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The Official Fuwa Anime Club: Voting and Summer Season Sign-Up


2 members have voted

  1. 1. What anime will we watch?

    • Utawarerumono
    • Rage of Bahamut: Genesis
    • Blood Lad
    • Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu

This poll is closed to new votes

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Welcome to the Official Fuwa Anime Club!




The club is divided into two parts:


1.) The Normal Cycle:


Current Information (Cycle 9):


Current Cycle Time Period: 


Current Cycle Genre Stuido: Gonzo


Current Cycle Participants:

  • Stray Cat
  • Shiko
  • Joehawks12
  • Abyssal Monkey
  • Zebhra
  • Turnip Sensei
  • Down
  • Kosaki
  • Kyrt
  • Final Chaos
  • Kendjin
  • Keaton


Current Cycle Recommendations/Selection:


Step 1: Selection Phase

1.     Those who wish to participate will clearly state in their post that they wish to participate in each cycle.  Each cycle will have a particular theme or genre for the anime that will be viewed.

2.     Each participant (and only those participating in each cycle) is encouraged to put forth an anime title that they wish to watch. The recommendations can be either something you've seen or something you haven't seen yet but participants are committing to watch/re-watch whatever is chosen.  Recommendations must not be rated M and cannot be over 26 episodes in length.  Repeat recommendations are allowed.

3.     Of all the recommendations, 5 (or more depending on the number of participants with and extra voting option for every 3 people above 10) of them will be chosen by random.  After this, those participating in the cycle will vote for which of the 5 randomly chosen selections they wish to watch. 

4.     The person whose anime is chosen for the cycle will be allowed to pick the next genre/theme, but it cannot be the same genre as the previous cycle.

Step 2: Viewing Phase:

5.     All members will watch the selected (the one with the most votes at the end of the voting period) anime over a certain period of time (around 1 week for 14 episodes and less, 2 weeks for 15-26 episodes).

6.     Members are free to discuss and comment as they watch the anime or they can discuss it after they finished the whole series (this is a club for discussion after all!)

Step 3: Review Phase:

7.     After the viewing period is over, members that participated will rate various properties of the anime on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest).  These include:

  • Story
  • Characters
  • Soundtrack
  • Art-style
  • Enjoyment
  • Overall

8.     Those who participated will are also encouraged to write a review/comment on the show (Length is up to the user).

9.     Other comments and discussion of the show (best character, worst character, etc.) are also encouraged.

10.  After the discussion period ends, the next cycle will begin at step 1.


Amendment 1: Every 3 normal cycles, a Mini-Movie cycle will be held.  There we will vote for and watch 1-2 movies in the same process of the normal cycle.  However, the winner of this cycle will not get any selection benefit (like in the seasonal cycle). 


2.) The Seasonal Cycle


The Fuwa Anime Club will also be watching one airing anime each season, here’s how it works:


Current Information (Summer 2015):


Current Cycle Participants:

  • Stray Cat
  • Shiko
  • Zebhra
  • Turnip Sensei
  • Kosaki
  • Abyssal Monkey
  • Kyrt
  • FinalChaos
  • Kendjin
  • Keaton

Current Cycle Recommendations/Selection: 


Club Process:


Step 1: Selection Phase

1.     Those who wish to participate will clearly state in their post that they wish to participate in the seasonal cycle.  Each participant (and only those participating in each cycle) is encouraged to put forth an anime airing this season that they wish to watch.  Participants are committing to watch whatever is chosen.  


2.     Of all the recommendations, 5 (or less depending on the number of participants) of them will be chosen by random.  After this, those participating in the cycle will vote for which of the 5 randomly chosen selections they wish to watch. 

Step 2: Viewing Phase:


3.     All members will watch the selected (the one with the most votes at the end of the voting period) anime as it airs.

4.     Members are free to discuss and comment as they watch the anime or they can discuss it after they finished the whole series (this is a club for discussion after all!)


Step 3: Review Phase:

5.     After the season is over, members that participated will rate various properties of the anime on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest).  These include:

  • Story
  • Characters
  • Soundtrack
  • Art-style
  • Enjoyment
  • Overall

6.    Those who participated will are also encouraged to write a review/comment on the show (Length is up to the user)

7.     Other comments and discussion of the show (best character, worst character, etc.) are also encouraged at this point.

8.     After the discussion period ends, the next seasonal cycle will begin at step 1 with a whole new season.


Club History:


Hello all, everything will now be occurring in this topic, forever and ever. 


We will now be holding sign-up's for both the Second Cycle of the normal club and the Seasonal Cycle, both or witch are described above.  If you wish to participate, please post that you would and which (or both) part of the club you want to be in.   Sign-up for both will close at the end of the day on Saturday the 10th.


