Soulless Watcher Posted April 22, 2015 Posted April 22, 2015 I'm sure most of you have heard that Jast announced that Shiny Days is now available for pre-order. Which I was rather excited for..... untill I saw this. As expected, some content will not be included with our shipping version, principally a few specific scenes with Kokoro and her classmate are being omitted. All other game content is included, and all visuals are 100% uncensored and mosaic free. We hope fans will be understanding of the need to not have these scenes in the shipping version, which we have to do both to avoid problems for ourselves and our customers as well as visual novels as a wider genre, which are really beginning to take off in popularity. Quote
Getsuya Posted April 22, 2015 Posted April 22, 2015 I'm sure what they mean is that they're taking out the sex scenes with Kokoro because there is no way, shape or form for them to try and pass that off as anything else than having sex with a minor who isn't 100% into it. So, yeah I can imagine the translators getting huffy and saying 'Nah I don't really want to put my name on a game where you rape a kid and the game plays it off as comedic' Quote
BookwormOtaku Posted April 22, 2015 Posted April 22, 2015 I'll buy it for collection purposes and since I intend to review it eventually. Quote
Nosebleed Posted April 22, 2015 Posted April 22, 2015 I was really salty about this because the only reason they stated publicly was "because the translators didn't like it" which to me screams incompetence and makes me question why they were translating it in the first place. Now I know some other people suggested other more business related reasons, and that's fine, but it still leaves a sour taste in my mouth when companies sell me a censored product, so no I'm not buying this, and I really wish this practice would die off, but I know that isn't happening any time soon, hence why I've already given up on it. Quote
Getsuya Posted April 22, 2015 Posted April 22, 2015 That'll happen around the same time as people in general become okay with the concept of lolicon, which I don't foresee happening anytime soon. The problem is anyone (especially companies) who stands up and says 'no we want this game to be uncensored' will be labeled as pedophiles by anyone outside the VN/anime community that gets wind of it because your average joe does no differentiate between loving animated children and loving real children. I always assumed no one in the US would release the School Days sequels because of the very in-your-face lolicon content, and when I saw that they were I thought 'oh well they're going to take out the Kokoro scenes then' and I was right. At the same time I admire people who stick to their guns about no censorship and I wish you the best of luck in your fight. Maybe someday people won't be so uptight about things that happen to animated characters who don't exist. Quote
kyrt Posted April 23, 2015 Posted April 23, 2015 I really wish that I could pick this game up but I just can't. I don't care for school days or any of the characters and I doubt that would change with a new game. I could care little about the censorship itself if it were properly admitted and therein lies my concern. Yet again Jast has failed to properly inform its customer base that content is missing. From a business standpoint I completely understand why it's done but as a consumer I find this a tad unethical. You want to cut the game I completely understand it's a twitchy subject and I don't fault them for wanting to be careful...I can fault them for not mentioning the censorship on the Jlist page for the item. I'd rather pick up raidy and seinarukana or even sumaga so hopefully we get more info on the latter two sooner rather than later. I would love to pre-order raidy and seinarukana at the same time. Nice to know raidy won't have anything cut hopefully Seinarukana will end up being the same (nothing cut/censored). So not a huge deal for me since I had little interest in picking this title up anyway. I might grab it eventually but not anytime soon. To the people upset the scenes are missing I'm assuming the route still remains in tact and it was just the h-scenes that were cut. I used to be big on anti-censorship and while I still hate it with a passion I'm less disturbed by it than I used to be...society opinions on various topics continually changes I'm assuming if there were to be no legal ramifications from the content cut that it likely would not be difficult to add anything back in it. You have to remember while Jlist/Jast work in the United States it is not the only place the product is shipped to. A translator recently got in trouble with canada because of customs so it's likely people are a bit on edge because of that incident. They can do what they have to; they should just be better at communicating in the future. Quote
