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I'm Norleas, a self-proclaimed five stars traveler. Due to my mom job i already lived in five countries (Brazil, Japan, Germany, Netherlands and Switzerland), i started  reading visual novels to not rust my japanese after i leaving Japan in 2014, i've read about 110 novels but only today i began to look for a vn community and this was the first place I came to look, i hope to enjoy this place and hmm, sorry for any mistake that i make typing, cuz english is only my  4th or 5th language.

2 hours ago, Shurui said:

Hey there. I see you're from Munich, nice! Hope you have fun here

I am living in Munich since july and i'm loving, compared to the last place where i lived (São Paulo - Brazil) it's way more clean, cold and cheaper.I already visited the city hot spots and principally, it's very good to see Bayern games live.

59 minutes ago, Narcosis said:

A multilingual, eh? Welcome.

Is your life already a visual novel material? :holo:

Having to learn a language every 2/3 years is quite tiring, but it's a cool story to tell.

In the visual novel of my life it's very hard to enter in a heroine route knowing that tomorrow you could live in the other side of the globe :(


So you travel do you? That's something I've always wanted to do, travel the world seeing and experiencing new cultures...

Anyway, welcome to Fuwa, hope you enjoy your time here.


Welcome to Fuwanovel, and it's quite interesting that you lived in 5 countries there which to said it must be quite hard especially with the procudure that should be very different between 5 countries (Or maybe not). As for your English, I think it's fine ie didn't had many problem there to me at least (Then again English wasn't my first language here). Hope you had fun and enjoy yourself here.

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