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Found 14 results

  1. What is an OELVN? OELVN is an acronym that stands for Original English Language Visual Novel. If you're on Fuwanovel, you know what a visual novel is already. An OELVN is just that, but it's native language is English. An OELVN can be a commercial product, but a lot of them are actually free-to-play. Why are you making this list? Recently, I had to read an OELVN for the Fuwanovel review team. As someone with very little experience with that area of visual novels, I took to looking around the forums to get inspiration on what to read. Not surprisingly, there wasn't a real resource to be found on Fuwanovel that provided an excellent jumping point into that area of the medium. This was later brought up during brainstorming with the visual novels discussion moderating team and that provided me the impetus I needed to start this list. What is this List? As the title implies, this list aims to provide information on OELVNs that might be worth reading to you as a fan of the medium at large. I hope it'll be a good jumping point for those in the Fuwanovel community who want to read OELVNs, but don't know where to begin. As well, I hope it might also spark some curiosity for those who might have little-to-no interest in OELVNs. This will be by no means a comprehensive list. It is one put together through the generous input of a handful of Fuwanovelers and through other resources and reviews that I could find on the internet. What do you mean by 'notable'? This is not an exact qualification. I'm taking titles that have interesting sounding narratives, favorable critical reception, or professional quality production value and putting them together in a list that will hopefully be of interest to those interested in starting to read OELVNs. Some titles on this list will be commercial works, others will be free. Why are you writing this list? It's true that I myself have very limited experience with OELVNs, and I'm not the most comfortable putting together a list like this that doesn't rely heavily on personal recommendations, but it's a good chance for me to maybe discover new things to read as well as share what I find with the community. Now, without further ado... The Fuwanovel List of Notable OELVNS Air Pressure by Bento Smile Notable Tags: Only a Single Heroine, Multiple Endings, Lots of Choices This one is really short, but it has impact. Saying anything more might ruin the experience for you, it might be better to make the connections yourself. Where to play: Kongregate (online), Official Site (download) Analogue: A Hate Story by Christine Love Notable Tags: Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction If you keep up with visual novels, you're likely at least marginally aware of Christine Love and her works. Analogue: A Hate Story is an interesting work, putting you (the player) in the seat as a character in the novel, unraveling the grim details of what befell the crew of the Mugunghwa. If you are finding yourself put off by the art, you shouldn't let that stop you. It is an excellent story, with an interesting narrative device, that will likely leave some lingering feelings after all is said and done. You can find a demo here. The game has a direct sequel, Hate Plus: ~Mute's Golden Days~. Where to buy: Steam, Desura Autumn's Journey by Apple Cider Notable Tags: Otome Game, Fantasy This is a short one, clocking in at around an hour. The story and setting isn't my cup of tea, but it does have excellent production values. The art has a very professional luster and the music is excellent. There's really no downside to trying it out, it's free and the time commitment is minimal. Where to download: Official Site Bacchikoi! by BlackMonkey Pro Notable Tags: Shounen AI, Yaoi, Baseball Club, Lots of Event CGs For those of you that enjoy boy love. This looks to have a really clean presentation. A bit pricey, particularly the uncensored version. Where to buy: Official Site Bermuda by InvertMouse Notable Tags: Linear Plot, Protagonist with Voice Acting This is a visual novel crafted by our very own InvertMouse. It's fully voice acted, looks good, and has some pretty cool design choices for a visual novel. A demo can be found on his official site below. Where to buy: Official Site Cave! Cave! Deus Videt by We Are Muesli Notable Tags: Lots of Choices, Minimalist Sprites This looks pretty esoteric and weird, inspired by the works of Jheronimus Bosch. Might be worth a read if you're into that sort of thing. Where to download: Official Site Cinders by MoaCube & sakevisual Notable Tags: Female Protagonist, Fairy Tale, Multiple Endings Cinders is a retelling of the story of Cinderella, one that places an emphasis on the choice of the reader. The art assets look very nice and have a storybook charm, but there's some mixed reception. From what I can tell, it's on the short side. You can try a demo here. Where to buy: Steam, Official Site Clannad -The Past Path- by Scope Games Notable Tags: Fan Fiction, 80's, Early Branching Plot, High Amount of