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So if anyone out there is as much of a Pokemon fanatic as I am, I thought it would be a good idea to have a central thread to discuss things.  News on the up-coming games, competitive strategies, team building, nuzlockes, etc.  Also if people want to share 3DS friend codes for battles and trading it could be done here (PM me if you want mine).  


Starting off with today's CoroCore release, looks like we have 3 new mega evolutions:  Mega Loppuny, Mega Salamence and Mega Altaria who will be a Fairy/Dragon dual type. 


I for one welcome our new Fairy/Dragon overlords to the metagame.  


Altaria seems good with pixeliate, double-edge+stab+1.3=overkill

Salamance seems useless because the ability, we have mega-pincir already

mega loppuny hits ghost with normal attacks, seems useless


What a coincidence. As embarassing as it may sound, I have to admit I booted up Pokemon Yellow yesterday; I actually never finished any of the old GB versions and never thought I'll ever touch Pokemon again. It's propably cause of my late nostalgia, the only thing I've been playing for the past months are various emulated arcade games. Anyway, it's fun. I still remember how high everyone was in my country when original Pokemon was released. Good ol' days.


Altaria seems good with pixeliate, double-edge+stab+1.3=overkill

Salamance seems useless because the ability, we have mega-pincir already

mega loppuny hits ghost with normal attacks, seems useless


I can't rule out Salamence until I see stats but I'm guessing the only reason I'd use it is for the sheer pleasure of using a stab hyper beam/giga impact with a Salamence. 


What a coincidence. As embarassing as it may sound, I have to admit I booted up Pokemon Yellow yesterday; I actually never finished any of the old GB versions and never thought I'll ever touch Pokemon again. It's propably cause of my late nostalgia, the only thing I've been playing for the past months are various emulated arcade games. Anyway, it's fun. I still remember how high everyone was in my country when original Pokemon was released. Good ol' days.

Depending on where you stopped, most people are kinda discouraged about jumping into the metagame today.  But considering that things look like this now I'd say its more than worth it.  Its still hard to beat the classics though. 




I can consider myself a Pokémon fan but not on the "competive" or battling stage. Always playing alone and building an empire. I own Yellow, Crystal, Emerald and X. I consider buying black or white 1 and 2 but I don't know. I am more hyped for the remake.


Favourite Pokémon is Typhlosion. The epic feeling with having thunder moves and just destroy water with a fire type <3


Altaria seems good with pixeliate, double-edge+stab+1.3=overkill

Salamance seems useless because the ability, we have mega-pincir already

mega loppuny hits ghost with normal attacks, seems useless

and fighting too, so bye bye mega sableye and spiritomb. And probably will get a boost at atk and speed, so it'll be a good pokémon


Not into competitive gaming, I'm more of a "using my favorites" kinda person, which really only works in-game. I almost lost interest in the franchise during the gen IV/gen V era, but then for some odd reason I got a 3DS solely for X and Y about a month after they were released, and I love those. As much as I prefer the pixel art, I'm glad it's full 3D now rather than the weird mashup we got in the previous two gens.


RSE are my favorite Pokémon games, they just feel really slow nowadays in several ways. I am super hyped for ORAS and really hope that they'll end up being my new favorites in the series.


I love Pokemon. But since I'm not into buying portable/hand held gaming devices I just play those collect-all-pokemon ROM hacks on emulators.

Favorite pokemon is Scizor, with Technician.


I stopped playing since Pokemon Black and White, I didn´d like the idea of playing with 150 new pokemons.


I stopped playing since Pokemon Black and White, I didn´d like the idea of playing with 150 new pokemons.

Same here. I've been a fan since the beginning and its just too much to keep track of the newer pokemon.


I do play Pokemon World Online sometimes still since I like the Leafgreen/Firered and R/S/E mash up.

I have been a collector of the games mostly, I have everything up through HeartGold/SoulSilver

including the old Japanese Green version



Same here. I've been a fan since the beginning and its just too much to keep track of the newer pokemon.



The thing back then it was simple and fun. Now you get new tipes of pokemon and new ways to get them, too complex for my taste.

My favorite one until this day is Pokemon Crystal. Never once had stop being fun to me.


I've always enjoyed the increasing complexity as it adds more challenge for post-game.  As long as you don't aim to be the very best like no one ever was you can still have fun playing.  I would probably gauge myself as somewhat serious, I don't do competitions but I do make specific teams, do a small amount of selective breeding, and EV train (now that its so simple :D )


I don't play too much competitively. As far are battles against real people are concered I mainly play random battles. Not only do I not have to build a team (hooray laziness), I enjoy having to think on my feet and work with what I'm given.


