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Hello, Everyone! 

I would summon my courage in order to share with you the project I was working on for the past year. 

"Bottoms Up!" is a LINEAR Visual Novel type of game, which was supposed to serve as an "adaptation" of the fantasy novel with the same name I released (In Bulgarian) a few years back. 

The setting and the story of the game is not really typical for the genre I would say, but I always wanted to adapt the book into some sort of more visual media and since I really like visual novels I decided that this type of project will be doable for me. And I thought making something kind of different will be cool.

My main inspiration was a mixture of eastern european (Bulgarian) folklore and the classic fantasy trope we all know. The plot itself is basically a criminal story. If you are interested you can read a synopsis, check some of the custom soundtrack and more in the Itch Io page here:


 I will be really happy if you check the game and give me some feed back. Thank you!


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