astartoguideus Posted January 18, 2019 Posted January 18, 2019 Hello, I was trying to extract the script from a visual novel - Lucky Dog 1, which used ADV engine, and encountered this extension file .scb I have learned that it stands for Scala InfoChannel Published Script and can only be opened by their software. But I still have hope that maybe someone here know how to edit that kind of file. Thank you in advance. ^^ Quote
Veshurik Posted January 28, 2019 Posted January 28, 2019 Well, GIGA tools doesn't work or I can't understand how it works? It is not for translation, just to count the words and lines of text in scenario. I use blfpactool, but usually got something like that... But .bin files extracted with GARBro works with Marcussana line editor. But I can't count the number of lines and symbols with such program... I can't understand the instructions, to be honest. Maybe, any have video instruction or something? Thanks. Quote
Bathhouse_Owner Posted February 23, 2019 Posted February 23, 2019 The link for System-NNN tools is down, can anyone please re-upload them? Quote
darg777 Posted March 14, 2019 Posted March 14, 2019 Anybody have any luck using the multiline editor for extracting the scripts from .ism files (for Sisters Natsu no Saigo no Hi)? I can't get it to extract anything comprehensible, but I'm not sure if that's because I'm doing something wrong (I don't speak Chinese so I'm kind of just guessing things based on kanji) or if it just doesn't work. Quote
SakuraCircle Posted March 26, 2019 Posted March 26, 2019 Hello, I registered here for the primary purpose of asking about how to extract scripts from this particular game for translation. I have virtually zero knowledege about VN translation in general, so I'd love to be enlightened about what I need to know first. Quote
darg777 Posted March 27, 2019 Posted March 27, 2019 17 hours ago, SakuraCircle said: Hello, I registered here for the primary purpose of asking about how to extract scripts from this particular game for translation. I have virtually zero knowledege about VN translation in general, so I'd love to be enlightened about what I need to know first. I've been trying to open this game up too to give translating it a go but I haven't had any luck so far. It uses the same engine as the past couple games ANIM.TeamMM has made (with the built in flowchart) which is a custom engine made by ANIM from as far as I can tell. About the most the software on here can do is extract the CG though. Someone on 4chan has cracked this engine before, but I tried asking around to no success. Maybe you might have better luck. Quote
Ferniksu Posted April 4, 2019 Posted April 4, 2019 Hi There!, I'm a new member here, I decided to register since I was planning on fan translate some of the Complet's old VN's, I tried using the mpxtool with python, PATH is set, but whenever I run the script it always fails with "Syntax Errors". I've fiddled with it for several hours, and is turning me insane, I'm not a programmer and the knowledge I have for use of python or other languages is close to none. Right now I'm studying Japanese so I thought it would be a nice practice to translate a VN, I was thinking in translating all the scripts and rebuilding the game in a more friendly and modern VN engine like VNMaker, Tyranobuilder or Ren'Py (thogh Ren'Py can be a little difficult due to the need to know some basic programming). Found an old thread from 2010 on Hongfire forums with some files converted from MPX to TXT, but those are from other complet's works that I'm not focused to translate, I'm more interested into translating the Mamaclub series, Mama Tsuma & Mama Shibori. If anyone could help me it would be greatly apreciated. BTW I can attach the full MPX folder of Mama Tsuma since is the first VN that I would like as a starting project. (it's allowed to upload here the full MPX folder or is against the rules). Quote
Kambi Posted April 21, 2019 Posted April 21, 2019 Hey I'm new and I don't know if this is the most appropriate place to post this, but here goes. I have been trying to decrypt RUNE games. Their scenario files end with .BCS. I have searched through the internet, but don't seem to be able to find a decoder. When it comes to unpacking an archive there is no problems. Most tools are able to do it. The archives end with .g2 which as I understand are decoded with glib2. But basically GARbro can do it no problem. They also have their own image format .PGX. Which also GARbro can be used to understand it. But when it comes to scenario files I can't find anything. So I delved into the hex myself. I found several things there, but I don't seem to find a