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It's about time this topic existed.  Is anyone else a fan of the games?  Why is Crimson Squad better than every other school?  Whose you're favorite character, etc. etc. you know the gist.  




Crimson Girl Squad best?

I'll fite you after I'm done with them.




But really now. The whole thing is interesting. I'm expecting a lot from this series. Gonna dedicate my money to it now too.

Just so you know, playing the Crimson Squad Story will spoil the remaining parts of the first game for you.  


Also might as well do this:


Schools: Crimson Squad>Hanzo≥Gessen>>>Hebijo



  • Crimson Squad: Hikage>Yomi=Haruka>Homura>Mirai
  • Hanzo: Hibari>Kat>Yagyuu>Ikagura>Asuka
  • Gessen: Shiki>Minori=Yozakura>Yumi>Murakumo
  • Hebijo: Ryona>Ryobi>Miyabi>Murasaki>Imu

Hikage=Best Girl, Imu=Worse Girl 


Best School: Crimson Squad, best story and characters

Best Character: Hikage

Weakest Character: Kind of a tie between Imu and Murakumo; the former's great as comic relief (especially if it involves HIkage) but nothing interesting is done with her as a character until the near end of the Hebijo story while the latter has potential to be interesting like the backstory with Yomi and the manga writing but very little is done with either. Hopefully Estival Versus can fix this.


Best School: Crimson Squad, best story and characters

Best Character: Hikage

Weakest Character: Kind of a tie between Imu and Murakumo; the former's great as comic relief (especially if it involves HIkage) but nothing interesting is done with her as a character until the near end of the Hebijo story while the latter has potential to be interesting like the backstory with Yomi and the manga writing but very little is done with either. Hopefully Estival Versus can fix this.

Huh, for some reason I thought you liked Yomi best.  


Well well, look what just appeared.  I guess it's August 11th then: http://www.gamestop.com/nintendo-3ds/games/senran-kagura-2-deep-crimson/120812


All these Hikage likes.

I better enjoy Hikage's story.


Hibari is my best girl at the moment I'm typing this.

Honestly, her Girl's Heart was good but not the best (Haruka's was best IMO).  I like her best as a character due to personality and for her back-story from the first game which is awesome. 


>first game


Whelp. Guess I need to find a way to play that.

Other than that, I feel warm whenever Hikage and Katsuragi interact.

Like, really.

Also when Minori and Hikage interacted.

Hikage's so sweet and I just but she doesn't realize it and appears nonchalant about stuff but she manages to strike the proper things and I just uuuuuuuuuuuugh


"For multiple games now, the series has built up to the emergence of the hellish yōma, and Deep Crimson finally turns them loose in full force. You’ll go up against demons of all shapes and sizes, from tiny pesky skulls to impossibly huge behemoths."



Now I really need a 3DS.

Burst is also in the 3DS right?

God. Just... My god.


Deep Crimson is the first game in the series to let the player bring two girls into battle at once.


Aw yiiiiiis. Time to bring Haruka and Hibari together.


It's still unclear to me exactly what Senran Kagura is, so I went reading the wikipedia article, where I was highly amused by: "The sequel improved on the original, by enhancing breast physics ...". Granted there are other improvements that it lists, but that was #1.


Also, the second improvement listed was "clothing destruction".


- On the one hand, sure, sales are sales, and excited Fuwa threads are clearly a sign of success (probably?).

- On the other hand, I read the article and I still don't grasp the game at all. This is not helped at all by the section saying only "Senran Kagura Bon Appétit! is a rhythm cooking game available for the PlayStation Vita, in which the goal is to win a cooking competition."

- On the third hand (what, you don't have three hands?), "enhancing breast physics" is apparently viable as the main selling point of a game in the series.


I don't think I can assess accurately whether I should play this game without more hands.


I'll give you a hand then.


Character interactions, the gameplay (besides tearing up their clothes), the thing 'bout getting characters stronger, and other stuff that does not necessarily cater perverted fans.

Actually, I consider the fanservice to only be a small part of what I like about the game. Really now. The characters' interactions with one another are where it's at. Though it's really fun to tear their clothes apart, muehehehe. The fanservice is leaning towards 'funny' rather than 'exciting'. I personally wouldn't mind the clothes not being torn apart, but that wouldn't be Senran Kagura anymore, amirite?


I'd recommend you to play the game, really. I'm enjoying it as much as I'm enjoying Neptunia. It even made me consider buying an actual Nintendo console, which I have never done in my whole 16 years of living. Now, I will dedicate myself to boobie ninjas.





cute girls


that like futomaki.


It's still unclear to me exactly what Senran Kagura is, so I went reading the wikipedia article, where I was highly amused by: "The sequel improved on the original, by enhancing breast physics ...". Granted there are other improvements that it lists, but that was #1.


Also, the second improvement listed was "clothing destruction".


- On the one hand, sure, sales are sales, and excited Fuwa threads are clearly a sign of success (probably?).

- On the other hand, I read the article and I still don't grasp the game at all. This is not helped at all by the section saying only "Senran Kagura Bon Appétit! is a rhythm cooking game available for the PlayStation Vita, in which the goal is to win a cooking competition."

- On the third hand (what, you don't have three hands?), "enhancing breast physics" is apparently viable as the main selling point of a game in the series.


I don't think I can assess accurately whether I should play this game without more hands.


In Japan two games were released; Skirting Shaodows which is the Hanzo side of the first story and a year later Burst was released which was a remake of the first game with the Crimson story.  The West just go Burst.


I'll go Burst yeah.

How much does it cost right now?

And how does region-locked affect me?




I'll go Burst yeah.

How much does it cost right now?

And how does region-locked affect me?



It's $30 for Burst.  


O.K. this is how it works.  Buy a US DS play US games only, buy a Japanese DS play Japanese games only, etc. etc. for every Region.  So an American DS can only connect to the american Eshop and buy the games available there. 


O.K. this is how it works.  Buy a US DS play US games only, buy a Japanese DS play Japanese games only, etc. etc. for every Region.  So an American DS can only connect to the american Eshop and buy the games available there. 



Good enough price.


That means I can play using US DS huh.




Good enough price.


That means I can play using US DS huh.



As access restrictions are based on the address entered by the user and not on IP address, it is possible for users from non-supported regions to use the service, although there may still be certain limits, such as the inability to use credit or debit cards to purchase content or add funds, unless said cards are issued by banks in supported regions.

So when you get the system you should only have to say you're in America and find a way to get funds (maybe buy US eshop cards?).  I would look into it more to make sure.


However, you will definitely be able to play any physical games such as Deep Crimson as long as they're the U.S. versions. 

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