Tyrael Posted April 23, 2015 Posted April 23, 2015 So, is this any better than School Days (cuz let's be honest here, that VN was complete trash) Quote
XReaper Posted April 23, 2015 Posted April 23, 2015 I'm sure what they mean is that they're taking out the sex scenes with Kokoro because there is no way, shape or form for them to try and pass that off as anything else than having sex with a minor who isn't 100% into it. So, yeah I can imagine the translators getting huffy and saying 'Nah I don't really want to put my name on a game where you rape a kid and the game plays it off as comedic' Quote
Nosebleed Posted April 23, 2015 Posted April 23, 2015 I understand those who say "it's just an h-scene" and that "it doesn't contribute to the plot" and that's fine, I'll agree with that even, I don't think H-scenes have much purpose other than being fap material, but so what? There's people who want them and it was there for a reason, as shallow as that reason might be, and when you cut out content, I just feel cheated as a costumer and I don't feel like supporting it. I know there's moral issues for some people and whatnot, but I honestly don't care about it in the slighest, I don't like getting unfinished products when there's a better version out there, it's like I'm being treated as an inferior costumer to those who bought the original game, I'm being affected by people who feel squimish about translating a loli h-scene, and I'm not going to go with the "well if you support it, it might get better" mindset either, because if I support it, it just sends off the image that I'm fine with unfinished products, that nothing needs to change, and I honestly don't want to support such a practice. This was much more prominent with Starless which, honestly, just lost half of its charm now that it was censored to shit and simply became just your typical standard play nukige. And it's this kind of stuff I just can't tolerate. Have we come to the point where western releases just want to reach a wider audience rather than trying to do justice to the original product by selling a less "obscene" version of the original game to pretend like they're more morally correct? Because if so, I want off this ride. And it's because official western releases just don't seem like they'll ever live up their original Japanese versions that I've more or less given up on them and just go with the original games now. Unless you're selling me a complete faithful translation of the entire original game, I'm not supporting you, that's just how I see it. XReaper 1 Quote
Suzu Fanatic Posted April 23, 2015 Posted April 23, 2015 (edited) EDIT: staying out of it. I'll just say "it's easier to rage against censorship when you don't have laws that could send you to jail for possession of that cut content." Edited April 23, 2015 by Suzu Fanatic Mr Poltroon and solidbatman 2 Quote
XReaper Posted April 23, 2015 Posted April 23, 2015 This was much more prominent with Starless which, honestly, just lost half of its charm now that it was censored to shit and simply became just your typical standard play nukige. And it's this kind of stuff I just can't tolerate. Have we come to the point where western releases just want to reach a wider audience rather than trying to do justice to the original product by selling a less "obscene" version of the original game to pretend like they're more morally correct? Because if so, I want off this ride. Quote
Suzu Fanatic Posted April 23, 2015 Posted April 23, 2015 (edited) EDIT: staying out of it. I'll just say "it's easier to rage against censorship when you don't have laws that could send you to jail for possession of that cut content." Edited April 23, 2015 by Suzu Fanatic Quote
XReaper Posted April 23, 2015 Posted April 23, 2015 Imo it has nothing to appearing "morally correct" - they are saving people from themselves. Laws CAN destroy a mans life over trivial things, and not everyone lives in a country with freedom of speech, privacy, or thought. So, it's not just a matter of owning obscene material - it turns into "illegal" obscene material. And the law doesnt fuck around with that. Quote
Chuee Posted April 23, 2015 Posted April 23, 2015 Yeah, if you aren't going to translate certain parts of a game then either find people who will or don't translate it in the first place? They're pretty much just giving a big fuck you to all the people who they're translating this for and actually hurting JASTs sales based on their selfishness. Quote
mitchhamilton Posted April 23, 2015 Posted April 23, 2015 i can understand where theyre coming from. they want to make shiny days available to english speaking audiences, but pretty much have to get rid of certain content. lets not beat around the bush here, you can bang a 12 year old. it doesnt matter whether or not its with her consent, doesnt matter if theyre both in love, you can bang a 12 year old. you can see why this might be frowned upon and why they would want to take it out. its like 5 percent if not less of what youre missing out on. does it suck? yeah, but again i can see why they would take it out. Quote
