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Ladies and Gentlemen. It has been two years since I last released a Fan Case. Astonishing. I have managed to take double the amount of time to produce something half the size.
This 'Fan Case' is a case for Ace Attorney written by yours truly. It has been written using an online case maker. In my magnanimosity, I am sharing it here.


  • Vampires (Probably)
  • Mind-Reading (Maybe)
  • Ghosts (Supposedly)
  • Anti-Climaxes (Unquestionably)

If you're looking for any of these things, play my trial! If you're not, play it anyway, because I'm so bad at writing it might not even have them! You must simply afford a fee: Your time.
I would accept nothing less than your most valuable commodity, after all.

If you happen to not know how to play a fan case of a game you've never heard of on a case maker you do not know how to use (What incompetence. Get on my level) I have produced a tutorial just for the likes of you. Updated just today!

What are you waiting for? Go over to this other thread and play it now! All you need is to click the link under the section designated: "Link:"

Ace Attorney Online is the website, forum, community, and free online case maker I used to create this fan case.

If you have any criticism, opinions, want to complain about the fact that I reused this entire section from my last thread, or just want to flame me, please leave your comments on either this thread or the other one I linked to.
Thanks for playing! ...If you do play, that is.


Edited by Mr Poltroon
14 minutes ago, Mr Poltroon said:

If you have any criticism, opinions, want to complain about the fact that I reused this entire section from my last thread, or just want to flame me, please leave your comments on either this thread or the other one I linked to.

starts flamethrower


Aight I'll bite, since I've been playing nonstop Ace Attorney these past couple weeks (current on Prof. Layton vs Wright) but I'll take a slight detour since Tiag's pretty cool

I'll just point out some dialogues that i liked, nitpick them cross examinations, and other misc comments as a filthy elitist casual. Don't need to take any of my following bolded points system seriously :P

First off, wtf is this bland description for Athena's attorney's badge? Where's the "My spanking brand new attorney's badge!" or "Proof of my profession"??? all we have is a lame generic "one of my possessions"  ?!?!#!!!@!!! (-10, where's the defense attorney pride!!)



I'm only up to the first Cross Examination, but the writing's not too shabby; Athena feels like Athena (+1 for having her be the lead defense attorney, she needs more luv), Nick not being able to make the trial because of staying up all night marathoning an 'old tv show' with Maya who's now sick from overeating burgers sounds just about right, and Edgeworth being visibly disgruntled that he approved of this particular vampiric charge because he was also probably too busy watching them Steel Samurais last night was funny. (+5, you got the characters down pretty good)

Only issue with the first cross examining is that it's somewhat tricky because the bulk of it is spent Press spamming to build the Court Record since Athena waltzed into this trial with absolutely no information whatsoever. Which is fair in terms of the plot, but now all of a sudden you have like 5 different pieces of evidence and it's like "I know we need to point out 'hey this guy can't be a vamp because...' but which evidence will contradict which statement to get that message across?!! #getgudson (-1, too much infodump pls)

I don't know if there's multiple solutions, but after a while I finally realized "Oh wait, you can present Profiles too." So you just present the Defendant's profile. There we go. But yeah I think something like the Autopsy report with the BLED OUT statement or some other combination should've also worked to pose the "He's not a vamp because he didn't drink blood!!!" contradiction #SaltythatIwasted5minutesSpammingEveryEvidenceWithEverystatementOnlyToThenRealizeTheAnswerWasPresentingDefendant'sProfile (-5, need a bit more flexibility in pointing out this contradiction with evidence instead of just profile)

2nd cross examining was pretty hefty. A bit of narrative pinpointing would've been nice on the "Is there anything that's suspicious?" part when attempting to forcibly move the trial forward because of the amount of tangents there are like that one dead end(?) 'is my client lying' bit, though I did really like the amount of effort put into some of these tangents xD

  • ie. picking the Key you run into the tangent about whether it was possible for the key to be planted after body discovery (which, again, wth man, the answer is Presenting the Victim rather than Presenting the Body Discovery Report for the whole "the victim putting the chair against the door creating the locked room is why its impossible for someone to plant the key afterwards". That was a lame epiphany. +1 for Athena's reaction for picking the wrong answers though) (-30, same as above)



