior to the story, four young girls in the town of Kathtom were appointed as disciples to an old mage named Ragishss. They were to be raised as mages and work as the guardians of the town after completing their training. However, after the ten years, the girls suddenly rebelled against Ragishss and killed him. During the harsh magic battle, the entire town was entombed underground and a barrier spell was placed on it, preventing anyone from leaving, including the maidens who terrorized the town. The four maidens were soon to be known as the Four Witches of Kathtom. Rance sets out with Sill to defeat the four witches and save the city from their grasp. But as the story progresses, they find out that the witches had their personalities altered by the power of the rings they wear. The rings greatly enhance a user's magical potential, but only functions when used by maidens. Having said that, the only way to release them from the rings is to have their virginity taken, and who else but Rance is up for such job? Route Guideline Chapter 1 - Maria´s Maze The Maze Evaporation Fruit Finding Maria ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 - Mill´s Maze Slate Hunting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 - Elenoa´s Maze ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 - Deep in Mill´s Maze 10. Return to the first screen of the maze and go the upper east way through the door. 11. Mill will attack you with Phantom Beasts. Rance and party will run away as soon as they find out that they can't hurt them. The Mummy´s Request Going back to Mill ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 - Deep in Elenoa´s Maze ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 - Shizuka´s Maze 12. Go to the second floor and Take the Stake on the middle west tile. 13. Use Stake in the SW area. 14. Take another Stake on the SE tile above the area. 15. Use Stake in the SE area. 16. Go downstairs and Look at the Table, then Take the Stake. 17. Go upstairs and place the stake in the NW area. 18. Open the door and Use Machine. 19. You will fight Stone Guardian here. Enter the east room (wiht the glass cases). 20. Go to the stonehenge and Search surroundings, then enter Time portal. 21. A boss fight follows with Shizuka. Badmouth her 2 times before you attack, you will miss otherwise. After Shizuka there is another boss battle which is a bit harder then Shizuka. Attribution This walkthrough is based on info attained on alicesoft.wikia.com with some adjustments made by me.
  13. Rance 1 (Quest for Hikari) Alice Soft | 1989 | RPG / 18+ Summary Keith owner of Keith's Guild, offers Rance a job worth 20,000 gold in reward from the Bran family to find and protect their daughter, Hikari Mi Bran, who was kidnapped with no subsequent demands made. Assisting him in his search is Zeth-born caster slave, Sill Plain, who was also kidnapped from her rich family and sold to Rance in exchange for his life savings. Through separate means, they both work together to solve the mystery behind the kidnapping, and eventually discover that the case is much larger than it seemed to be. Route Guideline Chapter 1 - Quest assignment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 - Thieves´ Lair ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 - Castle Permit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 - Castle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 - Haunted Masion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 - Princess´ Hideout Attribution This walkthrough is based on info attained on alicesoft.wikia.com with some adjustments made by me.
  14. The Second Reproduction Summary Christina was the third princess of Almenan, and born in the era of war against the Demons. Having the status of a “Champion”, Christina had countless battle victories upon her shoulders and was feared by the Demon race. Being the most successful of her three sisters, her mother the queen sent her on a secret mission to assassinate the Demon Lord Gardis in return for his ruthless annihilation of the Kingdom of Crofts. Obeying her mother’s orders for the sake of her kingdom, Christina set out alongside with her most loyal knight Lezette to take the Demon Lord’s head, and to bring peace to the land. Ending Guideline / Suggested Route Order There isn’t any sort of forced route order in The Second Reproduction but I strongly recommend the order: Gardis --> Lezette --> Jin After you’ve finished all the five endings the After Stories will be unlocked. To access the After Stories, from the main menu, go to: Option Event Christina Valentine Plans There are no choices in the After Stories. Route Guideline Gardis Good End Bad End Lezette Good End Bad End Jin Good End Attribution This walkthrough is based on the walkthrough included with patch by Ate The Moon Translations.
  15. Tadayoshi


    Period Summary “Dear God, I now make this, the single request of my life…” The near future, Nagasaki. Into this city, with its long and checkered past was born a rarity: a child with wings. I don’t know when it started, but the school overlooking the town came to be known as hallowed ground and that is where we met. Though summer comes closer, there is nothing new, and a boring day just rolls on. But his boring life suddenly ends. He is forced to look for a key of the observatory. He reluctantly accepts it, but gets a little bit excited. An exciting feeling.... A hunch that something will happen. Just before the summer holiday, he meets her... Ending Guideline / Suggested Route Order Period is based on a point system that awards points to each character depending on the choice you chose. For simplicity's sake I compiled all of the point choices into basic choices for each character. With the exception of one choice no points are taken for different choices but the choices will affect what summer you have and what heroine you get at the end. The choices below are only the ones that give points, anything I left out will have no impact on your route. Also note that some choices below may not appear depending on some choices beforehand. ★ means the choice doesn't matter in that specific route. There is no route order required to understand the story, but to get all the routes you have to play two characters at a specific point. Asahi will need at least two other girls AND Miyu's route completed for her route to appear. Koto's route will only appear after you complete ALL of the other routes. if you do wish for an order I suggest: Miyu/Yukina/Rin/Aoi/Kohane/Tsuzumi/Asahi/Koto Route Guideline Yazuki Miyu Good End Kawasaki Yukina Good End Kagamiya Rin Good End Sawatari Aoi Good End Koishikawa Kohane Good End Mizuhara Tsuzumi Good End "True" Route *Note that this requires at least two routes AND Miyu's to be completed* Onodera Asahi Good End Bonus Route *Note that this requires ALL routes to be completed* Sawatari Koto Good End Attribution This walkthrough is based on info attained on gamefaqs.com and tlwiki.org with some adjustments made by me.
