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Kunado Chronicles - 7.5/10 - Chuunige with decent plot

Kunado Chronicles is a more story focused Purple Software game compared to their others. It's still horny - this is Purple Software after all - but focuses a significant bit more on the plot. This is part of what made it close to my favorite visual novel from them. 

The story is interesting, especially if you're into superpowered action type stories (chuunige), and moves at a decent speed and I felt there were no major issues present. It's your standard "MC wakes up with amnesia, has superpowers, proceeds to make stuff happen around them" story, but it's executed fairly well without any major issues. It does have the standard drawbacks to this kind of story though, such as the MC's plot armor is pretty darn thick here, so it has some trouble creating enough tension at times. I am also a big fan of the possibility of a wrong choice during an action sequence leading to death, but this is strictly a ladder structure game with no choices between the ladder rungs. There are 13 pretty hot H-scenes included in the game, although 5 of them are in the after stories, and only one is located within the common route.

Shiravune's localization did dramatically reduce some impact during a few key scenes that negatively impacted the story as a whole. Best example is what is the dramatic climax of the game a few key lines are presented as graphics on the screen rather than in the text box - these lines are not translated at all, not even in the backlog. While you can infer what was said from the response to said lines, you can't immediately, it takes a few lines of dialog to be able to do so. I personally just rewound and paid closer attention and translated, but even that reduced the dramatic tension in the scene, as I had to rewind one line a few times that moved quicker than I was ready for as my kana reading isn't the best. I can only imagine what someone with very limited to no JP knowledge would take from that scene, possibly even missing some of the context there entirely and having to rely entirely on what could be inferred. Past that I'm not going to get into localization choices and all here, but that seemed pretty egregious to me, almost like the project lead and the translator hadn't actually read the game or realized the significance there.

Music as always is a Purple Software specialty. BGM are pretty, vocal songs are great. Although like Aoi Tori there is a big reliance on various versions of the OP being used as BGM in sections. That could be a negative for some, as I noticed at one point I was saying the lyrics in my head and had to turn the BGM down as it was distracting. A weird downside to having a very catchy OP I guess.

Standard stuff: engine issues are mostly fixed now, just be sure to use the latest update, although this is still ported from CMVS to KiriKiriZ so it feels extra "slow" at times to inputs and the skip feature is especially slow. They have fixed some of the more notorious issues that were present at launch, such as the cherry blossom animations and added back in some necessary options, but it is still lacking compared to CMVS's normal setups.

I'd recommend Kunado Chronicles to any VN reader who is interested in a chuunige story with some plot.


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