pattern to the first 5 u4 integers given at the start of the file. One of the problems is that the first int is bigger then the file itself. Which would imply some compression. And the last int seems to be always smaller than the file, except I have found exceptions where it is even bigger than the first int. I suspect it might be part of the actual file data. And when it comes to others ints. I have not been able to find a consistent pattern through all the files of how they are all linked. There always seems to be an exception to whatever file pattern I may find. The funny thing is even though it seems to be compressed I noticed that there was a lot of FF in the file. So I ran a xor(FF) and what I got almost makes sense. I can find glimpses of readable data. Commands, file names etc. But they always have some strange artifacts in the middle of them. Like an extra byte stuck in the middle of a word. Almost like the file is corrupted. Here is an example: 25 6E 6F 25 00 25 00 66 69 40 6C 65 6E 61 6D 00 65 0E 00 69 04 6E 66 0F 00 00 62 67 2F 62 67 00 30 00 31 61 2E 70 67 78 Without the nonsense it reads: no filename inf bg/bg01a.pgx... at least I think It's all encoded in shift-JIS. Similar stuff is in the rest of the file. Sometimes more obvious, sometimes less. I still have some ideas of what I might try next, but I feel I might be either, going in the wrong direction, or might face that I don't have the necessary knowledge to do it. So any info you can share would be appreciated. Quote
ilyasok Posted May 11, 2019 Posted May 11, 2019 On 28.01.2019 at 12:39 PM, Veshurik said: Well, GIGA tools doesn't work or I can't understand how it works? It is not for translation, just to count the words and lines of text in scenario. I use blfpactool, but usually got something like that... But .bin files extracted with GARBro works with Marcussana line editor. But I can't count the number of lines and symbols with such program... I can't understand the instructions, to be honest. Maybe, any have video instruction or something? Thanks. Try changing the folders' names or moving this particular folder to C: or D:. It may help. Quote
Kawano Hatsuyuki Posted May 11, 2019 Posted May 11, 2019 (edited) On 2019/1/6 at 11:41 AM, MisakiMain said: Are there any alternatives to extract resources from Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm (蒼の彼方のフォーリズム)? It seems that arcunpacker doesn't work anymore with the new Perfect Edition version of the game or I just don't know how to use it properly. I've tried several other tools such as fxckBGI to no avail. I'm guessing the devs updated the game with newer engine because it works with 2014 release of the game but not EXTRA1 and Perfect Edition. If anyone could provide any insights it would be much appreciated! Garbro will help you Edited May 11, 2019 by Kawano Hatsuyuki Quote
helpmeyour Posted May 24, 2019 Posted May 24, 2019 How can I open encrypt .ks files from G-Senjou no Maou Steam release. I've tried #1 post method but no luck. Quote
Valduran Posted June 12, 2019 Posted June 12, 2019 (edited) Hmm, can't manage to get KrkExtract to repack the Gusha no Kyouben scripts without the engine (Kirikiri Z) throwing an error when any line modified by a patched file is reached. Even just repacking the script files without decrypting or altering them still results in this: GARBro can successfully extract/repack the .ks files without causing an error using the Teakamamire no Fukushuu encryption...but I can't manage to decrypt the .ks text without KrkrExtract, and GARBro throws a "being used by another process" error when I try to tell it to repack the decrypted .ks files KrkrExtract gave me. EDIT: Looks like ALL of my Akabeisoft3 games result in the same problem--even the ones that GARBro supposedly supports. EDIT2: Turns out that just tossing Krkrextract de-compiled .ks files into the "temp" dir does the trick for now. So will just focus on translating and worry about getting it to repack down the line. Edited June 12, 2019 by Valduran Quote
NewbTransla Posted August 2, 2019 Posted August 2, 2019 hello guys. I'm having trouble with GARbro recently. It wont repack my edited scripts for me to create a patch. It just say that "file" is being used by another process. any thoughts? Quote
ShoujoQ Posted September 3, 2019 Posted September 3, 2019 Hi, I'm trying to extract the script from the game 南国ドミニオン (Nangoku Dominion) by Softhouse Chara. Using the WizardsClimberDecrypt tool for Softhouse Chara programs successfully unpacks some archives (such as event CGs, music and sound effects), but fails for the box.vfs archive which would contain the game scenario script with the following error message: Does anyone know how I can get around this? Quote
