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Posted (edited)

how to change game Kamidori windowed mode resolution size?
full screen change resolution just fine but me cant change windowed resolution.

me sure me can change windowed mode resolution size before,
me think after upgrade/update windows 10 (from win10 v1607 to v1803 +update) then game windowed mode resolution size not working,
after upgrade/update win10 me delete some game (including Kamidori) for space and then install back game me need but Kamidori game got problem,
and me download new (from torrent (Aroduc 1.1 plus tweaks)) still windowed mode resolution size not working,
Thank You.

Edited by CSGMat
text edit
4 minutes ago, Rise Bell said:

Try This:

  1. Start Kamidori
  2. Use Task Manager To End Kamidori
  3. Restart Kamidori
  4. Press Yes
  5. And check Virtual and change both to the second setting

yes, me know how to get Kamidori setting open, and me test around game setting resolution but still cant change "windowed mode" resolution size/resize (change resolution "Fullscreen mode" just fine), thank.

Posted (edited)

I have one other method using a script that allow u to resize it.

  1. Go to: https://www.autohotkey.com/download/
  2. Download the program
  3. Go to Your desktop
  4. Right mouse-click  new > Auto Hotkey script
  5. Name It resize-Windows or Whatever
  6. Copy paste the code below in your script
  7. Save it
  8. Run Kamidori in windowed mode
  9. Press the windows-button and =
  10. You can resize it to your numbers (mine is 1900 and 1000)

#=:: ; [Win]+[=]
    WinGet, window, ID, A
    InputBox, width, Resize, Width:, , 140, 130
    InputBox, height, Resize, Height:, , 140, 130
    WinMove, ahk_id %window%, , , , width, height

I used this on the Game Tales of Symphonia and got rid of the black borders But the problem is that the Image quality drops

This is the only way i can think of

Edited by Rise Bell
41 minutes ago, Rise Bell said:

I have one other method using a script that allow u to resize it.

  1. Go to: https://www.autohotkey.com/download/
  2. Download the program
  3. Go to Your desktop
  4. Right mouse-click  new > Auto Hotkey script
  5. Name It resize-Windows or Whatever
  6. Copy paste the code below in your script
  7. Save it
  8. Run Kamidori in windowed mode
  9. Press the windows-button and =
  10. You can resize it to your numbers (mine is 1900 and 1000)

#=:: ; [Win]+[=]
    WinGet, window, ID, A
    InputBox, width, Resize, Width:, , 140, 130
    InputBox, height, Resize, Height:, , 140, 130
    WinMove, ahk_id %window%, , , , width, height

I used this on the Game Tales of Symphonia and got rid of the black borders But the problem is that the Image quality drops

This is the only way i can think of

me test, resolution game change but mouse point got problem (not in position) also this similar happen to if me use software "winresize-2.04". thank

35 minutes ago, pual said:

Try DxWnd tool.

me still on test DxWnd tool, in DxWnd tool too many setting me dont know,

emm..reason me want change size resolution is me can open other cheat software, this game grinding is pain.

Thank you.

  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)
On 8/6/2018 at 4:54 PM, Rise Bell said:

Try This:

  1. Start Kamidori
  2. Use Task Manager To End Kamidori
  3. Restart Kamidori
  4. Press Yes
  5. And check Virtual and change both to the second setting

Do this, and set the game to fullscreen.

Then, get the program "dxwnd" this allows you to run fullscreen games in a virtual window.

Now, just add Kamidori to dxwnd, click "No Banner", click "desktop center" under Position, and set your preferred window size at "Window initial position&size".

I would recommend 1600x900.

Lastly, go to the Video Tab, set "Window style" to "thick frame", set "Window size & position" to "free", Then, under "screen resolution" click "initial resolution" and set it to the same resolution you chose for the initial resolution.

Edited by Demaar

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