    • wtf tiago, you're already making us have to combine TWO pieces of evidence to progress?!@# Did the main games even do that? DIS TOO HART (+1)


Oh crap, we finally now have a pic of the room, now we have to examine it, pick out a suspicious spot, and maybe present evidence on why this spot is suspicious. Uhhh, I'll play some more sometime later. But it's a decent one, Tiago :D


P.S. Your penalty / wrong answer banters are S+ tier :P (+40, yup, you got these characters down *thumbsup*)










Edit: Ooops, I got the 'alternate' ending, godddamit i actually felt smart for doing the whole gust of wind thing, but now i wanna find the truth....

2 hours ago, Eclipsed said:

Aight I'll bite, since I've been playing nonstop Ace Attorney these past couple weeks (current on Prof. Layton vs Wright) but I'll take a slight detour since Tiag's pretty cool

You have no idea how happy your post has made me.

Replies will come later when the aaonline site goes back up (it seems to be down temporarily right now).


Ya i had to stop playing cuz the site went down :sleep:

First off, I take back my little rant about the badge, because apparently i never clicked on it. "My very important attorney badge" will suffice. +1

Regarding alternate ending, maybe there could've been at least one more prompt where Athena can second guess herself from committing to the bookcase, currently Edgeworth will attempt to stop her once you pick the 4th paragraph but it's already all over at that point. ie. It feels more like a baited ending, would've preferred something like:



Then Athena can be like, (What's he going on about...?)

  • Never mind him, full steam ahead!
  • Maybe I should listen to what he has to say...

That way players will feel a bit more justified that they chose to let Athena end the trial prematurely rather than feeling like they got trapped into it when they were just blindly grasping at straws trying to explain things.


Kind of a moot point overall though since the alt. ending quickly rewinds back to where you left off and locks out the bookcase, but yeah :P -5, I WAS BAITED TO THIS ENDING!@#


3rd Cross Examining. Ahaha, Perky is so quirky, and it's hilarious to think about what was going on through your mind when you had to sit down and think and write all of this... spiritually suggestive dialogue :angel: +5


Really, Tiago? xDDDDDD

Luckily, I know how your game logics works now, so I was able to easily just *again* present a Profile to beat this section. Gawd you love Presenting Profiles as evidence don't you <_< +0

4th Cross examine Perky = Peaky? This section I'll have to give you props for. It had an authentic Ace Attorney vibe to it, how a character shifts personality dramatically, the bgm switching to allegro, and the testimony is actually pretty solid only having one glaring weakness after a few presses (Though I kinda was stupid and tried to focus on something like, "the window was closed at the time so you couldn't have sent the key up" because I forgot that Vlad didn't have the key in the first place ._. +10

P.S. Another wrong answer banter i liked, +5



DW about me being on low health, i was purposely choosing wrong answers to get these banters :nervous::nervous::nervous::ph34r:

Bat revelation: OOOOOOHHHH, the train of thought here was well executed! Why would they conceal that they dealt with bats, even when we were openly discussing birds? Could this revelation be the key to solving this case? WHAT IF.... THE MURDER WEAPON WAS THE BAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOOM and you even have the Labyrinthia version of Telling the Truth playing during this, love it! +30

Did I winned? I got the credits and The End but that little dialogue at the end is bothering me.. or was it just meant to be a "they really were vampires!" thing?