I did build a team for Battle Subway in Gen 5. Got to around 90 wins in Super Singles before being swept by a fucking Floatzel of all things. I also tried to Battle Maison breifly in X/Y, but lost interest quicker than in Gen 5. Anyways Pokemon is one of my favourite game series. Generally I feel the games have gotten better with each iteration, Gen 1 being by far the worst for numerous reasons. Looking forward to the Gen 3 remakes, mainly just for the single player.


I don't play too much competitively. As far are battles against real people are concered I mainly play random battles. Not only do I not have to build a team (hooray laziness), I enjoy having to think on my feet and work with what I'm given.


I did build a team for Battle Subway in Gen 5. Got to around 90 wins in Super Singles before being swept by a fucking Floatzel of all things. I also tried to Battle Maison breifly in X/Y, but lost interest quicker than in Gen 5. Anyways Pokemon is one of my favourite game series. Generally I feel the games have gotten better with each iteration, Gen 1 being by far the worst for numerous reasons. Looking forward to the Gen 3 remakes, mainly just for the single player.

I've actually remember seeing quite a few Floatzels in my online X and Y battles.  I don't think its OU now though so I'm not sure why. 


Azumariil on the other hand, that can be entertaining. 


Here's Pokemon's official video following the release. 




Looks like horde battles will be in the game and contests will be returning as well.  Starting on launch day (November 21st) there will also be an online distribution of a shiny Beldum with a mega stone so SHINY METAGROSS FOR EVERYBODY!


Also, I'm I the only one whose werided out by cosplay Pikachu?


I've actually remember seeing quite a few Floatzels in my online X and Y battles.  I don't think its OU now though so I'm not sure why. 


Azumariil on the other hand, that can be entertaining. 


That's strange. It's not as though Floatzel is any good, it just had all the answers to stop my horribly unbalanced team. (Ttar, Garchomp and Excadrill). Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump and it's curtains.


That's strange. It's not as though Floatzel is any good, it just had all the answers to stop my horribly unbalanced team. (Ttar, Garchomp and Excadrill). Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump and it's curtains.

My guess was it was his starter on a rain team then and he got lucky, last move was probably aqua jet (I have no idea why anything else would be used on a Floatzel).  It can't do anything else besides sweep anyone and its only decent at that. 

Guest sakanaとkoeda

I wish they would elevate some of the base stats and change some abilities on existing Pokemon. I love my shiny Umbreon, but it's pitiful in competitive minded settings (Prankster would be nice). Typhlosion's also a long-time favorite, but his stats are awful. 


Also why is the environment always 'normal' when you battle in post-game? The anime had gyms with various settings; it seems logical to have it in the game.


I wish they would elevate some of the base stats and change some abilities on existing Pokemon. I love my shiny Umbreon, but it's pitiful in competitive minded settings (Prankster would be nice). Typhlosion's also a long-time favorite, but his stats are awful. 


Also why is the environment always 'normal' when you battle in post-game? The anime had gyms with various settings; it seems logical to have it in the game.

They updated quite a few stats in X and Y but you're right there's a lot of Pokemon that are still off.  I guess that's why the different tiers are used, to level the playing field in respective groups.


Are you referring to moves that change with the different environments (such as nature power and camouflage)?  The environment is always set to normal to try and remove as much chance from the equation as possible, but I always thought that took some of the fun out. 

Guest sakanaとkoeda

They updated quite a few stats in X and Y but you're right there's a lot of Pokemon that are still off.  I guess that's why the different tiers are used, to level the playing field in respective groups.


Are you referring to moves that change with the different environments (such as nature power and camouflage)?  The environment is always set to normal to try and remove as much chance from the equation as possible, but I always thought that took some of the fun out. 

Yeah I know, and I agree. (in other settings) Many brilliant strategies are based on the environment, so if they can implement it correctly, it should be a boon and not a burden to competitive play.


Maybe things like not having rain/sun/sandstorm work indoors unless you break walls/ceilings first. Extra attack/defense boosts from surroundings (outside of weather), etc.


Yeah I know, and I agree. (in other settings) Many brilliant strategies are based on the environment, so if they can implement it correctly, it should be a boon and not a burden to competitive play.


Maybe things like not having rain/sun/sandstorm work indoors unless you break walls/ceilings first. Extra attack/defense boosts from surroundings (outside of weather), etc.

I can't deny that its been annoying that weather and entry hazards have dominated competitive play since Gen 4.  However, I think my competitive AS team is going to end up being a rain team since I had a burst of inspiration and because not using Kyogre is more of a crime.  


BTW, only the Audino video is up so far. 



Edit: Here's Slowbro's video:



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