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I decided to play 999 because it was suggested to me. I was promised a story focused and emotionnaly involving game. I wasn't lied to. Synopsis.The protagonist's name is Junpei, he was kidnapped and brought on a sinking ship together with 8 other participants to play a game called "The Nonary game". His objective during that game will be to reach the last door and escape. Gameplay The gameplay is central in 999. You will regularily have to solve some puzzles to solves. They are part of the said Nonary game. This game is some sort of compromise between the adventure genre (games such as Runaway or Professor Layton) and the VN genre. First thing that I have to say it that these puzzles are quite easy to solve. Most of the time to path the solution is linear or plain obvious. Very often they are basic mathematic problems and the toughest ones can be solves by doing random stuff and eventually finding the correct answer. So if you think mystery will be a problem, do not despair, it's really easy. It's so easy that it became a little frustrating. You don't get the enjoyement you'd usual get after beating a puzzle. Thus, for me they were only a time lost and an irregularity in the pace of the story telling. Which is a shame. System This is a DS game. But I'll strongly suggest you play it on an emulator. Reason is it has only a single save. The interface is non existant and you can't skip anything. The emulator will allow you to use save states and play a little with the settings. That way you can win some time. Simply because if you haven't been through a part or forgot to save. You can't skip it! And you have NO WAY to accelerate the process. You can't mash your keyboard to pass the text, no, you have to wait for it to display from the first word to the last. So make sure you save often in the emulator. Otherwise, prepare yourself to replay several hours of the over game again (Happened to me twice ... 4 hours lost...). Replayabilty Once you completed a route, the game memorizes the segments you've already went through. You'll be able to skip them by pressing the forward button. BUT You have to redo all the puzzles even if you've done them before, and that is a pain. The first puzzle, you will solve it at least 5 times if you want to 100% the game. And believe me when I tell you that you'll know the two required codes on heart starting your 4th walkthrough. Once you know the solution it goes twice or 3 times faster, but still, it's not hard to code a "skip the god damn puzzle" button, is it ? Story That I don't have much to say about. It had everything I expected of this kind of game. A great setting, an interesting and charismatic casting, puzzles (even though they were easy), a deep, well thought and COHERENT story, and most importantly it had explanations for EVERYTHING - mostly. I'm not saying the explanations were the best, one of them dissapointed me I'll be honest, but it had explanations ! And strangely, that is a great quality for these type of games. I've played so many of adventure games who left unexplained mysteries behind. Shadowy parts which the devs didn't find the time or inspiration to explain, and which leave the reader/player frustrated. So to all the game designers in the world : Please ! Explain ! Unfinished games are bad ! If you are looking for an emotionnal ride, it also does a good job at involving ones emotions. I was dead tired when I finished it so I can't say that it happened to me, but I know it could have. One last thing I would have prefered is a proper conclusion. Art It looks good, it's a DS game so you can't except the best of course. But It was really decent. Sprites were animated, and the chara design was flawless. (Clover <3) Music Meh, once again, it's a DS game. So there were few background musics. They reflected the atmosphere and the situations properly so I can't complain but I can't say any good about them either. It wasn't really music, it was more of an ambiance sound, and it did a perfect job at being one. Conclusion A very good and thrilling story which can become frustrating due to the interface and the puzzles. Note 7.8/10