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  1. Like
    Tay reacted to Mr Poltroon for a status update, Shots fired all the way from Japan.   
    Shots fired all the way from Japan.
  2. Like
    Tay reacted to Mr Poltroon for a status update, Oh, how I can see myself reflected herein.   
    Oh, how I can see myself reflected herein.
  3. Like
    Tay reacted to Decay for a status update, Currently inserting some hot americanizations into the Dracu Riot translation.   
    Currently inserting some hot americanizations into the Dracu Riot translation.
  4. Like
    Tay reacted to Mr Poltroon for a status update, Here's your daily reminder that I absolutely hate the construction "He is the type to   
    Here's your daily reminder that I absolutely hate the construction "He is the type to".
    Jeez, why must you classify everyone into types? Sometimes I do, sometime I don't. If you want to express this sentiment you say the hyperbolic "He always replies to his messages quickly" or the average "He usually replies to his messages quickly".
  5. Like
    Tay got a reaction from Mr Poltroon for a status update, Got some good news I've desperately been waiting for. Cannot believe how much weight   
    Got some good news I've desperately been waiting for. Cannot believe how much weight is now off my shoulders.
  6. Like
    Tay got a reaction from LiquidShu for a status update, Got some good news I've desperately been waiting for. Cannot believe how much weight   
    Got some good news I've desperately been waiting for. Cannot believe how much weight is now off my shoulders.
  7. Like
    Tay reacted to Mr Poltroon for a status update, Fuwanovel's big change of the quarter. Here's hoping this is enough chaos and rioting   
    Fuwanovel's big change of the quarter. Here's hoping this is enough chaos and rioting to satisfy Tay's inner desires and actually get him to work on things.
  8. Like
    Tay reacted to XionsProphecy for a status update, Making some themes.   
    Making some themes.
  9. Like
    Tay reacted to XionsProphecy for a status update, Schizophrenic start to panic!   
    Schizophrenic start to panic!
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