Tl;DR Pretty enjoyable, it's a 7 or 8/10. All of the main characters are consistent and their dialogues and banter felt natural, the new characters had their own unique flair like Patrick's mindreading and Perky/Peaky's spiritual wackiness/spoiled bratness, the plot literally had a batty turnabout that was executed cleanly and felt really satisfying to figure out, only real complaints are the cross examines that required presenting a profile rather than evidence, but that's partly my own weakness because i had alot of trouble with the few AA games that went that route as well:angel:

12 hours ago, Eclipsed said:

Only issue with the first cross examining is that it's somewhat tricky because the bulk of it is spent Press spamming to build the Court Record since Athena waltzed into this trial with absolutely no information whatsoever. Which is fair in terms of the plot, but now all of a sudden you have like 5 different pieces of evidence and it's like "I know we need to point out 'hey this guy can't be a vamp because...' but which evidence will contradict which statement to get that message across?!! #getgudson (-1, too much infodump pls)

12 hours ago, Eclipsed said:

I don't know if there's multiple solutions, but after a while I finally realized "Oh wait, you can present Profiles too." So you just present the Defendant's profile. There we go. But yeah I think something like the Autopsy report with the BLED OUT statement or some other combination should've also worked to pose the "He's not a vamp because he didn't drink blood!!!" contradiction #SaltythatIwasted5minutesSpammingEveryEvidenceWithEverystatementOnlyToThenRealizeTheAnswerWasPresentingDefendant'sProfile (-5, need a bit more flexibility in pointing out this contradiction with evidence instead of just profile)



It actually accepts some 5 different pieces of evidence, including the Vampiratic! if you got it. However, only one statement could be presented at, because it is the only one that actually contains a contradiction.

In only one of the statements does the detective say the defendant is a vampire. You can contradict that one with pretty much anything, but the other statements are all true, so that's why it might have seemed like nothing worked.
It's still not the solid-est of contradictions, but it sort of works because it betrays the detective's own vampire narrative.



12 hours ago, Eclipsed said:

ie. picking the Key you run into the tangent about whether it was possible for the key to be planted after body discovery (which, again, wth man, the answer is Presenting the Victim rather than Presenting the Body Discovery Report for the whole "the victim putting the chair against the door creating the locked room is why its impossible for someone to plant the key afterwards". That was a lame epiphany. +1 for Athena's reaction for picking the wrong answers though) (-30, same as above)


If you read the prompt, the question here is if it was planted before the officers arrived, which is why stuff the officers found when they arrived isn't accepted.
What I will do is write a unique conversation for presenting it in this instance, since I understand the confusion in the wording.
The point of this prompt is to say, without question, that there was no way the key was planted when the victim was dead. She had to be alive as there would be no way for the door to be blocked by a chair and the key inside if she were dead. It was not to say that nobody could have done it after the police got there.


42 minutes ago, Eclipsed said:

Regarding alternate ending, maybe there could've been at least one more prompt where Athena can second guess herself from committing to the bookcase, currently Edgeworth will attempt to stop her once you pick the 4th paragraph but it's already all over at that point. ie. It feels more like a baited ending, would've preferred something like:

This is true. From what I've seen in testing, everyone charges right into this ending. I will probably add such a prompt, but ideally, I will write it such that the player still feels they really want to see where this goes, so they're 'rewarded' for their inquisitiveness.

Then again, screwing yourself by grasping at straws was the point in some ways, but I enjoy giving the player choice, so I will.

42 minutes ago, Eclipsed said:

Luckily, I know how your game logics works now, so I was able to easily just *again* present a Profile to beat this section. Gawd you love Presenting Profiles as evidence don't you <_< +0

The first CE accepts a profile plus a bunch of other evidence. This testimony was meant to be the only one that required the profiles, and it'd catch people off-guard. I also like this contradiction because it's both direct and indirect.

'I didn't X' vs. 'I don't know'.

42 minutes ago, Eclipsed said:

Did I winned? I got the credits and The End but that little dialogue at the end is bothering me.. or was it just meant to be a "they really were vampires!" thing?

This case was submitted as an entry to a competition named "I Want To Believe" where the point was to make a mystery out of supernatural elements. To quote them: " In this comp, we want you to create a game that introduces supernatural elements into an otherwise mundane world...or does it? "
And so, I indulged in ambiguity. Everything about this case was left ambiguous, pretty much.


Was Patty a mind reader?
Were there really ghosts?
Were they really Vampires? (the only photos we have of them are the ones they themselves provided. Not sure if you caught that detail)
Was there really murder?

Which, I know, kind of sucks in a mystery game, but I felt it very thematically relevant to leave things like this.


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