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  1. Like
    Aizen-Sama reacted to dfbreezy in Hey there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)   
    Hey everyone, look! It's a dead meme!

    Don't pretend like we all don't know who you are froggie my boy. You're famous for leading the Trolling Anarchists and you're seen as the next Hitler.

    But since i'm supposed to be warm and cuddly, i will be nice to you and give you some advice.
    Drink a gallon of bleach 
  2. Like
    Aizen-Sama got a reaction from DharmaFreedom in Birthday thread   
    @DharmaFreedom happy birthday.
    Keep being awesome.
  3. Like
    Aizen-Sama reacted to Dergonu in Shi ni Iku Kimi, Yakata ni Mebuku Zouo - translation project   
    Shi ni Iku Kimi, Yakata ni Mebuku Zouo
    - This project is currently on hiatus -

    Translation Project by Dergonu

    Welcome to the land of NikuNiku.

    It happened without a warning.

    In a world that was peaceful superior beings suddenly appeared.
    They one-sidedly massacred humans and the world was swallowed by a whirlpool of chaos.

    While our heroine Mia was shopping with her family, she also fell victim.
    With her father, mother, and older sister dead, she desperately tried to escape, but before she could a different superior man appeared before her.
    Falling into desperation and prepared to die Mia took up a knife and stabbed the man...

    Read the rest of the summary and more information down below.
    [VNDB] [Game Website] [Dergonu's review] [Game Opening]

    After having worked on Tsui Yuri for quite some time, I have started to get a little bit tired of the constant stream of adorableness, and thought working on something completely different would be a breath of fresh air*. And so I started to look for some possible side projects, and thanks to Oystein constantly encouraging my posting of guro pictures in discord, I ended up choosing this game after he helped me get the scripts out. We already have some staff working on this, (specifically a TL, editor and hacker,) but we won't say no to a TLC and a QCer, so if you want to help out with that, send me a PM or post below.
    * (I am NOT stopping the TL on Tsui Yuri, and this should not impact the progress much at all, so do not worry about that. I simply wanted something different to work on, and this is perfect for that. Neither project is very big, so it should be totally doable to work on both without impacting my current schedule much.)



    Translation Checker(s)


    Quality Controller(s)

    Dank memer and mascot
    Lazy hang around

    Latest Update:
    Currently we have no website, twitter or anything dedicated for communication updates, so for now we will be using Fuwanovel as the main platform.

    We got a line count out of the game finally, and it's 17417.