Nosebleed Posted April 23, 2015 Posted April 23, 2015 ^The lack of negative there is a bit frightening. And I can't agree with what you said simply because these are fictional characters and there's been loli characters in other games, it just happened that this one decided to get censored. So what if it's got a stigma? You're saying it's better to just comform to a system rather than try to make changes and bring consumers a full product? Cutting out an Hscene and keeping the rest of the route to pretend a game is more morally correct just proves how shallow this whole thing is. I understand why they did it, but i'll still call them out for being overzealous for doing it. XReaper and delapropia 2 Quote
mitchhamilton Posted April 23, 2015 Posted April 23, 2015 even if its fictional characters, here in the U.S. at least, its illegal to have in your possession images depicting seemingly underage people in a sexual way, that includes animated characters. mangagamer and jast have been getting by this by putting in their games a big "EVERYONE IN THIS VN IS OF LEGAL AGE. PLEASE DON'T COME AFTER US." plus vn's kind of slip under the radar of government officials, but all it takes is one vn to bring everything down. this couldve potentially been that vn, if they left everything in. its not like jast can go "EVERYONE IN THIS VN IS OF LEGAL AGE. PLEASE DON'T COME AFTER US." because its stated in either this vn or in school days that she is 12. i do agree with everything you said but you have to understand why they would take it out. Quote
Nosebleed Posted April 23, 2015 Posted April 23, 2015 In the end i understand why they're being overzealous, but i still think it's a shitty situation and i can't in my right mind support a censored product when i could be getting the full product instead, that's just my mindset as a consumer. Also i'd like to remind you the sole reason Jast publicly stated for not doing the hscenes was because their staff was against it, not because of legal BS like they said happened with Starless which really makes me question their integrity as a company. Also if nobody fights these policies, nothing will change and you'll just keep getting censored products, and that's a movement i don't feel like supporting. Quote
mitchhamilton Posted April 23, 2015 Posted April 23, 2015 again i agree. which is why i also wont be purchasing it. Quote
XReaper Posted April 23, 2015 Posted April 23, 2015 you know what, this discussion sucks like 3day old dick cheese... there are what feels like 100 trillion untranslated titles out there, which they could´ve picked up instead; without the whole censoring procedure & follow up discussion, so why the heck did this even happen?!? Quote
Decay Posted April 23, 2015 Posted April 23, 2015 you know what, this discussion sucks like 3day old dick cheese... there are what feels like 100 trillion untranslated titles out there, which they could´ve picked up instead; without the whole censoring procedure & follow up discussion, so why the heck did this even happen?!? Quote
solidbatman Posted April 23, 2015 Posted April 23, 2015 No, but not because of this stupid outcry over not being able to see 13 year old girls getting fucked, but because Down hated School Days and School Days seems like shit anyway so why would this be better? Suzu Fanatic 1 Quote
sanahtlig Posted April 23, 2015 Posted April 23, 2015 I've spent the last 8 hours writing up a rather extensive post on this issue which I'm hoping to throw up on Fuwazette. Hopefully it'll shed some perspective on the topic. Mr Poltroon, delapropia and Darklord Rooke 3 Quote
Chuee Posted April 23, 2015 Posted April 23, 2015 Because the license was easily attainable and they had a partner in Sekai Project willing to translate it for them, and they didn't expect the backlash to be big if they said there would be a restoration patch. Quote
Getsuya Posted April 23, 2015 Posted April 23, 2015 I`m firmly in the `why even release it` camp. Were people really clamoring for this game? Enough that a company would consider releasing it even with people threatening to quit? Sounds more like the Japanese developer saw the sales of School Days and put pressure on Sekai to put it out no matter what. That`s the only situation where I can imagine Sekai saying `We don`t care if people patch it` openly like this. And all this is why I`m a huge all-ages fan. I wish all the VNs with stories would be released as all-ages right from the get-go so there would never be any censoring needed. If people want porn they should buy porn, and if they don`t want porn they shouldn`t be forced between paying for and supporting porn and getting good stories they want to read. CatSoul 1 Quote
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