Bad Endings I haven't played this one, but I thought it would be worthwhile to mention it. It's an unofficial prequel to Clannad made in the Ren'py engine. It's free and the developer's site says it takes between 5-10 hours to 100%. Be warned, it does contain spoilers for Clannad. Where to download: Ren'Ai Archive Death Rule: lost code by MESI Games Notable Tags: Multiple Stories, Battle Royale, Third Person Narrative Haven't played this one, but it's a death game story. The premise will probably either remain interesting or be very tiring for you by now. Might be worth checking out, it's free. Where to download: Official Site Digital: A Love Story by Christine Love Notable Tags: Linear Plot, 80's, Internet This is the spiritual predecessor to Analogue: A Hate Story, made for the NaNoRenO. It employs a similarly unconventional storytelling approach as Analogue: A Hate Story, with the narrative entirely unfolding through BBS conversations in the late 80's. It's a cool concept, the story is engaging, and it's free. If you plan on reading A Hate Story, consider reading this one first as some aspects of Hate Story will spoil the ending to Love Story. Where to download: Official Site Doki Doki no Obama by Chris Sommer Notable Tags: Parody, Politics This might seem like a joke suggestion, but I promise this game is actually fairly amusing. It's obviously not the most high-brow political satire, but it has more to it than you might actually expect. Try it out, it's free and pretty funny. Where to download: 2014 Indie Game Maker Contest don't take it personally, babe, it just ain't your story by Christina Love Notable Tags: LGBTQ, Teacher Protagonist, Adolescent Romance don't take it personally, babe, it just ain't your story is the spiritual sequel of sorts to Digital: A Love Story. One isn't necessary to understand the other however, so you can think of it as a stand alone work. Where to download: Official Site Dysfunctional Systems: Learning to Manage Chaos by Dischan Media Notable Tags: Science Fiction, Female Protagonist This is the first episode of the Dysfunctional Systems story, with the second one slated for some time this year. I adore the art style of this game and you can't really go wrong with the price point of $4.99. Where to buy: Steam, Official Site Jisei, Kansei, Yousei by sakevisual Notable Tags: Murder Mystery, Superpowers This is a trilogy about a teenager with the power to relive the final, dying moments of corpses. The games look nice enough, has a pretty decent premise, and from what I can tell, get progressively better as the series progresses. You can find a demo on the official site below. Also available for iOS. Where to buy: Official Site Juniper's Knot by Dischan Media Notable Tags: Kinetic Novel, Multiple Protagonists, Demon Protagonist, Shota Protagonist Another NaNoRenO game, this one is a story told from two different perspectives. The art is very slick and you can't go wrong with the price tag of free. Where to download: Official Site Katawa Shoujo by Four Leaf Studios Notable Tags: Slice of Life, High School, Disabled Heroine This one doesn't need any introduction. It's probably the most high-profile OELVN. Chances are you've already played this one, and if you haven't, you probably need to look no further on this list to find what to read. Where to download: Official Site Leviathan: The Last Day of the Decade by Marcel Weyers & Lostwood LLC Notable Tags: Episodic Story, Cyberpunk, Dark Fantasy, Dystopia, Bloody Scenes An interesting premise and setting. It's an episodic game, with the 1st episode being free. They seem to be currently trying to fund the final episode. Where to download/buy: Official Site Long Live the Queen by Hanako Games Notable Tags: Raising Simulation, Medieval Fantasy, Female Protagonist It's hard to put into words just exactly why I enjoyed this game as much as I did. The art quality varies, topping out at alright and the music is pretty generic and forgettable. The "gamey" aspects of it lose value after a single play through. Reading it was fun though. Collecting all the ways the princess can die in an achievement collecting like fashion has a certain morbid charm to it and the setting is surprisingly grim. You can find a trial version on the official site below. Where to buy: Steam, Official Site Loren the Amazon Princes by Winter Wolves Notable Tags: Medieval Fantasy, Fantasy,RPG This is something of a visual novel/RPG hybrid, though. The RPG elements are a bit bland and the combat interface leaves a lot to the imagination, but it looks good, has an alright story, and it does have elements of character creation if you're into that sort of thing. The big downside is that the bundle that includes the dlc is a bit on the pricey side. Where to buy: Steam, Official Website Nicole by Winter Wolves Notable Tags: Otome Game, Mystery, Raising Simulation, Dating Simulation This one isn't really my kind of game, but it's worth mentioning. It looks kind of like your standard otome dating sim, but with the plus of having some great looking art assets. I've read that the