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I don't know what hapenned.

Out of nowhere, whenever I play visual novels, they don't have sound. Everything works perfectly except the sound.

Please, help.


Yeah, I've tried it on a couple of them. It's disappointing because I want to play Kamidori Alchemy Meister but I can't... I mean I can, but without no sound there's no point.


Did you test on all the visual novels you have ? Or is it just Kamidori ?

Can you give the list of the disfunctionnal games ?


I've tested it on:


 - Kamidori 

 - Grisaia

 - G-Senjou no Maou


Important to note that I have already played all of G-Senjou and Grisaia a weeks ago. Left for awhile, and here I am now.


Yeah, these games engines have nothing to do with each other.


The only thing that seems to be the link between all of them is the Jap locale.


But I have no idea how that could have an influence on game sounds.


If you didn't, try restarting your computer (you never know), sometimes doing that fixes the strangest problems.


Otherwise I have no clue what your problem might be, try changing Jap locale again, maybe ?


Also, try with other games and see if you get positive results.


I've restarted already, and no fix. Also, all the other games work (League, Steam games, CoD, etc.).

Changing the Jap locale did nothing too.


Mygod this is depressing  :wacko:


Other Japanese Visual Novels with different engines.


Clannad, Ever17, Umineko for example.


Being restricted to only some VNs is not a very good solution :/


Just popping in for a moment - it's not an issue of a limited library, it's isolating the issue.  If it's only limited to a specific engine, then we're better able to find the solution.


Just feel like there's a minor miscommunication here, and hopefully I can clear that up.


*fades back into obscurity*

  • 1 year later...

Hello, I know it has been two years since the last post and i had just come across the same problem and found a solution.  I have Windows 10 right now and I downloaded FixWin10 that help fixing and repairing windows 10 problem.  Here's the download: http://www.thewindowsclub.com/fixwin-for-windows-10.

I came across another person on Reddit who had a very similar problem, here's the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/visualnovels/comments/2dprpv/suddenly_my_visual_novels_dont_have_sound/

The person's solution was to download Microsoft's Fix It that has the same component and usability as FixWin10.  However I couldn't use the problem, I assume it was because I have Windows 10. 

So for using FixWin 10, after downloading, execute the program.  Then tap onto the "Troubleshooters" tab and into "Playing Audio Troubleshooter." (The top left)  After its done, it'll tell you to restart.  After restarting, it should be back to normal. 

Hope this helps, and happy playing VNs.

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