_fbi Posted August 9 Share Posted August 9 (edited) Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon- Nintendo Store Tsukihimates TL Patch (recommended) This borrowed guide was originally in JP, and I've added the EN-translated (from tsukihimates patch) choices so English players can also use it. Obviously the text won't be identical to the official English translation but it should be obvious enough which to pick. I do recommend doing all the alternative options (all types of ends and choices for new dialogue), however if you want to do things in a certain order (e.g. all bad ends before continuing, or normal end before true end), I decided this would be helpful. Even though the game has a flowchart, it isn't useful for doing it in an order since you don't know what to select beforehand. SYNOPSIS Tsukihime chronicles the story and life of a teenage boy named Tohno Shiki. As a young boy, Shiki suffered a life-threatening injury. As a result of this injury, Shiki became able to see "death lines" on objects and people; if Shiki traces these lines with a sharp object, the person or object that they belong to will die or be destroyed. Soon after discovering this power, he is given a special pair of glasses by a mysterious woman. While wearing these glasses, Shiki cannot see the lines, and can thus live life as normal. Later, Shiki discovers that he can also see "points" on objects and people; these act as more immediate and powerful versions of the "lines." Eventually, it is revealed that Shiki is not merely killing a person or destroying an object when he cuts its lines or pokes out its points, but is instead removing the meaning of his victim's existence. The game plot begins during Shiki's high school days. After years away from the Tohno household, which he was banished from after his injury, he moves back home following the death of the head of the Tohno family, Shiki's father. Shiki's sister, Akiha, assumes the responsibility of being the new head, and decides to let Shiki come back. As the story progresses, Shiki gradually discovers his mysterious past, and becomes implicated into strange adventures. ROUTE GUIDE Note: there is enforced route unlock order. Arcueid -> Ciel Normal -> Ciel True Save before each Bad End divergence if you want to see them as you go along. Follow even the minor choices because you need a certain amount of heroine points later on. You can save before those minor choices too to see all the alternative outcomes. Green - Correct Option Red - Wrong Option (Bad End) Purple - Normal End Blue - True End Be careful of bold-colored text because it means it's conjoined with the choice right after, that presents the alternative important choice that leads to an alternative (usually bad) ending. It is recommended to save before those bold-colored choices. ARCUEID ROUTE Spoiler Day 0: Glass Moon Prologue Day 1: Morning of Homecoming I 【残念ながら話しかける用事はなかった。】 "Have nothing to talk to her about, sadly." 【教室に残って様子を見よう。】 "I'll stay in the classroom and see what happens." 【屋敷に帰る。】 "Return to the mansion." 【父親である遠野槙久の事だ。】 "It's my father, Tohno Makihisa." 【おとなしく付いていく事にした。】 "Decided to obediently follow her." 【ここで大人しく待っている。】 "Will wait here quietly." Day 2: Day That Wasn't 【パンを買ってきて教室で済ませよう。】 "I'll just buy some bread and eat in the classroom." 【戸山先生について、質問した。】 "So I ask about Toyama-sensei." 【ファミレスに行ってみる。】 "Go to the restaurant." 【居間に行って秋葉と話をする。】 "Visit Akiha in the living room." Day 3: Inversion Impulse 【秋葉に挨拶をする。】 "Greet Akiha." 【食堂で食べる。】 "Eat in the cafeteria." 【きっと、何かの悪いユメだ。】 "This must be some kind of bad dream." Day 4: Infernal River of Blood I 【秋葉について訊ねる。】 "Ask about Akiha." 【……協力、する。】 "Will help..." 【…迷うのはここまでだ。残ろう。】CORRECT 01 "I won't lose my way again. I'll stay." CORRECT 01 【……酔狂はここまでだ。逃げよう。】【屋敷に戻ろうと思う。】でBAD END 01 "I've had enough of all this... I'll run away." -> "I think I'll go back to the mansion." BAD END 01 【……呆れて、つい手渡した。】 "Give up and hand them over." 【百人……かよ?】 "One hundred...?" 【……部屋を出て、外の様子を探りに行く。】CORRECT 02 "I'll leave and see what's going on outside." CORRECT 02 【……部屋で外の様子をうかがう。】でBAD END 02 "I'll stay in the room and see what happens." BAD END 02 Day 5: Infernal River of Blood II 【……せめて、夜までここに残る。】CORRECT 03 "Stay here until nightfall, at least." CORRECT 03 【……今すぐヴローヴを捜すべきだ。】でBAD END 03 "Search for Vlov right away." BAD END 03 【様子を見る。】CORRECT 04 "I should observe the situation." CORRECT 04 【下りていく。】でBAD END 04 "I should descend." BAD END 04 【アルクェイドを呼び止める。】 "Call out to Arcueid to stop." 【……滑走だ。】CORRECT 05 "Sliding." CORRECT 05 【……投擲だ。】でBAD END 05 "Throwing." BAD END 05 【……牽引だ。】でBAD END 06 "Towing." BAD END 06 Day 6: Cerulean Stigma 【素直に謝る。】 "Apologize sincerely." 【阿良句博士に看てもらう。】 "Have Professor Arach take care of me." 【百年に一人、とか?】 "Think it's once in a century?" 【中庭を散歩してみよう。】 "I'll take a walk around the gardens." Day 7: Eyes of Death Perception I 【いったん屋敷に戻って整理しよう。】 "Return to the mansion and reassess the situation." 【まさか、子供じゃあるまいし。】 "Of course she isn't, she's not that childish.." 【もうすこしアルクェイドと話をする。】 "Talk with Arcueid a little longer." 【……吸血鬼について詳しく知りたい。】 "I need more details about vampires." Day 8: Eyes of Death Perception II 【ひたすら陽気に挨拶をする。】 "Greet her cheerfully." 【……気は乗らないが、用件を尋ねてみる。】 "Don't like this, but I'll ask what he wants." 【全力で迎撃する。】 "Do my utmost to intercept her." 【……廃病院とやらに行ってみようか?】 "Could go check out the abandoned hospital?" 【……正直に話す。】CORRECT 07 "Tell her the truth." CORRECT 07 【……嘘をついて誤魔化す。】でBAD END 07 "Lie and try to fool her." BAD END 07 【……敵として相対する。】 "Confront her as an enemy." Day 9: Death. 【アルクェイドの事だ。】 "Arcueid." 【阿良句博士にする。】 "I'll have Prof. Arach take a look." 【屋敷の一階を散歩しよう。】CORRECT 08 "Walk around the first floor of the mansion." CORRECT 08 【屋敷の二階を散歩しよう。】【……槙久の書斎を調べてみる。】でBAD END 08 "Walk around the second floor of the mansion." -> "Investigate Makihisa's study." BAD END 08 【秋葉の言う事を聞く。】CORRECT 09 "Do as she says." CORRECT 09 【アルクェイドに会いに行く。】でBAD END 09 "Go and meet with Arcueid." BAD END 09 Day 10: Scarlet Moon of Crimson I 【わがままだから。】 "It's because you're selfish." 【定番だけど映画館はどうだろう。】 "The movie theater, even if it is a little cliche." 【……アルクェイドを追いかける。】 "Go after Arcueid." 【……繁華街の、路地裏だ。】CORRECT 10 "The back alley downtown." CORRECT 10 【……学校に戻っているかも?】でBAD END 10 "Wait, maybe she's gone back to the school?" BAD END 10 【嫌がることは、できない。】CORRECT 11 "Can't do something she doesn't want." CORRECT 11 【ただ、欲しいだけなんだ。】でBAD END 11 "Simply want her." BAD END 11 Day 11: Scarlet Moon of Crimson II 【………何もかも無かった事にしよう。】 "Am going to forget any of this ever happened." Day 12: Night of Ill-Omen 【無駄でもアルクェイドを捜す。】 "Search for Arcueid, even if it's futile." Day 13: The Moon's Surface Day 14: Moon Princess CIEL ROUTE Spoiler Day 0: Glass Moon Prologue Day 1: Morning of Homecoming I 【ちょっとした疑問がわいてしまった。】 "Have a few questions." 【廊下に出てから考えよう。】 "I'll figure it out in the hallway." 【学校をぶらつく。】 "Wander around the school." 【やはり、妹の秋葉の事だ。】 "Of course, it's my younger sister, Akiha." 【おとなしく付いていく事にした。】 "Decided to obediently follow her." 【ここで大人しく待っている。】 "Will wait here quietly." Day 2: Day That Wasn't 【とりあえず、廊下に出て考えよう。】 "I'll figure it out in the hallway." 【……あえて考えない事にした。】 "But I decide to give it up." 【寄り道をして帰る。】 "Take a detour before going home." 【居間に行って秋葉と話をする。】 "Visit Akiha in the living room." Day 3: Inversion Impulse 【秋葉に挨拶をする。】 "Greet Akiha." 【茶道室に行ってみようか……?】 "Maybe in the tea ceremony room...?" 【……いや、俺の起こした現実だ。】 "No... this is the reality I have wrought." Day 4: Infernal River of Blood I 【いや、絶対に協力しない。】 "Refuse. I will never cooperate." 【……酔狂はここまでだ。逃げよう。】 "I've had enough of all this... I'll run away." 【ホテルに戻ろうと思う。】 "I think I'll go back to the hotel." 【……いや、その手には乗らないぞ。】 "Refuse... No way am I handing these over." 【千人……だと?】 "One thousand...?" 【……部屋を出て、外の様子を探りに行く。】 "I'll leave and see what's going on outside." Day 5: Distant Sea of Frost 【……今すぐヴローヴを捜すべきだ。】 "Search for Vlov right away." 【ノエルを助ける。】 "Will save Noel." 【-限界だ、一度呼吸を……!】CORRECT 12 "-Am at my limit, I have to take a breath!" CORRECT 12 【-このまま押し切る!】でBAD END 12 "-Continue to press on!" BAD END 12 【先生に駆け寄る。】CORRECT 13 "Rush over to Sensei." CORRECT 13 【先輩に駆け寄る。】でBAD END 13 "Rush over to Senpai." BAD END 13 Day 6: Vermillion Vestiges I 【シエル先輩を見る。】 "Look at Ciel-senpai." Day 7: Reverse Hatching 【素直に謝る。】 "Apologize sincerely." 【先輩のアパートに行ってみようか……?】 "Maybe I'll go visit Senpai at her apartment...?" Day 8: Reverse Hatching II 【そういえば、お弁当のアテがあったような……?】 "-Wait, doesn't someone owe me a bento...?" 【茶道室に行く。】 "Go to the tea ceremony room." Day 9: L'Arc-en-Ciel 【先輩たちの役に立てるなら……】 "Could be of use to them, so..." 【用が済んだのなら戻るべきと思った。】 "Should go back now that the matter is settled." 【アルクェイドの方が、ほっとけない。】 "You're the one I can't get out of my mind." Day 10: L'Arc-en-Ciel II 【そりゃあ痛くなくて効くものを。】CORRECT 15 "I'll take the one that's painless and effective." CORRECT 15 【じゃあ、痛くて効かないものを。】から話を進めていくとBAD END 15 "Something that's painful and ineffective." BAD END 15 (Note: Occurs on Day 11) 【……そんな無意味な事はできない。】 "Won't do something so pointless." 【冷静に言い返す。】 "Reply logically." 【「それ以上進んだら嫌いになるからなっ!」】 "‘If you go any further, I'll won't like you anymore!’" Day 11: Epilogue. 【……いや、今朝だけは先輩を優先したい。】 "Make Senpai my top priority." 【シエル先輩は先輩ですよ。】 "You'll always be Ciel-senpai to me." 【……よくはない。今こそきちんと話すべきだ。】CORRECT 14 "I can't... We need to discuss this immediately." CORRECT 14 【問題はない。話は放課後にすればいいし。】から話を進めていくとBAD END 14 "It's fine. I can bring this up again after school." BAD END 14 【……ノエル先生との関係を訊いてみる。】 "Ask about her relationship with Noel-sensei." 【……大聖堂ってなに?と訊いてみる。】 "Ask what that 'Cathedral' thing was." 【黒鍵ってなに?と訊いてみる。】 "Ask what Black Keys are." 【STYLE。】 "STYLE." 【……アルクェイドの事なんですが……】 "Timidly broach the topic of Arcueid." 【先輩だけに行かせられない。自分も付いていく。】 "I can't let her go alone. I'm going with her." Day 12: Vermillion Vestiges II 【授業をサボるぐらいはしてるでしょ?】 "She does skip class, right?" 【……琥珀さんの言う通りだ。】 "Kohaku-san is right." Day 13: Mirage 【琥珀を追い返す。】 "I'll turn Kohaku away." 【前方に逃げる。】CORRECT 16 "Escape forward." CORRECT 16 【後方に逃げる。】でBAD END 16 "Escape backward." BAD END 16 【……眼鏡を外さない。】CORRECT 17 "Won't take off my glasses." CORRECT 17 【……眼鏡を外す。】でBAD END 17 "Will take off my glasses." BAD END 17 【シエル先輩を連れて逃げる。】CORRECT 18 "Take Ciel-senpai and run." CORRECT 18 【最短で、あの吸血鬼を殺す。】でBAD END 18 "Kill the vampire as quickly as possible." BAD END 18 【…………いや、それは。】CORRECT 19 "No... that's..." CORRECT 19 【面倒だ、殺してしまえ。】でBAD END 19 "Kill her. She's a nuisance." BAD END 19 【沈黙は金なり。気になるけどスルー。】 "Silence is golden. I'm curious, but I’ll ignore it." Day 14: Stone of Eternity *Save at the beginning of Day 14 for the Normal/True route ending divergence. Normal End is required before True End.* 【……アルクェイドには従えない。】でNORMAL END "Can't agree to Arcueid's proposal..." NORMAL END 【……アルクェイドを、嫌いにはなれない。】 "Can't get myself to hate Arcueid..." TRUE END DIVERGENCE (PREREQUISITE: NORMAL END) 【それがどうした、黙ってろ。】 "So what if is? Just shut up already." 【逃げるしかない。】CORRECT 20 "Have no choice but to run." CORRECT 20 【諦めない。】でBAD END 20 "Won't give up" BAD END 20 【体力は残り少ない。まずは隠れよう。】CORRECT 21 "I'm almost out of stamina. I'll hide down here." CORRECT 21 【もう一度上へ。何か見落としがある筈だ。】でBAD END 21 "I must've missed something the first time. I'll head back up into the sky." BAD END 21 Day 15: Rainbow in the Night / Daylight Blue CREDITS It's all thanks to the original creator of this guide that I could even get started with this English version of it, so big thanks to them for the handicap! Edited September 4 by _fbi Finished reformatting and adding in the English lines from Tsukihimates. Let me know of any major issues. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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