writing is kind of cheesy, which could be a plus or negative depending on your tastes. On top of it all, there's supposed to be a yuri version of the game released at some point. You can find a demo on the official site below. Where to buy: Steam, Official Site RE: Alistair by sakevisual & Mugenjohncel Notable Tags: Otome Game, Dating Simulation Once again not exactly my kind of game, but the description makes it seem charming enough. The art looks decent enough, it's free, and its on the short side. Might be worth checking out. Where to download: Official Site Sunrider by Love in Space Notable Tags: Science Fiction, Mecha Combat, Starship Combat, War I'm currently playing through this one myself at the moment. The game looks nice in some select areas, but it is lacking in others and you may find certain 3D elements to be incongruent with the rest of the game. The story doesn't really seem that exceptional yet, but the game play is pretty decent and it's easily available on steam for the low time price of free. Where to buy/download: Steam That Cheap and Sacred Thing by carosene Notable Tags: Female Protagonist, Kinetic Novel, Science Fiction This one comes in at around an hour and I found it surprisingly touching. It has some pretty interesting (if common) themes, but they might seem a bit underdeveloped due to the length of the game. Nevertheless, it's a cool setting with a story that's worth the read. Check it out, it's free. Where to download: Lemma Soft The Dandelion Girl by /jp/ project Tags: Literary Adaptation, Time Travel, Kinetic Novel, Science Fiction, Adult Protagonist This is a literary adaptation of a short story by Robert F. Young. It seems to have a decent reception. If you're into that sort of thing, check it out: it's free! Where to download: VN-Meido The Elevator by Cyanide Tea Notable Tags: Adult Protagonist, Detective Protagonist, Slice of Life This is a free game that seems to be about a relatively simple, human story. I'm looking forward to setting aside the time to play it. Where to download: Official Site The Knife of the Traitor by Clua Notable Tags: Female Protagonist, Mystery, God Hero I included this on this list because of how interesting this title looks. The game's art and sense of style is eye-catching, the synopsis is very curious, and it's free and short. On the whole it looks like a charming title that's worth to try out. Where to download: Lemma Soft The Royal Trap by Hanako Games Notable Tags: Proactive Protagonist, Otome Game, Intrigue This one looks interesting. The art is decent, I actually hear the story is pretty good, and a premise of playing as a well-bred lady whose job it is to mold a prince into marriageable material is an intriguing premise. Throw in some court intrigue and I think this one is worth a look. Where to buy: Official Site The 39 Steps by The Story Mechanic Notable Tags: Literary Adaptation, Interactive Adventure Game, Protagonist with Voice Acting, Crime This is a curious title that never shows any of the characters on screen, but in its stead it's fully voice acted. An interesting concept. It is based on a book, which has a number of movie adaptations. From what I've heard, it's very faithful to its source material. Where to buy/download: Amazon, Steam Witches & Woodlands by Jan-Poo Notable Tags: Parody, Fan Ficion, Metafiction, Kinetic Novel I thought this might be of interest as this is a free Umineko fan parody. From what I've heard, it's actually pretty funny. Where to download: Official Site X-Note by Zevia Inc Notable Tags: Otome Game, Multiple Route Mystery, Murder Mystery It's an interesting synopsis, looks pretty good, and the few reviews I've found for it seem to be in agreement that the story is at least solid, if not good. There is a demo available on the site below. Where to buy: Official Site Some titles you might want to keep an eye out for in the future: Exogenesis - this one has really caught my curiosity. Lucid9 Huniepop - I'm far more excited for this one than I probably should be. Queen At Arms Violet Hill Waxwing Notable sites, tools, and resources: Planet EVN - a regularly updated blog about OELVNs Lemma Soft - discussion and development boards for visuals novels, datings sims, and story based games. Ren'Ai Archive - archive games made with the Ren'Py engine, a free software engine to build visual novels. Be weary, there's a lot of stuff in there that ranges from not-so-good to shit. Steam: Visual Novels Visual Novel Database Change Log: This list will continue to be a work in progress. I'm looking to further expand on it as I discover new titles and new games are released. If you have any suggestions on something to add or would like to point out something I glaringly missed, feel free to do so. Once again, this isn't a definitive, comprehensive list. It's not a list of 10 out of 10 games. They're "notable." You might find them interesting as fans of visual novels, you might even love them, but your mileage will vary. Credits: My thanks to Rooke, Ryechu, InvertMouse, and Down for their input in putting together this list.
