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Currently playing Little Busters, with only Kud's route completed so far. Lately, when I start up the game though, I just end up listening to the title music.

"A World is Born" is so good... In fact, almost all of the titles are amazing especially in certain situations. Heck, even "Unused Track 3" which I recently discovered is freaking amazing (They actually used this track in the anime!). "A World Where Nothing Happened" puts all the chills up my back and "Two Sugars" relaxes the heck outta me. When I listen to the OST, I just remember... everything pretty much.

Currently, I've been playing:

Katawa Shoujo, with Emi, Hanako done, stalled on Shizune

Ever17, with Tsugumi's Good End done

Umineko, with Episode 1 done

I guess I can throw in that I've read like, 20% of Rewrite's common route

I've been getting stuck with doing like 1 arc/episode and then kinda not finishing.


I'm on a type-moon roll so playing fate / stay night right now and are about to hit the unlimited blade works route, I love Saber!

If you liked Fate you are going to love UBW and HF, they are much, MUCH better than Fate, though I guess that's more of a personal opinion haha.

BTW, did you enjoy Tsukihime? Which was your favorite route? :3

Also, about to start Princess Waltz. I had this for a while but kept forgetting to try it out, finally doing so~


If you liked Fate you are going to love UBW and HF, they are much, MUCH better than Fate, though I guess that's more of a personal opinion haha.

BTW, did you enjoy Tsukihime? Which was your favorite route? :3

Also, about to start Princess Waltz. I had this for a while but kept forgetting to try it out, finally doing so~

I guess I like the fate route because saber is by far my favorite heroine in the game and what I have read fate is her route and the other is on other characters.

I did enjoy Tsukihime and I think it's hard to chose a route I like the most there but I guess it would be Kohakus route. A little sad that there isn't any route with Satsuki though.

Clearing through UBW at the moment but it's a much slower pace now as I'm quite busy with other things right now.


I just finished the introduction of Fate Stay Night: it must be the biggest appetizer I've seen ! This might become longer than Steins;Gate, and I am quite excited as the quality seems to be there aswell.


right now on freakin exam period so no more gaming for me. But, I am replaying majikoi s with the new translations, looks like it's gonna be fun


I am currently playing Yume Miru Kusuri. All the bullying is tense, but the H scenes are actually the most off putting. It is incredibly early and tasteless, at least with the bullied girl. These scenes also have hideous art. Once her feet was in a completely weird position, yikes. It is a shame because I like it, the writing is great, although you can definetly feel the tight budget.

This whole "I give you my body so you become my friend" is really creeping me out aswell. I should have chosen Nekoko instead ! :P

I feel like playing Da Capo for now. It looks "typical" but with quality to back it up.


Man, ive been burning through VN's.

Just finished Canvas2. Getting ready to start G-senjou no Maou. After Tays comment about it, im excited to get started.


Finished fate / stay night and it was great but there was one character I hated with all my might, she is now nominated to my most hated VN character.

Started flyable heart because it looked interesting. So far so good.


Finished fate / stay night and it was great but there was one character I hated with all my might, she is now nominated to my most hated VN character.

Started flyable heart because it looked interesting. So far so good.

You made me curious ! Wich one did you hate ?


You made me curious ! Wich one did you hate ?

It's Sakura. :) Don't want to go into too much details as I don't know if it will be spoilers.

I loved Saber and Ilya though!


It's Sakura. :) Don't want to go into too much details as I don't know if it will be spoilers.

I loved Saber and Ilya though!

Yeah, I begin to worry about it now :lol:.


It's Sakura. :) Don't want to go into too much details as I don't know if it will be spoilers.

I loved Saber and Ilya though!

huh, I thought it was shinji, it seems I was wrong :D


Finished Sengoku Rance after a couple of restarts, well, to be more specific, finished the True History route, still have the others left.

Taking a break and going to watch Torchwood instead now, its a Doctor Who spinoff~


Currently playing a light-hearted BL game called みらくるのーとん.

The summary on vndb pretty much sums it up: "Protagonist Ogata Akira finds a magical living notebook that can grant any wish he writes in it. But there’s a catch: only horny wishes work. So begins Akira’s days of homoerotic wish writing…." Yeah, that's basically it.. just a nukige for girls & I'm not gonna try and pretend otherwise XD I bought it cos the art is by Yura, one of my fave illustrators, and it hasn't disappointed~


Finished Sengoku Rance after a couple of restarts, well, to be more specific, finished the True History route, still have the others left.

Taking a break and going to watch Torchwood instead now, its a Doctor Who spinoff~

What did you think of Sengoku Rance? I'm thinking of getting to it soonish.


Right now, I have 3 months of holiday, which means I'll be able to catch up with my (long) list of VN. Right now I am playing Tsujidou-san no Jun'ai Road, and I like it so far. Hopefully we'll be able to see some more translations of recent VN such as this one


What did you think of Sengoku Rance? I'm thinking of getting to it soonish.

Its fun(in general), and also funny game. The gameplay itself is great as well, and requires some thinking~

Story isn't too deep like some VN's, but its still a good read, don't expect amazing complexity and you should like it!

BTW, take what I say with a bit of salt, reason being that I am highly, HIGHLY easy to please when it comes to any form of entertainment, there are better sources to get an opinion from haha.

Also, thanks for quoting that. I actually forgot I had completed the route, ended up deleting the saves by mistake recently and thought I would've have to redo the whole thing...

I don't even remember how I fought the Demon Army, had no diviners >>; Maybe I cheated or something, dunno.


Playing Jeanne d'Arc the SRPG but for VN I am thinking of starting either Muv-Luv or Hoshimemo.

Though I really need to read the Agatha Christie VN one day.


I am still giving my best to finish Yume Miru Kusuri. I am currently

at the scene where the bullied girl is fixing the bills Antoinette tore apart

and it is really tough to go on without feeling depressed ! Her life is so screwed :mellow: . I need some light and heartwarming moments to get some motivation back, but the more it goes forward the worst it becomes. It is the same feeling as watching Requiem for a Dream, great film but I hated it for being so depressing, to the point of having to take breaks every scenes :lol:. I am worried about a similar end, without hope, and just a huge feeling of despair…


Just started Shuffle, so far is hilarious, im only up to the point where Primula makes her appearance, but I think its hilarious that while everyone talks about Kaede, Nerine, and Sia's fan clubs, Miyami is the only one to mention Tsuchimi's fan club, which is growing to be a force possibly to even rival the Tripe Triple-letter fan clubs.


Being the retro man that I am, I've been playing Kanon. I've also been trying to get MOON to run, but I keep getting a black screen after hitting start :o~ Guess it's because I'm on Windows 7 and trying to play a game that came out in like 1998.

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