Haiyami Posted September 14, 2019 Posted September 14, 2019 Wait...GarBro can repack scripts? Where is that feature? I extracted some scenario files from the I edited the scripts in notepad++ and now I'm ready to repack. But I'm not sure what program to use for repacking .med scripts. I'm not sure what engine this uses but it's a Fudegakisoft game (saiminjutsu4). Is there away to repackage scripts to an .file. By the way all the scenario files extract from the have no extension but I was still able to open them in notepad++. All I need is as re compiler. Quote
Trail_Wind10 Posted November 18, 2019 Posted November 18, 2019 Hi! So I'm trying to translate this VN (from Atelier Sakura) that's using the Majiro Engine. I converted the .mjo files to .txt files, edited them, convert them back to .mjo and put it in the game. The problem is that sometimes it crashes the game when going to the dialogues I edited or if it didn't crash, some parts of the words in the sentence are missing. I think this has something to do with the numbers on the left along with the dialogues (e.g 0378 浮気や不倫と違うのは、『夫の合意による行為である』という点だ). Does anyone here know what those numbers mean and how to solve this problem with the words missing? Quote
wuari2709 Posted November 25, 2019 Posted November 25, 2019 (edited) I need to know how to use the rldmanager tool for exhibit engine could someone please explain to me Edited November 25, 2019 by wuari2709 Quote
ShoujoQ Posted December 17, 2019 Posted December 17, 2019 (edited) Does anyone have a copy of the AnimED tool for unpacking and repacking archives (I'm trying to unpack and repack archives of .pd format in a visual novel by FlyingShine)? All of the sources linked in the data extraction thread for it don't seem to work anymore. Edited December 17, 2019 by ShoujoQ Quote
MerzZly Posted December 18, 2019 Posted December 18, 2019 (edited) On 17.12.2019 at 4:43 PM, ShoujoQ said: Does anyone have a copy of the AnimED tool for unpacking and repacking archives (I'm trying to unpack and repack archives of .pd format in a visual novel by FlyingShine)? All of the sources linked in the data extraction thread for it don't seem to work anymore. It seems like the site is down, but link still works: Edited December 18, 2019 by MerzZly Quote
Eliont Posted January 9, 2020 Posted January 9, 2020 Here are decompiled english and japanese scripts for Sora o Aogite Kumo Takaku + needed tools. Maybe someone know something what can put them back into the game archives to apply all-age english translation to full version. Quote
darksshades Posted January 10, 2020 Posted January 10, 2020 (edited) I know this might be a lost cause but does anybody know what Engine of how to extract the scripts from "SPLUSH WAVE" doujin brand games? Its a brand that heavily focuses on RPG doujin games so I'd love to at least made the menus and items translated to make it more easy on the eyes. It uses the files following the format "name_ADD.dat" "name_BASE.dat" "name_BOOT.dat"(also .dats for BOOTZ, CG, CHR, SE, SYS, VOI). Other than that the only other file that could identify the engine is a Ayame.dll but I could not find out an specific engine that uses that so maybe its their own. I got some wierd files using GRAbro but nothing usefull and it kept asking to override files that it had just unpacked so no luck there. So does anybody know how to unpack/repack the scripts or at least the engine name for me to search more about it? Edit: It turns out newer games can extract image files correctly, so all the images are okay, I just can't find any file that seems to correspond to the items and skills information. Or any script text files. There are a few binary files but they are just too little, I guess GARbro is getting lost and skipping them along with the directory structure. Edited January 21, 2020 by darksshades Quote
Kelebek1 Posted January 26, 2020 Posted January 26, 2020 (edited) On 10/01/2020 at 2:51 AM, darksshades said: I know this might be a lost cause but does anybody know what Engine of how to extract the scripts from "SPLUSH WAVE" doujin brand games? Its a brand that heavily focuses on RPG doujin games so I'd love to at least made the menus and items translated to make it more easy on the eyes. It uses the files following the format "name_ADD.dat" "name_BASE.dat" "name_BOOT.dat"(also .dats for BOOTZ, CG, CHR, SE, SYS, VOI). Other than that the only other file that could identify the engine is a Ayame.dll but I could not find out an specific engine that uses that so maybe its their own. I got some wierd files using GRAbro but nothing usefull