  2. Nessa no Rakuen is a boy's love game. As from what I've seen, no one has even considered translating it and its such an amazing game! I mean that's just my opinion. I don't understand a word of it though and it upsets me greatly. D: I have no one to turn to about this and believe me if I could I would translate it myself but unfortunately I don't know how. ;___; So if anyone of you is willing to begin a translation project on it I would be so thrilled. Really, it would mean a lot considering no one has translated it yet. <3 The picture displayed below is a cover of the game. (The game itself takes place in Arabia from what I understand) And the characters displayed are Will (the blonde), Hakim (the man with dark hair), Ashraf (the man with purple hair), and Karim (the silver haired boy).
  3. I'm confused about it. The tl wiki says it's 100% completed along with a few other translation-tracking sites. But there's no patch anywhere. What's going on with that? The translation is finished but they never got around to making a patch after all that work? Did it get licensed so they had to give up? Seeing a translation stuck at 100% is even worse than seeing it barely started and given up on.
  4. I have notice this whenever I change locales from English to Japanese, but I never bother to be concerned about this. And now, it kinda bugs me when I see this. When I changed my locale back to English, I always see this japanese characters on my desktop. Then I thought it was weird to have this when I already changed my locale back to English. Any fix guys?
  5. Hi there! I recently hack this visual novel but I don't know anything of japanese, because of that I'm searching for people who knows japanese and want to translate it More info about the novel http://vndb.org/v3098 If my english was bad, sorry. English is not my native language
  6. Monster Girl Quest 1 Toroto Resistance | 2011 | RPG / 18+ Summary In a world, where monsters take the forms of women who lust after a substance only men can give them, one boy is fated to change everything forever. And to continuously get raped doing so. Route Guideline **NOTES** Ilias (Continent) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. Rance 7 (Sengoku Rance) Alice Soft | 2006 | RPG / 18+ Summary Sengoku Rance picks up where Rance 6 left off. Rance, after saving the nation of Zeth from destruction, ran away so he wouldn't have to marry the princess. He and Sill ended up in Japan for a hotspring trip, upsetting the power balance of Japan, and setting the unification of its provinces in motion. Meanwhile, an ancient evil power stirs from its slumber... Route Guideline Differences between various playthroughs Notes Incident at Honnou Temple Event ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oda ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hara ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ashikaga ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iga ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tokugawa ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenshi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asai Asakura ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miko Institute ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imagawa ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uesugi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Takeda ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Houjou ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One Eyed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanegashima ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Akashi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Takuga ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mouri ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Demon Army / Shimazu House
  8. Tom

    Rance 4

    Rance 4 (Legacy of the Sect) Alice Soft | 1993 | RPG / 18+ Summary After the events of Rance 3, Rance and Sill find themselves on a floating island of Ylapu, where they have to deal with Helman agents and stop the awakening of an ancient super weapon from the lost times. Route Guideline **NOTES** Chapter 1 - Ylapu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 - Secret Passage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 - Let´s find Rance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 - Reuniting Athena 2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 - Toushin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 - Showdown Attribution This walkthrough is based on info attained on alicesoft.wikia.com with some adjustments made by me.
  9. Tom

    Rance 3

    Rance 3 (Fall of Leazas) Alice Soft | 1991 | RPG / 18+ Summary Leazas has fallen due to an attack from Helman, and Lia has been captured! Kanami finds Rance and asks him to help. Dark Lords were most likely involved in the attack and Rance needs to find and regain the holy sword and armor in order to gain the legendary Chaos, the only thing known to be able to damage dark lords, in order to free Leazas from Helman rule. Route Guideline **NOTES** Chapter 1 - Lis Cave ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 - Devils´ Cave 9. Re-enter the portal and go to other the path marked on the map. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 - Liberation of L-Zile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 - Rekka Mines ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 - Liberation of Red ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 - Forest of the Lost ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 - Hyperbuilding ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8 - The O ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9 - Oc 2. Go (attack) North. 3. Then go (attack) South. 4. Go to Oc HQ and Deploy 5. Rest in the Inn by yourself. *Note: This is the point of no return. After next step final showdown will begin and you won't be able to return to world map. 6. Go to North and walk the path between OC and ___ until a Golden Hanny appears. Defeat it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10 - Showdown Attribution This walkthrough is based on info attained on alicesoft.wikia.com with some adjustments made by me.