The second cycle's genre will be Romance as proclaimed by the Mighty Tiago.  Please bring forth your recommendations. 


Also, for those of you who participated in the first cycle, please feel free to continue discussion the show here.  If you could also post a review of the show as indicated in Step 3 above, by the end of the day on Saturday the 10th as well that would be grand. 

I will be participating in both.  Haven't decided on my seasonal selection yet but my normal cycle choice is Bakemonogatari. 


I'll definitely participate on both for this one, missed my chance on last cycle~

For the normal cycle, I'll recommend Nagi no Asukara while for the seasonal I'll recommend Ansatsu Kyoushitsu.


I shall be participating in both.


I do however wish to bring up a little concern I have with both seasonal and regular being done in the same thread. I think that it will eventually become far too confusing and be very risky in potentially spoiling the anime that the other group is not currently watching. Not everyone is going to participate in both groups and I think it would be better to have to separate threads for each to not ruin the other groups discussion and viewing experience. Just my thoughts.


My recommendation for the Romance anime: Lovely Complex 


my recommendation for the seasonal anime was going to be Death Parade but since someone picked it I'm gonna go for the Production I.G anime Junketsu no Maria


I'll join in for the seasonal cycle.

Are we doing only 1 anime for the season ? I think that we could have the top 2 or top 3 for the seasonal cycle, simply as it's over a period of 3 months.


I haven't checked much for the winter but Seiken Tsukai No World Break seems interesting.

My suggestion - Seiken Tsukai No World Break


wait, what happened to the Durarara reviewing discussion part or did I miss that somewhere?  Anyways, I don't think I'll be participating in romance genre, since I think my tastes are a bit different ^^;  I'm more picky about what I watch for romance.


Have fun everyone!


I'll join in for the seasonal cycle.

Are we doing only 1 anime for the season ? I think that we could have the top 2 or top 3 for the seasonal cycle, simply as it's over a period of 3 months.


O.K. that should be up to date now.  If there's any problems let me know.  Also, I'm changing my suggestion to Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo since it fits better. 


I shall be participating in both.


I do however wish to bring up a little concern I have with both seasonal and regular being done in the same thread. I think that it will eventually become far too confusing and be very risky in potentially spoiling the anime that the other group is not currently watching. Not everyone is going to participate in both groups and I think it would be better to have to separate threads for each to not ruin the other groups discussion and viewing experience. Just my thoughts.


My recommendation for the Romance anime: Lovely Complex 


my recommendation for the seasonal anime was going to be Death Parade but since someone picked it I'm gonna go for the Production I.G anime Junketsu no Maria

We're going to be using one thread.  The same thing happens in the seasonal discussion so as long as people say the show and use spoiler tags we should be fine. 


I would like to participate in both, my choice for the normal cycle is True Tears as it seems pretty interesting. for the new season I would like to watch Koufuku Graffiti.

True Tears was already put forth, would you like to put forth another recommendation?


I would like to participate

for the romance cycle i recommend B Gata H Kei


Are you just doing the normal cycle then?


I am signing up yet again for this.


Normal cycle: Golden Time


Seasonal cycle: Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata

Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata was already put-forth.  Would you like to recommend another anime?


I'll join in for the seasonal cycle.

Are we doing only 1 anime for the season ? I think that we could have the top 2 or top 3 for the seasonal cycle, simply as it's over a period of 3 months.


I haven't checked much for the winter but Seiken Tsukai No World Break seems interesting.

My suggestion - Seiken Tsukai No World Break

Yes, for now we are starting with one to test the system.  


wait, what happened to the Durarara reviewing discussion part or did I miss that somewhere?  Anyways, I don't think I'll be participating in romance genre, since I think my tastes are a bit different ^^;  I'm more picky about what I watch for romance.


Have fun everyone!

That will be here as well.  Please read the top two posts. 


I am a Huge! romance fan. HMN will be able to testify to this. I am also very interested in anime overall. Just as long as it does not turn me off. And a lot of things do! 

If It won't be too much of a bother sign me up!!


I'll be in both but do we have any restrictions of the chosen anime like having to be on funimation or crunchyroll

Not really (though those are my preferred methods).  Everyone's responsible for finding access to it themselves, but let's not make this Downloads/Requests 2.0 please. 


This sounds like fun. I'll join in for both cycles.


I am a Huge! romance fan. HMN will be able to testify to this. I am also very interested in anime overall. Just as long as it does not turn me off. And a lot of things do! 

If It won't be too much of a bother sign me up!!


Are any of you gonna make recommendations or are you happy with what's up there?

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