and it kept asking to override files that it had just unpacked so no luck there. So does anybody know how to unpack/repack the scripts or at least the engine name for me to search more about it? Edit: It turns out newer games can extract image files correctly, so all the images are okay, I just can't find any file that seems to correspond to the items and skills information. Or any script text files. There are a few binary files but they are just too little, I guess GARbro is getting lost and skipping them along with the directory structure. I only tested this with their newest game, and it requires python 3. Run in the game's base folder to extract all the archives, the game script should be in FGN_TADD as a txt file. Edit the script however, and put in that folder and run it. It'll make the new script, and a new archive from the files in that folder, which you can use in-game. Unfortunately it looks like the game just takes all ascii text as commands, and doesn't actually print it at all: There may be some in-built way around that in their format though, I'm not sure. You'll have to play around with it I guess. Edited January 26, 2020 by Kelebek1 darksshades 1 Quote
darksshades Posted January 28, 2020 Posted January 28, 2020 (edited) On 26/01/2020 at 5:40 AM, Kelebek1 said: I only tested this with their newest game, and it requires python 3. Run in the game's base folder to extract all the archives, the game script should be in FGN_TADD as a txt file. Edit the script however, and put in that folder and run it. It'll make the new script, and a new archive from the files in that folder, which you can use in-game. Unfortunately it looks like the game just takes all ascii text as commands, and doesn't actually print it at all: There may be some in-built way around that in their format though, I'm not sure. You'll have to play around with it I guess. Wow! Thanks, it's incredible that you could make that! Sadly I don't think there is anything I can do about the ASCII problem, when the engine detects an ASCII character it automatically goes looking for variables(Although to only variable usage that I saw on all the script was NA00 which is the player name) Here's a report of the things I found/tried: I did not find the items names/descriptions anywhere, only the textbox and dialog text. Tried with dragon academy 1 and although it seems to compress fine, no changes happen at all after putting the new file. (Script in DA_ADD.DAT) Dragon Carnival worked just like ergonyo from the image. Worked fine but no ascii displayed as expected. Here's the edits I made to make it work with other games if anyone else wants to try it: -Edit and change the BOOT file name to be the same as the game's. L43: with open('DC_BOOT.DAT', 'r') as f: Its usually in the format 'GAME_BOOT.DAT' or 'GAME_BOOT_P.DAT'. Some games have 2 boot files. The other one is for the expansion patch. -I've put this on L50 to make it easier and faster to extract: # Skip voice and image pack files if file == "DC_VOI.DAT" or file == "DC_SE.DAT" or file == "DC_CG.DAT": continue Instead of DC_, put the format of the game you're extracting. e.g.: for Dragon Academy 1 is DA_VOI.DAT, DA_SE.DAT, DA_CG.DAT (It's the bigger files on the game folder) -To compress, put in the extracted folder and execute it from there. By default it'll look for the DID_MES_00.txt to inject it on the new created file. One of the early games I've tried(Fantasy mahjong 2011) had multiple script files with different names so I don't think it would work there.(It also have duplicated script files on multiple .DAT, so the older games are just a mess.) EDIT: I found this correspondence chart from cyrrilic unicode to ascii that might work for the text: But I'm not sure there is every letter there and some only has similar uppercase from what I saw. So it might work, but it would be kinda wierd if it did. Edited January 28, 2020 by darksshades Quote
masterofbob69 Posted March 18, 2020 Posted March 18, 2020 (edited) So I'm using GARbro to extract scripts and I'm using lneditor for the lines, however, when I try and open the script files, lneditor says I have "mem access error" or "Not enough memory". What's the issue here since I'm not sure what's going on at all? EDIT: I found one VN of four that does not have the above issue, however when I try to repack the script files, it says that another program is using the file even though I don't have anything open using it (I already closed lneditor at this point) The error is: 別のプロセスで使用されているため、プロセスはファイル 'folder where I saved it' にアクセスできません Edited March 18, 2020 by masterofbob69 Quote
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