  16. Sekien no Inganock -What a Beautiful People- Summary Inganock, a city isolated from the outside, a city where everything is distorted, even the sun. It all started ten years ago, at a day called 'Revival'. Then residents of the city slowly changed into beings partially human and partially animal. To this day, only a few still look fully human on the outside. One of these is Gii, a former medical student, now an illegal doctor that walks the city and cures the poor for free. He changed too, but only in the inside, and his change gave him a mysterious ability that he uses to heal people that keep mutating further every day. He has a few 'friends' if you can call them that. One of them is a black steel cat girl called Ati. Another one is an old friend from his medical school that he just met again after ten years, Salem. But everything truly begins when he meets a little girl with pink eyes named Kia... Ending Guideline While Sekien no Inganock is completely linear it does come with a minigame that can take some trial and error to get through and is sometimes quite frustrating. There is an option in the game to skip this game completely however I do not recommend doing this. Without the information provided in it several core parts of the story will be very hard to understand. Walkthrough Chapter 1: The Sky, There Are Two Suns Chapter 2: And Now, A Fairy Tale Chapter 3: This Sound, Surely If I play It... Chapter 4: A Mirror, Even If It Reflects Nothing... Chapter 5: Right Now, Your Tears Are Right Here Chapter 6: The Window, On A Night of Pouring Rain Chapter 7: My Voice, Even If It Doesn't Reach You Now... Chapter 8: A Death, A Voice from the Intermission Chapter 9: A Flower, One Thing Sparkling Chapter 10: A Flower, On That Day It Bloomed Proudly Chapter 11: My Heart, Where In My Chest? Chapter 12: Inganock of the Brightest Flame Attribution This walkthrough was based on the one Amaterasu Translations included with their translation.
  17. Hey there, I was just wonderin if there was a walk through for Rewrite like the one for Little Busters here: http://tlwiki.org/?title=LB!:Walkthrough
  18. Cross†Channel Summary Gunjo Gakuen (Deep Blue School) is a facility designed to gather and isolate those students who got a high score on an adaptation exam (scoring high on this exam indicates that the student is less likely to be able to adapt to society) mandated by the government. After a failed summer vacation with other members of the school's broadcasting club, Taichi Kurosu and some of the other club members return to the city, only to find that all living creatures within it except for the club members have completely vanished. In order to confirm the status of the outside world, Taichi decides to gather other club members to help Misato Miyasumi, the president of the broadcasting club, who is trying to set up a broadcasting antenna to contact any possible survivors. Ending Guideline / Suggested Route Order Cross Channel consists of a single ending and therefore there will be no replaying the game to get every single path. Instead the game repeats itself as you're progressing and you get to experience each heroine individually and then reach a true ending after all of their "routes" are done. You will start off the game in what is known as "week one" where only one route is available. Making wrong choices will not give you a bad ending, it will merely make you repeat that week again and you may change your choices to attempt and get the heroine you want, hence why i will be omitting the Bad End section from this walkthrough. Regarding a suggested route order there isn't one as the game has a forced playing order to unlock each path. Route Guideline Miyasumi Misato (Week one) Good End Kirihara Touko (Week two) Good End Sakura Kiri (Week three) Good End Yamanobe Miki (Week four) Good End Hasekura Youko (Week five) Good End Description: After completing Youko's route, and thus all major routes, you will begin "week six." This time, the first choice you make regarding where to go selects which mini-route you will follow. There are six mini-routes, and all of them must be completed. The order you do it in is largely irrelevant, although Kiri's must precede Miki's, and Youko's must come last. Suggested choices: First year classroom Call out to her Go to school Second year classroom Go to school Roof Go to school Invite her on a date True Ending (Week Seven) There are no choices to be made during week seven, all you have to do is read through it and enjoy the ending of the novel. Regarding CG collection: Following this walkthrough should award you 100% of all the CGs as the game forces you to play through every path and thus it's unlikely you will miss one. Attribution This walkthrough was put together and slightly edited by me using the following sources: http://pastebin.com/UnGPvJFn http://strategywiki.org/wiki/CROSS†CHANNEL/Walkthrough
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