    Take care!
    Derg & The Bois
  4. Like
    Aizen-Sama reacted to Dergonu in "Kanojo to Ore to Koibito to" Project   
    Hello everyone, it's update time!
    So, for those of you who didn't already read the Luna Translations update, I will be taking over for Mitch for a little while, as his computer... exploded(?). He won't be able to log on again for a little while, so I'll be stepping in as the leader on the project until he is back. (For those of you who don't know me, I'm the leader and translator on the Tsui Yuri project, and our team just recently joined Luna Translations.) I was asked by Mitch to help out while he sorts his computer issues, so that's why I'm here.
    The progress is coming along nicely, and everyone is working hard. Our hacker is quite busy at the moment, and so a neat % table of the progress has not yet been prepared, but we will get that sorted out eventually. For now, the progress will be posted in scripts completed, similar to the way Mitch has been doing. The new staff who joined as Mitch merged with Luna TL have started working on the scripts, so even though Mitch isn't here right now, the translation progress won't halt completely.
    Current progress:
    Translation - 45/146 scripts finished.
    TLC - 18/146 completed (Prologue is almost finished!)
    Editing - 1/146
    Proofreading  - 0/146
    That's about it for this update, see you in the next one!
  5. Like
    Aizen-Sama reacted to DharmaFreedom in Tsui Yuri ~Okaa-san ni wa Naisho da yo~ Translation project -   
    I think its great that all of you'll are joining together as one [man i just recalled that scene in gladiator, in the arena where maximus shouts "AS ONE!" and they all form a phalanx and derail a chariot". I've been following the group up under Luna and am cheering you'll on.
     Anyway appreciate the efforts of your team and yourself, it admirable that you all are working hard at making it as good as you can, by streamlining your work and making corrections. Take your time with it, slowing down to improve your work now will speed you up later.
    Good luck derg, hope you guys have fun working working together! It'll also be really nice if you'll get officially picked up and get paid for all your work.
  6. Like
    Aizen-Sama reacted to Dergonu in Tsui Yuri ~Okaa-san ni wa Naisho da yo~ Translation project -   
    Hey everyone, so today I have a rather big update. I didn't write anything about this in the update on friday, as I was planning on doing this next week, but because of a few things moving a bit faster than I expected, here we are.
    So first of all, me and my team will be joining Luna Translations. Progress wise, this shouldn't mean much, (in fact it might pick up a bit, as we got some help from them to fill a few missing staff positions.)
    For those wondering why, I just really like the way they do things over there, and after having spoken with their leader for quite some time, I decided to join forces with their group. So yeah, not much will change really, but we are now officially a part of Luna Translations! (Hey, this means we'll finally have a progress page outside of Fuwa! ) There is one more thing that I have to announce on this front, but I'll get to that tomorrow.  
    Now, the second thing I wanted to talk about in this update is also quite important. Me and my editor have decided to revise some of the work we have done so far. I personally feel a bit uneasy about a few parts of the translation, and want to go back and revise these. When I started the TL, I was still very new to this, and as a result, I left in a few rather silly things in the translation. It's nothing major, and I think correcting this should not take more than 2 weeks. It might be done even faster than that, who knows. Anyways, what this means is that the translation progress might stand still for a few weeks, (not that it's moving very quickly as it is) I have also managed to get my new schedule all worked out, so the period of utter chaos should be over now. I'll make sure to work hard in order to make the translation as good as I can
    To sum it all up, we'll be joining Luna Translations, and the coming 2 weeks might be a little slow progress wise, as we do some changes in the current translation.
    That is all for now, see you next week with the next update!
  7. Like
    Aizen-Sama got a reaction from Novel21 in Musumaker Translation Project (Mikan, Karin, Ichigo, Suika, Zakuro, Yuzu routes complete!)   
    Just to keep everyone informed, translation has restarted for this game once again. I'm not very sure of the current progress at the moment, but I'll try to figure out everything as soon as I can to give specific details.
  8. Like
    Aizen-Sama reacted to The Last Melody in Fortune Arterial Translation project   
    Yeah. Translating Fortune Arterial from scratch where the previous project left off.
    Website: http://honyakusho.rip (amateur stuff) Can't be arsed to maintain
    About the game:
    Hasekura Kouhei transfers into Shuchikan Academy, a prestigious public school in the style of an English six-year school encompassing junior-high and high school students. The school is on an island named Tamatsu Island off-shore from mainland Japan, and the only way to get there is by boat. Soon after transferring, he discovers that Sendou Erika, one of the students in the class next to his, is in fact a type of vampire.
    I am pretty much out of this at this point. Fraiziar is now the guy you go to.
  9. Like
    Aizen-Sama got a reaction from C-Fox in Musumaker Translation Project (Mikan, Karin, Ichigo, Suika, Zakuro, Yuzu routes complete!)   
    Just to keep everyone informed, translation has restarted for this game once again. I'm not very sure of the current progress at the moment, but I'll try to figure out everything as soon as I can to give specific details.
  10. Like
    Aizen-Sama got a reaction from Devka in Musumaker Translation Project (Mikan, Karin, Ichigo, Suika, Zakuro, Yuzu routes complete!)   
    Just to keep everyone informed, translation has restarted for this game once again. I'm not very sure of the current progress at the moment, but I'll try to figure out everything as soon as I can to give specific details.
  11. Like
    Aizen-Sama reacted to Ryechu in TsukiWare Releases "Critical Hit!"   
    Greetings all!
    For those who haven't heard, I have recently been involved with writing visual novels for Tsukiware.  On Friday, we released our first title, Critical Hit!

