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Kenseiki Alpha Ride: Final

Mmm... having finished the final path, my conclusion is pretty clear... This is a game that had a lot of potential that was primarily screwed up by how poorly executed certain game mechanics were and the way they did the two protagonists.  In my previous posts, I already went over my feelings on the two initial paths and their protagonists, so I'll leave that where it is and move on to the third path.

The third path - the true path - basically shifts gears completely, drastically altering the series of events immediately after Kai and Shizuma clash mech to mech for the first time.  This is partially because of certain revelations that occur immediately before, and things progress rapidly to a revelation of the people hidden backstage... and the traditional 'lets go kill the bastards who have been manipulating us!' last ride down the mouth of hell.  To be honest, after the mess they made of the other two paths, it was really hard to get up any enthusiasm whatsoever.  Kai's path felt staid and forced, whereas Shizuma's path was... unusual but horribly painful to play through, primarily because of Shizuma himself. 

Shizuma actually becoming a human being is probably the best thing about the third path.  He drops the paranoia and most of the angst, and he actually become something approaching psychologically stable.  If he'd managed to drop into that mode in his own path at some point, I probably would have been more forgiving, lol. 

Other than that... Kai never does really grow that much.  He remains a two-dimensional prop with a fondness for airheads (all three of the heroines are airheads or exceedingly naive in some way).  He spouts formulaic phrase after formulaic phrase, right through to the conclusion.  It doesn't help that the manipulators behind the scenes are also less than inspiring, once the initial emotional release is achieved. 

My final conclusion on the series canon issue is that one or the other is canonical but they can't coexist with the inconsistencies obviously present.  Chronologically, Kenseiki would have had to have happened after Yumina but before Corona.  Unfortunately, certain events in Corona make that impossible, so I had to just give up, in the end, on figuring out whether Eternal intended any of the series to have a true chronological consistency.

Also, the difficulty spike near the end of the game is a bit ridiculous, though I was still able to get through it by picking off enemies at the edges until I'd isolated the more annoying ones... that and strategically making certain my people with support skill-blocking skills were available to all the other characters at all times to deal with the really nasty support skills the bosses tended to have.

This is also true of Corona, in a way... There is a huge difficulty spike near the end of that one that makes it virtually impossible to achieve victory without abusing the protagonist/redhead/Corona combo to blast away the bosses' barriers. 

My final conclusion about the game as a whole?  It would have been much, much better if they had made it consistent with the series' other games and had fixed the leveling so that all the characters would level together (I loathe the grinding that is inevitably required in srpgs where you have lots of characters who level individually).  I also think it would have been better if they had really, truly made using Stigma and Alpharia a 'good thing', as they are both as weak as kittens, except for their support skills... and as mechs combined with their respective protagonists, they actually make Shizuma and Kai a little weaker, in some ways.  The sword-people proved useful throughout the game, though the fact that some of the best party-attack skills are on them, so having them constantly equipped frequently felt wasteful.  Story-wise... Kai's path was tolerable, Shizuma's path was painful, and the third path was good... but that just means they made the first three fourths of the game into a slogfest, which is a huge downer.  Giving the sub-heroines their own unique paths was a good choice, as it gave them a chance to be distinct from one another.  Unfortunately, the fact that the third path makes it all irrelevant kind of kills the fun, doesn't it?


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Darklord Rooke


How you manage to finish these long stories when you don't enjoy them is a mystery to me. If I don't like something, I drop it within the first hour :P 

Deep Blue


Like Rooke said, you really have patience and determination, how the hell did you manage to finish a game of this length when you don't enjoy it! I can't even read a <2 hour vn if I don't find it interesting D:

Kudos for you clephas and your will of steel :P 



Mmm... you have to keep in mind that my mindset towards reading in general is to 'finish it up'.  I don't like leaving things undone/unfinished, so when I start them, I tend to finish them (well, in terms of reading and my work, anyway).  I kept thinking Kenseiki would redeem itself, but it never quite managed it, despite the third story arc.  By the point I hit that arc, Shizuma's path had soured me on the game as a whole.



Do I need to complete Yumina (all 3 paths) and Corona to get into this game?  Or can I just jump in after having completed 1 route of Yumina?

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