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  1. Sad
    afhsh got a reaction from masster_auron in Noratoto - 18+ Restoration Project   
    The other day I saw some dudes on 4chan talking about some Noratoto's restoration patch and they said this:

    So it seems that there are some people working on a restoration patch (except for Shachi). I don't know anything more about it or who this Moeanon is (I checked, and it seems he has a profile around here at least). Since I never use 4chan, I just happened to stumble upon this conversation by coincidence the one time I entered the site, so I figured I'd post it here to see if anyone knows anything about it or if any of those guys are active around here too.
  2. Like
    afhsh got a reaction from Duckery in Noratoto - 18+ Restoration Project   
    The other day I saw some dudes on 4chan talking about some Noratoto's restoration patch and they said this:

    So it seems that there are some people working on a restoration patch (except for Shachi). I don't know anything more about it or who this Moeanon is (I checked, and it seems he has a profile around here at least). Since I never use 4chan, I just happened to stumble upon this conversation by coincidence the one time I entered the site, so I figured I'd post it here to see if anyone knows anything about it or if any of those guys are active around here too.
  3. Like
    afhsh got a reaction from Timur345 in Noratoto - 18+ Restoration Project   
    The other day I saw some dudes on 4chan talking about some Noratoto's restoration patch and they said this:

    So it seems that there are some people working on a restoration patch (except for Shachi). I don't know anything more about it or who this Moeanon is (I checked, and it seems he has a profile around here at least). Since I never use 4chan, I just happened to stumble upon this conversation by coincidence the one time I entered the site, so I figured I'd post it here to see if anyone knows anything about it or if any of those guys are active around here too.
  4. Yes
    afhsh got a reaction from Yagami in Noratoto - 18+ Restoration Project   
    The other day I saw some dudes on 4chan talking about some Noratoto's restoration patch and they said this:

    So it seems that there are some people working on a restoration patch (except for Shachi). I don't know anything more about it or who this Moeanon is (I checked, and it seems he has a profile around here at least). Since I never use 4chan, I just happened to stumble upon this conversation by coincidence the one time I entered the site, so I figured I'd post it here to see if anyone knows anything about it or if any of those guys are active around here too.
  5. Like
    afhsh got a reaction from HolyDragSwd in Noratoto - 18+ Restoration Project   
    The other day I saw some dudes on 4chan talking about some Noratoto's restoration patch and they said this:

    So it seems that there are some people working on a restoration patch (except for Shachi). I don't know anything more about it or who this Moeanon is (I checked, and it seems he has a profile around here at least). Since I never use 4chan, I just happened to stumble upon this conversation by coincidence the one time I entered the site, so I figured I'd post it here to see if anyone knows anything about it or if any of those guys are active around here too.
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