    Mangagamer Preorder (releases 8/19)
    Or you can buy it on Nutaku now!
    This is a short D&D-style parody nukige where our androgynous protagonist Akira is tasked with retrieving something very precious to him. During his adventures, however, things don't necessarily go his way.
    There aren't many yaoi OELVNs out there at all, and even fewer that have 18+ scenes.  If you like this sort of stuff, please check it out! And if you do check it out, we'd love to hear any feedback!
  12. Like
    Aizen-Sama got a reaction from Hiaran in Hello   
    @abrazilrep that pic was brilliant and made me laugh a lot. I'll store it up for future new members of the community. Thanks.
    Setting that matter aside, welcome to the forums @Hiaran, always good to see new people. See ya around.
  13. Like
    Aizen-Sama reacted to abrazilrep in Hello   
    Anyway though, welcome to the forums! Hope you have a good time!
  14. Like
    Aizen-Sama got a reaction from DharmaFreedom in (DEAD) Hanasaki Work Spring! Translation Project. Second attempt.   
    I tried, believe me. I failed. xD
    EDIT: I'll try again.
    We made the trial work, I'm just terrible trying to explain this stuff.
  15. Like
    Aizen-Sama got a reaction from XReaper in (DEAD) Hanasaki Work Spring! Translation Project. Second attempt.   
    It has been decided that a partial patch containing the full prologue of the game will be released in order to show our work quality. We initially intended to release it in the trial version of this game, but unfortunately we believe that trial version only works in japanese ip's, so we have discarded that idea. We'll be releasing said patch to be applied in the full game.
    Editing has resumed (still not finished with the prologue), images are being re-done and once the editing has been finished we'll proceed with the QC.
    That's all for now. I'll disclose more information in our next bi-weekly update.
  16. Like
    Aizen-Sama got a reaction from DharmaFreedom in (DEAD) Hanasaki Work Spring! Translation Project. Second attempt.   
    It has been decided that a partial patch containing the full prologue of the game will be released in order to show our work quality. We initially intended to release it in the trial version of this game, but unfortunately we believe that trial version only works in japanese ip's, so we have discarded that idea. We'll be releasing said patch to be applied in the full game.
    Editing has resumed (still not finished with the prologue), images are being re-done and once the editing has been finished we'll proceed with the QC.
    That's all for now. I'll disclose more information in our next bi-weekly update.
  17. Like
    Aizen-Sama got a reaction from Arcadeotic in (DEAD) Hanasaki Work Spring! Translation Project. Second attempt.   
    In the midst of spring, the season of first encounters and love, Yuuma was content to waste his time away. However, these dog days began to change with his chance meeting with the mysterious Inori, the Yuki-onna of Suzugaoka Gakuen. Soon after, he was invited by Ayano to the ‘ghost club’, which is actually not related to the occult, but rather a gathering place for people with regrets. He was made the new leader of the club despite his reluctance.
    Before long, he was surrounded by peculiar girls left and right: cool lone wolf Inori, carefree repeater Ayano, smitten kouhai Hikari, and pushy ‘bro’ Wakaba. Who will he end up in this irreplaceable youth story?
    *We’ll make a new description to replace this crappy one in time.

    Staff (This team is not final and is subjected to change):
    Aizen-Sama (Leader) Frc_(Translator) Ghost (Translator) Tamaki Sakura (Editor and Coordinator) Waterflame and the Fuwachat (Image Editing) TLC (Will be filled) QC (Will be filled) Proofreading (Will be filled) If you want to check the current progress, do so here or in our website (project page still under construction) 


  18. Like
    Aizen-Sama got a reaction from ShinRaikdou in (DEAD) Hanasaki Work Spring! Translation Project. Second attempt.   
    In the midst of spring, the season of first encounters and love, Yuuma was content to waste his time away. However, these dog days began to change with his chance meeting with the mysterious Inori, the Yuki-onna of Suzugaoka Gakuen. Soon after, he was invited by Ayano to the ‘ghost club’, which is actually not related to the occult, but rather a gathering place for people with regrets. He was made the new leader of the club despite his reluctance.
    Before long, he was surrounded by peculiar girls left and right: cool lone wolf Inori, carefree repeater Ayano, smitten kouhai Hikari, and pushy ‘bro’ Wakaba. Who will he end up in this irreplaceable youth story?
    *We’ll make a new description to replace this crappy one in time.

    Staff (This team is not final and is subjected to change):
    Aizen-Sama (Leader) Frc_(Translator) Ghost (Translator) Tamaki Sakura (Editor and Coordinator) Waterflame and the Fuwachat (Image Editing) TLC (Will be filled) QC (Will be filled) Proofreading (Will be filled) If you want to check the current progress, do so here or in our website (project page still under construction) 


  19. Like
    Aizen-Sama reacted to DarkZedge in (DEAD) Hanasaki Work Spring! Translation Project. Second attempt.   
    Best of luck to Aizen & Company, hopefully it will all be smooth sailing from now on  
  20. Like
    Aizen-Sama got a reaction from DarkZedge in (DEAD) Hanasaki Work Spring! Translation Project. Second attempt.   
    In the midst of spring, the season of first encounters and love, Yuuma was content to waste his time away. However, these dog days began to change with his chance meeting with the mysterious Inori, the Yuki-onna of Suzugaoka Gakuen. Soon after, he was invited by Ayano to the ‘ghost club’, which is actually not related to the occult, but rather a gathering place for people with regrets. He was made the new leader of the club despite his reluctance.
    Before long, he was surrounded by peculiar girls left and right: cool lone wolf Inori, carefree repeater Ayano, smitten kouhai Hikari, and pushy ‘bro’ Wakaba. Who will he end up in this irreplaceable youth story?
    *We’ll make a new description to replace this crappy one in time.

