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Would you still continue reading VNs if, starting from today, all H-scenes were banned?

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Posted (edited)

Let's assume that starting from today there is no way, legal or illegal, to get VNs with H-scenes. All previously existing VNs are perfectly censored, and the new ones are all-ages from the start. Would you still continue reading them after that?

Edited by Dreamysyu
19 minutes ago, Asonn said:

Yes. I would celebrate! No shitty nukiges and no forced and badly written H-scenes. What else could I ask for. 

My thoughts exactly my friend. If that happened many people would no longer be ashamed to admit that we read VNs. Lets be fair. Many of use live in very conservative countries so we are often misunderstood. VNs as a medium has many advantages. Just route system alone is a major thing. VNs have also proved that they can have an interesting and well written stories: S;G, Umineko, Morgana, Ever 17, Higurashi etc.


As for me, I definitely would. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure it would lead into some unhealthy changes in the industry, and I'm not sure if the new VNs would be as appealing to me as the old ones. Nobody really mentions it, but for me one of the main advantages VNs have compared to other media is that they are automatically 18+, so they don't have to deal with all this crap like toning down violent scenes and touching extremely controversial topics.

Posted (edited)
49 minutes ago, Asonn said:

Yes. I would celebrate! No shitty nukiges and no forced and badly written H-scenes. What else could I ask for. 

22 minutes ago, Sparteh said:

My thoughts exactly my friend. If that happened many people would no longer be ashamed to admit that we read VNs. Lets be fair. Many of use live in very conservative countries so we are often misunderstood. VNs as a medium has many advantages. Just route system alone is a major thing. VNs have also proved that they can have an interesting and well written stories: S;G, Umineko, Morgana, Ever 17, Higurashi etc.

A picture paints a thousand words.


I have nothing to say but that's exactly what I am thinking.
If H-Scenes no longer exist anymore then maybe there would be more great VN, more VN's in english and better publisher and MoeNovel wouldn't exist in the first place. Because they don't have a reason to delete the H-Scenes anymore. :wahaha:

I actually don't care if there are no H-Scenes anymore because most of the time I skipp them but I don't like censorship^^ 
The only H-Scenes I liked was in Yumiko's Route in Grisaia :yumiko:

Edited by -soraa

Eh, I mean, I'd read them, but I'd probably spend half my time searching for ways to uncensor the old ones.

Would the nukige genre just be completely gone, or would we have strange nukiges that cropped CGs just right to not show genitals?


no, and if you ask again, ill report you for mental cruelty. :jinpou:



i would most likely keep reading them. although i have to wonder how that would possible. i mean, future vns, sure, but past ones? how?


anyways, i do like my vn "candy" but i couldnt drop them over that.

6 minutes ago, mitchhamilton said:

although i have to wonder how that would possible. i mean, future vns, sure, but past ones? how?

Well, it's simply a hypothetical question, of course. It's an impossible situation, but it's irrelevant for this discussion.


Yes, tou I would miss pieces like Euphoria and Saya which H-scenes are important to the plot.

Posted (edited)

well yes I will still continue reading, unless the h scenes are absolutely crucial to the plot, like THAT one scene in Muv Luv Alternative. If not, I would be fine without h scenes since I read vns only for the plot and characters

Edited by wei123

Well quite hard question to say because I still didn't experience that yet (And hopefully never), although perhaps I could say no until all of the VNs adapt to that very extreme policy. Which mean I'll be waiting for new VN that would be made after the policy is out.

3 hours ago, Plk_Lesiak said:

Yes! :mare:

Althtough I have a feeling that Fuwa would become a very bitter and quiet place, so I don't like the tradeoff. ;p

Pretty much the same.

I don't skip the scenes, but I can live without them in VN. Just need to look for doujin manga between the reads yeah.

4 hours ago, Asonn said:


4 hours ago, HMN said:


3 hours ago, Plk_Lesiak said:


3 hours ago, Dreamysyu said:

As for me, I definitely would.

3 hours ago, -soraa said:

I actually don't care if there are no H-Scenes

3 hours ago, Dergonu said:

I'd read them

2 hours ago, Kawasumi said:


1 hour ago, Mr Poltroon said:


1 hour ago, SeniorBlitz said:


1 hour ago, wei123 said:

well yes

34 minutes ago, Arcadeotic said:


10 minutes ago, VirginSmasher said:

Obviously yes

41 minutes ago, MaggieROBOT said:

Pretty much the same.


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