  10. Rance 2 (Rebellious Maidens) Alice Soft | 2009 | RPG / 18+ Summary Ten years prior to the story, four young girls in the town of Kathtom were appointed as disciples to an old mage named Ragishss. They were to be raised as mages and work as the guardians of the town after completing their training. However, after the ten years, the girls suddenly rebelled against Ragishss and killed him. During the harsh magic battle, the entire town was entombed underground and a barrier spell was placed on it, preventing anyone from leaving, including the maidens who terrorized the town. The four maidens were soon to be known as the Four Witches of Kathtom. Rance sets out with Sill to defeat the four witches and save the city from their grasp. But as the story progresses, they find out that the witches had their personalities altered by the power of the rings they wear. The rings greatly enhance a user's magical potential, but only functions when used by maidens. Having said that, the only way to release them from the rings is to have their virginity taken, and who else but Rance is up for such job? Route Guideline Chapter 1 - Maria´s Maze The Maze Evaporation Fruit Finding Maria ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 - Mill´s Maze Slate Hunting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 - Elenoa´s Maze ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 - Deep in Mill´s Maze 10. Return to the first screen of the maze and go the upper east way through the door. 11. Mill will attack you with Phantom Beasts. Rance and party will run away as soon as they find out that they can't hurt them. The Mummy´s Request Going back to Mill ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 - Deep in Elenoa´s Maze ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 - Shizuka´s Maze 12. Go to the second floor and Take the Stake on the middle west tile. 13. Use Stake in the SW area. 14. Take another Stake on the SE tile above the area. 15. Use Stake in the SE area. 16. Go downstairs and Look at the Table, then Take the Stake. 17. Go upstairs and place the stake in the NW area. 18. Open the door and Use Machine. 19. You will fight Stone Guardian here. Enter the east room (wiht the glass cases). 20. Go to the stonehenge and Search surroundings, then enter Time portal. 21. A boss fight follows with Shizuka. Badmouth her 2 times before you attack, you will miss otherwise. After Shizuka there is another boss battle which is a bit harder then Shizuka. Attribution This walkthrough is based on info attained on alicesoft.wikia.com with some adjustments made by me.
  11. Rance 1 (Quest for Hikari) Alice Soft | 1989 | RPG / 18+ Summary Keith owner of Keith's Guild, offers Rance a job worth 20,000 gold in reward from the Bran family to find and protect their daughter, Hikari Mi Bran, who was kidnapped with no subsequent demands made. Assisting him in his search is Zeth-born caster slave, Sill Plain, who was also kidnapped from her rich family and sold to Rance in exchange for his life savings. Through separate means, they both work together to solve the mystery behind the kidnapping, and eventually discover that the case is much larger than it seemed to be. Route Guideline Chapter 1 - Quest assignment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 - Thieves´ Lair ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 - Castle Permit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 - Castle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 - Haunted Masion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 - Princess´ Hideout Attribution This walkthrough is based on info attained on alicesoft.wikia.com with some adjustments made by me.
  12. Hello its me Novel21 again and I know I have many thread in this forum, But I have reason to make this thread, so I shall explain there. Here we go. So I have buy PSP but I don't get PSP before Tuesday or Wednesday sometimes and since this PSP I can play VN games on it. I want somebody Recommend me some PSP VN in English so I can play beside of Toradora Portable. That's for me Novel21
  13. Hey guys~ I've been dying to play Silver Chaos: Artificial Mermaid for a while and therefore, I've also been looking for an english patch, since I can't read kanjis and all, but in vain. There doesn't seem to be any, much to my displeasure... I'm sure i'm not the only one who wish to play this visual novel, so here I go: I was wondering if anyone was interested in working on an english patch for this game? I can do the editing or proofreading, I do know how to read hiragana and katakana too, but that's all, unfortunately. If anyone is willing to help and start/lead this project, I will be more than happy :3 Btw: It'll be my first time working on a project like this, so I'll try to do my best, hehe.
  14. how do they make english patch for visual novels? and how do they make it as a program where it can be installed to certain game files?
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