    Staff (This team is not final and is subjected to change):
    Aizen-Sama (Leader) Frc_(Translator) Ghost (Translator) Tamaki Sakura (Editor and Coordinator) Waterflame and the Fuwachat (Image Editing) TLC (Will be filled) QC (Will be filled) Proofreading (Will be filled) If you want to check the current progress, do so here or in our website (project page still under construction) 


  21. Like
    Aizen-Sama got a reaction from XReaper in (DEAD) Hanasaki Work Spring! Translation Project. Second attempt.   
    In the midst of spring, the season of first encounters and love, Yuuma was content to waste his time away. However, these dog days began to change with his chance meeting with the mysterious Inori, the Yuki-onna of Suzugaoka Gakuen. Soon after, he was invited by Ayano to the ‘ghost club’, which is actually not related to the occult, but rather a gathering place for people with regrets. He was made the new leader of the club despite his reluctance.
    Before long, he was surrounded by peculiar girls left and right: cool lone wolf Inori, carefree repeater Ayano, smitten kouhai Hikari, and pushy ‘bro’ Wakaba. Who will he end up in this irreplaceable youth story?
    *We’ll make a new description to replace this crappy one in time.

    Staff (This team is not final and is subjected to change):
    Aizen-Sama (Leader) Frc_(Translator) Ghost (Translator) Tamaki Sakura (Editor and Coordinator) Waterflame and the Fuwachat (Image Editing) TLC (Will be filled) QC (Will be filled) Proofreading (Will be filled) If you want to check the current progress, do so here or in our website (project page still under construction) 


  22. Like
    Aizen-Sama got a reaction from The Striker in (DEAD) Hanasaki Work Spring! Translation Project. Second attempt.   
    In the midst of spring, the season of first encounters and love, Yuuma was content to waste his time away. However, these dog days began to change with his chance meeting with the mysterious Inori, the Yuki-onna of Suzugaoka Gakuen. Soon after, he was invited by Ayano to the ‘ghost club’, which is actually not related to the occult, but rather a gathering place for people with regrets. He was made the new leader of the club despite his reluctance.
    Before long, he was surrounded by peculiar girls left and right: cool lone wolf Inori, carefree repeater Ayano, smitten kouhai Hikari, and pushy ‘bro’ Wakaba. Who will he end up in this irreplaceable youth story?
    *We’ll make a new description to replace this crappy one in time.

    Staff (This team is not final and is subjected to change):
    Aizen-Sama (Leader) Frc_(Translator) Ghost (Translator) Tamaki Sakura (Editor and Coordinator) Waterflame and the Fuwachat (Image Editing) TLC (Will be filled) QC (Will be filled) Proofreading (Will be filled) If you want to check the current progress, do so here or in our website (project page still under construction) 


  23. Like
    Aizen-Sama got a reaction from ivaniscus in (DEAD) Hanasaki Work Spring! Translation Project. Second attempt.   
    In the midst of spring, the season of first encounters and love, Yuuma was content to waste his time away. However, these dog days began to change with his chance meeting with the mysterious Inori, the Yuki-onna of Suzugaoka Gakuen. Soon after, he was invited by Ayano to the ‘ghost club’, which is actually not related to the occult, but rather a gathering place for people with regrets. He was made the new leader of the club despite his reluctance.
    Before long, he was surrounded by peculiar girls left and right: cool lone wolf Inori, carefree repeater Ayano, smitten kouhai Hikari, and pushy ‘bro’ Wakaba. Who will he end up in this irreplaceable youth story?
    *We’ll make a new description to replace this crappy one in time.

    Staff (This team is not final and is subjected to change):
    Aizen-Sama (Leader) Frc_(Translator) Ghost (Translator) Tamaki Sakura (Editor and Coordinator) Waterflame and the Fuwachat (Image Editing) TLC (Will be filled) QC (Will be filled) Proofreading (Will be filled) If you want to check the current progress, do so here or in our website (project page still under construction) 


  24. Like
    Aizen-Sama reacted to B. Ronoue in A new servant appears   
    I appreciate the recommendations, I will definitely consider those with a darker theme as they have been my preference so far. But hey, who knows, I might find one of those light hearted VNs like you described to make me fancy them.
  25. Like
    Aizen-Sama got a reaction from dfbreezy in A new servant appears   
    Hey, welcome. Always nice to see new people around here. Nice profile pic, definitely a guy with style. WHat is your favourite VN by the way?
    Anyways, hope to see you around.
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