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Trick and Treat

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Trick and Treat



 A forest is the setting for this story, where our protagonist decides to explore with his friends to corroborate the existent legend, suddenly something attacks leaving our protagonist at the mercy of the unknown. In this adventure will meet two girls, Ashley and Lilian, which he will not to know what are their intentions and hidden secrets.



Left-click, Enter
Advances through the game, activates menu choices, buttons, and sliders.

Advances through the game, but does not activate choices.

Arrow Keys
Selects menu choices, buttons, and sliders.

Causes skipping to occur while the ctrl key is held down.

Toggles skipping, causing it to occur until tab is pressed again.

Mousewheel-Up, PageUp
Causes rollback to occur. Rollback reverses the game back in time, showing prior text and even allowing menu choices to be changed.

Mousewheel-Down, PageDown
Causes rollforward to occur, cancelling out a previous rollback.

Right-click, Escape
Enters the game menu. When in the game menu, returns to the game.

Middle-click, H
Hides the text window and other transient displays.

Toggles fullscreen mode

Takes a screenshot.

Alt-H, Command-H
Hides (iconifies) the window.

Alt-F4, Command-Q
Quits the game.

When a save slot is selected, deletes that save slot.


*Ending Guideline / Suggested Ending Order*

 This game have a pretty strict Enforced Playing Order, you can only proceed to Lilian and Ashley's endings after beating the "Forgotten adventure" ending, and you can only get the Lilian Ashley Ending by beating all endings.  I recommend following the order bellow for a better (and more optimal) experience, but, it is up to you in the end.

 ~Choice Recovery~ will cover choices there that weren't made during this guide. It is advised to save before making any choice. Notes were left inside the spoiler boxes in-case you follow the order bellow.

*Ending Guideline*


Unknown Aggressor


1)Ignore the cat*

NOTE: Save here so you can proceed to the other endings.


Surviving the cat’s attack


1)Pick her up
2)Escape from the cat*
3)No, it looks very dangerous*

NOTE 1: Save here so you can proceed to the other endings.
NOTE 2: Only appears after completing all Endings.


An eye for an eye


1)Pick her up
2)Confront the cat
3)Kill her*

NOTE: Save here so you can proceed to the other endings.


Forgotten adventure (Normal End)


1)Pick her up
2)Confront the cat
3)Just keep her captured*
4)Trust her*

NOTE 1: Save here so you can proceed to the other endings.
NOTE 2: Only appears after beating the Normal End.


The last sacrifice


1)Pick her up
2)Confront the cat
3)Just keep her captured
5)Kiss her*

NOTE: Save here so you can proceed to the other endings.


Lilian: princess of destruction (Lilian Ending)


1)Pick her up
2)Confront the cat
3)Just keep her captured
5)Don’t do it
6)I can’t trust her*

NOTE: Save here so you can proceed to the other endings.


Ashley: the end of the curse (Ashley Ending)


1)Pick her up
2)Confront the cat
3)Just keep her captured
5)Don’t do it
6)Believe and help her*

NOTE: Save here so you can proceed to the other endings.


Lilian Ashley: Trick and Treat (Lilian Ashley Ending)

 Only available after beating all of the above endings.


1)Pick her up
2)Escape from the cat
3)Yes, I should take this path


~Choice Recovery~


1)Pick her up
2)Confront the cat
3)Just keep her captured
4)Trust her
1)Pick her up
2)Escape from the cat
3)No, it looks very dangerous



 If you followed this guide, you should've got all story related trophies, but, here's a guide:


g86d05.pngTrick and Treat
Lilian Ashley Ending
NOTE: Only unlocked after beating all endings.
06846j.pngThank you for your attention
Thank you for your attention
NOTE:Within the main menu visit the "Extras" section, and within view the credits by selecting the "Credits" option.
4j8g50.pngReady to meet the next girl.
Ready to meet the next girl.
NOTE:Survive the first part of the story.    

bbj576.pngLilian Ending
Lilian Ending

6e8j07.pngAshley Ending
Ashley Ending



 This walkthrough is based on info attained on Chiyuki Suishou Blog, this Steam Guide by ItsMeLeeson and Exophase.com with some adjustments made by me.

Edited by Guest
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