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About this blog

 Autistic Nurse reading through VN's quickly and posting reviews and opinions on them. Vast majority are in English in some format and is a fairly steady mix of genre and age of VN.

VNDB: https://vndb.org/u249379

Entries in this blog

Karenai Sekai to Owaru Hana - 6/10 - Nakige with failed levity

Karenai Sekai to Owaru Hana is a nakige with some positives but it also struggles a bit with a story that is very one-note to its detriment. Past that it's pretty standard fare. To me it's another visual novel where the positives and negatives cancel out to where it's just fine. Characters are interesting enough. There's a perverted onee-san type, a cheeky kouhai type, a kind and caring type, and a cutesy imouto type. They all fit their stereotypes fairly well, although there isn't much tim


LostPomegranate in Reviews

ImaImo - 8/10 - A very satisfying AA moege

Ima Sugu Onii-chan ni Imouto da tte Iitai! (ImaImo https://vndb.org/v7766) is a surprisingly good all-ages moege, and one I'd recommend to most moege readers as long as they're okay with no H-scenes being present and can be okay with the somewhat stupid premise the VN itself has regarding crossdressing. I'll only be talking about things in general to avoid spoilers. Getting the easy stuff out of the way: systems are standard and I had zero issues getting this working on my Windows 11 comput


LostPomegranate in Reviews

Kunado Chronicles - 7.5/10 - Chuunige with decent plot

Kunado Chronicles is a more story focused Purple Software game compared to their others. It's still horny - this is Purple Software after all - but focuses a significant bit more on the plot. This is part of what made it close to my favorite visual novel from them.  The story is interesting, especially if you're into superpowered action type stories (chuunige), and moves at a decent speed and I felt there were no major issues present. It's your standard "MC wakes up with amnesia, has superp

Aoi Tori - 7/10 - Not Purple's best work, but still good

Aoi Tori is a frustrating read. It's a solid visual novel with an interesting plot containing a plot device that allows it to essentially be as horny as it wants to be. So it's essentially a Purple Software special. However, unlike a few of their other visual novels it proceeds to simultaneously live up to its premise and be a let down. In my opinion, where Hapymaher succeeded on nearly all fronts, and Amatsutsumi succeeded on most, Aoi Tori frustratingly succeeded on only half. However this sti

Rewrite+ - 7.5/10

Rewrite+ is both a great visual novel to read as well as incredibly frustrating. It features a few really good routes, a decently good true route, and some genuinely funny moments throughout. It also unfortunately features some incredible inconsistencies between routes both in genre and quality of writing, some humor that didn't land for me, as well as some choices that to me scream the writers didn't agree with one another or communicate well, and I'm unsure which. I'm just going to summar

Little Busters! - 7.8/10

Little Busters is good. Pretty darn good in fact. Its highs are pretty high, it's funny, it's got some emotional moments, the music is great, but it's also somewhat let down by some uneven routes and a true route I personally found a bit frustrating. The comraderie shown between the characters is pretty great, and that's something you don't see in the majority of visual novels. It truly feels like a gang of friends here rather than just people thrown together randomly. The characters feel l


LostPomegranate in Reviews

Sex Rockets - 8/10

I enjoyed Sex Rockets (Byakko / Farther than the Blue Sky) quite a bit. The main characters are all interesting in their own ways, some more than others though. Through its routes it manages to tell a scientific story where the science and progression is somewhat believable on the R&D front, although obviously truncated and simplified so that it would be palatable to a larger audience. It definitely does some things differently - namely the H-scenes and its true route - but I personally enjo

Fatal Twelve - 7.5/10 - Quite interesting

Fatal Twelve is a life or death drama visual novel that focuses on a death game and has a light yuri substory to go with it - specifics about the yuri-ness -  I really enjoyed this visual novel and feel like it has some really strong highlights but also some faults that prevent it from being rated truly highly. This will be very general as going into almost any details would be full of spoilers for a visual novel focused on a death game like this. The story does an effective job of i

UsoNatsu - The Summer Romance Bloomed From a Lie - 8.5/10

I really enjoyed this visual novel. It's actually been quite a long time since I binged a visual novel as quickly as this, reading the entire 9:16 it took me to read this in a single day. I'd personally recommend going into this VN as blind as possible but it has a few touchy subjects that will make it hard to read for some or just plain make people want to avoid it  With that out of the way...There's a lot I can talk about here, but I'll keep it relatively short so I don't go into to


LostPomegranate in Reviews

Kakenuke★Seishun Sparking! - 7.8/10

Kakenuke★Forward to Our Sparking Youth! is a moege visual novel that is relatively low drama, has a decent amount of comedy, and a good deal of cute moments. I would recommend this to any moege fan. It has some high points in my opinion, and unfortunately one route felt like it dragged out a bit, but overall it is a very solid read and was an enjoyable experience. The common route does a good job of introducing all the characters and the setting while injecting some comedy. It makes it relati


LostPomegranate in Reviews

50 VNs in 31 Days - Shortge Rush August - After action review

What started off as an offhand joke about how fast I read visual novels - after I read 22 between June and July - became a bit of a self-imposed challenge to see if I really tried how many I could get through in a month without sacrificing reading comprehension or time with my wife. To ensure I was having reading comprehension I made myself write at least a short review on VNDB for every VN completed. I also tracked exact times for each one played. I decided whatever VNDB decided was a separate


LostPomegranate in Summary

Hapymaher - 7.8/10 - Entertaining mystery / nakige

Hapymaher is an interesting read. It's a multi-route mystery with some really entertaining comedy bits throughout. Many people have called it a nakige, and I can definitely see where it could make a lot of people emotional, but it didn't really make me emotional almost at all. I think personally I may have just been distracted by trying to figure out what was going on at any given point in time to get emotional, so YMMV. Some parts are stronger than others, but overall it tells an entertaining s


LostPomegranate in Reviews

Crescendo - Old game, still good - 8/10

I originally read Crescendo nearly 20 years ago at the time of writing this review, and I decided to reread it. The only thing I could clearly remember going into the reread was that I got emotional during the first read. Well...it's still got it. I'd recommend this to anyone who enjoys a well written pretty believable emotional story. There are some topics touched on that will upset some people. If you're sensitive to the following you may want avoid this VN: moderate to heavy spoilers v


LostPomegranate in Reviews

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